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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

Things would be much more clear if you could take your head out of your @$$ for 5 mins.

:lol: Good argument? Glad to see the mods here don't do anything about it. But I won't stoop down to your level. Give me your argument and I'll respond to it.

@You and that guy are real sadists.
Talk about being humane now my ***. So you want to kill 10 Israelis because 10 Palestinians died?


Right, you illegally assault a ship with armed thugs (Israeli commandos) and don't expect the passengers to fight back?

OMG, kitchen knives, tools and rods!

Oh wait, are those some LP's in the bottom left?

Those "thugs" you call are there to protect their country from Terrorists. :argh: :argh: :argh:

Go read the back pages. You can see my arguments there already.

And have you heard "they (the civilians :azn:) tried to strip these 'thugs' off their protective gear and hit them"

@Since you did refer to my post. Answer that video. Before the commandos ENTERED the boat, the so called "civilians" pulled them in, mugged them and thew one off the boat.

Civilians? :disagree:

@Still again, I have not seen ONE video that contradicts that. These people claim the IDF commandos shot them and harassed them FIRST. That video I saw simply is solid proof against that.
In modern times when the world preaches about collective responsibility and values of peace and justice, we here see a state which has been forcibly keeping a people under siege without allowing them an ample supply of essential provisions to sustain life it self.
All the while most of the world deems it as a condemnable act, yet does nothing about it.

This was not a dangerous military operation in a real sense, on which harbored the survival of Israel.
It did not merit a storm raid and immediate action justifying killing of unarmed civilians...sorry but kitchen knives against armed naval vessels and commandos...are you kidding me?
People know what Israel does and these were people from all over the world...they would have been crazy to carry firearms because Israel would have killed them all...despite the disparity between the combatants...or should i say the hunter and the prey...there sure was blood spilled...however i am curious to know the number of Israeli commandos killed despite murdering dozens who suddenly attacked them with knives.

The people were genuine aid workers and media people, not at all militants or trained men who wanted to fight Israelis...they would have carried AK-47s instead or something to stand a chance if this was the intent.

"This flotilla was anything but a humanitarian mission," Israel's deputy UN ambassador Daniel Carmon said.
He said the activists had used "knives, clubs and other weapons" to attack the soldiers who boarded the lead boat, the Mavi Marmara.

Other weapons...must be bananas and apples, if he failed to mention it.
Knives and clubs???
To face trained men with overwhelming firepower, this is what the miscreants in the flotilla came up with?
It was anything but a humanitarian mission?
What a statement...i would say it was painfully obvious from the "dangerous" weapons being used that it was just that...a humanitarian mission...
Even when defending their lives the people allegedly used only clubs and knives....what a pathetic state of affairs.
What sheer persistent nonsense which Israel comes up with to justify its absolutely disproportionate response to any and all actions carried out to help Palestinians...and the world still pretends to be upholding global values via the UN...a farce.

Since 2007, Gaza has been under siege.
Israel claims that it allows upto 15,000 Tonnes of supplies every week in the besieged area, whereas even the UN says that it is not even one fourth of the required supply to sustain any semblance of a normal life.

This policy of Israel will only create more hatred for Israel.
Maybe this suits Israel fine because they want to play the besieged card themselves and in turn manage to gain sympathy of the powers that helped create Israel in the first place.
Now Israel is no more surrounded by external hostile enemies as it was long time ago but still it is doing its utmost to crush Palestinians, literally.
The Siege of Gaza is the modern day rerun of the Jewish Holocaust of world war 2...the confinement, the limited supply of food coming in ...all reminds one of the start of the Holocaust...
We are supposed to learn so much from the barbarism that happened to Jews in world war 2, countless books, films etc. have solely dealt with the subject and deeply impacted the hearts and minds of the global audience throughout the century.

Denial of humanitarian aid to a non Israeli people is now considered Israeli states right within its own waters?
Does this not violate the most basic agenda of UN, clear agenda to ...the same agenda which global powers use as a stick to whip the bad boys and implement sanctions and even take military actions against.

I hope the USA changes its attitude towards this core issue.
The US should have sent a very strong message but it also shows only regret and hopes for a proper investigation, its another thing that whenever the UN security council decided to send a strong message to Israel or hold an inquiry, usually there was one country which was the only veto power barring the way...USA.
When USA itself has blocked many an investigative attempt into the actions of Israel, i see this only as another hypocrisy of USA to sound righteous despite being an accomplice in facilitating a sanction free environment for Israel by backing it up on every step of the way.

USA has to realize that if talks about justice and humanity then it cannot blindly support Israel while it does what it pleases, at least not anymore, not when Israel really has no external threat except what it will create if it continues its brutal tactics.
If USA has to blindly support Israel then it has to do it at a cost which will be the hatred of many in this world, who see this as a crime against humanity...the very humanity which USA usually seems to bring up in every military campaign it started in the last 2 decades.
Iraqis needed freedom from Saddam, Afghans needed freedom from Taliban...Palestinians need freedom from Israel as well...if only enough to get food and medicines!!!

I wish that President Obama declares that USA would step in and ensure that UN mandate is upheld under guard of his troops.
The purposed of US peacekeepers would be to assist UN and help the Palestinians in getting basic supplies and ensuring that the supplies being shipped in are not a threat to Israel but are non military items...unless ofcourse Israel treats healthy Palestinians as a threat to its security.
The world will really applaud such a stance taken by USA to help ease the suffering of the innocent without causing any threat to anyone.
It would be a very good remedy to improve the situation.

USA can win the hearts and minds of many countless people on earth by treating Israel Palestine conflict purely on merit, regardless of past allegiances.
The post world war 2 instability around Israel is practically non existent, Israel cannot keep on bulldozing Palestinians with such impunity in the name of survival...it has become far to strong to worry about survival and authorize any step that comes into its mind...it has to be made answerable to the world about what it is denying to the innocents.

I think Israel has done a very good job of lobbying itself in the western world, especially the USA. Many of the people associate Palestinians with militancy whereas Israel is supposed to be on the defense, the huge disparity between the Israeli military and Palestinian people ensures that Palestinians certainly cannot overrun Israel, still Israel is always seen on the defense.
There is an established pattern of painting Palestinians as militants who are after blood, without taking into account the fact that Palestinians are in fact under siege and Israel does not budge an inch from this imposing position which is tearing apart any remaining fabric of normal society in Palestine, what will the continued policy of land grabbing from the Palestinians and denial of basic humanitarian aid to the Palestinians lead to?
Will it not cause more hatred and venom to spread?
Will then this hatred not translate into violence, which will be called terrorism and be done with, whereas a state besieging a whole people and toying with their lives is just a regrettable incident.
What option does the average Palestinian have?

Those who have quickly started pointing out the Palestinian leadership as corrupt or inefficient are not looking at the bigger picture, this is a humanitarian crisis and is not about personal failings of leaders, do not just look at it from political angle.
Palestine is at Israel's mercy for even basic provisions of life and what a mercy it is!

Diverting the problem at hand by blaming Palestinians is a very shallow attempt to perhaps project oneself as self righteous instead of admitting the fact that Israel is right only because we (the people of this planet) cannot stop them from this continuous injustice of the highest order.

Such excuses have no real meaning when we see countless innocents isolated from the rest of the world and being denied basic assistance which the world is willing to provide...we are not asking Israel to supply the food...however it wants all those in Gaza to suffer and that is the true intent obvious from the unending siege of Gaza.

I condemn Israeli state for unleashing a similar policy of persecution which Hitler targeted the Jews with and was one of the main reasons that the state of Israel came into being
What lesson was learnt by the modern world here?
I hope the elders of Jews living in Israel see the similarity and prevail upon the state to stop this madness.

One of the main reasons for the creation of the UN was to ensure that such suffering does not happen in the modern world, failure take any action against the siege of Gaza really raises a question as to who will do anything about this humanitarian crisis...there is a limit beyond which even the sanest of men will resort to violence.
If conditions are made so desperate for the Palestinians then the reactions cannot be seen in isolation and judged as extremist or bloody actions not in the spirit of co existence.
Just because Israel is a strong nation, it does not mean that its atrocities be ignored and it not be reigned in, for the sake of all parties including itself.

The implications of this constant state of aggression towards all Palestinians shall be extremely serious, already much unrest in the world finds its roots in this conflict.
My fear is that it only gets worse, day by day...under watchful eyes.

I really do not want anyone to suffer here, however to drive the Palestinians to absolute desperation will evaporate any hope of Palestinians ever co existing with Israelis.
The hate will grow for Israel, it has gone far beyond the point where Israel projects its actions as desperate bid to survive...its policy borders or has already entered into a territory where it can be called a policy of state terrorism against a particular people to ensure they are either eliminated as a people or are made to run away from their homes.

watch it
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My friends' two cents:-

I heard there was a president of a superpower and he had got a Peace Nobel prize too. Haven't seen him around.

the AIPAK and pro zionist congressmen will cut off his P*e*n*i*s and balls if he ever dare looking at the terrorist state with a wrong eye.
Don't you know, AM, that (hollywood) Ninjas frequently use disc shaped objects to decapitate people from a distance? These are not LPs or CDs, they are sharp, circular projectiles that can be launched at high velocity to silently and stealthily kill an armed man. Shame on you for not knowing the difference!!

TechLahore is right. These things are serious business (I know from watching the last samurai where ninjas attacked them.)
:lol: Good argument? Glad to see the mods here don't do anything about it. But I won't stoop down to your level. Give me your argument and I'll respond to it.

Those "thugs" you call are there to protect their country from Terrorists. :argh: :argh: :argh:

Go read the back pages. You can see my arguments there already.

And have you heard "they (the civilians :azn:) tried to strip these 'thugs' off their protective gear and hit them"

@Since you did refer to my post. Answer that video. Before the commandos ENTERED the boat, the so called "civilians" pulled them in, mugged them and thew one off the boat.

Civilians? :disagree:

Well that was the best you deserved, I did have second thoughts about it but since you are condoning the murder of innocent people in cold blood, in international waters, while they were being occupied by a bunch of pigs. I guess you are better left alone. Because it will do no one any good to talk to you, any ways how is your nose doing with all the brown stuff on it which you are proudly displaying to the whole world.
Right, you illegally assault a ship with armed thugs (Israeli commandos) and don't expect the passengers to fight back?

OMG, kitchen knives, tools and rods!

Oh wait, are those some LP's in the bottom left?

Don't you know, AM, that (hollywood) Ninjas frequently use disc shaped objects to decapitate people from a distance? These are not LPs or CDs, they are sharp, circular projectiles that can be launched at high velocity to silently and stealthily kill an armed man. Shame on you for not knowing the difference!!

You are ******ing me man. You're a mod?

One gives sarcasm, another gives "personal attacks" and another blames Indians.

But this is all a sign that you can't argue properly with us. Why don't you bring in bollywood too?

Anyways, I believe RAW is connected with this attack. They hate all Muslims.
You are ******ing me man. You're a mod?

One gives sarcasm, another gives "personal attacks" and another blames Indians.

But this is all a sign that you can't argue properly with us. Why don't you bring in bollywood too?

Anyways, I believe RAW is connected with this attack. They hate all Muslims.

If you are so much in pain why dont u get the hell out, here I will also shed a tear on your departure. :hitwall:
Well that was the best you deserved, I did have second thoughts about it but since you are condoning the murder of innocent people in cold blood, in international waters, while they were being occupied by a bunch of pigs. I guess you are better left alone. Because it will do no one any good to talk to you, any ways how is your nose doing with all the brown stuff on it which you are proudly displaying to the whole world.

Listen. My argument is saying Israel is fighting for it's own protection.

What you're supporting is "We should kill 10 Israelis in revenge" and reason you justify is 10 Palestinians died. So 10 Israelis should die.

Feel free to post, but I won't be responding to your trolls again.

If you are so much in pain why dont u get the hell out, here I will also shed a tear on your departure. :hitwall:

You come here to troll in the middle and belittle people about their arguments yet I didn't see you post something reasonable in this thread that contributes to the facts or content.

Rant more.
Listen. My argument is saying Israel is fighting for it's own protection.

What you're supporting is "We should kill 10 Israelis in revenge" and reason you justify is 10 Palestinians died. So 10 Israelis should die.

Feel free to post, but I won't be responding to your trolls again.

You come here to troll in the middle and belittle people about their arguments.
I didn't see you post something reasonable in this thread that contributes to the facts or content.

Rant more.

First off little Missy I dont need ur permission to post, secondly when did I say 10 pews should die. Well technically some one should be punished. But at least I am not a retard like you who is sick enough to condone and defend the wrong done when these people were killed.
Gordon Duff: Israel Scams U.S. “Gaza Convoy Carrying Stolen Nukes”
May 31, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff

By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
In a long secret “lost nuke” scenario dating back to 1991 and involving Israel, South Africa, Britain, Oman and the U.S., Israel claims “self defense” in attacking ships in international waters today, killing 16. These secret nuclear weapons hijacked after shipment from South Africa have torn the world apart for nearly two decades. If you ever wondered why and what while watching the world tear itself apart, this is what was being kept from you, a lie within a lie.
Just after the humanitarian flotilla departed for Gaza, Israel informed the US and Britain that the convoy was ferrying stolen nuclear weapons that would be used for a terrorist attack on Israel. The “stolen nukes” have been in Israel for 18 years while the US has spent billions of dollars and thousands of lives looking for them. Today 16 more died.
Meanwhile, three Israel’s German built, “nuclear armed” submarines sit off Iran today, they believe covered by this same deception. This was also the rationale for other acts to isolate Palestinians including walling off hundreds of thousands in a virtual prison in Gaza, walls built and designed by the US Army Corps of Engineers, walls that America should have on its own southern border.

The story involves real missing nuclear weapons. That has been confirmed. Built in South Africa by Israel, these 3 stolen nukes represent all that is left of the nuclear arsenal apartheid South Africa threatened the world with. Though the weapons may be “technically” missing, the massive undercurrent of secrecy and deception behind this global threat is pure fantasy, fantasy and nightmare. Hijacked from Oman in 1991, these are the nukes Israel said were shipped to Syria by Iraq to escape US forces advancing on Baghdad back in 2003. Israel knew they were never sold to Iraq, not unless Israel had done the selling themselves.
Israel’s fantasy about the transfer of these weapons to Syria by Saddam during the 2003 US invasion of Iraq was meant to push for an invasion of Syria under the guise of “chasing WMD’s.” Israel informed the US that terrorists working with Syria were planning to move these nukes, again via ambulance, into Israel and were planning to set one of them off in Haifa. This “lost nuke” claim has been repeated by Israel numerous times over the years in varied scenarios, each more false than the last. Through “back channels,” Tel Aviv will again claim “self defense” as the rationale for this latest attack, an act of piracy against the humanitarian convoy heading to Gaza.
It is also said that Israel has used the threat of these lost nukes to block inquiries into their possible role in 9/11.

The story is a long scenario of plots involving the murder of British weapons specialist David Kelly along with a number of legal inquiries and maneuvers in Britain to cover the tracks of what happened to these nukes, a cover up that continues to this day. A “Bent Arrow” nuclear blunder at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana was meant to provide cover for Israel by illegally shipping 6 cruise missile-mounted nukes to Diego Garcia while reporting them for “demat” disassembly. The moment those nukes were loaded onto a B-52, still attached to cruise missiles, America went “rogue” for Israel. Some lies can live forever.

The claim that “lost nukes” are aboard the humanitarian flotilla that was just savaged off Gaza is part of a Mossad deception that started years ago. Part of the story was broken by The Guardian when this British paper released documents showing military cooperation between South Africa and Israel with Tel Aviv agreeing to provide nuclear weapons to Pretoria while South Africa was under sanctions for its apartheid policies. By 1975, Israel had already built as many as 50 plutonium bombs at its Dimona reactor opened in 1962. In 1963, President Kennedy demanded they close what he called a “weapons facility.” He was murdered soon after. No other American president has mentioned Dimona since.
Mordechai Vanunu, a scientist there, reported this in a British newspaper. His descriptions of processes were backed by leading nuclear weapon experts, U.S. and British nuclear weapons designers Theodore Taylor and Frank Barnaby. Vanunu was kidnapped in Rome and imprisoned in Israel, 11 of 18 years in solitary confinement and is still being held under gag order. You can be convicted there of treason for spreading “rumors.” Early on, Israel decided to turn their “secret” nuclear status into a profit making business, covered from nonproliferation sanctions by their “special relationship” with the United States.
Few know this but “officially” South Africa built 6 nuclear weapons with the illegal aid of Israel. In fact Israel helped South Africa develop not only nuclear weapons but chemical and biological agents as well. Some of the “germ warfare” agents were used in Angola by SADF troops. Other weapons developed there, such as BZ “hallucinogenic gas” were sold to the US and used against the Iraqi Republican Guard. This was reported by the South African Truth Commission after the presentation of documents and scientific testimony backing the claim. Weapons resulting from this partnership were even sold to Libya and Iran.

South Africa, really Israel, built 10 nukes, not the widely believed six. One was tested in the Indian Ocean by Israel and South Africa in September 1979. The test was spotted by US “VELA” satellites that identified the classic “double flash” of a nuclear weapons and was confirmed by acoustic sensors. The Carter administration covered this up as it was thought to be a danger to the Camp David peace accords that won for President Carter a Nobel Peace Prize.
This left 9 remaining nukes. Fearing control of nuclear weapons by “Africans,” the Whites Only South African government agreed to ship the 9 weapons to the US for disposal. Records of the UN inspection team exist along with the accords reached after inspecting the Pelindaba weapons facility in 1990. Just this month President Obama officially thanked the South African government for this act. However, three of the nukes were sidetracked by Britain, as we have been informed by high level sources. These three nukes are what everything is all about, certainly the Iraq invasion, the war on terror and the massive security measures, although catastrophically inept, taken by the United States.

Britain agreed to help ship the bombs out, six to the US and three to Oman with the three to be sent to America for dismantling at a later date. To accomplish this, a commission led by David Cameron, current British Prime Minister, travelled to South Africa to make arrangements. However, as this was during the first gulf war, a plot was hatched, we are informed, by high level members of a British political party to buy three of the weapons and bleed off money to fund the 1992 elections out of a massive “kickback.” This would seem extremely “conspiratorial” had it not left a considerable trail, not only on paper but in wrecked careers, ongoing cover ups, Parliamentary inquiries, trials and endless deception from that day forward.

We have been informed that former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher agreed to a UOR, Urgent Operational Request, a “no bid” contract to pay 55 million pounds sterling to transport three Israeli/South African nuclear weapons to British facilities in Oman to use as a “guarantee” that Saddam Hussein would not use chemical or biological weapons when attacked. The scheme, in itself, was senseless from the start as American forces in the Persian Gulf had significant “special weapons” capabilities as did British submarines on station. The real reason for the move was to generate the contract, we are told, which paid nearly $30,000,000 into the campaign coffers of the man who would be the next British prime minister.
Things went terribly wrong when the company contracted for this project, a seemingly reputable arms supplier, chose by accident we suppose, “dodgy” sucontractors for this most delicate task. The nuclear weapons were turned over to a group known to have been involved in moving weapons for Israel, some of them in the illicit arms scandal involving the United States known as “Iran-Contra.”
Thus, three nuclear weapons, in 20-foot shipping containers heading for Oman, and into the netherworld. When it was time for them to be sent to the United States, it was discovered they had been replaced with concrete blocks.

We can only guess how much of the “war on terror” has been tied to a Whack-a-Mole effort to find these “loose nukes.” The same “back channel” rationale has been offered for numerous military actions and “false flag” operations that continue to provide cover for Israeli conduct. Any time a problem comes on Israel’s radar, a call goes to Washington and “reliable intelligence” about the missing nukes suddenly appears. Most recently, the Israel reported that individuals in Gaza had shown up with “fission burns,” that could only be cause by direct contact with a nuclear weapon.
Britain raided the offices of the company involved, seizing their records and froze the funds of those involved as did the US and the European Union, but it didn’t stop there. Too many hands were in the pie for this to be allowed to get out. Britain has been running their own “Where’s Waldo” search while feeding misinformaton to the media.

When Gordon Brown started the Iraq inquiry, the story of the missing nukes, well known in certain circles in Britain, started to come to the surface. MP Menzies Campbell began asking questions immediately when documents indicating “existing nukes” came to the surface related to Saddam after Gulf War I. Britain had planned for a contingency tied to nuclear attacks on their bases in Cyprus, attacks based on the possibility that Saddam was holding three “missing Israeli/South African” nukes that Britain had “misplaced in transit” years before.
The arms traders tied to the missing nukes and Israel were believed to have pumped millions into the British electoral process through intermediaries with even more millions to a different party years later. That different party: Tony Blair’s New Labor Party.
Questions were asked regarding the mysterious law, The Nuclear Weapons Act, which would allow indefinite detention of any British citizen found tied to a “nuclear explosion.” More mysterious were covert attempts to modify that law with statutory limitations that would protect one British prime minister from potential prosecution. This modification was blocked by MI 5 Chief Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller who resigned rather than see nuclear criminals protected. We are told that a British prime minister “left politics” over “complications” from failing to act on an official briefing received on this issue in 1997. He has now joined the ranks of Bill Clinton, raking in millions on books and lectures.

Where did the nukes really go? It is believed that Israel snatched the three nukes, 18kt uranium-235 weapons in order to manipulate the United States into supporting what has become decades of disastrous policies and to provide a rationale for making the U.S. “look the other way” when Israel is involved in unsavory acts including routine “false flag” operations as with the murder of humanitarians enroute to Gaza, the world’s largest “open air prison”. Everything is done under the guise of deception, even the most outrageous operations can be justified as part of ongoing search-and-recovery efforts for these imaginary “lost” nuclear weapons.
Was this the secret rationale for the invasion of Iraq? Israel then reported that the weapons were moved to Syria by three ambulances and were stored in a hospital in Lebanon to hide their “nuclear particle signatures.” America didn’t buy it, our new sensors can tell X-Ray equipment from nukes. Thus the failure of Israel’s plan to provoke the US to attack Syria.

Now Netanyahu is telling the US that the nukes are in Turkey or Iran, or both, perhaps on ships heading to Gaza. Thus, any attack, no matter how many international laws are violated and no matter what is brought before the UN Security Council, will escape sanction by a US veto, further delegitimizing the United States due to its “special relationship” with Israel, the “unbreakable bond” sworn to by 444 members of congress.
America is even being urged to bomb nuclear facilities inside Iran to get at possible hiding places for these loose nukes. The weapons themselves, built by Israel and South Africa as part of a criminal partnership, even if in Iran, could be hidden anywhere. One of the least likely hiding places would be in a nuclear facility.

Sometimes a story can be told too many times with too much emphasis on just one issue: “six nukes.” The U.S. destroyed six nukes received from South Africa. Britain believes it adequately covered up its massive blunder and the corruption tied to it. We certainly can’t ask David Kelly, one of those tasked with overseeing this project but who could no longer maintain his silence. He is now dead.
We must believe that covert weapons programs in South Africa ended even though, in 2004, Johann Meyer was arrested for attempting to ship centrifuges from South Africa to Libya that still contained plutonium residue.
We can ignore the crimes related to nuclear proliferation and continue to point to Pakistan and Pakistani nuclear scientist A.Q. Khan when, in fact, his pardon by President Musharraf is now believed tied to his cooperation with CIA efforts to locate “lost” nukes that may no longer work in return for providing Pakistan new nuclear triggering devices. Efforts were made to sabotage this covert effort in much the same way that Valerie Plame’s efforts ended with her exposure as a CIA employee though the public was not told she was working on these nuclear issues.
Lewis “Scooter” Libby (Liebowitz), Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff, “outed” Plame in retaliation for her husband, former Ambassador to Iraq Joe Wilson, exposing the phony intelligence claim that Iraq was buying “yellowcake uranium” from Niger. Libby was successfully prosecuted and then promptly pardoned by G.W. Bush after the intercession of AIPAC, the Israeli government and prominent Israeli-Americans, including Alan Dershowitz, Rom Kampeas of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Nathan Sharansky, a former Likud Party leader under Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, and Arye Genger, presidential liaison for Israel. President Bush awarded Sharansky the nation’s highest honor: the medal of freedom.
The numbers don’t really matter: 10 nukes, 9 nukes, 6 nukes or even 3 missing nukes. It could actually be only two missing nukes anyway as one of the weapons exploded by North Korea had the “nuclear signature” of the Israeli/South African weapons. Could this “loose nukes” scenario explain why a “special country” might not be willing to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty?
With friends like this, who needs enemies?

Gordon Duff: Israel Scams U.S. “Gaza Convoy Carrying Stolen Nukes” : Veterans Today

Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, grunt and 100% disabled vet. He has been a featured commentator on TV and radio including Al Jazeera and his articles have been carried by news services around the world. He has been a UN Diplomat, defense contractor and is a widely published expert on military and defense issues. He is active in the financial industry and is a specialist on global trade. Gordon Duff acts as political and economic advisor to a number of governments in Africa and the Middle East. Gordon Duff is currently working on economic development projects in Pakistan and Afghanistan to counter the effects of poverty and global extremism
Aid ship raid justified, Israel says

GAZA, June 1 (UPI) -- An Israeli official said the country has no reason to apologize for its deadly raid on a flotilla of humanitarian aid bound for Gaza.

Speaking to Israeli supporters Israel Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said: "We do not need to apologize for defending ourselves. The armada of hate and violence is merely one manifestation of the constant provocation Israel faces."

Ayalon said the violence that greeted Israeli military supported Israel's decision, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a release.

Nine civilians, many of them Turks died. At least seven Israeli troops and about 50 civilians were injured.

Hundreds of activists aboard the convoy were being held by Israel Tuesday as news reports indicated a new attempt to bring supplies to the strip was under consideration, The New York Times reported.

Israeli military officials also said troops fought and killed two militants from Gaza.

The developments in Israel and Gaza came hours the U.N. Security Council condemned the Israeli operation Monday.

"The Security Council deeply regrets the loss of life and injuries resulting from the use of force during the Israeli military operation in international waters against the convoy sailing to Gaza," the U.N. statement said. The 15-member body "condemns those acts which resulted in the loss" of lives.

The Security Council called for the immediate release of the ships and the citizens held by Israel, as well as "a prompt, impartial, credible and transparent investigation conforming to international standards."

Global leaders roundly criticized Israel for its operation and also called for investigations. Turkey recalled its ambassador and canceled planned military exercises. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu canceled a Tuesday meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama.

In defending the raid, Netanyahu said commandos were attacked by passengers on the Turkish ship they boarded and fired in self-defense, the Times said.

Israel said pro-Palestinian activists initiated the violence. Organizers of the flotilla said Israeli forces opened fire as soon as they landed on the deck.

The flotilla of six cargo ships and passenger boats was carrying 10,000 tons of aid for Hamas-ruled Gaza, only to be greeted by Israel's blockade.

In the Israeli port of Ashdod, police questioned Sheik Raed Salah, leader of the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, about his role in the clashes aboard the flotilla, Haaretz said. Knesset member Hanin Zoabi also was detained and questioned, but released Tuesday. Several other members remain in police custody.

The Higher Arab Monitoring Committee called for a general strike in Israel's Arab sector to protest the flotilla clash. Protests sprang up in several cities, sparked in part about rumors that Salah, who was a part of the flotilla, was injured, Haaretz said.

Aid ship raid justified, Israel says - UPI.com
Listen. My argument is saying Israel is fighting for it's own protection.

What you're supporting is "We should kill 10 Israelis in revenge" and reason you justify is 10 Palestinians died. So 10 Israelis should die.

Feel free to post, but I won't be responding to your trolls again.

You come here to troll in the middle and belittle people about their arguments yet I didn't see you post something reasonable in this thread that contributes to the facts or content.

Rant more.

May be you should start reading from page one and you will see my contribution in it. Atleast I am not a troll which I am being accused of by one who is a sympathizer of the murderers.
Hahahah another chela of Zaid H:no::no:amid lollllllllllllllllllllllllllll

atleast zaid hameed tal;ks some sense, and the mans got metal i admire him for that , he not only has a good grounding of political awareness but i can tell you his islamic history is superb , the texts he qoutes , many of these barbie doll style molvis havent even heard of, from what i gathered from here so far , top marks mr hamid, indians just love to defame anyone who is patriotic towards Pakistan, just like genral Hamid gul . Another great man.

In summary what happend on the aid boats is this isreal has soemthing similar to military conscription , its a tiny place, and the youngsters are practically mad emust to serve a few terms in the army, they are panicked and crazed and scared as hell little iditots thats why when they panick the safety clip goes off, and they start shooting and then then isreali propganda machine tries to do the cover up, Im sure thats what happend here the cowards panicked, and just starting shooting and the knives wre just collected from the kicthen of the ship.
Any news about Talat Hussain and his team?

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