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Israel and Non Arab Muslim countries

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60,000+ casualties. 70 Billion damage to infrastructure. Countless children orphaned. Hmmmmm, maybe we're doing less?

Anyhow, as I said, you can be argued with, but it's not the case with many others with a mentality set in stone.

I'll retire for the evening now, forgive my arrogance if at any time it seemed personal.


Of course efforts have been done to correct the mentality. When you are fighting terrorism you are not fighting people you are fighting a mentality. There have been countless sermons denouncing their actions and world wide effort to spread the message of how wrong this mentality is.

Books have been written on the subject by psychologists and Imams alike to fight the mentality. We do not hold monopoly over world religious sermons you know. Did you know it is illegal in KSA for any religious meetings without a permit?? Is it the same in Pakistan? Did you know that Mabahith keep a close watch over all mosques and of all imams who might have this mentality, did Pakistan do the same thing?

So the answer is actually "YES" effort has been done from our side what about yours?
Thanks for that mate. can I ask you how much traction or real support is there for the two nation state plan in Israel?
I would devide Israeli population into 3 major groups:

1) The small minority of hardcore left, who want to give territories no matter what.
2) The small minority of hardcore right, who dont want to give territories no matter what.
3) The Centrist, who are absolute majority. They dont mind two state solution, but fear that it may lead to terror and rocket attacks. Therefore their opinion is drifting constantly.

In 2000-2001 Israel offered Palestinians a state but they refused and started Intifada which caused over 1000 killed Israelis.

In 2005 Israel unilaterally pulled out from all of Gaza. In 2006 Israelis voted for unilateral pullout from 90% of West Bank.

But as result of Hezbollah rocket attacks and increased rocket attacks from Gaza this plan was canceled.

Currently we have a statemate situation. Neither Israeli, nor Palestinian leaders have courage and will to do any steps towards peace. Americans are busy with their problems and dont push towards peace either. West Bank is calm and developing well. In Gaza there are some sporadic clashes once in several months, but overall its also quite calm and developing too.

So from one side situation now is good, but from another side lack of progress in peace may lead to another explosion in the future. I wish we had more brave leaders who dont afraid to make bold decisions.
Anyone else support a one state solution by calling the whole place Israel and calling it a secular state instead of a Jewish one? Win/win situation for everyone. Two state theory suggests that there will always be conflict. I see no reason for a state to exist only because it is Jewish.
Anyone else support a one state solution by calling the whole place Israel and calling it a secular state instead of a Jewish one? Win/win situation for everyone. Two state theory suggests that there will always be conflict. I see no reason for a state to exist only because it is Jewish.
Israel is quite a secular state, all 4 major religions (Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Druze) have same rights here. When Israel is called a Jewish state it means a state for Jewish nation. Jews, like most of the nations in the world want their own state, Israel is also only safe sanctuary for Jews all over the world in case of persecution.

You keep saying that Iran has been sanctioned only because it supports Palestine.

But you forget that Iran's foreign policy, like that of any other country on the planet, is determined mainly by self-interest. If Iran supports Palestine, this is because the Iranian leadership has seen in this an opportunity to expand its influence over the Middle East -- for instance by appealing to the Arab street. "Winning hearts and minds", you know the slogan.

Palestinians have nothing to do with the Western sanctions on Iran. Iran is being sanctioned because of its nuclear program -- and it has a nuclear program, not because of the Palestinians, or of other Arabs, but because Iran sees it as necessary to fend off foreign threats to its sovereignty.
Israel is quite a secular state, all 4 major religions (Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Druze) have same rights here. When Israel is called a Jewish state it means a state for Jewish nation. Jews, like most of the nations in the world want their own state, Israel is also only safe sanctuary for Jews all over the world in case of persecution.
I agree with you and I realize how welcoming Israel is to all the religions. But for a state to exist only because it is jewish seems a bit unfair at least to me. The concept of Zionism itself is a religious one. Anyways, those are just in my point of view.
"Israel is quite a secular state, all 4 major religions (Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Druze) have same rights here."

This is not actually true. Arabs -- even the Druzes, who serve in the Israeli army -- are discriminated against in housing, education, and employment. The state invests three times more on the average Jewish student than on the average Arab student, and this even though Arabs are more in need of such kind of investment -- their schools underperform compared to other Israeli schools. Jewish landlords discriminate against potential Arab tenants, and Arab bids to expand property, even on their own lands, are often turned away by the state. Meanwhile Jews, and only Jews, receive subsidies to move away from poor neighborhoods, often to settle in Palestinian land on the West Bank.

Israel is a secular state only nominally. It supports a range of Jewish -- again, Jewish only -- institutions, and even keeps a large part of its population, the Haredim, in welfare so they can study the Torah without bothering to ever have a serious job in life. I wonder what would be the Knesset's reaction to a religious Israeli Arab group that asked this same sort of treatment so it can keep studying the Shariah. And speaking of the the Knesset, wasn't it considering a bill whereby its Jewish character would have precedence over its democratic one?
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