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“Israel is an illegal creation of the United Kingdom!”

We didn't occupy someone's land on the name of promised land dogma so leave this crappy comparison.:)

so,all those people who died in Lahore?

who lives there,now?

There was no division of india. Both Pakistan and india were created from the British empire in 1947. I think you mean, you indians, are still angry at the rejection Pakistanis gave you in 1947?

And most Pakistanis are native to our own ancestoral regions. Punjabi Muslims in West Punjab, Pashtuns in KP, Balochis in Balochistan, Sindhis in Sindh.

no one is kinng hindus and sikhs in pakistan i have hindu and sikhs friend .......if accidently someone got killed it doesnt mean that we pakistanis are killing them we pakistani muslims dying on daily basis in blasts and in armed attackss too brother...actually what image of pakistan u trying to show is totally wrong...so please dnt compare pakistan with the terrorist creation of brits...

Coz there are no more Minority left.. Now its Shia/Ahmedi time to reduce to 2%..

At Independence:
Pakistan has 9-10% non Muslim
Bangladesh had ~20% non Muslims..
who told u there were no minorities left there are many tribes of hindus living in sindh and christians are every where in pakistan and no one is killing them....and abut shia and ahmedi it is another topic and i dnt want to argue on that...
Well sir, by that logic, all countries are formed by force. Present day Pakistan was the Indus Valley Civilization and Hindu Kingdoms before the Muslim invaders came. Muslims formed their kingdom in India & Pakistan by force, and so did jews.

This is the fact of life, the one who has power has the right to occupation. There is nothing called an 'illegal' state since there are no LAWS to judge which land historically belongs to whom.
Good point. Even the English invaded "England" (just ask the Welsh next time you're in Britain). As far as Israel...I've never been clear on it. Let me set the record straight. I have never been a fan of revanchism....as we all would be crowded in an African valley. I do not deny the Jews ruled the area known as Palestine for some time....and had a temple there. I also know others were there even then (after even the Canaanites). Jews are only mild remnants of two of twelve tribes of old Israel. (the rest...and most Jews, were deported). Even when they got back from Iraq thanks to a Persian king there were others living there (when you deported people....you replaced them with other tribes that caused trouble in their home). After the Romans and a number of Jewish wars the Jews were kicked out. Now, a little less than 2,000 years later the state of Israel is reconstituted. I don't think it was fair of the British to promise the land to the Jews....people were there since (see views on revanchism). But after the fun of WW2...it was the politically correct thing to do. So, yes, I know what you mean when you say the creation of Israel was unfair ( and this is knowing they are from there....though many besides the sabras have perhaps more European blood than Semitic....although considering 2,000 years they have kept many markers). Yeah...I get it. But they are there...been there a generation or three. If you are pinning your hopes on the Israelis throwing their hands in the air and marching into the sea you are going to be disappointed. Fair? perhaps no. There? ...obviously yes. Both sides need to come to an understanding...the other isn't going away soon. Ps.... the Palestinians lost a lot of my sympathy (which was greater) after the first intifada. It looked like a solution was close....and they took it as a sign of weakness and left the table and went nuts. The saying seems true...."the Palestinians never lose an opportunity to lose an opportunity".
It has been 60+ years there is no point crying over why Israel exists. Honestly no Muslim country can do a thing about it. Why not just sit and have a peaceful dialogue? All Muslim countries should sit together and pressure Israel to recognize Palestine, stop building settlements on Palestinian lands. But then we have a big problem like Hamas. If they don't back neither will Israel. Extremists on both sides have turned a political problem into a religious problem.

At least Israel have friends. But Palestine has no real friends. The only thing they do is finance terrorists organisations in Palestine instead of investing in health, education and infrastructure of Palestine.
the arabs were promised that land by lawrance of arabia (on behalf of the british who lied) for fighting the turks in ww1, who said it was promised to the jews? they took it after ww2 with the catch cry of remember the halocaust which is there defense for everything, dont like what the jews stand for and are stupid to open your mouth and say it openly they will throw hitler in your face everytime, many times in history this has happened to a race but only the jews use it as a do what i want card
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