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Israel and Non Arab Muslim countries

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You know you guys have a funny way of going 'Saudi this and Saudi that...' and the recently introduced 'A-rab this and A-rab that' and then saying 'Oye we're not talking about you or the Arabs, we were just talking about your Government and the sort' ! What do you think he is a 'bloody Penguin living in Saudi Arabia'; he is a Saudi and he is an Arab ? :blink:

Did he mean the Punjabi word "Rab".
BAHAHHAHAHAH - but I like him. He has the kahunas to come here and debate openly :)
You know you guys have a funny way of going 'Saudi this and Saudi that...' and the recently introduced 'A-rab this and A-rab that' and then saying 'Oye we're not talking about you or the Arabs, we were just talking about your Government and the sort' !

What do you think he is a 'bloody Penguin living in Saudi Arabia'; he is a Saudi and he is an Arab ? :blink:
Buddy no one is mocking you!! Honestly, get it out of your system... I and others are mocking the MUTTAWAS and your government at large and their misguided ways... If you have read so thoroughly, tell me, where did we go wrong?

BAHAHHAHAHAH - but I like him, he had the kahunas to come here and debate

Take it from me, Aryan_B and many others. We tried to approach them rationally numerous times only to see failure. Their mentality/cognitive ability is not suited for rational discussion based on logic. Tribalism and feudalism are too deeply ingrained in them to allow for demonstration of ample intellectual prowess necessary for a reasonable discussion.
Take it from me, Aryan_B and many others. We tried to approach them rationally numerous times only to see failure. Their mentality/cognitive ability is not suited for rational discussion based on logic. Tribalism and feudalism are too deeply ingrained in them.
LMAO - I am a tribal and a feudal :) So what about me..??? :D
Buddy no one is mocking you!! Honestly, get it out of your system... I and others are mocking the MUTTAWAS and your government at large and their misguided ways... If you have read so thoroughly, tell me, where did we go wrong?

In 1992 the Saudi salafis had mass protests in their headquarters of Qasim against the presence of "Kuffars" in the peninsula namely the Gulf war left over troops. And that protest called for the ouster of the Saudi regime. In return King Fahad at the time made many concessions to them and gave them monatery and power upgrades to subdue the protests which was very popular in KSA at the time.

It is during this period that the government lost almost all control over them and the whole "Terrorism funding" started. This in return created havoc in KSA and regrettably worldwide. However from 2001 post 9/11 their power and monatery support that was used to subdue them was taken away which resulted in the 2003-2006 Saudi war on terror of which KSA emerged victorious. The result of this victory can be seen today in the way how Mutaween were effectively nutird and their power is almost non-existent. And in return the liberalizing of the country have effectively started on the right direction.

This is the story you are looking for and the reality of what happened. It is always good to educate yourselves before making claims of things you know nothing of next time okay?
Yes, of course. Many others are considering adopting a neutral view on Israel palestine issue, if not pro Israeli, as you can see from this topic. :D Most pakistanis here want to be indifferent/neutral to Arab Israeli issue, if not Pro Israeli. But they are in fear of Saudi funded Mullahs and their agents who terrorise them everywhere and pressure them like fascists to declare servitude to Arabs.

Pakistanis are not Arab slaves, nor are any other races. Nor should they be.

Arab shenanigan tactics may have worked 50 years ago when everyone was uneducated. But more eyes will open as people adopt independent thought. Your hopes of turning other races to Arab slaves are diminishing day by day. :)

Oh save me...save me, oh great one ! Please...I beg thee for protection from this accursed Saudi funded Mullahs :


And their agents :

Take it from me, Aryan_B and many others. We tried to approach them rationally numerous times only to see failure. Their mentality/cognitive ability is not suited for rational discussion based on logic. Tribalism and feudalism are too deeply ingrained in them to allow for demonstration of ample intellectual prowess necessary for a reasonable discussion.

So our race is metally challegend due to genetics is it?? :rofl: oh please I did not mean to interrupt you please go on.
Okay. That is where you went wrong and corrected it. What about the massive export of terror around the planet? Any real effort on delivering even one statement / sermon from Imam of Mecca or Medina to stop the bloodshed in Pakistan? Or to stop the jihadi wave traveling at the speed of sound, which emanated from the holy lands? Answer is NO, isn't it? Let's not talk semantics, tell me what can and has been done in real terms to contain that crap? or maybe as long as your ***** can lie conformably in a million thread bedsheet, rest be damned?

In 1992 the Saudi salafis had mass protests in their headquarters of Qasim against the presence of "Kuffars" in the peninsula namely the Gulf war left over troops. And that protest called for the ouster of the Saudi regime. In return King Fahad at the time made many concessions to them and gave them monatery and power upgrades to subdue the protests which was very popular in KSA at the time.

It is during this period that the government almost all control over them and the whole "Terrorism funding" started. This in return created havoc in KSA and regrettably worldwide. However from 2001 post 9/11 their power and monatery support that was sused to subdue them was taken away which resulted in the 2003-2006 Saudi war on terror of which KSA emerged victorious. The result of this victory can be seen today in the way how Mutaween were effectively nutird and their power is almost non-existent. And in return the liberalizing of the country have effectively started on the right direction.

This is the story you are looking for and the reality of what happened. It is always good to educate yourselves before making claims of things you know nothing of next time okay?
Pakistan has been dragged unnecessary in this arab- israeli conflict-
i would not recommend accepting israel as of now- in near future yes-
Okay. That is where you went wrong and corrected it. What about the massive export of terror around the planet? Any real effort on delivering even one statement / sermon from Imam of Mecca or Medina to stop the bloodshed in Pakistan? Or to stop the jihadiwave traveling at the speed of sound, which emanated from the holy lands? Answer is NO, isn't it. Let's to talk semantics, tell me what can and has been done in real terms to contain that crap? or maybe as long as your ***** can lie conformably in a million thread bedsheets, rest be damned?

Of course efforts have been done to correct the mentality. When you are fighting terrorism you are not fighting people you are fighting a mentality. There have been countless sermons denouncing their actions and world wide effort to spread the message of how wrong this mentality is.

Books have been written on the subject by psychologists and Imams alike to fight the mentality. We do not hold monopoly over world religious sermons you know. Did you know it is illegal in KSA for any religious meetings without a permit?? Is it the same in Pakistan? Did you know that Mabahith keep a close watch over all mosques and of all imams who might have this mentality, did Pakistan do the same thing?

So the answer is actually "YES" effort has been done from our side what about yours?
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