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Israel and Non Arab Muslim countries

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Oye weren't you a JKLF fan boy ? Be gone 'Butttty'...well 'German Butttty' ! :enjoy:

Naee bhai. I'm not a fanboy of anything. I have a history of relatives who started this movement and initially wanted Kashmir to be part of Pakistan. The even hijacked an IAF plane. After success, bhutto khandan hanged some and sent others to Indian prisons. The new JKLF is different. Its taken over by random people who now want to become separate from everyone.
=>Aryan _B



Hes a Sunni in his early to mid 30s ! But what does that have to do with the discussion at hand ?
OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDD --- You brainwashed bigoted child!
=>Aryan _B


From Jammu. 7 generations all over Pakistan and the rest of the world lol

Jammu and you too call youself Kashmiri??? I have a friend from Udhampur and he always say to people, "I am a Dogra, not a Kashmiri". I didn't know that in Pakistan mentality is opposite.
I am not on the "Saudi" side. I am on the right side. If I see my country doing something wrong I will be the first one to go fully against it before any of you here. However I also know there is am extensive propaganda campaign against Saudi Arabia by everyone. Hell something as small as a small city summer festival talent show received headlines around the world.

Even you lot who keep going against "Western media propaganda" are the first ones to bring up THiER propaganda against KSA here. And don't say you don't. We close to never post western media articles on Iran but you people are relentless in posting against KSA. I am not saying we are angels not at all however from my point of view we are currently on the right side of things.

Look Mossa let me explain something to you. Not so much you but some of the other Arabs and Sauds on here by the blind support of your leadership are actually a real turn off. They way you guys behave on here have actually made some like King Solomon reassess and turn from being Pro Palestinian to Pro Israelis. Others like me are reassessing our views about the whole Arab nations and Arabs. Was this your intention? I think you guys badly need assistance in PR. Anyway even if I have an intense dislike with your leaders I have no issues or problems with you
Irrelevant... Irrelevant... Irrelevant... Irrelevant... Irrelevant... Irrelevant... Irrelevant... Irrelevant... Why are you constantly butting in with the strangest of remarks and questions? BUZZ---OFFF TROLL
Jammu and you too call youself Kashmiri??? I have a friend from Udhampur and he always say to people, "I am a Dogra, not a Kashmiri". I didn't know that in Pakistan mentality is opposite.
I have been thinking for sometime about the relations of Non Arab Muslim countries with Israel.

I see no logic provided Israel respects our holy sites in Israel why we should be so anti Israel.

I mean why the current crisis between Israel and Iran? The root seems to be the Iranian support of various Arab entities on Iran's part.

Why has Pakistan not recognised Israel when Egypt and Jordan have? And Saudis via Americans have good relations with Israel.

Why should Pakistanis or Iranians or Turks etc get ourselves all excited and make an enemy of Israel and as a result AIPAC and America when the Arabs and their own leaders themselves are divided and do not know whether they are coming or going killing Arabs left right and centre. I mean Saddam was responsible for probably killing more Muslims Arabs and non Arabs than anyone.

I mean I go from one extreme where I think Israel has no right to exist to a two state solution to the other extreme of getting frustrated with Arab leaders and thinking let them sort out their own mess and not to take sides at all. Usually I take the Israel has no right to exist POV with some of the more aggressive Israeli members and with some of the aggressive Arab members I suggest that we have nothing to do with them and side with Israel.

In fact I have noticed that there are a couple of Israelis on here who I really like and respect from reading their posts and on the other hand there are a few Saudi/Jordanian members who seem to think that they have a God given right that we (as Muslims) owe them and should support them no matter they are right or wrong and when we do not they insult us personally our people and our country in a very arrogant dismissive way.

This is a serious invitation to discuss these matters and see what other Non Arab Muslim nationals think. I would be particularly interested where others through frustration with Arab leaders feel the same as I do.
Good post. Here what happened.

It was Israeli-Palestinian issue. Some ambitious Palestinian leaders waned more power.

In 1947 Palestinians failed to defeat Israelis depsite they had two times advantage (600 thousand Jews vs 1300 thousand Palestinians). So they turned the territorial Palestinian-Israeli conflict into national Arab-Israeli. Arab countries were not really eager to fight.

But Arab countries did not help either, so they went next stage, turning conflict to religious Israeli-Muslim.

In addition some leaders use anti Israeli rethorics to gain popularity in Arab/Muslim world. The biggest example is Iran.

Under pretext of fighting with Israel Iran took control over Lebanon through their Hezbollah proxy. And irony is that since Iran gained control over Lebanon they did not fire a bullet towards Israel :).
In my trip to Israel, I have not met much Palestinians (only Israeli Arabs, hope they count as Palestinians) and they seemed reasonably satisfied with living in Israel. I would trust your judgment though.


At Uni one of my best friends was a Palestinians who was very politically active and at the time he was Gen Sec of Palestinians I will contact him when he is next time he is in UK and invite both of you for dinner.
We must take a moral stand.
This is not just an "Arab" issue or a political issue.
This is the genocide of an entire people and the destruction of their homeland.

If we accept these invaders then we are complicit in their crimes.

besides, No country on earth dares to question the holocaust even when they had nothing to do with.
Why can't we stand with our morality and say that committing genocide and taking people's land is wrong?
"Moral" stand is very poor excuse. Palestinians live much better than average Muslims in the world, they growing faster and have 3 times less mortality level than Pakistanis.

Lets take Iran again. It attacks Israel on moral grounds (there is no any territorial or political disputes between Israel and Iran). But in same time it has excellent relationships with Sudan that commits real genocide and mass rapes of Muslims in Darfur, with Russia that killed 100,000 in little Chechnya (and 1 million in Afghanistan before), with Armenia that ethnically cleansed nearly 1 million Muslims in Karabakh and other parts of Azerbaijan. Where is moral here?
Good post. Here what happened.

It was Israeli-Palestinian issue. Some ambitious Palestinian leaders waned more power.

In 1947 Palestinians failed to defeat Israelis depsite they had two times advantage (600 thousand Jews vs 1300 thousand Palestinians). So they turned the territorial Palestinian-Israeli conflict into national Arab-Israeli. Arab countries were not really eager to fight.

But Arab countries did not help either, so they went next stage, turning conflict to religious Israeli-Muslim.

In addition some leaders use anti Israeli rethorics to gain popularity in Arab/Muslim world. The biggest example is Iran.

Under pretext of fighting with Israel Iran took control over Lebanon through their Hezbollah proxy. And irony is that since Iran gained control over Lebanon they did not fire a bullet towards Israel :).

Thanks for that mate. can I ask you how much traction or real support is there for the two nation state plan in Israel?
Good answer, but let's keep it concise and to the point. Let's not bring all global genocides under one page! :)
"Moral" stand is very poor excuse. Palestinians live much better than average Muslims in the world, they growing faster and have 3 times less mortality level than Pakistanis.

Lets take Iran again. It attacks Israel on moral grounds (there is no any territorial or political disputes between Israel and Iran). But in same time it has excellent relationships with Sudan that commits real genocide and mass rapes of Muslims in Darfur, with Russia that killed 100,000 in little Chechnya (and 1 million in Afghanistan before), with Armenia that ethnically cleansed nearly 1 million Muslims in Karabakh and other parts of Azerbaijan. Where is moral here?
Look Mossa let me explain something to you. Not so much you but some of the other Arabs and Sauds on here by the blind support of your leadership are actually a real turn off. They way you guys behave on here have actually made some like King Solomon reassess and turn from being Pro Palestinian to Pro Israelis. Others like me are reassessing our views about the whole Arab nations and Arabs. Was this your intention? I think you guys badly need assistance in PR. Anyway even if I have an intense dislike with your leaders I have no issues or problems with you

Well you are the ones who troll and insult us in every way in our lives non-stop. Do you see me turning Anti-Pakistani and Pro-India here?? No not at all. I realize that Pakistan is our strategic ally in the world. Not the US not China.

Do you know that the only foreign military commanders Saudimsoldiers are allowed to salute are Pakistanis?? King Solomon was S-19 in the past he even told back then that "Arabs are unclean and they smell" and that is your friend by the way. He was never Pro-Palestinian to begin with.

And please do tell how do we behave?? We insult other countries and nations and make fun of them and stereotype them constantly? Do we dig the Internet left amd right for any possible negative articles I might find anywhere to post it here? Did I EVER claim to be superior to others and showed arrogance in any way shape or form?? Please do tell me how do I behave?? And look in the mirror while you are at it.
OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDD --- You brainwashed bigoted child!

Guys have a good one. Gotta go catch you sometime tmro. Mossa I see you as a mate devoid of nationality and will respond on thread tmro or pm you
Look Mossa let me explain something to you. Not so much you but some of the other Arabs and Sauds on here by the blind support of your leadership are actually a real turn off. They way you guys behave on here have actually made some like King Solomon reassess and turn from being Pro Palestinian to Pro Israelis. Others like me are reassessing our views about the whole Arab nations and Arabs. Was this your intention? I think you guys badly need assistance in PR. Anyway even if I have an intense dislike with your leaders I have no issues or problems with you

Actually, I am happy that he has changed his views and turned to support Israel more than Israeli themselves. All people who hate Saudi this much will eventually come out with their real identity and intentions. I suggest you follow his footsteps from now. Guys, this is a forum not a UN. No one really cares of what you think or who you really are. We are all learning. I respect people who stick to their words and principles, and I am one of those. However, I am open to learn and of course fro change into better. But, from what I saw here you made me stick more and more to my own views. I find your posts unbelievably contradictory. Again, we are forumers for God's sake.
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