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“Israel is an illegal creation of the United Kingdom!”

Fine, I'll give you Israel, but that's understandable. Please point out Laws against Holocaust denial in the US as you claimed.

Its not only Israel but many countries in West. I maybe wrong about US but still that validates my point.
On what basis do you assert that? Remember, history didn't start in 1250 BCE.

Neither does It started in 570 AD... The Earlier civilizations were invaded and annihilated by new-born civilizations... Its great to see that 3 old civilization still exist against all odd.... (Hindu, Jew and Chines civilization)

These three civilization are oldest existing civilization of world and they need protection. I don see any odd If there is at least one country for these civilization....
Thats correct.
Incorrect actually.
The britishers were invading and taking control of them, nearly most of the countires.
Have we forgotton the reason of WWI?

And if a country fightes against the occupiers, then they arent british made, they are fought against british.
Neither does It started in 570 AD... The Earlier civilizations were invaded and annihilated by new-born civilizations... Its great to see that 3 old civilization still exist against all odd.... (Hindu, Jew and Chines civilization)

These three civilization are oldest existing civilization of world and they need protection. I don see any odd If there is at least one country for these civilization....

As you are so worried about the old civilizations. Give them a piece of land in India and all the world will be happy palestinians will get their land back, West will be able to "save poor jews" and you will be able to save one of the oldest civilzation.
Neither does It started in 570 AD... The Earlier civilizations were invaded and annihilated by new-born civilizations... Its great to see that 3 old civilization still exist against all odd.... (Hindu, Jew and Chines civilization)

These three civilization are oldest existing civilization of world and they need protection. I don see any odd If there is at least one country for these civilization....
Good thinking.All civilization has origin.For the 3 old civilizations you mentioned,I think they are identified just for the isolated languages still in using.
If you question creation of Israel , you must question Division of India.. You can't be biased

There was no division of india. Both Pakistan and india were created from the British empire in 1947. I think you mean, you indians, are still angry at the rejection Pakistanis gave you in 1947?

And most Pakistanis are native to our own ancestoral regions. Punjabi Muslims in West Punjab, Pashtuns in KP, Balochis in Balochistan, Sindhis in Sindh.
Neither does It started in 570 AD... The Earlier civilizations were invaded and annihilated by new-born civilizations... Its great to see that 3 old civilization still exist against all odd.... (Hindu, Jew and Chines civilization)

These three civilization are oldest existing civilization of world and they need protection. I don see any odd If there is at least one country for these civilization....

Your claim was that the land is 'jewish' which is a bogus claim since all sorts of peoples, cultures and religions have laid claim to it throughout history. The current land grab by Israel is purely by force; there is no historical legitimacy to it, as Israel's proponents allege.

By your logic, since China is the largest Buddhist country and Buddhism originated in present-day Nepal, China should annex Nepal and northern India.
What on earth does Hindu and Chinese have to do with this thread, other than pointless trolling?

Your claim was that the land is 'jewish' which is a bogus claim since all sorts of peoples, cultures and religions have laid claim to it throughout history. The current land grab by Israel is purely by force; there is no historical legitimacy to it, as Israel's proponents allege.

Israel has always been our friend and we have defence pact with Israel and hindus and jews are united againist terror and have deep roots going back many years, jews have been in India since many years so we have much in common. :tup:

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As you are so worried about the old civilizations. Give them a piece of land in India and all the world will be happy palestinians will get their land back, West will be able to "save poor jews" and you will be able to save one of the oldest civilzation.

They are welcome, We indian are capable of saving any race.. Remember The persian (the real ppl of Iran) they took refuse here and they are happy, Its due to India there race still exist.. (In return they have server our mother nation, we are thankful to them).. Infact few tribes of Jew took refuse in India.

We are happy to give them shelter (If they ask for).. our relation is more than 2000 year old...

There was no division of india. Both Pakistan and india were created from the British empire in 1947. I think you mean, you indians, are still angry at the rejection Pakistanis gave you in 1947?

And most Pakistanis are native to our own ancestral regions. Punjabi Muslims in West Punjab, Pashtuns in KP, Balochis in Balochistan, Sindhis in Sindh.

O ! is it?? Google Creation of India/Pakistan.. you will find nothing... and google for Partition of India, you will get hell lot of articles, This explain What exactly it was.,....
Israel has always been our friend and we have defence pact with Israel and hindus and jews are united againist terror and have deep roots going back many years, jews have been in India since many years so we have much in common. :tup:


And quite irrelevant to the question of Israel's legitimacy.
Your claim was that the land is 'jewish' which is a bogus claim since all sorts of peoples, cultures and religions have laid claim to it throughout history. The current land grab by Israel is purely by force; there is no historical legitimacy to it, as Israel's proponents allege.

By your logic, since China is the largest Buddhist country and Buddhism originated in present-day Nepal, China should annex Nepal and northern India.

Well sir, by that logic, all countries are formed by force. Present day Pakistan was the Indus Valley Civilization and Hindu Kingdoms before the Muslim invaders came. Muslims formed their kingdom in India & Pakistan by force, and so did jews.

This is the fact of life, the one who has power has the right to occupation. There is nothing called an 'illegal' state since there are no LAWS to judge which land historically belongs to whom.

And quite irrelevant to the question of Israel's legitimacy.

Problem is Jews are not going to go anywhere we can debate till the cow comes home but what is the point?? at the end of the day only a 2 state solution is viable for peace those people who are saying Jews dont belong in Israel dont know much about Jewish history and the significance of the Temple mount in the Jewish religion.
O ! is it?? Google Creation of India/Pakistan.. you will find nothing... and google for Partition of India, you will get hell lot of articles, This explain What exactly it was.,....

Actually it's referd to as a partition of "British india". and the reason its referd to as a partition is because Punjab was partioned between Pakistan and india in 1947. If it wasnt for Punjab being divided, we would probably never have to refer to it as a "partition" in the first place. But a creation of 2 states from the British indian empire.

From the CIA factbbok:

"The separation in 1947 of British India into the Muslim state of Pakistan (with West and East sections) and largely Hindu India".

Pakistan (PK): CIA World Fact Book

I think people would rather take advice from CIA historians, rather than insecure losers who are still not over rejection we gave to them over 60 Years ago. :wave:
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