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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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How, there is direct evidence which shows militants using Human shields and no i am not saying they should die, only explaining why they do die and that Israel doesnt purposefully target children. You show me evidence here of IDF forcing this woman to stay here since you seem so sure of it.

Show it. Show the evidence not just Israeli accusations.

I can show you video evidence of Israeli IDF using children as shield if you want .

Hello @Tomcats have you lied and run away?... Can't find any evidence of Palestinian defenders using their own child as Shields ???
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How many Tamirs do you think Israel has in storage?

his post is a lie but ignore that .

Probably in the many thousands. But probably less than 10,000.

at the cost of 40,000 each. 10,000 interceptors would cost 400 mil. We can likely imagine the number of interceptors is much lower
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Hamas rockets killed two Israeli Arabs father and daughter.

Around 200 Hamas rockets fell short in Gaza itself killing locals.
his post is a lie but ignore that .

Probably in the many thousands. But probably less than 10,000
If a conventional force used barrages of hundreds of GPS guided long range MLRS I suppose it could bypass Israeli air defenses. Hard part is defending the launcher systems from the IAF.

IAF is obviously the most capable component of the IDF and I suppose if their capabilities would be degraded Israel would lose a lot of their offensive capabilities.

I have went over the concept a few times years ago.
Show it. Show the evidence not just Israeli accusations.

I can show you video evidence of Israeli IDF using children as shield if you want .
Hamas fires rockets from dense populated areas all the time. Just google Gaza rocket and u will get million photos.
The media is playing the same “Palestinians started it” line - even the ones that for subjects like US elections, Brexit or otherwise are impartial such as AP or Reuters.
Brother wake up as soon as possible.
You have been seeing quite much happening in this world and still pretending to ignore it. You will in your life time will see things which you keep hearing about from different about the end of times.

You need your self needs to be part of the change in Pakistan. It's destined for that region but it's the test upon our selves that which boat will we join. Where you have eyes are not gona give you anything Islamic. You need to see around Pakistan as well and see what to do. It's upon the people of knowledge to stand up and strive for ALLAH PAK's deen, sahaba did that and they are the most successful people of this Ummah. It's the time upon Pakistanis who promised with ALLAH PAK that we will follow the Deen of ALLAH PAK not just personally but with the Qayam as to become a True Islamic Nation and wash away the dirt of Muslim Ummah's face since the time of Hazrat Hassan(R.A).
Please read, follow the Quran and than stand up for it to Qayam it in Pakistan as well. After that we will strike on our right(India n Barma) and on our southern-west side(Israel) on their heads like the Hammer of ALLAH PAK.





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Can somebody explain to me the mindset of these people, compared to many non-arabs on this thread that support Palestine?


I hope I'm not violating any rules by posting someone's twitter.
Can somebody explain to me the mindset of these people, compared to many non-arabs on this thread that support Palestine?

View attachment 742879

I hope I'm not violating any rules by posting someone's twitter.
Can you explain me the mindset of Khamenaists who support expulsion of 13 million Syrians from their homes for not bowing to genocidal maniac Assad and in same time cry for eviction of 7 families in Israel for not paying rent.

Difficult to estimate accurately.
Following Israeli doctrine of using two Tamirs for each incoming projectile

~2000 interceptors used so far minus [rockets that fell short or fell in irrelevant areas]x2.

It's very possible more than two Tamirs were used for Qassam rockets that reached Tel Aviv due to it's inherent speed. This is certainly what one can call, high intensity warfare relative to Gaza. How long can they keep this up is the main question?
This is certainly what one can call, high intensity warfare relative to Gaza. How long can they keep this up is the main question?
Depends how many rockets the Gazans have I suppose.

Likely more than Israeli's have Tamirs if they are using 2 interceptors per rocket.

If they run out, the Israeli cities will be hit hard lacking protection.
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