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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Yeah, someone needs to tell them what to do. They are brave, no doubt about that.. they are good Muslims who after this much oppression are still stuck to the religion, but they need some breathing space. They need good education, good healthcare etc (which I know even many Muslim countries don't have). But Muslims have to consolidate first before snatching their right back. It might take 50-75 years to reach that level of progress which our adversaries are enjoying at the moment.

Haven't we seen how many times Muslim countries have been obliterated by attackers in the recent past? How many millions have died in those wars? Take Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, Chechniya, Kashmir etc, we couldn't save anyone from the wrath of opponents just because we are still living in medieval times.

I disagree. It is up to them, and them alone, to determine what is right for them, not anyone else. If they wish to build tunnels or buy rockets instead of building schools and hospitals, then it is their choice.
Israelis are reflecting hard now:

I am angry, and I cannot put my anger aside until things are quiet

We have become so enamored with our power, that we have forgotten the rabbinic teaching that the truly powerful is the one who knows to control its use. We can stop Palestinians from sitting on the steps near Damascus Gate. We can enter the Dome of the Rock at will. We have an abundance of stun grenades at our disposal. We can even hide behind legal arguments which allow us to expel a few hundred Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem and settle Jews in their stead. We are, after all, the sovereign. We won the war and to the victor go the spoils. But what about the rabbinic teaching: who is wise – he or she who is able to see what is to come?

During the holy month of Ramadan, it is not the time to prove the extent of our control over Muslims, but to show our ability for self-control. It is certainly not the time to intervene with the worship and celebration unless under the most extreme conditions, conditions which we were far from meeting.

Since most Israelis believe that there is no peace partner, we have removed the peace process from our public and policy agendas. But why have we removed all discourse about our moral responsibilities towards the Palestinians from these agendas? “We offered and they said no,” is the accepted narrative, and consequently all suffering they may experience is their own responsibility. Released from any responsibility, we are exempt from blame. Criticism of Israel is either antisemitic (when done by others) or betrayal (when voiced by fellow Jews).

We stand dismayed at Israeli Arab protests, bemoaning the loss of a decade of coexistence work. We feel betrayed by them for siding with Hamas, our arch enemy. And yet we have done almost no real scalable and sustainable work of coexistence. Job creation that will help the Israeli economy – yes. Coexistence, genuine respect, understanding where they are coming from and how they experience reality – no. We are after all the victors, and as such we control the narrative. We have allowed Israeli Arabs to live in a lawless autonomous zone founded on neglect. So long as they do not pose a security risk to “us,” they can kill each other at will.

There are parts of the narrative we cannot control. The reality is that with enemies like Hamas and Hezbollah, peace is impossible.

But I am angry that we are not striving to be better: smarter, more just, more hopeful, more visionary. I am angry because over and over again we choose narratives that contribute to our moral mediocrity and elevate a bad and unsustainable status quo. I cannot put this anger aside until tomorrow. Our destiny is to always have to pay a price for our existence. Our responsibility is to strive for greatness within this destiny.

Israel forgot herself

Ensconced in a quagmire of internal politics, while publicly gloating over Israel’s brilliant handling of the Covid crisis, Netanyahu has skated on peace accords made possible by Jared Kushner with Arab states that were never at war with Israel to begin with. In all the clamoring distraction and jockeying to retain power, Netanyahu and his government, and the military too, were blindsided by the vicious all-out Hamas attack, an attack of unprecedented scale.

Israel forgot herself. And in one thunderclap moment, her extreme vulnerability was laid bare by a shabby, terrorist militia of fundamentalist fanatics. Synagogues in Lod were set ablaze. The mayor called it a “Lod Kristallnacht,” alluding to the infamous Night of Broken Glass when Nazis throughout Germany rioted against Jewish homes and businesses, torched synagogues and took Jewish lives. At this moment, Jewish homes and synagogues are ablaze in Lod and in other places throughout Israel. Jewish lives have been forfeited, among them an elderly woman and her caretaker, slain by a missile that fell on and destroyed her home. Among the gravely injured Israelis are a five-year-old girl.

It is time for Netanyahu to step down, for the sake of the Jewish State; to relinquish control and to permit others to assemble in such a way as to create a balanced, vigilant government devoted not to maintaining power but to the safety and preservation of Israel and her people.

when Turkish delagation was in Egypt , same day İsrael has started attacking Al Aqsa mosque

No it has nothing to do with that.. The escalation start from Al-Aqsa and btw the Turkish delagation were in Saudi Arabia.. Mevlut was in Saudi Arabia not Egypt
Little measley Israel always picks on poor unarmed palestinians. Pakistan should do the world a favor and wipe the little genocidal scrums off the face of the earth since they dont understand the language of peace.
That has nothing to do with Turkey.

everything has to do with Turkey in the middle East

The US/İsrael made a coup in Egypt to destroy good relationship between Turkey and Egypt
after 8 years , Turkey and Egypt meet to reset in relations and same day İsrael has started attacking Al Aqsa mosque
I disagree. It is up to them, and them alone, to determine what is right for them, not anyone else. If they wish to build tunnels or buy rockets instead of building schools and hospitals, then it is their choice.
I don't think I said we should force them.. at least someone can guide them though.. or does that also come under snatching their right of self determination?
Little measley Israel always picks on poor unarmed palestinians. Pakistan should do the world a favor and wipe the little genocidal scrums off the face of the earth since they dont understand the language of peace.

I'm alittle surprised by your response, weren't you somewhat sympathetic to Israel or am I confusing you with someone else?
If they touch al aqsa then you will see all sunni shia conflict be thrown out the door. Muslim world will unite and israel cowards will have their legs broken into pieces.
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