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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Yeah, someone needs to tell them what to do. They are brave, no doubt about that.. they are good Muslims who after this much oppression are still stuck to the religion, but they need some breathing space. They need good education, good healthcare etc (which I know even many Muslim countries don't have). But Muslims have to consolidate first before snatching their right back. It might take 50-75 years to reach that level of progress which our adversaries are enjoying at the moment.

Haven't we seen how many times Muslim countries have been obliterated by attackers in the recent past? How many millions have died in those wars? Take Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, Chechniya, Kashmir etc, we couldn't save anyone from the wrath of opponents just because we are still living in medieval times.
Mate you talk from a soft warm chair. What good education,healthcare when European settlers violently storm your home and claim as his own? When they drop bombs and your entire family get killed radicalizing you making your thirst for revenge greater. What would you do if your neighbor suddenly out of nowhere attacked your parents?
It seems to me Al-Malhama Al-Kubra has began guys. You will see everything with your own eyes Now.
Take care of yourself and your family.
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Iron dome was always overrated and some were calling it overrated before this conflict revealed but nobody was listening and people were busying eating that up
And I believe it is totally useless against s400 right?
Israel won't engage in ground fighting.. It wants to continue this tit for tat exchanges until thursday-friday before a ceasefire is takes effect. Ground forces will deplete it's forces and we already saw a Jeep get blown into pieces by a kornet it means no go..

Egyptian and American envoys have already arrived in Gaza and Israel

because boots on ground can be easily taken out, by hamas...

isreal just wants to creep fear by areial attack, which didnt work ,till now,
so now his cronnies pussy sissi and uae r going for cease fire neg...
Impossible to get necessary material for that, it's extremely hard to get weapons into Gaza. They have to work with what they have.

Would be great to see something similar dropped on Isreali occupation forces. Better if Isreali air force base is hit.

Stop posting about that tyrant. If you support him, you have no moral basis for complaining about Palestinians' plight. Either you are against tyranny, or you are not. There is only hypocrisy in between.
i don’t support Hilter, but what the Jews are doing is even worse,
Israeli media says Israeli Cabinet approved a new set of targets to be hit and say the operation could take as long as a week
Mate you talk from a soft warm chair. What good education,healthcare when European settlers violently storm your home and claim as his own? When they drop bombs and your entire family get killed radicalizing you making your thirst for revenge greater. What would you do if your neighbor suddenly out of nowhere attacked your parents?
I think you didn't read my previous posts.

Sitting on a soft warm chair, I can also chant "Go Palestinians hit them hard".. but in the end, I ave always seen many times more casualties of my brothers.

That's why I gave an example of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) migration. We need to consolidate before attacking Israel, and we have to save our Muslim brothers/ sisters and children. This is the need of time as of now.

You and I know, our countries are all talk. The least they can do is to accept the Palestinians in their countries (even this, I know they won't do). I don't want them to leave their claim of ownership of the land.

While I am very happy seeing the response of Palestinians this time, I am very worried about the pictures and videos that we will be seeing in the coming days. We will only be cursing Israel.. that's it.

Please understand bro, I am not against the armed struggle, but there must be some strategy, that makes sure that Palestinians don't lose more lives at the hands of Israel.
So looks like Palestinians are getting hit and no one is doing anything.

Until yesterday, everyone of us was very happy seeing the images of small rockets being fired by Palestinians, and intercepted by Israel. Islam puts a lot of emphasis on Hikmah. When yesterday I was talking about strategy, some people thought that I was against Palestinian resistance. Anyway, I knew how this would end anyway. The episode has been repeated so many times yet no one learns anything.

Most of the members here are cheerleaders, or spectators at best. They know their countries can't do jack and still they pump each other when they see harmless response by Palestinians against the atrocities of Israel.

Remember when Muslims were being oppressed by the pagans of Makkah, they were very small in number. Prophet PBUH left his dearest place and asked other Muslims to follow him in migration. That was the strategy. If at that time, a handful of Muslims had put up any resistance, many many prominent Muslims who played an important role later would have died. We got back Makkah, and later a major part of the world came under our control, but it was due to the best strategy followed by our beloved Prophet PBUH on the commands of Allah SWT.

There have been so many occasions when Muslims have retreated, only to consolidate and attack. If you read history, consolidation sometime took decades.

Khalid Ibn Waleed (RA) was a commander of Muslim army. He captured a roman city and took Jizya. It was still a border town when Muslims were planning to go ahead, they were informed that a large army was on its way to take the city back. Khalid (RA) instructed his army to leave the town and return the collected tax because he was no more capable to provide security to the residents of that city. Later on, once some help arrived from elsewhere, the roman army was met in a desert, which was extremely unfavorable place for romans to fight, but very favorable for Muslims who were used to live in those conditions, and romans were defeated. This is how we were successful.

Islam teaches us to follow a path that leads to minimum loss of life, specially when it comes to a Muslim's life, there is no compromise in saving that first. False bravado will not lead us anywhere.

At this point, for Palestinians, their women and children are at stake. They need to save their loved ones first before doing anything. They need to attain power. They need to shake the conscience of the Muslim world as it is not their duty only to save Bait ul Muqaddas, but it is obligatory on every Muslim and I am sure one day we will take it back.. But we need a strategy to save Palestinians, whether it is in the form of accepting them and providing them with dual nationality.

In many countries (I think Pakistan included). Palestinians can't get nationality. I know a Pakistani guy who married a Palestinian who was on a refugee passport. He wanted to get nationality for his wife, but he couldn't. I asked him, he said Palestinians can't obtain Pakistani nationality even if they are married to a Pakistani. Yes, they can get a renewable resident permit.

While I fully endorse Palestinian right on their own land, but for me, their lives are more important.

Thanks you man.

This was going to happen anyway. We still haven't understood why the Israelis escalated and planned for an assault against the Palestinians. Remember that it was the Israelis who started poking the Palestinians through skirmishes at the Al Aqsa mosque. Netanyahu is politically in trouble. Whenever this happens to Netanyahu you will see an escalation against Palestinians.
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