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11 policemen taken hostage by TLP released after first round of talks

What is their Political Agenda, enlighten us please ?

Wow very convenient for the so called Ashiqaan-e-Rasool, they blackmail the State, burn and destroy Property and if State or elected Parliament does not give up to their demand so they have legitimate reason to become a Terrorist outfit , Wah Wah kia logic layen hai Sir.
Hazrar I am not their follower of what their political agenda is but they are registered with ECP after all the checks done..

And there is no need to twist what I said bahi.. if you ban them or treat them as terror outfit..

1) they will change their name/identity and come again
2) their workers will have anti govt/state hatred making em more easy target for ISIS and TTP kind of brainwashing e.g. fadaiyeens.. I know this because I track TTP, BLA and indian propaganda online with few others on here..

As for TLP has no right to burn down public property (no one does) and as for blackmailing govt I will say deal with them in a way that they cant blackmail you.. reduce their power and bargaining ability..

Lastly consider what happened in recent events.. Govt made an agreement with TLP to kick out the ambassador which not just TLP but almost all of deeni section was asking including parhe likhe scholars e.g. Raja Zia Ul Haq:

But then when deadline was near govt arrested TLPs leader Rizvis Son (dunno remember the name) for no clear reason..

Protests happened.. Violence happened from both sides

Govt gave the deadline to kick the ambassador out before Eid

Govt decided to sit down with TLP

Whats was the need of Violence? Many injured and dead all of them Pakistanis be it molvis or Police..

We are being polarised and we dont even realise it will f*ck our country up..
Yet to become non violent ? They have attacked our soldiers many times..

PTM, no matter how abhorrent their views/ideology is, are nonviolent and they strongly claim to be working within the lawful boundaries of the Constitution of Pakistan. Allegations of aggression against them remain unproven

PPP burned down trains after Bibi died..
PMLN model town, hit and run and many other
PTI PTV case

Bahi there are many but our problem is we overlook certain parties... yaha koi b saaf nai.. I support PTI because of Khan Sahbs vision but even in PTI there are 2 number workers..

PPP leadership was not involved in those riots

Model Town massacre was probably an act of terrorism by the state, not against it.

No one was killed/injured when PTI and PAT workers stormed PTV headquarters. Party leadership denied involvement and condemned the act
TLP is a registered political party... which has got members in national Assembly of Pakistan...

So is Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan. What's your point? (TLP has got no member in National Assembly though, not even in Punjab Assembly)
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TLP has been proscribed under 11-B 1997 Anti Terrorism Act. The Act defines terrorism as:

6. Terrorism.-

(1) In this Act, “terrorism” means the use or threat of action where:-

(a) the action falls within the meaning of sub-section (2); and

(b) the use or threat is designed to coerce and intimidate or overawe the Government or the public or a section of the public or community or sect 5[or a foreign government or population or an international organization] or create a sense of fear or insecurity in society; or

(c) the use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a religious, sectarian or ethnic cause 1[or intimidating and terrorizing the public, social sectors, media persons, business community or attacking the civilians, including damaging property by ransacking, looting, arson or by any other means, government officials, installations, security forces or law enforcement agencies:] 2[Provided that nothing herein contained shall apply to a democratic and religious rally or a peaceful demonstration in accordance with law.]

(2) An “action” shall fall within the meaning of sub-section (1), if it:-

(a) involves the doing of any thing that causes death;

(b) involves grievous violence against a person or grievous bodily injury or harm to a person;

(c) involves grievous damage to property 2[including government premises, official installations, schools, hospitals, offices or any other public or private property including damaging property by ransacking, looting or arson or by any others means;]

(d) involves the doing of any thing that is likely to cause death or endangers person’s life;

(e) involves kidnapping for ransom, hostage-taking or hijacking; 1
[(ee) involves use of explosive by any device including bomb blast 2[or having any explosive substance without any lawful justification or having been unlawfully concerned with such explosive]];

(f) incites hatred and contempt on religious, sectarian or ethnic basis to strip up violence or cause internal disturbance; 2

[(g) involves taking the law in own hand, award of any punishment by an organization, individual or group whatsoever, not recognized by the law, with a view to coerce, intimidate or terrorize public, individuals, groups, communities, government officials and institutions, including law enforcement agencies beyond the purview of the law of the land;]

(h) involves firing on religious congregation, mosques, imambargahs, churches, temples and all other places or worship, or random firing to spread panic, or involves any forcible takeover of mosques or other places of worship;

(i) creates a serious risk to safety of the public or a section of the public, or is designed to frighten the general public and thereby prevent them from coming out and carrying on their lawful trade and daily business, and disrupts civic life;

(j) involves the burning of vehicles or any other serious form of arson;

(k) involves extortion of money (“bhatta”) or property;

(I) is designed to seriously interfere with or seriously disrupt a communication system or public utility service;

(m) involves serious coercion or intimidation of a public servant in order to force him to discharge or to refrain from discharging his lawful duties; 1*

(n) involves serious violence against a member of the police force, armed forces, civil armed forces, or a public servant; 1[

(o) involves in acts as part of armed resistance by groups or individuals against law enforcement agencies; or

(p) involves in dissemination, preaching ideas, teachings and beliefs as per own interpretation on FM stations or through any other means of communication without explicit approval of the government or its concerned departments.]

TLP is guilty on many accounts. (esp. violence against LEAs; 600 policemen injured, many killed, 30 police vehicles destroyed). Even hostage-taking of LEAs personnel alone is enough a ground to declare an organization terrorist as per the law of the land .. And Law of the land has to be followed in any case
These laws were broken by PTI as well when they attched PTV office. These laws were broken many times by MQM. Why were they not banned under terrorism laws? Why??? Because they are not religious organizations?
MQM has faced the full Army Operation in 1992, you guys seems to forget that part even those Jinnah Pur maps and conspiracy turned out to be a hoax later, stop spreading misinformation that MQM never faced ban or state, Plus MQM was mainly involved in Extortion , kidnapping and target killing which every political party does, hence you don't see them getting banned, and lastly MQM has a lot of educated and good people in them, only top leadership was playing in laps of India while the worker ( no Unit or sector Workers ) but common MQM supporter was not ready to blow himself with a suicide vest and held Pakistan hostage, Pakistan has already face brutal 15+ years of terrorism because one group wants to bring their version of Shariah for which they slaughter 80k people, now people like you are doing your best to legitimize TLP by giving idiotic excuses for MQM wasn't banned, PPP wasn't banned etc ..Kuch sharam karo, 80k masoon aur 140 APS ke bache bhool gaye ? these people are the biggest blasphemers, they should face the state full fury as they are misusing Islam and Dishonoring Rasool Allah SAW.
Why do you guys get frightened when it comes to an Islamic party? It is ridiculous to say that every political party has target killers hence they shouldn't be banned, are you serious? Religious parties should be banned because they caused violance but other political parties cannot be banned? Please apply the same rule across the board and be just. You're giving excuses for MQM that the common MQM supporter was not ready to blow himself, do you have any evidence that common TLP people are suicide bombers? These are some serious things which you're saying and that is only because TLP takes the name of Islam.
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What is their Political Agenda, enlighten us please ?

Wow very convenient for the so called Ashiqaan-e-Rasool, they blackmail the State, burn and destroy Property and if State or elected Parliament does not give up to their demand so they have legitimate reason to become a Terrorist outfit , Wah Wah kia logic layen hai Sir.

Goritoes g the tlp support base is your average pur-aman middle class shehri who chants zindabad fron the bottom of his hearts at every occasion ------- now if our civil and military establishment doesn't know anything besides english manners and have made it a habbit to live off of free handouts and loans on interest to maintain their life style and are fearful of the fact that if they acted rationally and kicked the french ambassador out after exhausting every option then may be the Christian club could ask for the immediate repayments- --------- its their problem . All the nation is asking to expel the french ambassador to register their protest
bol bachan kum share the agreement where it is?

I.k is not only incompetent but a corrupt thug like his predecessors
Goritoes g the tlp support base is your average pur-aman middle class shehri who chants zindabad fron the bottom of his hearts at every occasion ------- now if our civil and military establishment doesn't know anything besides english manners and have made it a habbit to live off of free handouts and loans on interest to maintain their life style and are fearful of the fact that if they acted rationally and kicked the french ambassador out after exhausting every option then may be the Christian club could ask for the immediate repayments- --------- its their problem . All the nation is asking to expel the french ambassador to register their protest

I.k is not only incompetent but a corrupt thug like his predecessors
again where is the agreement? have you seen it or you are liar?
Hazrar I am not their follower of what their political agenda is but they are registered with ECP after all the checks done..

And there is no need to twist what I said bahi.. if you ban them or treat them as terror outfit..

1) they will change their name/identity and come again
2) their workers will have anti govt/state hatred making em more easy target for ISIS and TTP kind of brainwashing e.g. fadaiyeens.. I know this because I track TTP, BLA and indian propaganda online with few others on here..

As for TLP has no right to burn down public property (no one does) and as for blackmailing govt I will say deal with them in a way that they cant blackmail you.. reduce their power and bargaining ability..

Lastly consider what happened in recent events.. Govt made an agreement with TLP to kick out the ambassador which not just TLP but almost all of deeni section was asking including parhe likhe scholars e.g. Raja Zia Ul Haq:

But then when deadline was near govt arrested TLPs leader Rizvis Son (dunno remember the name) for no clear reason..

Protests happened.. Violence happened from both sides

Govt gave the deadline to kick the ambassador out before Eid

Govt decided to sit down with TLP

Whats was the need of Violence? Many injured and dead all of them Pakistanis be it molvis or Police..

We are being polarised and we dont even realise it will f*ck our country up..

The Govt or Parliament shouldn’t have accepted their demands to kick out the ambassador unless it actually planned to go through with it. at the very least the government should have found a way to send a strongly worded demarche and allowed it to read out that civil society groups strongly condemn French bigotry.

The French, especially under this French President are trying to provoke Muslims and assert their cultural supremacy in France and abroad. The government should have explained the situation better to the TLP leaders and asked them to restraint their supporters. Better to tell them to work with the government to build up the economy in such a way, that in the long term, undermines French economic influence in places like Africa and allows us to exit all French loans.

For those that won’t see reason, there needs to be a federal police that can send out specially trained personnel to control crowds without excessive use of force during the protests or when people are taken in detention. There also needs to be a special prison police force that tries to reason with the detained persons, to reduce the chances once released there will be lingering hatred towards the government. Violent persons should obviously be prosecuted accordingly to their crimes but reversing alienation decreases the risk these people will be co-opted by foreign or domestic actors that have ill intentions towards the nation and the state.

At the very least Imran Khan should apologize for putting the police in such a difficult position and especially apologize to the injured and those that lost their lives upholding law and order. A well thought out national televised speech is badly needed, asking the TLP supporters to not clash with the government but allow the government to deal with foreign governments antagonistic to Muslims. No matter how ernest their sense of injustice, they can not be allowed to attack police and destroy public property because it hurts the nation, and only emboldens the French bigots.

The leader is the shield behind which the people fight, as attributed to a Hadees of the Prophet PBUH. The TLP must be made to understand that they need to allow Imran khan and the government of Pakistan to deal with this french provocation.

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again where is the agreement? have you seen it or you are liar?
The Govt shouldn’t have accepted their demands to kick out the ambassador unless it actually planned to go through with it. at the very least the government should have found a way to send a strongly worded demarche and allowed it to read out that civil society groups strongly condemn French bigotry.

The French, especially under this French President are trying to provoke Muslims and assert their cultural supremacy in France and abroad. The government should have explained the situation better to the TLP leaders and asked them to restraint their supporters. Better to tell them to work with the government to build up the economy in such a way, that in the long term, undermines French economic influence in places like Africa and allows us to exit all French loans.

For those that won’t see reason, there needs to be a federal police that can send out specially trained personnel to control crowds without excessive use of force during the protests or when people are taken in detention. There also needs to be a special prison police force that tries to reason with the detained persons, to reduce the chances once released there will be lingering hatred towards the government. Violent persons should obviously be prosecuted accordingly to their crimes but reversing alienation decreases the risk these people will be co-opted by foreign or domestic actors that have ill intentions towards the nation and the state.

At the very least Imran Khan should apologize for putting the police in such a difficult position and especially apologize to the injured and those that lost their lives upholding law and order. A well thought out national televised speech asking the TLP supporters to not clash with the government but allow the government to deal with foreign governments antagonistic to Muslims. No matter how ernest their sense of injustice, they can not be allowed to attack police and destroy public property because it hurts the nation, and only emboldens the French bigots.
I posted the agreement in previous pages. Here posting my comment again for convenience:

"Govt. didn't backout from any agreement. It was parliament that had to decide the fate of French ambassador but TLP started blackmailing Govt. even before the said deadline arrived.
PTM, no matter how abhorrent their views/ideology is, are nonviolent and they strongly claim to be working within the lawful boundaries of the Constitution of Pakistan. Allegations of aggression against them remain unproven

You clearly don't remember them attacking army checkposts...

The Govt or Parliament shouldn’t have accepted their demands to kick out the ambassador unless it actually planned to go through with it. at the very least the government should have found a way to send a strongly worded demarche and allowed it to read out that civil society groups strongly condemn French bigotry.

The French, especially under this French President are trying to provoke Muslims and assert their cultural supremacy in France and abroad. The government should have explained the situation better to the TLP leaders and asked them to restraint their supporters. Better to tell them to work with the government to build up the economy in such a way, that in the long term, undermines French economic influence in places like Africa and allows us to exit all French loans.

For those that won’t see reason, there needs to be a federal police that can send out specially trained personnel to control crowds without excessive use of force during the protests or when people are taken in detention. There also needs to be a special prison police force that tries to reason with the detained persons, to reduce the chances once released there will be lingering hatred towards the government. Violent persons should obviously be prosecuted accordingly to their crimes but reversing alienation decreases the risk these people will be co-opted by foreign or domestic actors that have ill intentions towards the nation and the state.

At the very least Imran Khan should apologize for putting the police in such a difficult position and especially apologize to the injured and those that lost their lives upholding law and order. A well thought out national televised speech is badly needed, asking the TLP supporters to not clash with the government but allow the government to deal with foreign governments antagonistic to Muslims. No matter how ernest their sense of injustice, they can not be allowed to attack police and destroy public property because it hurts the nation, and only emboldens the French bigots.

The leader is the shield behind which the people fight, as attributed to a Hadees of the Prophet PBUH. The TLP must be made to understand that they need to allow Imran khan and the government of Pakistan to deal with this french provocation.

True sir
See, if you hate Islam, then op makes sense, as people sitting there were just workers of tlp, no mullahs.
Otherwise, seems like pure hate post, and nothing more.

He is a f'ing Indian bot, you see lot of these who joined PDF late 2019 and check their posts numbers, these should not even be acknowledged. If a bot stinks then it must be a Indian who just pulled his head out of mullah a$$
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Wonder what Bajwa and Co. and their agencies are doing while the country burns, and overtaken by Foreign sponsored Mullah goons??
nothing to wonder. they might be complicit. the TLP cant just rise out of nowhere in the heart of Punjab. imagine the logistics involved and the resources needed to move , feed, accommodate and arm such big body of lynch mob not for few hours or a day but for weeks and even months,
human body cant survive on emotions and zealotry alone.

the failure of state agencies is beyond doubt whether or not Pakistan friendly or Pakistan hostile foreign agencies, brothers, and enemies are feeding this fanatic mob. our agencies and state institutions also undercut each other, their heads run their own agendas and add that to a mix of politicians with their own agendas.
eventually the buck stops at COAS, chiefs of intelligence agencies, the interior minister and the Prime minister.

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