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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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There is over 200 rocket impact since yesterday

A lot of videos such is impossible to be uploaded
Official Israeli death toll is at 7 now ....
And I believe it is totally useless against s400 right?

You mean the rockets? S400 is also overrated and even worse then Iron dome.. However Patriots and THAAD are probably the best air-defense system in the world... Turkey also has some sollid air defense systems but never battle tested so it is hard to rate it..

Even Patriots and THAAD are not invincible and as a matter of fact no air defense system is. Example the Saudis have much higher success rate against the Houthis Compared to Israel would have against Hamas or other entities due to Iron dome vs Patriots/THAAD meaning the saudis have better air defense systems. I also knew this on before hand but this place is full of ignoramus they were debunking anything related to israel.. Note Patriots/THAAD is not perfect either and rockets and even UAV get thru from time to time and direct hits gets scored on you... But still the best defensive system in the world meaning there is no perfect defensive system in the world
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Rocket strikes on Negev, Sderot regions moments ago ....

The big response is still on its way for tonight ....


Israeli's firing some artillery shells, and one suicide/guided drone just hit a home in eastern Gaza city.
You need to let that grudge go.. I mean the GCC that is an entire different topic. Iron dome was always overrated and some were calling it overrated before this conflict revealed but nobody was listening and people were busying eating that up

The Iron Dome seems only as good as responding to some inmates firing stones from an open air prison using slingshots close to a major city of a prosperous country; the more the inmates would fire, the more the expensive Iron Domes would try to tackle, and yet the inmates' shots would still penetrate. Even if 1 out of 100 of the stones penetrates and falls on the ground that is enough to shut down a prosperous country's daily life. And imagine if the stones were replaced by Molotov cocktails and then to grenades and then to rockets and then to missiles and then to a "dirty bomb"...

The best Iron Dome was and is to not have the hubris and to live among 'the native' as if you are part of the land, as you claim to be. But then I have some Israelis saying that why should they not repeat to the Palestinians what was done by the Europeans to the Native Americans. Such Hubris and such delusions!
The Israeli cabinet meeting has just ended where a resolution has been passed to further expand the area of attacks on Gaza in the month of Syawal. Meanwhile, the Al Qassam Brigades says tonight the Palestinian skies will be filled with anger and revenge !!!
Egypt to open Rafah border crossing with Gaza to allow injured Palestinians to get treatment in Egypt
Hamas armed wing says fired 20 rockets at Sderot moments ago in continuation of its response
PIJ hints 9:00 PM response, 20 minutes from now, they should hit Ashkelon imo....:
Al-Malhama Al-Kubra has began guys. You will see everything with your own eyes Now.
Take care of your self and your family.
No enemy is very clever it will never instigate a conflict in which there is chance of Muslim ummah getting United it will come to the table as soon as it feel you are getting together forgetting the differences within and start negotiating with you while making you weak little by little by keeping you entangled in your economic and financial mess keeping and stroking the fire of hatred among you so you keep fighting among yourselves injecting fake Islamic leaders and scholars among you so they keep you busy on petty issues and keep tafarqa among you they keep investing heavily in you media, politics and education so that you remained delusional of the power you possess as a momin because they are so afraid of the notion of you if awaken and realize your true worth realize and start following the character of your islaaf then their game will be over ... so you will see them in next few days they will come and start negotiation with you ... Al-Malhama Al-Kubra will surely happen but after they make sure that “there is NO self respect left in Muslim countries”, listen to Dr.Israr Ahmed R.A:
Egypt to open Rafah border crossing with Gaza to allow injured Palestinians to get treatment in Egypt
PIJ hints 9:00 PM response, 20 minutes from now, they should hit Ashkelon imo....:
They should allow for arms too lol.
The US and İsrael pushing Egypt not to deal with Turkey

when Turkish delagation was in Egypt , same day İsrael has started attacking Al Aqsa mosque
That (Al Aqsa attack) has nothing to do with Turkey. This is a Palestine-Israeli war, not about anyone else.
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