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“Israel is an illegal creation of the United Kingdom!”

Are you mentally retarded?

Muslims of subcontinent created Pakistan. Majority of Pakistanis are native to our own provinces; Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkwa, Kashmir. Our ancestors chose to be apart of Pakistan.

We are not living on indian land. We didnt steal land, like the jews have.

It is india which is a creation of the British. British pretty much forced all the states of modern-day india to join india in 1947. Your grandparents werent given a choice of whether they wanted to be apart of india.
My grandparents were given a choice of whether they wanted to be apart of Pakistan.

Bro, the princely states choose to join India or not. British didnt force anyone, there was freedom fighters from every state of India.

Israel has every right to exist, and its not going no where so get used to it.
We arent having a debate on creation of Pakistan or India, neither if Israel should remain.

We all know for the next 50 years, Israel will remain.
But the topic is on the unfair and illegal creation of this state, that is a reason of lives of thousands and tears of millions.

Bro, the princely states choose to join India or not. British didnt force anyone, there was freedom fighters from every state of India.

Israel has every right to exist, and its not going no where so get used to it.

I dont care about creation of Israel. You right, they have every right to exist.

I dont like the obsession many indians have about creation of Pakistan. We Pakistanis dont care for the creation of india. Why are some of your fellow indians so obsessed about the creation of Pakistan?
I dont care about creation of Israel. You right, they have every right to exist.

I dont like the obsession many indians have about creation of Pakistan. We Pakistanis dont care for the creation of india. Why are some of your fellow indians so obsessed about the creation of Pakistan?

Though i see your emotions got the better of you(Happens to most of us) let me correct you a tad, Who did the land belong to before the Arabs? Jews.
Who took the land from the Jews? Lets name a few: Romans. Crusaders. ARABS. Muslims from different Dynasties. So please don`t call anyone uneducated as you yourself just proved you`re the one who is uneducated.
Though i see your emotions got the better of you(Happens to most of us) let me correct you a tad, Who did the land belong to before the Arabs? Jews.
Who took the land from the Jews? Lets name a few: Romans. Crusaders. ARABS. Muslims from different Dynasties. So please don`t call anyone uneducated as you yourself just proved you`re the one who is uneducated.

I dont care about Israel, nor have I done much research on Israel.
You can find thousands upon thousands of Self hating Jews, and Anti-Zionist Jews. I do not insult Judaism because Israel is Judaism, no matter how many people and sites you find to say the contrary.

And there was no Victor-Defeated mentality in Jews under Islam rule, there was vile inhumanity of Islam, simple as that. Islam has no respect for any other religion but Islam because Islam strives to be the dominater.
And while it won`t say "Death to the russians/christians/chinese/indians" in general because they are the dominating forces of the world, they can freely say Death to Jews because after all they are 0.2% of human population.
You are fooling no one.

It is the Zionists, not the Muslims, who have turned the Israeli issue into a religious war, instead of a land dispute. Firstly, by tis very nature, Israel discriminates on the basis of religion by refusing to let displaced refugees return simply because they are not Jewish. Secondly, and more importantly, it allows the Israelis to defect all criticism by invoking the anti-semitism and Holocaust sympathy cards.

Though i see your emotions got the better of you(Happens to most of us) let me correct you a tad, Who did the land belong to before the Arabs? Jews.
Who took the land from the Jews? Lets name a few: Romans. Crusaders. ARABS. Muslims from different Dynasties. So please don`t call anyone uneducated as you yourself just proved you`re the one who is uneducated.

The land "belonged" to any number of people through history, including Syrians and Canaanites before the Hebrews, and Arabs afterwards. Why is the Jewish periiod of history more important than the others? Why do descendents of those other groups have no claim over the land? Especially since the Jews had been gone for 2000 years.

Last time I checked, regardless of any intent of the Jews to create a Jewish state beforehand, Isreal was planned and voted into existence in 1947 by the UN, on a sliver of land where they enjoyed a small majority.
Nope, plenty of people of various ethnicity in Palestine at the time of the creation of Israel. In fact the area under consideration was just slightly more Jewish than Arab. (499,000 Jews and 438,000 Arabs)
Justified? Maybe, Maybe not, the ensuing violence by both parties was most certainly not however. I have no idea why you keep bringing up this 97% and 3% stuff, which were the numbers in place years before immigration started, and nothing close to the numbers in place when the British and Arabs finally got around to trying to stop Jewish immigration.

This whole debate is about the Balfour Declaration, which set the stage for Israel's creation. At the time of the Balfour Declataion in 1917, Jews made up 3% of the population. And this was after decades of clandestine migration which started in the 19th century.

Personally, writing from a nation comprised of immigrants, I don't have much sympathy for the "They didn't have the right to move" argument. There was certainly enough space...

Plenty of space in Nevada or North Dakota, too. Are you offering to donate it to Israel?

Right, again, 1947, in a small region of what is now Israel, the Jews were the majority.

Once again, it's about 1917, not 1947. And besides, how does Jews being a majority in Tel Aviv or Haifa legitimize their claim over the rest of Israel?

The Zionist cause was fairly clear, I don't know which terrorists attacks on Arabs you are talking about, going to have to cite instances there.

It's all in the BBC documentary in post #17. I don't remember the name offhand.

A matter of some debate, does anyone leave a war zone "Voluntarily"? I would suppose not, but which of the belligerents bear the responsibility for this? Unless you can show that one side or the other rounded people up and put them on trucks, it is pure speculation.

No, the debate is pretty much settled after Israel released historical documents in the 80s. The Israeli position now is that it was better to expel them than to kill them. How compassionate...

Not going to disagree with you on that point, if you think about it, the end result is the exact same as what I suggested.

But the reason matters. The Arab refugees are excluded, not because they are armed or angry, but because they are not Jewish. So much for "democracy".

Right, and the world is supposed to let an established nation of 7 million people disappear to be replaced by a state run by terrorists?
This is a nonsensical statement. Just stringing together words does not make a sentence meaningful. (Emphasis Mine)

No, we are asking the rest of the world to put their land where their mouth is. If they feel so compassionate, let them donate a chunk of land. Why should the Palestinians suffer so that others can feel good about their compassion.

Right, same situation applied in 1947, if not 1917.

This continual attempt to link Pakistan with Israel has been refuted over and over. Simply restating it will not make it true.

The simple fact from the perspective of the rest of the world though is that Israel is a state, a state which is prejudiced, but mostly open and democratic, especially by the standards of it's neighbors. It's GDP is greater than the rest of the middle east combined. (excluding oil revenues) It produces more scientific research papers and doctoral degrees than the rest of the middle east combined. It has a military more powerful than that of the rest of the middle east combined. This all despite the fact that it comprises about 8% of the middle east's total population. (I am not including Turkey or Egypt in these counts) It is not going away any time soon.

By that logic, both slavery and colonialism were "justified" because the perpetrators were economically, scientifically and militarily more advanced than their victims.
It is the Zionists, not the Muslims, who have turned the Israeli issue into a religious war, instead of a land dispute. Firstly, by tis very nature, Israel discriminates on the basis of religion by refusing to let displaced refugees return simply because they are not Jewish. Secondly, and more importantly, it allows the Israelis to defect all criticism by invoking the anti-semitism and Holocaust sympathy cards.

The land "belonged" to any number of people through history, including Syrians and Canaanites before the Hebrews, and Arabs afterwards. Why is the Jewish periiod of history more important than the others? Why do descendents of those other groups have no claim over the land? Especially since the Jews had been gone for 2000 years.

This whole debate is about the Balfour Declaration, which set the stage for Israel's creation. At the time of the Balfour Declataion in 1917, Jews made up 3% of the population. And this was after decades of clandestine migration which started in the 19th century.

Plenty of space in Nevada or North Dakota, too. Are you offering to donate it to Israel?

Once again, it's about 1917, not 1947. And besides, how does Jews being a majority in Tel Aviv or Haifa legitimize their claim over the rest of Israel?

It's all in the BBC documentary in post #17. I don't remember the name offhand.

No, the debate is pretty much settled after Israel released historical documents in the 80s. The Israeli position now is that it was better to expel them than to kill them. How compassionate...

But the reason matters. The Arab refugees are excluded, not because they are armed or angry, but because they are not Jewish. So much for "democracy".

No, we are asking the rest of the world to put their land where their mouth is. If they feel so compassionate, let them donate a chunk of land. Why should the Palestinians suffer so that others can feel good about their compassion.

This continual attempt to link Pakistan with Israel has been refuted over and over. Simply restating it will not make it true.

By that logic, both slavery and colonialism were "justified" because the perpetrators were economically, scientifically and militarily more advanced than their victims.

Seems like what i`m saying is falling on deaf ears, so allow me to rephrase. All we wanted was peace with Arabs, they didn`t.
So here`s how it is in one simple sentence: We are strong and intelligent, They are savages and weak.
When the Palestinians accept this fact, then their suffering will end.
Any delusions that If the Muslim world were to Unite and Attack Israel and somehow Defeat Israel is exactly that Insanity at its worst. If the Muslim world were all somehow Unite against their favorite common Enemy, what makes you think the Muslim world wouldn`t share the fate of Israel? Jews didn`t struggle and suffer for 62 years and made themselves a Military might just to fall by sheer Numbers, Weapons of Mass destruction is Israel`s Answer to 47 Countries attacking Israel at once. Obviously this supposed fantasy would lead to WW3.
People like you are amazing, you truly are. You know nothing about the subject but speak as if you`ve been living,studying, and visiting Israel for Years... Which i know you haven`t.
So to answer your long uneducated speech:
1.Israel hasn`t displaced Arabs, they went back to their homelands I.E Egypt,Syria,Transjordan,Lebanon etc.
2.With respect to the Balfour Declaration, i can see your reasoning for changing history by Not giving the most persecuted Minority in History a home it once had and has been taken from them by force by Christians and Muslims. Very humane.
3.The only thing Israel ever wanted was Peace, Arabs did not, but i see you deluded yourself into believing that Israel is somehow withholding peace for so long. Like when The UN wanted to give half of Israel to Jews and the Other half to Arabs, and the Arabs refused while the Jews Accepted it.
4.Israel does not need Oil, actually our whole Energy usage is based for the past 62 years on the Fact that Oil is not Attainable for us and pioneered technologies to replace it. And what we do need, we already get from Friendly Nations.
5.The only compensations Arabs will get from Israel is a TAR Assault Rifle`s Bullet to anyone who dares ask Israel anything after 62 Years of Constant wars and Terror on Innocent Women and Children.
6.If we had any sense at all it would not be an eye for an eye, it would be a hundred Eyes for one Eye, to make it proportionate when there are hundreds of Millions of Arabs, let alone all the Muslims that just "Love" us.
7.Peace will only be achieved when Arabs stop trying strap bombs to their Children and Accept the fact that they have acted as Monsters and Animals for the past 62 Years, Apologize and look to a future where there is no more hate, no more death, no more suffering for either side. We do not want see another innocent life Taken from us, while Arabs are willing to give Hundreds of their lives just to take one of Ours.
And lastly 8.What of the Exodus of Jews throughout the Eons when they were Forced to convert,Expelled, Butchered, and all their Property Seized? What about their damn compensations you European hypocrite.

Dear IPakMan
Many thanks for your very entertaining post which has been much enjoyed by a number of my German and British friends here in Oxford. At first I thought you might be serious, but then one of my friends pointed out that this was actually an example of the famous Jewish sense of humor. Of course being a German I was a bit slow to understand this, but now I can see that it is very funny. After all (taking your points):

1. Of course it should be obvious that all the Arabs who had lived in Palestine decided to leave for their real homelands in 1948. I am sure the fact they all left at the same time was a complete coincidence. Perhaps they didn't find the jokes made by their new Jewish neighbours very funny.

2. It is funny that you think the Jews are the most persecuted minority in history. Leaving aside the question of why so many people seem to hate them for no apparent reason, this of course totally ignores the plight of the Irish, the gypsies, the Armenians, the Poles, the Picts, the sakai in Malaya, Christians in various parts of the Arab world and even the Prussians when their entire land was seized from them by the Russians in 1947 and they were all forced to leave an ancient country that still remains part of Russia today. But of course Jews have special rights to dispossess people because they have have had the hardest time. I think it is really amusing that two wrongs appear to make a right.

3. We all laughed at this. All countries want peace. Even Adolf Hitler wanted peace. It is just they want peace on their own terms. Israel is happy to have peace as long as everyone accepts it has taken areas of territory that do not belong to it and has no intention of giving them back. If you start claiming that because it was Jewish 2000 years ago then it should be Jewish now, then you are also saying that, for example, because the Roman Empire conquered most of Europe then that continent should be under Italian rule today. And let's not forget that Rome also ruled Palestine. Perhaps it would be better if Israel were ruled by a foreign empire again, one determined to enforce the rights of all the people, who by chance live there.

4. Israel gets oil from the USA. In fact Israel gets most things from the USA and certainly could not afford to defend itself without huge American financial aid, technology and military assistance. It is funny how Israelis always forget this when boasting about how they are the mightiest power in the Middle East. I had to smile at this.

5. I laughed at this because in Point 3 you said that all Israel wanted was peace and here you are threatening to kill anyone who would like some compensation for the homes they have lost in Gaza, the West Bank or in 1948. I think that you will find this is the real meaning of the word 'hypocrisy'. Look it up. This is a very funny joke, well done, many people will laugh.

6. I laughed even more here. You have just said that you want peace, but now you wish to kill millions of innocent people. Only Nazis do things like that. Oops, I'm German, I am not allowed to mention Nazis because I must be one too according to many Israelis. How hypocritical of me. But it is funny how Israelis can act just like Nazis in Gaza and Lebanon and then pretend to get upset when outsiders criticise them for it. But we all know that israel has the finest actors in the world. I even had the pleasure of watching IDF soldiers shoot an old Arab man at a checkpoint in Jerusalem because he wanted to go through and they wouldn't let him. When he shouted at them one young soldier shot him in the ankle and blew his foot off. The soldiers thought it was very funny. I didn't though and neither did the Arab. You should have heard the screams. You would have laughed a lot judging by your comments.

7. Peace will only be achieved when Israel accepts that its own behavior has caused much of the Arab hostility towards the country. I find it very amusing that you think everything is the fault of the Arabs and Israel has never done anything wrong. Both sides have done foolish and nasty things, but you are never going to achieve peace until you accept there are two sides to the question. Your sort of unquestioning nationalism was out of date in 1914 and totally obsolete by 1939, and yet you behave as if you are colonists surrounded by wild animals and sub-humans. Arabs are humans too and many have had a very raw deal from Israel. They don't blow up Israelis because they enjoy it, they do it because it is the only way they can put pressure on you to change your ways. I find it very amusing that you are too blind to see this (but as the Bible says 'there are none so blind as those who will not see').

8. This is very funny too. Germany has paid very large sums in compensation to Jews who suffered under the Nazi regime (and quite rightly too, I am not complaining). This does not stop Israeli always demanding more and more - the latest thing are cheap ships and submarines built in Germany and subsidized by the German taxpayer for the Israeli Navy. It is very funny to see Jews driving such a hard business deal 66 years after the end of the war. No doubt Germany will still be paying its debts in 50 years time when every wartime Jew is dead. You have to laugh.

Yes, funnily enough I have had a Jewish girlfriend and we went to israel together. Most ordinary Jews are lovely people, kind, friendly, well educated, but there is a minority that thinks that because Jews have had a hard time (and they have) that gives them a right to treat the rest of the world like dirt. My girlfriend was ashamed of some of the things we saw in Israel and I remember her saying 'I could not believe that my own people would treat Arabs like that'. She must be a self-hating Jew of the sort Israeli nationalists keep complaining about (it is funny that we never seem to meet any self-hating Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists or anything else, only Jews). The English have a joke that a Jew is someone who is standing behind you in a queue, but gets served before you. No, that is not funny. But then perhaps we should have a joke that an Israeli is someone who takes other people's territory, claims they never lived there in the first place and wants to kill them all if they ask for compensation or their homes back. And that is the biggest laugh of all.

Now, I know you were not serious in what you wrote and you meant it all as a joke, but just in case you are serious I would suggest that you keep taking the tablets and see if you can get an urgent appointment with a good psychiatrist.

Have a nice day.
Dear IPakMan
Many thanks for your very entertaining post which has been much enjoyed by a number of my German and British friends here in Oxford. At first I thought you might be serious, but then one of my friends pointed out that this was actually an example of the famous Jewish sense of humor. Of course being a German I was a bit slow to understand this, but now I can see that it is very funny. After all (taking your points):

1. Of course it should be obvious that all the Arabs who had lived in Palestine decided to leave for their real homelands in 1948. I am sure the fact they all left at the same time was a complete coincidence. Perhaps they didn't find the jokes made by their new Jewish neighbours very funny.

2. It is funny that you think the Jews are the most persecuted minority in history. Leaving aside the question of why so many people seem to hate them for no apparent reason, this of course totally ignores the plight of the Irish, the gypsies, the Armenians, the Poles, the Picts, the sakai in Malaya, Christians in various parts of the Arab world and even the Prussians when their entire land was seized from them by the Russians in 1947 and they were all forced to leave an ancient country that still remains part of Russia today. But of course Jews have special rights to dispossess people because they have have had the hardest time. I think it is really amusing that two wrongs appear to make a right.

3. We all laughed at this. All countries want peace. Even Adolf Hitler wanted peace. It is just they want peace on their own terms. Israel is happy to have peace as long as everyone accepts it has taken areas of territory that do not belong to it and has no intention of giving them back. If you start claiming that because it was Jewish 2000 years ago then it should be Jewish now, then you are also saying that, for example, because the Roman Empire conquered most of Europe then that continent should be under Italian rule today. And let's not forget that Rome also ruled Palestine. Perhaps it would be better if Israel were ruled by a foreign empire again, one determined to enforce the rights of all the people, who by chance live there.

4. Israel gets oil from the USA. In fact Israel gets most things from the USA and certainly could not afford to defend itself without huge American financial aid, technology and military assistance. It is funny how Israelis always forget this when boasting about how they are the mightiest power in the Middle East. I had to smile at this.

5. I laughed at this because in Point 3 you said that all Israel wanted was peace and here you are threatening to kill anyone who would like some compensation for the homes they have lost in Gaza, the West Bank or in 1948. I think that you will find this is the real meaning of the word 'hypocrisy'. Look it up. This is a very funny joke, well done, many people will laugh.

6. I laughed even more here. You have just said that you want peace, but now you wish to kill millions of innocent people. Only Nazis do things like that. Oops, I'm German, I am not allowed to mention Nazis because I must be one too according to many Israelis. How hypocritical of me. But it is funny how Israelis can act just like Nazis in Gaza and Lebanon and then pretend to get upset when outsiders criticise them for it. But we all know that israel has the finest actors in the world. I even had the pleasure of watching IDF soldiers shoot an old Arab man at a checkpoint in Jerusalem because he wanted to go through and they wouldn't let him. When he shouted at them one young soldier shot him in the ankle and blew his foot off. The soldiers thought it was very funny. I didn't though and neither did the Arab. You should have heard the screams. You would have laughed a lot judging by your comments.

7. Peace will only be achieved when Israel accepts that its own behavior has caused much of the Arab hostility towards the country. I find it very amusing that you think everything is the fault of the Arabs and Israel has never done anything wrong. Both sides have done foolish and nasty things, but you are never going to achieve peace until you accept there are two sides to the question. Your sort of unquestioning nationalism was out of date in 1914 and totally obsolete by 1939, and yet you behave as if you are colonists surrounded by wild animals and sub-humans. Arabs are humans too and many have had a very raw deal from Israel. They don't blow up Israelis because they enjoy it, they do it because it is the only way they can put pressure on you to change your ways. I find it very amusing that you are too blind to see this (but as the Bible says 'there are none so blind as those who will not see').

8. This is very funny too. Germany has paid very large sums in compensation to Jews who suffered under the Nazi regime (and quite rightly too, I am not complaining). This does not stop Israeli always demanding more and more - the latest thing are cheap ships and submarines built in Germany and subsidized by the German taxpayer for the Israeli Navy. It is very funny to see Jews driving such a hard business deal 66 years after the end of the war. No doubt Germany will still be paying its debts in 50 years time when every wartime Jew is dead. You have to laugh.

Yes, funnily enough I have had a Jewish girlfriend and we went to israel together. Most ordinary Jews are lovely people, kind, friendly, well educated, but there is a minority that thinks that because Jews have had a hard time (and they have) that gives them a right to treat the rest of the world like dirt. My girlfriend was ashamed of some of the things we saw in Israel and I remember her saying 'I could not believe that my own people would treat Arabs like that'. She must be a self-hating Jew of the sort Israeli nationalists keep complaining about (it is funny that we never seem to meet any self-hating Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists or anything else, only Jews). The English have a joke that a Jew is someone who is standing behind you in a queue, but gets served before you. No, that is not funny. But then perhaps we should have a joke that an Israeli is someone who takes other people's territory, claims they never lived there in the first place and wants to kill them all if they ask for compensation or their homes back. And that is the biggest laugh of all.

Now, I know you were not serious in what you wrote and you meant it all as a joke, but just in case you are serious I would suggest that you keep taking the tablets and see if you can get an urgent appointment with a good psychiatrist.

Have a nice day.

First of all, thank you i hope you have a Nice day yourself.
Sadly i was not joking but it seems through your delirium you mistook those tablets you mentioned as the ones you forgot to take while writing this self-amusing little speech. Let`s try this again shall we.
1.You mention Oxford as if i am supposed to be impressed, well i gotta admit i am. Seems like Oxford has lowered their standards quite a bit lately.
2.Whether German or British you are all the same European Trash that will soon become Islamic Republics in the name of Tolerance, i`m sure you`ll find that funny since you are either born to Immigrant Muslims or just welcome them as one of your Multi-Culturalistic happy family, regardless of that Fact that Both Prime Minister of Britain and Germany`s Chancellor have both admitted that Multi-Culturalism had failed miserably. Funny Indeed.
3.Again since you so adamantly believe we stole the land from Arabs, i adamantly believe that me saying it was stolen from us first does not mean anything to you. So i again refer to the TAR Assault Rifle`s Bullet with a name for willing gentleman like yourself
4.With regards to your lovely Israeli Girlfriend, i honestly can`t say anything about her because i do not know her but in general we are ashamed of having her as she is ashamed of her Country. So the feeling there is Mutual.
I hope she has found a more suitable country.
5.Nazi`s are a thing of the past, feel free to do or say what you will. It doesn`t matter to me. With regards to the Oil i did say we have enough friendly Nations like US and Canada who give us plenty of that. Obviously you didn`t read that part, so i forgive you.
6.When i spoke of Jewish Exodus, from your sizable Oxford Education, i am sure you have learned about Jewish Exodus from Arab nations and Muslim nations, The Spanish inquisition and all that fun stuff but just in case; Here are a few links for your fellow European buddies.

Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim lands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Spanish Expulsion, 1492

7.With regards to Germans Paying Israelis and Holocaust Survivors, well i apologize for that one, stealing the properties of Millions must have cost them quite a bit, seeing as Jews were one of the wealthiest people in Europe.
That must have set the Germans back a tad.
8.If you could point out to me, dear German friend, what other Minority in this world was blamed throughout History for every misfortune that has fallen on Humankind?
9.Last but not least, I do not consider you a Nazi, nor do i consider you someone worth listening to. I can only assume what your religion is but i won`t. Could be just another Immigrant to Europe or a European Christian, IDK, doesn`t really matter.
But i will tell you this, if you feel so adamantly with regards to the suffering of Arabs, please come try and take the land back by force. Since words do not have any effect on either of us, maybe we can solve this dispute in a different fashion one day.
Britain illegally created the state of Israel.

Palestine was once a British colony, but the British promised to pass the Arab country to the Jews for their help in involving the U.S. join WWI and side with the British.

So the UK, who didn’t own the land, had given it to the Jews, who do not belong there.

Fostering Jewish immigration in the hope that it might ultimately lead to the creation of a Jewish majority and the establishment of a Jewish state with the consent or the acquiescence of the Arabs was one thing. It was quite another to contemplate, however remotely, the forcible conversion of Palestine into a Jewish State against the will of the Arabs.

The UK, U.S. and Israel are not interested in peace otherwise that would have happened during the last 60 years. AIPAC controls U.S. politics and in turn controls UN, IMF, World Bank, even EU? How can the world find peace anywhere while a small group of people is in charge of world politics?

Peace from world
Source: AJP


Russia also ILLEGALLY created an illegal autonomous Jewish region in Siberia just North of Mongolia. Siberia belongs to Asian Aboriginal and not Russian or Jewish.
Seems like what i`m saying is falling on deaf ears, so allow me to rephrase. All we wanted was peace with Arabs, they didn`t.

Because you keep repeating rubbish. You're like the bank robber who says "OK ok. now everybody gets to keep whatever they have. I just want all of us to live in peace."

So here`s how it is in one simple sentence: We are strong and intelligent, They are savages and weak.

Sure. You are God's Chosen People.
Are you indians actually this damn illiterate, or is it because of insecurities?

Muslims of subcontinent created Pakistan. Majority of Pakistanis are native to our own provinces; Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkwa, Kashmir. Our ancestors chose to be apart of Pakistan.

We are not living on indian land. We didnt steal land, like the jews have.

It is india which is a creation of the British. British pretty much forced all the states of modern-day india to join "india" when they created your country in 1947.

Your grandparents werent given a choice of whether they wanted to be apart of india.
My grandparents were given a choice of whether they wanted to be apart of Pakistan.

What are you talking about you git?!

You do know that it was all INDIA before partition but Jinnah wanted seperate nation in the areas where majority were muslims so he could protect the muslims' interest!!

I didn't say you STOLE any land?! Okay so, India is a creation of british [the country which is known for its' rich past and culture] and pakistan has always been there?! I bet no1 had even heard of pakistan before 1947?!

And ALL the princley states and provinces were given the choice to join either India or Pakistan!!
What are you talking about you git?!

You do know that it was all INDIA before partition but Jinnah wanted seperate nation in the areas where majority were muslims so he could protect the muslims' interest!!

I didn't say you STOLE any land?! Okay so, India is a creation of british [the country which is known for its' rich past and culture] and pakistan has always been there?! I bet no1 had even heard of pakistan before 1947?!

And ALL the princley states and provinces were given the choice to join either India or Pakistan!!
Are you sure India is a creation of british?The idea about ancient India came nowhere?
India maybe just a regional or colonial concept in past history,not for a specific country as current situation.
Wait for your correction if you wish.
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