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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Yes, I am not in favor of taking back that right, just that they should be guided and given a choice at least.

I could see a sort of referendum underwritten by suitable parties offering them a choice, to be made by their own free will. Perhaps?

Really? I thought that happened days ago? Maybe it was two different delagation because another delagation with the foreign minister Mevlut was in Saudi Arabia yesterday and his probably still there also today... After 5 years of not meeting or diplomatic relations between the two countries

between 5 and 7 may , Turkish delagation was in Egypt to reset ties between Egypt and Turkey after 8 years of enmity

and yes another Turkish delagation with the foreign minister in S.Arabia

İsrael is so angry and same day İsrael attacked Al Aqsa mosque without a reason
İsrael wants to use Egypt,S.Arabia,The Uae as pawns against Turkey for zionist interests
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No enemy is very clever it will never instigate a conflict in which there is chance of Muslim ummah getting United it will come to the table as soon as it feel you are getting together forgetting the differences within and start negotiating with you while making you weak little by little by keeping you entangled in your economic and financial mess keeping and stroking the fire of hatred among you so you keep fighting among yourselves injecting fake Islamic leaders and scholars among you so they keep you busy on petty issues and keep tafarqa among you they keep investing heavily in you media, politics and education so that you remained delusional of the power you possess as a momin because they are so afraid of the notion of you if awaken and realize your true worth realize and start following the character of your islaaf then their game will be over ... so you will see them in next few days they will come and start negotiation with you ... Al-Malhama Al-Kubra will surely happen but after they make sure that “there is NO self respect left in Muslim countries”, listen to Dr.Israr Ahmed R.A:
War doesn't just start when the first bullet leaves the gun. It starts when plans for it are inked.

Perhaps you could be right, it's just my observation not a line in the stone. It's just writing on the wall what i am saying.

All the signs of three day fighting because of Masjid e Al Aqsa are there.
Israeli alert system is not working, but response continues:
between 5 and 7 may , Turkish delagation was in Egypt to reset ties between Egypt and Turkey after 8 years of enmity

and yes another Turkish delagation with the foreign minister in S.Arabia

İsrael is so angry and same day İsrael attacked Al Aqsa mosque without a reason

I hope by this point everyone has realized how much of a joke this guy is
True. Where did i say otherwise ?

My kind as in Emiratis ? the UAE is 49 years old and it has only recently developed ties (not supporting Israel's apartheid moves on Palestinians) , ties with Israel. So i do not see how it is mathematically possible that my kind was the reason that Palestinian lands have shrunk to nothingness when the UAE was not even around or had zero say in the whole issue for decades after

Exactly. you really are not sure and it shows in your post. How about you give a Muslim nation the chance to prove its political moves to you and others first ? see how it pans out instead of allowing your mouth run with un-called for insults. If you always hated the UAE , then i shall end discussions with you immediately. If you loved the UAE but suddenly started hating it due to a diplomatic move , i say calm down and give yourself and the UAE a chance. If time proves you right , then good on you and shame on the UAE ..... but i highly doubt. Actually, i know for a fact that my leaders love Palestine and want the best for it.

I am not here to defend my country against haters who spew lies and hate , there are thousands and i do not have the time nor should i lose the time really.

President/Sheikh. The UAE never had a king since it is not a kingdom. Also, Our sheikhs and ministers have already condemned these attacks so many times already. You can check online bro

lastly , i apologize if i offended you in anyway , i am not here to create enemies. I am my own person with my own views and opinions and i always try my best to share them in the most polite way
actually my friend i didnt hate u guys before nor do i hate u now. For u are muslims no matter how messed up.
My point is you claimed that you helped Palestine cause more than anyone including Pakistan but i wanna know how? sending some packets of ration and some medical aid? well tat even the kufar do between... so wanna know how u make the claim... show me something apart from some spare change?

Now what i really get pissed off on is, some how the whole arab block is controlled by two countries UAE and Saudi (no matter wat u say but thats a fact with maybe Qatar as an exception only recently), so simply put whatever response arab block gives is more or less dictated by you two. prime reason is money between.... so wat response as an Arab block u guys are giving? let me know... As for OIC (oh i see crappy org), where u rule again somehow , we still havent forgotten how u manage our kashmir cause dere or for tat matter any cause from mayanmar to syria, to libyaa and so on...

Now about the the so called super political move of accepting Israel to manage the whole crisis politically (as u claim), are u telling me you can hold them accountable by talking to them, when they give a rats *** to even UN? between dont forget the threats of UAE goin out the deal in case F35 deal doesn't go through tells alot :D but wanna know how u plan to stop them or convince them to back off peacefully with your political move... i wanna know... maybe m missing the super natural scheme here... if it was true why Saudiz didnt do the same openly? i wonder y

As for the king thingy, u can call it emir, president or watever but does changing name really changes the system?

No you didnt offend me, but u claimed alot of stuff with no substance. so i gave my view point on it 2. you are a muslim, thus a brother but my only objection is, dont claim things tat u didnt do. between wat u are doing at the moment isnt help but saving ur own skin but somehow twisting facts and claiming its for the poor Palestinians. please man stop with this. atleast own ur decisions, it simple. I have no issues tat way...
Video of Hamas rocket barrage filmed from Gaza. You can see 3 rockets falling short. In addition 2 trails of rockets which fell short before:

If these rockets kill civilians in Gaza their deaths will be attributed to Israel.
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