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“Israel is an illegal creation of the United Kingdom!”

Last Hope

Oct 18, 2010
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Britain illegally created the state of Israel.

Palestine was once a British colony, but the British promised to pass the Arab country to the Jews for their help in involving the U.S. join WWI and side with the British.

So the UK, who didn’t own the land, had given it to the Jews, who do not belong there.

Fostering Jewish immigration in the hope that it might ultimately lead to the creation of a Jewish majority and the establishment of a Jewish state with the consent or the acquiescence of the Arabs was one thing. It was quite another to contemplate, however remotely, the forcible conversion of Palestine into a Jewish State against the will of the Arabs.

The UK, U.S. and Israel are not interested in peace otherwise that would have happened during the last 60 years. AIPAC controls U.S. politics and in turn controls UN, IMF, World Bank, even EU? How can the world find peace anywhere while a small group of people is in charge of world politics?

Peace from world
Source: AJP

Whoa! This is really ignorant stuff. I really wonder what the point is in educating y'all if no Pakistani can say, "Israel is a legal and legitimate state" without fear of being murdered. In that case, the polite thing to do is for moderators to acknowledge the limitation by deleting such embarrassing threads, is that not so?

If I'm wrong about this - let's see some Pakistanis here do their own research. You can't discover truth unless you evaluate evidence both pro- and con-.
doesnt matter...there's nothing anyone can do about it..Israel is here to stay!!

The sooner Muslims all over the world understand this,the better for all of us...
What is Pakistan then? An illegal creation of the British, in the name of religion ?

Last Hope said:
but the British promised to pass the Arab country to the Jews for their help in involving the U.S. join WWI and side with the British.

Seems very close to the British rewarding the Punjabi Muslims, for their role in WWII

During World War II the Congress was banned, but the League, which supported the British war effort, was allowed to function and gained strength.

Columbia Encyclopedia: Musi to Mykolayiv from Answers.com
solomon2 and party Rand Corporation Tink tank :disagree:

Just because minority feels embarrassed threads can't be deleted, prove and elaborate the evidence of a legitimate state. The world including Muslim world acknowledges there exists a modern state called israel, but it is an illegal state created on an already established state land of belonging to someone else Palestine.

Why not Bring in your own research lets see your point instead of waiting for Pakistanis.
So let me ask as the old testament explains the people wandering all across with no permanent home. Ah reminds me of that 40 Year in desert. Reminds me of migrating from Egypt and so on..
Starting with the Bible and supported by archeological findings, it is clear that Palestine was occupied by non-Jewish Semites long before the Jews claimed the "Promised Land," and long after. There is not even evidence that there were twelve tribes of Israel who occupy the land claimed by modern Israel.
Aussie4ever...Aren't most countries british or colonial made

Wow at you!
If british attacks invades a nation you made it british land?
No Arab lands are long established and has a long history. Just because someone invades it doesn't become the land of the nation that is occupier.
Take the example of Australia itself..british came here established relations with indigenous people and over took as they've done before in the whole world so does it make Australia part of british land? i
solomon2 and party Rand Corporation Tink tank :disagree:

Just because minority feels embarrassed threads can't be deleted, prove and elaborate the evidence of a legitimate state. The world including Muslim world acknowledges there exists a modern state called israel, but it is an illegal state created on an already established state land of belonging to someone else Palestine.

Why not Bring in your own research lets see your point instead of waiting for Pakistanis.
So let me ask as the old testament explains the people wandering all across with no permanent home. Ah reminds me of that 40 Year in desert. Reminds me of migrating from Egypt and so on..
Starting with the Bible and supported by archeological findings, it is clear that Palestine was occupied by non-Jewish Semites long before the Jews claimed the "Promised Land," and long after. There is not even evidence that there were twelve tribes of Israel who occupy the land claimed by modern Israel.

Here u r contradicting urself....U r saying u acknowledge the modern state Israel and again u say its an illegal state.
Either they are Illegal or they are not..

Personally, it does not matter how they have come into existence, they have a working government, they have embassies(foreign relations) in most countries in the world, they have an organised armed forces- so calling them Illegal is not correct.

If u don't accept their policies, i am with u.
But calling them Illegal or throwing Old testament(I dont no much about Old or New Testament) as proof that there should be israel or not does not prove or deny Israel's right to exist.
eastwest...It is not contradicting...After a state is created and declared nobody can deny it exists, but it has been created illegally on a land belonging to another nation namely Palestine. Where is the contradiction. I am aware of the fact that the land on which israel is created is infact Palestinian land.
Very funny... You guys are happy on creation of Pakistan, but angry on creation of Israel??? Isn't it dual character??? or is it because Israelies are non-Muslim??? There are many country created based on two nation ttheory.. The same british made Pakistan for Muslim...

Israel is formed on similar concept.. two nation , one for Jews and other for Arabs (Palestinian) What jews did is, they called there brothers from all over world to settle in Israel while pakistan didn't do that (This is the only difference btwn Israel and Pakistan's early policies...)

If you question creation of Israel , you must question Division of India.. You can't be biased ...

My point is simple here "We can't change our past, But we can definitely make a better future" Lets accept The existance of Israel, Pakistan or America. and keep a cordial relation...

eastwest...It is not contradicting...After a state is created and declared nobody can deny it exists, but it has been created illegally on a land belonging to another nation namely Palestine. Where is the contradiction. I am aware of the fact that the land on which israel is created is infact Palestinian land.

What do you think bout Division of India???? and on whose land Pakistan and Bangladesh is created???
Very funny... You guys are happy on creation of Pakistan, but angry on creation of Israel??? Isn't it dual character??? or is it because Israelies are non-Muslim??? There are many country created based on two nation ttheory.. The same british made Pakistan for Muslim...

Israel is formed on similar concept.. two nation , one for Jews and other for Arabs (Palestinian) What jews did is, they called there brothers from all over world to settle in Israel while pakistan didn't do that (This is the only difference btwn Israel and Pakistan's early policies...)

If you question creation of Israel , you must question Division of India.. You can't be biased ...

My point is simple here "We can't change our past, But we can definitely make a better future" Lets accept The existance of Israel, Pakistan or America. and keep a cordial relation...

Israel,to small a boring nation,why large country people talk about it.
Division of India must be a reasonable one and different from that western Jewess invasion.
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