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Islamophobia [Dedicated Thread]

Regional police are investigating a possible hate crime after the mosque of the Muslim Society of Waterloo & Wellington Counties was vandalized this week.
Canadian mosque targeted with hate messages
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Codiac RCMP are attempting to link a series of spray-painted messages, including swastikas and racist declarations, at five different Moncton locations during the last 48 hours.

Two large swastikas and racist messages were spray-painted on the side of Moncton's two-year-old mosque on High Street. One swastika was painted in black, while the other and the message were painted in red.

"Why?" asked worshipper Abdullah Delancey as he attempted to scrub the thick paint off the vinyl siding during yesterday afternoon's heat wave. "It scares our kids. In fact, it scares a lot of our members. That's probably why I am the only one here working on this. Some of our members are afraid to come back."

Other offensive messages were found during the last two days at the Tiferes Israel Synagogue on Steadman Street, the Mapleton Road Shell station and Beaverbrook School and St. Hubert restaurant, both on Mountain Road.

At the mosque, Delancey, who also serves as a volunteer chaplain at The Moncton Hospital and is the father of seven and nine-year-old children, was confused by the hate crimes. "It's sad because people come here to pray and it is a place of peace," the 38-year-old Monctonian said. "In the past, we've had people throw rocks through the front window and now we have this."
Apr 17, 2010 - 17:54 Muslim converts raise fears in Switzerland

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Some young Swiss converts to Islam are a potential threat to the country’s security, according to the head of the Migration Office.
Alard du Bois-Reymond was speaking about the Central Islamic Council (IZRS), founded by young converts in the western town of Biel. The group strongly denies his assertion.

Du Bois-Reymond told the German-language newspaper NZZ am Sonntag that such converts include people who want a “radically different society” and pointed to examples in Britain and Germany where such demands had provided “fertile ground for potential terrorists”.

The IZRS was also the subject of a recent highly critical article in the German-language magazine Weltwoche, which described its leader, Nicolas Blancho, as “the most dangerous Islamist in Switzerland”.

It described his preaching based on the strict form of Islam practised in Saudi Arabia and quoted examples of intolerance towards women and non-Muslims.

One of the IZRS’s long term aims is certainly to establish schools where conflicts that some Muslims currently face in public schools – such as obligatory swimming lessons for girls at mixed primary schools – would not arise.

But the accusations of terrorism are roundly rejected by IZRS spokesman, Qaasim Illi. There is no parallel with converts in other countries who have been involved in terrorist acts, he told swissinfo.ch.

“Those converts, did they speak in public, did they work for some kind of ideal or political aim which they discussed in public? Of course not.

“And that’s the point: they are people who went to some sort of back street mosque, far away from the media. We are just the opposite: from the beginning we said we would address the public. Our methods are based on the rule of law, not on terrorism,” he said.

Law-based state
The IZRS was set up shortly before the Swiss people voted to ban the construction of minarets last November. In the wake of a highly effective anti-minaret campaign, some traditional Muslim groups wondered if they had been too reticent about presenting their position.

The aim of the IZRS, Illi explained, is to gather Swiss Muslims together to make them “politically capable” of confronting future votes on issues concerning Islam, such as a ban on headscarves or burkas.

Denying Weltwoche’s accusations that the IZRS wants to introduce Muslim sharia law – a law that “has a place only in an Islamic state or system” - he said that Switzerland is a liberal democratic state with the principle of pluralism.

“We are asking for our rights, but we respect others’ rights too. A Muslim woman in this country who doesn’t want to wear the headscarf doesn’t have to. In this system she can even decide to convert to Christianity. Everything this system allows is possible.

“And the system allows us to be as we want. We can grow a beard, we can wear the clothes we want, and we expect to be recognised and not to be portrayed as terrorists.”

But the IZRS is a controversial organisation both inside and outside the Swiss Muslim community. Saïda Keller-Massahli of the Forum for a Progressive Islam, told Weltwoche that although Illi and Blancho present a friendly and civilised face to the public, they are dangerous.

“They are luring young Muslims and non-Muslims who are looking for clear guidelines,” she said, describing them as people who need to see the world in black and white.

“The council is spreading a dangerous ideology, which is not consistent with the Swiss constitution.”

She poured scorn on its claim to be financed solely from within Switzerland. “For me it’s beyond doubt that the association, or individuals, get money directly from Saudi sources,” she told the journal. She wants the council banned.

Another prominent Muslim, Hisham Maizar of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Switzerland, told the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper that the organisation “attracts a lot of young people with no prospects” – but warned that a ban would only make it more attractive.

Larbi Guesmi, who often leads the prayers for the Muslim community in Neuchâtel, is more nuanced.

“I think that even if [Blancho] has ideas that are – I won’t say extremist, but perhaps unusual – they are still ideas that can be discussed. It’s normal for there to be different ideas in society,” he told swissinfo.ch.

He said he understood Blancho’s concerns about the minaret vote, and thinks in retrospect that the Muslims should have made more effort to get across the fact that the ban was unconstitutional.

Nadia Karmous, who heads the Cultural Association of Muslim women in Switzerland thinks that political party activity is less important than furthering mutual understanding.

“We have to work to get to know each other better, and to explain things to people who are afraid [of Islam],” she told swissinfo.ch

Researcher Susanne Leuenberger of Bern University, who is currently writing a thesis on Muslim converts in Switzerland, says she is inclined to believe that there is nothing behind the IZRS other than what it says publicly.

“I’ve been to various meetings of the group, and I can’t do more than be there and listen to what they say.

“After all, you can accuse anyone of having hidden intentions – including the government if you want to. That’s always what people do with minorities they want to keep an eye on: they accuse them of having bad intentions.”

She says many young people are attracted to the IZRS because they see it as an organisation that is actually doing something for them.

It is also very professional, with a good website which it keeps updated, and it invites skilful speakers to address meetings.

“Their kind of religious rhetoric, of religious practice, combined with what you might call a sort of MTV video aesthetics is an attractive mixture,” she told swissinfo.ch

While some of the older established Muslims reproach the IRZS for attracting drifting youngsters, Guesmi admits that “young people always have their own demands,” and that it is not always easy to meet them. “It’s really a battle,” he said.

That is evidently where the IRZS scores.

“We appeal to young people because we address their problems,” Illi said.

Julia Slater, swissinfo.ch

---------- Post added at 11:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 AM ----------

Is there any evidence of fewer Muslims migrating to Europe and usa as a result of islamophobia?
Islamophobia will fade away about one generation after the Islamic terror stops. It is very simple: Islamic terror breeds Islamophobia. Human beings calculate the danger around them by a variety of "clues". Catch a clue: Islamic terror has CAUSED rational humans to fear the people of Islam. It is simply an inherent probability calculation that Allah imbeded in the human brain to help protect the human organism from danger. Muslims can stop and reverse Islamophobia by stopping Islamic terrorism. Get busy getting your own house in order if you really want to change the risk calculations of non-believers. OR would you rather bask in the warm glow of victim hood?
Islamophobia will fade away about one generation after the Islamic terror stops. It is very simple: Islamic terror breeds Islamophobia. Human beings calculate the danger around them by a variety of "clues". Catch a clue: Islamic terror has CAUSED rational humans to fear the people of Islam. It is simply an inherent probability calculation that Allah imbeded in the human brain to help protect the human organism from danger. Muslims can stop and reverse Islamophobia by stopping Islamic terrorism. Get busy getting your own house in order if you really want to change the risk calculations of non-believers. OR would you rather bask in the warm glow of victim hood?

The whole Islamic world was once British empire and when British left they left few territories disputed in ever region they ruled , on which Muslims and non Muslims are fighting for. Even the Arab map was drawn by them thanks to Lawrence of Arabia
I think that the term "Islamophobia" is used as a blunt instrument to silence critics of Islamic practices and Islam-inspired atrocities. Something is not truly a "phobia" if it is based on a rational appraisal of real evidence. People are "afraid", for good and rational reasons, of people who proclaim themselves devout followers of Islam and who claim to act on the moral authority of Islam and then kill non-believers. It is not a "phobia" to be afraid of people who declare they want to kill you and that God sanctions their actions. It is common sense.
Dude you're worried about how the Muslims have a mean word... Why not fight for the obvious denial of human rights, our right to keep ourselves clothed, to wear clothes according to our definition of nudity, the right to profess our faith, the right to build our places of worship.

I think the issue of basic civil liberties and human rights are far more important than the use of a mean word.
We dont want to bring it down to crusades jigs , and i guess we need to find solutions to this Islamophobic problems and find some common grounds.

Crusades in this world means total destruction of the human Kind , we dont need to go that far .

---------- Post added at 11:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 AM ----------

What i mean is this is the kind of mindset these guys along with Islamic terrorists have. They come off as they are trying to defend and justify their religion by downing another one by trying to say they feel threatened.
British and French ruled the Islamic world , French got the African Share and British Asian. They both made wealth and power from the empire.
Even now all Pakistani Politicians head quarter is England specially in exile. One of Ex Speaker of National Assembly of Pakistan said to the Queen "I still consider my self to be your humble servant".

In return both country got citizens from their empire who are now living in UK and France form three generation and many follow Islam closely.
Islamophobia will fade away about one generation after the Islamic terror stops. It is very simple: Islamic terror breeds Islamophobia. Human beings calculate the danger around them by a variety of "clues". Catch a clue: Islamic terror has CAUSED rational humans to fear the people of Islam. It is simply an inherent probability calculation that Allah imbeded in the human brain to help protect the human organism from danger. Muslims can stop and reverse Islamophobia by stopping Islamic terrorism. Get busy getting your own house in order if you really want to change the risk calculations of non-believers. OR would you rather bask in the warm glow of victim hood?

I certainly believe that muslims have to take the first step here. It is they who have deviated from the true path and is they who will need to come back to the correct path first.

At the same time, it is not completely false to say that there are organized groups here and there who do have an irrational hatred of anything remote muslim or Islamic. Just like there are irrational haters of jews, blacks e.t.c and the haters justify this hate by building up whatever rational (in their mind) explanation they can come up with.

The wrong actions in the name of Islam has definitely compounded the problem but the existence of Islamaphobia (i.e. irrational fear of anything muslim or Islamic) is there. They will justify their hate by bringing up all sorts of prejudices no matter how wrong or UnIslamic they may be e.g. women are forced to wear the hijab against their wishes, that muslims are all violent people. "forced" arranged marriages, honor killings e.t.c. The larger effort has to be done by muslims themselves ofcourse, but non-muslims must also understand that this phenomenon exists and won't be eradicated without concerted effort to dispel these prejudices.
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We can go on giving proofs but the question is will you guys accept it. NO. Since everything according to you is Zionist christian Hindu buddhist conspiracy.

As far as giving links is concerned go to http:Faithfreedom.org | Busting the islamic mythsand you will find plently of articles from all over the world.

This is a perfect example of an Islamaphobic website. If you are seriously and honestly considering the truth. check out Faithfreedom.com - exposing the lies and vile propaganda behind faithfreedom.org and secularislam.org.
What is interesting is that the same company that this domain is registered to runs a series of similar Islamaphobic websites with similar themes (and in some cases exactly the same articles). They did change that a few months down the line when this was exposed on Faithfreedom.com but you can see screen-shots of websites before the changes were made.

If someone (or some people) are ready to spend so much time and money just to promote hatred against Islam and muslims on false bases what difference is there between them and say Al Qaeda propaganda videos. The answer is nothing if you are not being a hypocrite.

When you have a person (Ali Sina) running a website who is ready to nuke* all muslims (which included his family because "apparently" they are still muslim) discussing Islam, do you really believe he will be rational. If you believe that, then I have a Taj Mahal to sell you ;)

*He made this post on the forums that he runs on the website describing his solution to the "muslim problem"
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This is a perfect example of an Islamaphobic website. If you are seriously and honestly considering the truth. check out Faithfreedom.com - exposing the lies and vile propaganda behind faithfreedom.org and secularislam.org.
What is interesting is that the same company that this domain is registered to runs a series of similar Islamaphobic websites with similar themes (and in some cases exactly the same articles). They did change that a few months down the line when this was exposed on Faithfreedom.com but you can see screen-shots of websites before the changes were made.

Nobody can impose the truth on others, let people use their brains to see the truth.

For me sites like Faithfreedom.org/thereligionofpeace.com etc etc does speak the truth. It will be nice to see people refuting their articles logically.

If someone (or some people) are ready to spend so much time and money just to promote hatred against Islam and muslims on false bases what difference is there between them and say Al Qaeda propaganda videos.

Fortunately people use their brains to discriminate. And we do know who are the real hypocrites.
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Nobody can impose the truth on others, let people use their brains to see the truth.

For me sites like Faithfreedom.org/thereligionofpeace.com etc etc does speak the truth. It will be nice to see people refuting their articles logically.
Well even after knowing the fact that a person who wants to nuke all muslims, you think he will speak objectively about muslims or Islam, then this is your choice. People with brains and with atleast a sense of humanity will of course see the truth.

The thread was does Islamophobia exists? What do you think, yes or no? Sites like the ones you quoted are proof that it does. And if you can't see that, that is your choice, albeit an unfortunate one

Fortunately people use their brains to discriminate. And we do know who are the real hypocrites.

Did you spend atleast half the time on faithfreedom.com which refutes all the articles and much more?
Islamophobia will fade away about one generation after the Islamic terror stops. It is very simple: Islamic terror breeds Islamophobia. Human beings calculate the danger around them by a variety of "clues". Catch a clue: Islamic terror has CAUSED rational humans to fear the people of Islam. It is simply an inherent probability calculation that Allah imbeded in the human brain to help protect the human organism from danger. Muslims can stop and reverse Islamophobia by stopping Islamic terrorism. Get busy getting your own house in order if you really want to change the risk calculations of non-believers. OR would you rather bask in the warm glow of victim hood?

Dont you see our People dying on the streets in cold blood ever day and night ?

Dont know see our schools being blown up kids being kidnapped and women being tortured ?

Dont you see our Army Fighting those Thugs in the mountains to keep US (Humans) safe ?

We are doing what we can to stop what was a Counterproduction to US's doubble standards about Muslims and the rest of the World.

Terror is "Made in USA" it is a Product of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine , Indian occupation of Kashmir , US occupation and Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Its you Truthseeker who produced it "Used" it against USSR and when your job was done you didn't cleared your mess , you didn't disarm them and given them jobs instead of Ak-47's and RPG-7's.

You better start looking into your Discrimiatory policies and doubble standards about Palestenians and Israelis.

US has done NOTHING to stop India's illegal occupation on Kashmir but Instead they Invaded Iraq and afghanistan to Find one Basterd that the could have got killed by paying some money to his allies.

You Invaded Iraq , Afghanistan for what ???
150 Thousand People were Killed in Iraq and who killed them ? you did it.

If Islam produces terrorism , this is what you say ? & what is so wrong about how it gets produced and who provides the reasons for it to grow !

You Stop Invading our lands today , Help find solutions to solve our issues with Israel and India and it will all stop once in a while i promise.

We are doing our job , now its time to do yours or the generation you have "orphaned" in Iraq and Afghanistan would stand up after 20 years to take back the revenge of their loved ones once again.

There is no denying Islamophobia exists, but muslims them selves are not doing much to help themselves to get rid of this Islam bashing.

1. When any sucide bomber before going out to kill innocent people makes video in which he makes an excuse of Killing people for Islam, and he signs of with "Allah Ho akbar " - any one seeing these kind of videos will directly co-relate his voilent action to Islam.

2. There are Nut cases who propoud about converting whole of United Kigdom into Islam and they want Sharia laws to be implemented in the UK (Eg. Anju Chowdhary and the Mullah with the cooked Hook )

3. These guys staying in the UK Call for the Death of the British soilders and still think that people should not hate them.

4. Making a scene of prayers on the streets of London, There is no dearth of mosques in London. They just want to showoff and piss on other people.

Who is to blame for this kind of action.

All the above kind of actions makes the other people be scared of Islam and Islamists.

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