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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Bibi is not going to survive this conflict.
great point....probably not..he's obviously no savior..only peace can save Israel.

Iran proved itself an effective battlefield performer, AGAIN. At least the "discussion "of who helps Gaza and Palestine has been cleared up now, once and for all.
The regulate everything that goes in or come out anyway
We are not in year 2005 ok? i think you are in a time warp, please update your cognitive software, we are in year 2021. cheers.
Lemme tell you this- ISrael isnt only afraid of entering GAza, ISrael and @500 are both afraid to enter Gaza because they wont be able to recover some Israeli bodies when the battle is over...they will soon have to release more prisoners to exchange for the dead ISraelis that was killed in Gaza...
If there will be 0.001% threat to Israel's existence, Israel will take Gaza and Lebanon in one week.

Yes there will be around a thousand casualties among the IDF, but thats less than 1% of IDF (not including the reserves).
Yes there will be many thousands casualties among Gazans and Lebanese but we are portrayed as Nazis anyway.
great point....probably not..he's obviously no savior..only peace can save Israel.

Iran proved itself an effective battlefield performer, AGAIN. At least the "discussion "of who helps Gaza and Palestine has been cleared up now, once and for all.

Bibi was already faltering before this conflict ignited; he's definitely not going to survive now that Israel's lack of (retrospective) deterrence has been exposed and the country suffers all kinds of security breaches. The humiliation is too big.
3 story home was struck by multiple Israeli missiles without warning in central Gaza. Search underway for dozens of victims. Possibly 2-3 whole families have been massacred. All to target the mayor of Al Buriej city in central Gaza.
If there will be 0.001% threat to Israel's existence, Israel will take Gaza and Lebanon in one week.

Yes there will be around a thousand casualties among the IDF, but thats less than 1% of IDF (not including the reserves).
Yes there will be many thousands casualties among Gazans and Lebanese but we are portrayed as Nazis anyway.

And risk broader conflict with Iran Turkey and may b pakistan??

I agree there is 0 threat to Israeli existence till that point...

Only if you could do away with your arrogance
Lol..its ok brother......Iranian in general believes more in action in the battlefield, like SOleimani, rather than diplomatic and media talk...and Khamenei already said some pro-Palestinian things on twitter yesterday that triggered white people...so dont worry, they dont have to talk, they talk through their actions. they have a good plan. Salami talks VERY CONFIDENTLY recently...so that makes me know Israel should really worry.

I am not surprised.
So Israel thought that they can invade the Lebanese airspace at will, occupy and annex the Golan Heights and also kill inside Syria, assassinate Iranian scientists and sabotage Iranian centrifuges, lock down millions in the West Bank while also taking away their land and homes, make Gaza into an open air prison, kill people on the Turkish Flotilla--- all that and there wouldn't be any reaction that would make all of these people to finally make a coordinated response???

What are Israel's options other than 'mowing the grass' as its stated-policy in Gaza has been for years?? You can't carpet bomb anything. Even Trump had to publicly say that America couldn't do that in Afghanistan. What good are those very expensive aircrafts and tanks when your enemy, like every adaptable-human intelligence would do, find ways around your air-defenses to shut you down for months and months. There goes the 'Holy City Tours', there goes the investors' confidence, and there goes away the myth about IDF which only succeeded against ill-equipped, ill-trained Bedouin armies in the past. On top of all the economic costs, being a First World country, Israel is not much willing on taking casualties.

As for the American support--a quick look at the NY Times Comments section would tell you where exactly the American liberals stand: Very much against Israel! Even Nicholas Kristof, a guy who has written much about global conflicts and has been to many countries, but had generally avoiding talking about the Middle East, is finally asking: Why do we Americans send money as aid to a country like Israel which is almost as rich as us??

Israelis: You are EFFING Doomed unless you mend your ways and do so before long! You have no real friends. None. Your biggest strength is your implants in America who have, no doubt, served you well, but they were well exposed for their treachery by leading America to a disastrous war against Iraq in 2003. And they shall be more and more exposed. All your regional enemies have to do is to keep lobbing cheap projectiles at you. The world will notice the wars more and more. And even if you are trying hard to 'mow the grass' using some super-queit John Deere, the sounds of the blasts will be heard by the world and eventually they will find the traitors hidden in plain sight inside America. And then the day of reckoning will come for you.
If there will be 0.001% threat to Israel's existence, Israel will take Gaza and Lebanon in one week.

Yes there will be around a thousand casualties among the IDF, but thats less than 1% of IDF (not including the reserves).
Yes there will be many thousands casualties among Gazans and Lebanese but we are portrayed as Nazis anyway.
What a clown. You ran away from South Lebanon with your tails tucked between your legs in 2000. Next time Hezbollah can liberate more occupied territory. Hamas is under siege and doesn't have even 5% of Hezbollah's firepower and you're soiling your pants already. Imagine what Hezbollah can do, particularly when they are not under a blockade and we can always send more lethal weapons to them.
This is Islamic Jihad, not Hamas, that's not solid fuel rocket. The picture you posted looks like Tochtka ballistic missile from Syria. Make sure you verify that Hamas released any images or videos through their official channels.
The spokesman of Qassam brigades (ابوعبیده) announced that عیاش-250 missile was used against Ramon airport and Dimona plant in occupied lands. It has 250 KM Range and carries considerable amount of explosives.

Syria has provided Palestinians with plenty of missiles and missile Technologies.
Eid Mubarak to everyone , seems like it got worse overnight. Summary for major developments overnight(including Palestinian casualties)?

I do too, didn't post them all because it was too much to post and news was moving too fast.
Would you be so kind as to store them for the future where you can upload them bit by bit?
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