TLP has been proscribed under 11-B 1997 Anti Terrorism Act. The Act defines terrorism as:
6. Terrorism.-
(1) In this Act, “terrorism” means the use or threat of action where:-
(a) the action falls within the meaning of sub-section (2); and
(b) the use or threat is designed to coerce and intimidate or overawe the Government or the public or a section of the public or community or sect 5[or a foreign government or population or an international organization] or create a sense of fear or insecurity in society; or
(c) the use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a religious, sectarian or ethnic cause 1[or intimidating and terrorizing the public, social sectors, media persons, business community or attacking the civilians, including damaging property by ransacking, looting, arson or by any other means, government officials, installations, security forces or law enforcement agencies:] 2[Provided that nothing herein contained shall apply to a democratic and religious rally or a peaceful demonstration in accordance with law.]
(2) An “action” shall fall within the meaning of sub-section (1), if it:-
(a) involves the doing of any thing that causes death;
(b) involves grievous violence against a person or grievous bodily injury or harm to a person;
(c) involves grievous damage to property 2[including government premises, official installations, schools, hospitals, offices or any other public or private property including damaging property by ransacking, looting or arson or by any others means;]
(d) involves the doing of any thing that is likely to cause death or endangers person’s life;
(e) involves kidnapping for ransom, hostage-taking or hijacking; 1
[(ee) involves use of explosive by any device including bomb blast 2[or having any explosive substance without any lawful justification or having been unlawfully concerned with such explosive]];
(f) incites hatred and contempt on religious, sectarian or ethnic basis to strip up violence or cause internal disturbance; 2
[(g) involves taking the law in own hand, award of any punishment by an organization, individual or group whatsoever, not recognized by the law, with a view to coerce, intimidate or terrorize public, individuals, groups, communities, government officials and institutions, including law enforcement agencies beyond the purview of the law of the land;]
(h) involves firing on religious congregation, mosques, imambargahs, churches, temples and all other places or worship, or random firing to spread panic, or involves any forcible takeover of mosques or other places of worship;
(i) creates a serious risk to safety of the public or a section of the public, or is designed to frighten the general public and thereby prevent them from coming out and carrying on their lawful trade and daily business, and disrupts civic life;
(j) involves the burning of vehicles or any other serious form of arson;
(k) involves extortion of money (“bhatta”) or property;
(I) is designed to seriously interfere with or seriously disrupt a communication system or public utility service;
(m) involves serious coercion or intimidation of a public servant in order to force him to discharge or to refrain from discharging his lawful duties; 1*
(n) involves serious violence against a member of the police force, armed forces, civil armed forces, or a public servant; 1[
(o) involves in acts as part of armed resistance by groups or individuals against law enforcement agencies; or
(p) involves in dissemination, preaching ideas, teachings and beliefs as per own interpretation on FM stations or through any other means of communication without explicit approval of the government or its concerned departments.]
TLP is guilty on many accounts. (esp. violence against LEAs; 600 policemen injured, many killed, 30 police vehicles destroyed). Even hostage-taking of LEAs personnel alone is enough a ground to declare an organization terrorist as per the law of the land .. And Law of the land has to be followed in any case