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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Al Arabiya: Israel informed Egypt of it's rejection of a ceasefire in Gaza and asked for disarming of Gaza


They are starting with over the top position so they make no comprise on conditions related to Jerusalem status quo.
It has always been difficult for Palestinians, nothing new. Last time when Israel tried ground invasion, PIJ snipers hunted Israeli soldiers and the Israelis escaped like running swines escaping from getting slaughtered.
The difference this time, is that Hamas posesses highly advanced missiles beside advanced computers for Terminal guided warheads. I think that they will unveil them as final surprises which will strike unimaginable fear into Israeli hearts. Must Wait and see.

Absolutely. The Palestinians must improvise and make it hell for Israeli soldiers to move around in their territory. The use of advanced weaponry and different tactics is definitely a must. The Zionists are very nasty beings. Trying to disadvantage the Palestinians by controlling movement of people and goods. Thus prohibiting any weaponry from entering Palestinian areas. Meanwhile uncle Sam and the European stooges are arming Israel to the teeth with insanely advanced weaponry. Just look at the hypocrisy of these people. Mind numbing.

I absolutely agree that Islamic nations with advanced capabilities share their expertise and weapon systems with the Palestinians. The fight still won't be fair, but at least there will some semblance of fairness.
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Al Arabiya: Israel informed Egypt of it's rejection of a ceasefire in Gaza and asked for disarming of Gaza


They are starting with over the top position so they make no comprise on conditions related to Jerusalem status quo.
They want to bomb Gaza into submission.. they want to weaken Hamas so they can enjoy another 10 years of peace.
Hamas unveiled new missile which apparently targeted Dimona plant.

Its said that missile has 250 KM and that solid fueled missile. Looks promising
Every day the Zionist entity is shutdown. They receive 1 billion in economic damage

Good. That should be the target: Economic injury. First World countries can't take what the hapless Palestinians, the poor Lebanese, the destroyed Syrians are willing to take.

Hezbollah had shut down the northern 3rd of Israel for weeks. The same can be done again if various entities join the fight and keep lobbing cheap projectiles in thousands, and eventually force a solution upon Israel. Otherwise, Israel would never stop stealing land and never stop expanding its borders. The word 'Lebensraum' is well-etched into their collective memory from the Nazis.
Lol..its ok brother......Iranian in general believes more in action in the battlefield, like SOleimani, rather than diplomatic and media talk...and Khamenei already said some pro-Palestinian things on twitter yesterday that triggered white people...so dont worry, they dont have to talk, they talk through their actions. they have a good plan. Salami talks VERY CONFIDENTLY recently...so that makes me know Israel should really worry.
and benji solom ( netenyau) visiting oron dome batteries , shows he,s pissed off, at the result of iron dumb!
they seem less capable of defense then I thought.
thats what happened to you Arabs when you believe things about ISrael without the necessary proof to back it up. you talk alot on PDF about ISraeli military tech if i remember correctly...good u now learned its mostly fake.
Did Israeli Air Force use old footage regarding drone interception? Just a thought:

Edit: don't think it's the same footage, just similiar.


I love the idea of low cost warfare with decent hardware. Very effective and a nuisance for the enemy. You don't always need super expensive weaponry to intimidate and bully the enemy. It is all about keeping the enemy busy. Give him the idea that you have capabilities that will test the enemy relentlessly and continuously.

Israel is a very fragile state. The Israelis have elevated their own status as the people of the promised land. They truly believe that God chose them above others. The Israelis are like the Americans. They love life. This is why their government and their backers are actively pursuing for expansion of land and population. This is a major disadvantage on Israeli part. Just one bodybag means an absolute nightmare for Israel.

If the Palestinians adopt the Taliban strategy of hanging in there and playing the long haul game the Israelis have zero chance. Just imagine that the Palestinians keep this hostile and reactionary approach for months and years. It would wreak havoc on Israel. The same settlers and Zionists that sit on couches on top of hills to watch the massacre of Palestinians would begging for an end to the conflict.

The Palestinians need support. They should covertly get this support from Islamic nations who are sympathetic to their cause.
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Hamas didn't reveal anything, that is not from Gaza, please verify your information before posting.
Open this link and watch the video from 2:46
Its a heavy missile being fired with a solid fueled engine.

Its not like a simple rocket.
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