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“Israel is an illegal creation of the United Kingdom!”

That is true as well. Hamas has no way to have a full-frontal fight with Israel. They would have been wiped out if they did so.

They indeed use their own people as human shield. That is the method historically being used times and times again.

Hamas is killing our children on purpose and it is using Palestinian children as human shields. We spend huge effort to avoid casualties. Your nation killed hundreds times more children on purpose and you keep kissing with those who kill children today. You deprive 20% of your indegeous populaton of basic human rights. So you are the last one who can teach us morals.
ephone, you clearly don`t understand what im trying to say. Jerusalem stays in Israel, period. You try to tell a Muslim in Saudi Arabia, and most other muslim countries that Mecca is to be divided you`d be stoned to death right then and there.
If Palestinians refuse to have peace with Israel if Jerusalem will not be divided, then Palestinians will not have a peace and sadly neither will we.
We want peace, but not at any cost.
Maybe all kingdoms and countries were created illegally by capturing lands and imposing a government on the people. Like I said before, Israel's legitimacy is a moot point. The real issue is the settlements in the West Bank and the Israel's other inhumane activities in Gaza. Is Israel trying to create a Greater Israel which encompasses all of the Middle East? Does Israel see Pakistan as some sort of threat? Why is Israel always bringing itself into a conversation on Pakistan? The 2 are remote, and the Pakistanis are not really interested in Israel. But is the reverse false?
The issue is different.

Mecca is under the control Muslim almost all the time, at least for the past several hundreds of years, or a thousand year.

Jerusalem is different and was not in Jewish control in majority of history.

If you want peace, I cannot think any better way than UN resolution.

If turn back the clock back to the time Israel was created, UN has never given the whole Jerusalem to Israel and you think Israel then would have rejected that UN resolution that divided the land into two states including Jerusalem? You have to understand by then Jewish people would like to have a country of their own finally since over two thousand years they have none. Rejecting UN resolution then would be unthinkable.

Israel was created as result of world war II, the same as many newly independent countries. However, the difference is that most Jewish people are migrated back to the land Israel stayed now while most other independent countries were with residents there for hundreds of years already.

I do not think even as your backers and creators: US and UK, have in mind to give Jerusalem totally to Israel when the UN resolution was decided to create two countries there.

Israel was a powerful country by your bible though was never an empire. Israel is a power country in mid-east currently as well. However, history shows that none can hold onto power forever. For sake of both religions, both sides need make compromise.

Otherwise, you two can fight as long as you wish. China for sure will not participate or help either of them since we have our non-interference policy.

ephone, you clearly don`t understand what im trying to say. Jerusalem stays in Israel, period. You try to tell a Muslim in Saudi Arabia, and most other muslim countries that Mecca is to be divided you`d be stoned to death right then and there.
If Palestinians refuse to have peace with Israel if Jerusalem will not be divided, then Palestinians will not have a peace and sadly neither will we.
We want peace, but not at any cost.
With regards to Pakistan, we know your main concern is India, it always has been. If you don`t try anything, neither will we. If anything i`d like to see trade opening between the two countries, i think it would be beneficial for both. No need to have love for trade to commence.
And with regards to Mecca, it doesn`t matter who has control over it. It is the holiest city in all of Islam, Jerusalem is the holiest City in Judaism. We did accept an Israel without Jerusalem but then was then and now is now. We are a country that only the psychotic are willing to attack because they know we heed American calls not to destroy them for the purpose of reminding these Psychopaths that only USA can make Israel stop.
63 Years ago half of Jewish population was wiped out, Today half the population of Jews live in a Nuclear Israel. Take what you`d like from that.
Jerusalem is ours.
Maybe all kingdoms and countries were created illegally by capturing lands and imposing a government on the people. Like I said before, Israel's legitimacy is a moot point. The real issue is the settlements in the West Bank and the Israel's other inhumane activities in Gaza. Is Israel trying to create a Greater Israel which encompasses all of the Middle East? Does Israel see Pakistan as some sort of threat? Why is Israel always bringing itself into a conversation on Pakistan? The 2 are remote, and the Pakistanis are not really interested in Israel. But is the reverse false?
* In 1982 Israel returned Sinai to Egypt for peace agreement (Sinai alone is 3 times bigger than Israel) it worked well.
* In 1994 Israel gave to Palestinians authonomy but this resulted in suicide attacks. Over thousand Israelis were killed in this terror.
* In 2000 Israel offered Palestinians a state, they refused and increased terror. Terror was stopped with Defensive Shield operation and security fence. But then they started rocket attacks.
* In 2005 Israel pulled out from Gaza, removing all the settlements. Hamas in return drastically increased rocket attacks. This ended when Israel launched operation Cast Lead in 2009. But now they again start firing rockets. If rockets continue Israel will launch another operation and they will cry again about "inhuman Israel".
As in all over the internet, someone has to mention Pakistan and Israel in the same sentence, as if to create tension where none exists. Israelis, keep your problems to yourself. I think the Middle East is enough for you to handle right now. As for fighting you, its very easy. Anyone who doesn't like your apartheid policies can easily boycott your products. Here in the USA, despite AIPAC efforts, the BDS movement is growing daily as people are becoming aware of the leaching of taxpayer money by Israel, who has done nothing for America except create more problems with Arab neighbors. Really, you will be put in place with boycott, sanctions, and divestment soon. It worked with South Africa and it will work against you too, but faster. More than the puny Hamas rockets, the Israeli administration sees this as a big threat. So stop crying and start behaving. Everyone should visit bdsmovement.net when they can.
Yeah keep chasing that magic dragon Mr Prime minister.
And i believe it was 7 jayron, Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Iraq, plus a few Militias.

boycott them. It more effective than guns. BDSMovement.net
Ohh yeah, America loves Muslims.
The United States adopted two anti-boycott laws that seek to counteract the participation of U.S. citizens in other nation's economic boycotts or embargoes (although these laws do not restrict the ability to engage in disinvestment campaigns.) These laws are the 1977 amendments to the Export Administration Act (EAA) and the Ribicoff Amendment to the 1976 Tax Reform Act (TRA). The antiboycott provisions of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) apply to all "U.S. persons," defined to include individuals and companies located in the United States and their foreign affiliates, and prohibit them to participate in unsanctioned boycotts against other nations, punishable by fines of up to $50,000 or five times the value of the exports involved or jail term of up to 10 years.
i think ME is getting hotter day by day..turkey is now some sort of enemy to israel..after the revolutions arab countries will also be hostile(in reality,they were not in the past)..no need to mention iran..and israel loses the support of international community each day..lets see whats gonna happen...
I hear Pakistanis say - Indians have to learn to live with Pakistan (which is not going to go away from the map)

Can not the same be said to Palestine from Israel side?
As in all over the internet, someone has to mention Pakistan and Israel in the same sentence, as if to create tension where none exists. Israelis, keep your problems to yourself. I think the Middle East is enough for you to handle right now. As for fighting you, its very easy. Anyone who doesn't like your apartheid policies can easily boycott your products. Here in the USA, despite AIPAC efforts, the BDS movement is growing daily as people are becoming aware of the leaching of taxpayer money by Israel, who has done nothing for America except create more problems with Arab neighbors. Really, you will be put in place with boycott, sanctions, and divestment soon. It worked with South Africa and it will work against you too, but faster. More than the puny Hamas rockets, the Israeli administration sees this as a big threat. So stop crying and start behaving. Everyone should visit bdsmovement.net when they can.
In 1973 10 Egyptian divisions, 5 Syrian divisions, 2 Iraqi divisions, Jordanian and Moroccan brigades surpriselly atacked Israel with support of USSR. But miserably failed. Do you think that your BDSM will be more seccessful? I wonder, whos idea was to call it BDSM? :laugh:
I hear Pakistanis say - Indians have to learn to live with Pakistan (which is not going to go away from the map)

Can not the same be said to Palestine from Israel side?

lol..its the worst analogy i have ever seen..whats the similarity between these issues?

how the israeli murders related with indo- conflict?

in your analogy pakistan=israel and india=palestine :lol:

btw your answer is no,because the two issues are quite diferent so the solution must be different too..
Aussie4ever...Aren't most countries british or colonial made

Wow at you!
If british attacks invades a nation you made it british land?
No Arab lands are long established and has a long history. Just because someone invades it doesn't become the land of the nation that is occupier.
Take the example of Australia itself..british came here established relations with indigenous people and over took as they've done before in the whole world so does it make Australia part of british land? i

Yes it does make Australia part of British land, actually.
Australia is not a republic. Technically we're still a British territory. That's why we have a Governor-general who still has exercisable political powers.

As in all over the internet, someone has to mention Pakistan and Israel in the same sentence, as if to create tension where none exists. Israelis, keep your problems to yourself. I think the Middle East is enough for you to handle right now. As for fighting you, its very easy. Anyone who doesn't like your apartheid policies can easily boycott your products. Here in the USA, despite AIPAC efforts, the BDS movement is growing daily as people are becoming aware of the leaching of taxpayer money by Israel, who has done nothing for America except create more problems with Arab neighbors. Really, you will be put in place with boycott, sanctions, and divestment soon. It worked with South Africa and it will work against you too, but faster. More than the puny Hamas rockets, the Israeli administration sees this as a big threat. So stop crying and start behaving. Everyone should visit bdsmovement.net when they can.

Some of the worlds biggest consumers of "Israeli products" are Arab nations.
Even what you said is true, you will not be able to re-write history for now.

Either both sides realize comprise need to achieve peace or you two fight to death.

So far, I do not think those palestinians have any good cards to play besides being human bombs.

Britain illegally created the state of Israel.

Palestine was once a British colony, but the British promised to pass the Arab country to the Jews for their help in involving the U.S. join WWI and side with the British.

So the UK, who didn’t own the land, had given it to the Jews, who do not belong there.

Fostering Jewish immigration in the hope that it might ultimately lead to the creation of a Jewish majority and the establishment of a Jewish state with the consent or the acquiescence of the Arabs was one thing. It was quite another to contemplate, however remotely, the forcible conversion of Palestine into a Jewish State against the will of the Arabs.

The UK, U.S. and Israel are not interested in peace otherwise that would have happened during the last 60 years. AIPAC controls U.S. politics and in turn controls UN, IMF, World Bank, even EU? How can the world find peace anywhere while a small group of people is in charge of world politics?

Peace from world
Source: AJP

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