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Israel and Hezbollah's Golan calculations

2 israeli jets downed by Syiran Air defence -
Why is it so important to lie here? Is it because the admission that Israel can dominate Syrian skies any time it wants to puts the lie to those who claim that only by the Assads' vigilance against Israel does Syria escape conquest and tyranny - like they experience under the Assads, but worse?
sorry but since when the zionist regime did ever confirmed any looses?

wake me up, before you go gooo
Why is it so important to lie here? Is it because the admission that Israel can dominate Syrian skies any time it wants to puts the lie to those who claim that only by the Assads' vigilance against Israel does Syria escape conquest and tyranny - like they experience under the Assads, but worse?

the only bulsh*tters here are the israelis themselves, control media = control truth

such a beta people
Some statement of a "other forum-blog"-member, not me:

The developments last night with the IDF attack into deep Syrian territory, supposedly targeting SAA and not Hizballah may speak volumes for the failure of Santanyahoo meeting in Moscow last week.

It seems Syria used older SAM S-200 and not S-300 to hit IDF to eliminate any Russian involvement in the response.

One IDF F16 reported hit and another damaged, 3 IDF jets fled back toward Jordanian border. Yet no image of IDF’s downed jet on the ground.

It is yet not clear whether the jets came from Lebanon or Jordan.

There are preliminary conflicting reports of 1 SAA KIA and 6 WIA at T4 and some saying nothing was hit. Important to note that T4 has a lot of Russians SFs and advisors, besides RuAF helis.

The situation will dramatically escalate at the backstage with strong wording at UNSC and between diplomatic lines, very little will be exposed to public.
IDF loss of a F16, if confirmed, will mean a diplomatic storm for Satnyahoo, this incident, once more, goes beyond the usual ROE (rule of engagement) from the past 6 years, it is a totally different “animal” and will have consequences for multiple players on the ground moving forward.

No matter what, there are few lesson from this event:

1) IDF changing ROE will have consequences.
2) Satanyahoo is trying to gain US regime to up its hand in Syria to prolongue the conflict.
3) IDF try at T4 is clearly seen by many as helping ISIS, not the usual “trying to hit transfer of weapons to Hizballah” excuse.
4) Syria’s air defense is intact and alert, IDF will be more careful in future attempts.
5) All of this is happening when Astana is falling apart, the terrorists in the south is in a State of mess and East Ghouta pocket is under tremendous pressure and soon to be cleaned up, when Damascus is rat free, Israhell will have lost the gamble in Syria
you talk to much show me prove of the plane intercapt if there were proves we all could see them along time ago
I'm wondering: Do Jordan or Lebanon have any AD capacity at all? It seems like anyone can violate their airspace at any time without any reaction.
I'm wondering: Do Jordan or Lebanon have any AD capacity at all? It seems like anyone can violate their airspace at any time without any reaction.
when sirya want to give weapons to teror organization we can
when sirya want to give weapons to teror organization we can
You seem to misread my comments. I'm talking about Jordan and Lebanon Air Defense. They don't seem to mind Israeli jets violating their air space at all.
You seem to misread my comments. I'm talking about Jordan and Lebanon Air Defense. They don't seem to mind Israeli jets violating their air space at all.
i dont know about this
they cant do too much
Lebanon doesn't have a credible air defense, as for Jordan, remains of the arrow fell in their territory, nothing to do with the Israeli jets.

The report says your jets flew back towards Jordan air space.

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