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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Israel has always used disproportionate force against Palestinians and world has watched it without much concern. The pretext that Hamas uses human shield is laughable when they literally are in a constant state of siege. The only thing Muslim leaders are doing is sending some of their zakat to Palestinians so they don't die of hunger and that just that. It is sickening and beyond tragic when people say "we cannot call any party wrong".
Palestinian are getting hit very badly, unless there's a third party intervention or a miracle palestinians are going to lose a lot of lives and property.

Yep, Gaza is too small, with 80 jets , naval shelling and artillery shelling, and who knows how many drones, they can strike much of the Strip and degrade their ability to fight back. It's hard to move weapons around in this kind of situation.

Muslim/Western world needs to understand these people are facists and are not secular. People saw the lynchings yesterday against their own non-Jewish citizens.
Focus on one area. Bomb it to pieces. The move in when they think it's safe.

They are trying to , several rocket alerts in one area now.
That's not good, they are not like US army and do not do much ground combat. They will just do thousands of air/artillery strikes before even moving into one neighborhood.
This will be like Eastern Ghouta all over again
And you are only capable of fighting PDF, never Gaza.

EVen your posts on this thread dont make sense, cuz the state of ISrael is in disarray...learn not to trust technology too much ok???
Israel has taken all palestine except for gaza strip prison and is looking at sina desert next
How is it in disarray
What a clown.
Nice to meet you Mr. Clown.

You ran away from South Lebanon with your tails tucked between your legs in 2000.
Mr. Clown, your information is wrong.

1) Israel signed agreement with Lebanese president to pullout from Lebanon in 1983.
2) This agreement was foiled by Iranian and Assad stooges, as result Israel stayed in Lebanon for another 17 years.
3) The average number of Israeli casualties in Lebanon was around 20 a year. 1999 and 200 were no exception.
4) Hezbalshaitan never could cature a tiny outpost from IDF.

Israel calmly pulled out from Lebanon simply because there was no any sense to stay there.

Next time Hezbollah can liberate more occupied territory.
Again you are wrong Mr. Clown.

In 2006 Hezbalshaitan started a war to liberate Shabaa Farms. They failed to take an inch. On contrary IDF took the Ghajar village and stays there till this day.
Yep, Gaza is too small, with 80 jets , naval shelling and artillery shelling, and who knows how many drones, they can strike much of the Strip and degrade their ability to fight back. It's hard to move weapons around in this kind of situation.

Muslim/Western world needs to understand these people are facists and are not secular. People saw the lynchings yesterday against their own non-Jewish citizens.

They are trying to , several rocket alerts in one area now.
Muslim world is dead, they have sold their conscience for alms or toys they are going to use against each other, don't expect anything from them. Palestinians are on their own now.

There is around more than 120 Palestinians killed now in the assault on Gaza.
People are having unrealistic expectations from the Palestinians.. Gaza is too small to take on these rabid Israelis alone. It is a sin for Hezbollah just to sit on the sidelines and watch.
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Nice to meet you Mr. Clown.

Mr. Clown, your information is wrong.

1) Israel signed agreement with Lebanese president to pullout from Lebanon in 1983.
2) This agreement was foiled by Iranian and Assad stooges, as result Israel stayed in Lebanon for another 17 years.
3) The average number of Israeli casualties in Lebanon was around 20 a year. 1999 and 200 were no exception.
4) Hezbalshaitan never could cature a tiny outpost from IDF.

Israel calmly pulled out from Lebanon simply because there was no any sense to stay there.

Again you are wrong Mr. Clown.

In 2006 Hezbalshaitan started a war to liberate Shabaa Farms. They failed to take an inch. On contrary IDF took the Ghajar village and stays there till this day.

Israeli hasbara propaganda in full glory. ^
And risk broader conflict with Iran Turkey and may b pakistan??

I agree there is 0 threat to Israeli existence till that point...

Only if you could do away with your arrogance
Neither Pakistan nor Turkey will do nothing.

Assad barrel bombed and kicked out of houses 13 million Muslims no one rised a bow.
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