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“Israel is an illegal creation of the United Kingdom!”

Britain illegally created the state of Israel.

Palestine was once a British colony, but the British promised to pass the Arab country to the Jews for their help in involving the U.S. join WWI and side with the British.

So the UK, who didn’t own the land, had given it to the Jews, who do not belong there.

Fostering Jewish immigration in the hope that it might ultimately lead to the creation of a Jewish majority and the establishment of a Jewish state with the consent or the acquiescence of the Arabs was one thing. It was quite another to contemplate, however remotely, the forcible conversion of Palestine into a Jewish State against the will of the Arabs.

The UK, U.S. and Israel are not interested in peace otherwise that would have happened during the last 60 years. AIPAC controls U.S. politics and in turn controls UN, IMF, World Bank, even EU? How can the world find peace anywhere while a small group of people is in charge of world politics?

Peace from world
Source: AJP


by influencing, through the new personal media outlets that the internet makes available, the mid-sections of the people and bureaucracies that support these few decision makers.
You can talk to someone who listens to logic but you cannot talk to the one who has been turned deaf by his arrogance and that is xactly what has happened to israel and america. They only understand that might is right. They will only listen when they will see their opponents militarily as powerful as they are.

good point.

except, you fail to mention that the Arabs and Hamas and Hezbollah and other muslim radicals suffer from an even greater arrogance; "israel must be wiped off the map" or even "islam must rule the world".
Nice sophistry by the op. The real issue is not whether Israel is legitimately created or not, but whether its current activities are legal and moral. Zionists love to play the victim while being the aggressors. Classic Israeli pre-emption.

And what do the Palestinians do with their "pallywood"?... exactly, the same desperate thing.
We arent having a debate on creation of Pakistan or India, neither if Israel should remain.

We all know for the next 50 years, Israel will remain.
But the topic is on the unfair and illegal creation of this state, that is a reason of lives of thousands and tears of millions.


And if the Muslims had given the Jews coming to Israel tea and dumplings instead of wave of severe agression after wave of severe agression, then things would've looked and felt much different in that region.
Plenty of space in Nevada or North Dakota, too. Are you offering to donate it to Israel?

You're leaving out the part where the Jews have a "our-holy-book" claim to the specific strip of land that is now Israel.

Muslims need to understand that if the rest of the world is to respect their holy book the Quran, then muslims need to respect the holy books of the other religions out there (large and small, ideally).
Israel is still stealing MORE Palestinian lands as we speak. It is Israel that has never accepted a Palestinian state, it is Israel that is an illegal and extremely aggressive entity. Your lies don't work anymore.

Would Israel occupy so much new Palestinian territory if Palestinians would never attack Israel with physical violence? Probably not.

Fix the problems in yourself before you seek to fix your adversaries' flaws.
Aussie4ever...Aren't most countries british or colonial made

Wow at you!
If british attacks invades a nation you made it british land?
No Arab lands are long established and has a long history. Just because someone invades it doesn't become the land of the nation that is occupier.
Take the example of Australia itself..british came here established relations with indigenous people and over took as they've done before in the whole world so does it make Australia part of british land? i
Exactly! Just because Arabs and Muslims invaded Christian land (Palestine) in the 600's doesn't make it theirs.
Pakistan also belongs to the same flock ..Created bY UK from the Great nation of India
some people are trying to compare the creation of pakistan with the israel but they r totally wrong because in case of pakistan there were muslim majorities in that regions (pakistan and bengal)but in case of israel there were muslim majority but brits forced jews majority there and jews migrants from all over the world migrate there..that was totally illegal ...palestinians have right on this land and insha Allah they will get back their land very soon...


...The struggle for world domination will be fought entirely between us, between Germans and Jews. All else is facade and illusion. Behind England stands Israel, and behind France, and behind the United States. Even when we have driven the Jew out of Germany, he remains our world enemy....
they r enemy of the world...
some people are trying to compare the creation of pakistan with the israel but they r totally wrong because in case of pakistan there were muslim majorities in that regions (pakistan and bengal)but in case of israel there were muslim majority but brits forced jews majority there and jews migrants from all over the world migrate there..that was totally illegal ...palestinians have right on this land and insha Allah they will get back their land very soon...


...The struggle for world domination will be fought entirely between us, between Germans and Jews. All else is facade and illusion. Behind England stands Israel, and behind France, and behind the United States. Even when we have driven the Jew out of Germany, he remains our world enemy....
they r enemy of the world...

muslim majority in pakistan was also forced by invaders...
i think u r talking abut mughals but one thing u must remember that after that they didnt heart any hindu in their era...but see israel they kill muslim people on daily basis....

and they rule hindustan with muslims and sikhs togather....am i right or wrong...
some people are trying to compare the creation of pakistan with the israel but they r totally wrong because in case of pakistan there were muslim majorities in that regions (pakistan and bengal)but in case of israel there were muslim majority but brits forced jews majority there and jews migrants from all over the world migrate there..that was totally illegal ...palestinians have right on this land and insha Allah they will get back their land very soon...


...The struggle for world domination will be fought entirely between us, between Germans and Jews. All else is facade and illusion. Behind England stands Israel, and behind France, and behind the United States. Even when we have driven the Jew out of Germany, he remains our world enemy....
they r enemy of the world...
Have you seen the thread about the bus driver in Germany? Many advocate assaulting Germans because of it. Wonder what Hitler would have thought about that.
i think u r talking abut mughals but one thing u must remember that after that they didnt heart any hindu in their era...but see israel they kill muslim people on daily basis....

and they rule hindustan with muslims and sikhs togather....am i right or wrong...

They kill the Palestinians that attack them I feel. Calling a state illegal, where are the israelis supposed to go then?

Also, Pakistan has no hndus/sikhs left today and everyone is killed, how do you explain that? We dont have that case in India, where 150 million muslims liev in Hindu majority state. But pakistan barely has 1 million hindus left, if that is not genocide what is?
no one is kinng hindus and sikhs in pakistan i have hindu and sikhs friend .......if accidently someone got killed it doesnt mean that we pakistanis are killing them we pakistani muslims dying on daily basis in blasts and in armed attackss too brother...actually what image of pakistan u trying to show is totally wrong...so please dnt compare pakistan with the terrorist creation of brits...
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