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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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PIJ says it directed recent rocket strikes on Ashkelon, Dimona, Ashdod, and Sderot

Hamas armed wing to post video of kornet strike on IDF jeep that killed one Israeli soldier earlier in the day

Reports of Israeli strike on Gaza home without any warnings, and another two strikes in Gaza city

Rocket alert in Ashkelon now
Israeli settler terrorists are harassing Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah and assaulting them once again, Jews are getting violent and out of control. Their government needs to get these settlers restrained before they further escalate the situation.
they are alone in this fight,
From Sunni Muslim countries yes, but in general no. pls dont make claims like this when none of us has full infomation on the ground
i don't see Pakistan turkey or any one else backing them militarily
duh, Pakistan and Turkey are too involved and interwoven in westerrn, Christian world to "raise a finger"..just sayin.. but i believ their populatons support Palestine, but their govs are corrupt and inept. Erdogan is a trojan horse manipulator - what he looks like and says isnt TUrkey's national reality.
Mehmood Abbas PM of Palestine has said enough is enough now its only war
Israeli's struck a car or something near a restaurant in Gaza city, lots of injuries/martyrs reported

Palestinian response continues as Israeli airstrikes hitting Gaza non stop:
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