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Israel and Non Arab Muslim countries

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Man not everyone is like you. There are good people everywhere. Maybe you're one of them. We're just looking after our own national interests, there is no margin for error here. We need to do, what we need to do.

Well you are the ones who troll and insult us in every way in our lives non-stop. Do you see me turning Anti-Pakistani and Pro-India here?? No not at all. I realize that Pakistan is our strategic ally in the world. Not the US not China.

Do you know that the only foreign military commanders Saudimsoldiers are allowed to salute are Pakistanis?? King Solomon was S-19 in the past he even told back then that "Arabs are unclean and they smell" and that is your friend by the way. He was never Pro-Palestinian to begin with.

And please do tell how do we behave?? We insult other countries and nations and make fun of them and stereotype them constantly? Do we dig the Internet left amd right for any possible negative articles I might find anywhere to post it here? Did I EVER claim to be superior to others and showed arrogance in any way shape or form?? Please do tell me how do I behave?? And look in the mirror while you are at it.
Actually, I am happy that he has changed his views and turned to support Israel more than Israeli themselves. All people who hate Saudi this much will eventually come out with their real identity and intentions. I suggest you follow his footsteps from now. Guys, this is a forum not a UN. No one really cares of what you think or who you really are. We are all learning. I respect people who stick to their words and principles, and I am one of those. However, I am open to learn and of course fro change into better. But, from what I saw here you made me stick more and more to my own views. I find your posts unbelievably contradictory. Again, we are forumers for God's sake.

Yeah this forum has helped me become more Pro-Saudi than any other time in my life :lol:
Well you are the ones who troll and insult us in every way in our lives non-stop. Do you see me turning Anti-Pakistani and Pro-India here?? No not at all. I realize that Pakistan is our strategic ally in the world. Not the US not China.

Do you know that the only foreign military commanders Saudimsoldiers are allowed to salute are Pakistanis?? King Solomon was S-19 in the past he even told back then that "Arabs are unclean and they smell" and that is your friend by the way. He was never Pro-Palestinian to begin with.

That was because of the dirty attitude and treatment that I have seen Arabs in the forum give to others. In anger, I said that

Later I apologized. The VMs for apology is there for anyone to see. :tup:

Desperate example. :no:

The fascist and terrorist attitude of Arab members in the forum prompted me to do further research on Arab Israel conflict from neutral sources, which I am thankful of as it opened my eyes. After which, I changed my stance from pro Palestine to a Zionist. I stopped supporting Arab terrorists around the world. I am not afraid to admit this one bit. :)
Wait and see in 30 years time. Some of us are influential, some are very influential... Thank god, it won't be 2 more generations that our kind wakes up. Maximum it will be one more generation, and when that happens - Want a lolly-pop? :D
Guys, this is a forum not a UN. No one really cares of what you think or who you really are.

Gosh, you were less Pro-Saudi before this forum?
Yeah this forum has helped me become more Pro-Saudi than any other time in my life :lol:
"Moral" stand is very poor excuse. Palestinians live much better than average Muslims in the world, they growing faster and have 3 times less mortality level than Pakistanis.

Lets take Iran again. It attacks Israel on moral grounds (there is no any territorial or political disputes between Israel and Iran). But in same time it has excellent relationships with Sudan that commits real genocide and mass rapes of Muslims in Darfur, with Russia that killed 100,000 in little Chechnya (and 1 million in Afghanistan before), with Armenia that ethnically cleansed nearly 1 million Muslims in Karabakh and other parts of Azerbaijan. Where is moral here?

Even I admit Palestinians have high standard of living which many in 3rd world countries can't afford and a insignificant issues was made a monster just because it involved communists, west and most important oil rich arab countries.

Recent example is Rohingya muslims of Burma for whom only Bangladeshis showed the support and rest of them don't care.
That was because of the dirty attitude and treatment that I have seen Arabs in the forum give to others. In anger, I said that

Later I apologized. The VMs for apology is there for anyone to see. :tup:

Desperate example. :no:

The fascist and terrorist attitude of Arab members in the forum prompted me to do further research on Arab Israel conflict from neutral sources, which I am thankful of as it opened my eyes. After which, I changed my stance from pro Palestine to a Zionist. I stopped supporting Arab terrorists around the world. I am not afraid to admit this one bit. :)

You are a Zionist. Congratulations on your friends Anti-Saudi crowd. And please do tell me of the "fascist and terrorist" attitude I have I am very eager to know.

That was because of the dirty attitude and treatment that I have seen Arabs in the forum give to others. In anger, I said that

Later I apologized. The VMs for apology is there for anyone to see. :tup:

Desperate example. :no:

The fascist and terrorist attitude of Arab members in the forum prompted me to do further research on Arab Israel conflict from neutral sources, which I am thankful of as it opened my eyes. After which, I changed my stance from pro Palestine to a Zionist. I stopped supporting Arab terrorists around the world. I am not afraid to admit this one bit. :)

You are a Zionist. Congratulations on your friends Anti-Saudi crowd. And please do tell me of the "fascist and terrorist" attitude I have I am very eager to know.

explain this term. :blink:
Gosh, you were less Pro-Saudi before this forum?

Before I came into this forum I read for almost 3 years for around 6-10 hours a day on the world politics especially in regards to KSA from all sources. When I read about something I make a point of not reading from one source and one side of the view but look at things from all sides and angles and then make an opinion on the subject.

Quite honestly I realized this world is so full of lies it is sickening. I also made many many other conclusions from my readings. I joined this forum because I saw posts here that mock us and constantly degrade us and there were no one to stop them and refute them. I am happy that I have made an impact with many members here.
You are a Zionist. Congratulations on your friends Anti-Saudi crowd. And please do tell me of the "fascist and terrorist" attitude I have I am very eager to know.

Yes, of course. Many others are considering adopting a neutral view on Israel palestine issue, if not pro Israeli, as you can see from this topic. :D Most pakistanis here want to be indifferent/neutral to Arab Israeli issue, if not Pro Israeli. But they are in fear of Saudi funded Mullahs and their agents who terrorise them everywhere and pressure them like fascists to declare servitude to Arabs.

Pakistanis are not Arab slaves, nor are any other races. Nor should they be.

Arab shenanigan tactics may have worked 50 years ago when everyone was uneducated. But more eyes will open as people adopt independent thought. Your hopes of turning other races to Arab slaves are diminishing day by day. :)
My God... what do those people want from me?:cry:
I always even in my real life ignore people who I don't like, people who resort to racist and personal attacks. They are free to insult and but do not expect a reply from me. In the mean time, you are free to think as you like. I think King Solomon is mad at me, well, I couldn't be more careless as we are just forumers. I don't remember insulting him nor pressuring him, all I did was ignoring him as he were insulting and then apologize and return to insult and then apologize again and again, I am not a mat that to gets trashed and cleaned!

BTW, I like your posts 500 Zionist. Actually I like him, although I get harsh on him, he is very respectable and better than many on this forum. He proves that there are many Israeli who are decent and understandable.:cheers:
Yes, of course. Many others are considering adopting a neutral view on Israel palestine issue, if not pro Israeli, as you can see from this topic. :D Most pakistanis here want to be indifferent/neutral to Arab Israeli issue, if not Pro Israeli. But they are in fear of Saudi funded Mullahs and their agents who terrorise them everywhere and pressure them like fascists to declare servitude to Arabs.

Pakistanis are not Arab slaves, nor are any other races. Nor should they be.

Arab shenanigan tactics may have worked 50 years ago when everyone was uneducated. But more eyes will open as people adopt independent thought. Your hopes of turning other races to Arab slaves are diminishing day by day. :)

Wow I said all that?? Please do bring when I said that maybe I am sleep posting or something. :rofl:
With friends like these.....
Solomon, no one is afraid of the mullahs! They are our creation, they're under constant surveillance, contained and we know how to deal with them. At the moment they're being used as proxy for certain purposes. Later they'll be disposed off just like toilet-paper :D

Yes, of course. Many others are considering adopting a neutral view on Israel palestine issue, if not pro Israeli, as you can see from this topic. :D Most pakistanis here want to be indifferent/neutral to Arab Israeli issue, if not Pro Israeli. But they are in fear of Saudi funded Mullahs and their agents who terrorise them everywhere and pressure them like fascists to declare servitude to Arabs.

Pakistanis are not Arab slaves, nor are any other races. Nor should they be.

Arab shenanigan tactics may have worked 50 years ago when everyone was uneducated. But more eyes will open as people adopt independent thought. Your hopes of turning other races to Arab slaves are diminishing day by day. :)

Buddy no one is mocking you!! Honestly, get it out of your system... I and others are mocking the MUTTAWAS and your government at large and their misguided ways... If you have read so thoroughly, tell me, where did we go wrong?

Before I came into this forum I read for almost 3 years for around 6-10 hours a day on the world politics especially in regards to KSA from all sources. When I read about something I make a point of not reading from one source and one side of the view but look at things from all sides and angles and then make an opinion on the subject.

Quite honestly I realized this world is so full of lies it is sickening. I also made many many other conclusions from my readings. I joined this forum because I saw posts here that mock us and constantly degrade us and there were no one to stop them and refute them. I am happy that I have made an impact with many members here.
Solomon, no one is afraid of the mullahs! They are our creation, they're under constant surveillance, contained and we know how to deal with them. At the moment they're being used as proxy for certain purposes. Later they'll be disposed off just like toilet-paper :D

I hope Pakistan deals in the severest terms with these fascist Saudi funded terrorist Mullahs, when the time is proper. In the meanwhile, let our Arab "buddies" enjoy their pipe-dream! :)
Buddy no one is mocking you!! Honestly, get it out of your system... I and others are mocking the MUTTAWAS and your government at large and their misguided ways... If you have read so thoroughly, tell me, where did we go wrong?

You know you guys have a funny way of going 'Saudi this and Saudi that...' and the recently introduced 'A-rab this and A-rab that' and then saying 'Oye we're not talking about you or the Arabs, we were just talking about your Government and the sort' !

What do you think he is a 'bloody Penguin living in Saudi Arabia'; he is a Saudi and he is an Arab ? :blink:
In good time.. All in good time.. It's not the Mullahs, it's the mindset, that takes time and patience. Obviously, you can't expect for us to neutralize our own citizens? They will be dealt with in the most suitable way, however, that time is not now. There is too much flux in our neighborhood, maybe they can be made to walk to their own detriment! :D
I hope Pakistan deals in the severest terms with these fascist Saudi-created & funded terrorist Mullahs, when the time is proper. In the meanwhile, let our Arab "buddies" enjoy their pipe-dream! :)
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