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Islamic terrorists kill 10 Egyptian soldiers

western media call them pro democracy or peaceful protesters they interview them and support them
You got to accept you threw the democrately elected government- and derailed the process for which thousands of Egyptian layed down their lives for and struggled for- you guys are back to square one under an dictatorship- The difference this time is if not all many Egyptians have tasted democracy and have sacrificed and lost enough to continue their struggle and fight to topple the new dictator unlike what we saw during totalitarian dictator Husni Mubarak-
You got to accept you threw the democrately elected government- and derailed the process for which thousands of Egyptian layed down their lives for and struggled for- you guys are back to square one under an dictatorship- The difference this time is if not all many Egyptians have tasted democracy and have sacrificed and lost enough to continue their struggle and fight to topple the new dictator unlike what we saw during totalitarian dictator Husni Mubarak-
i was one of the people in 25 jan revolution and what i hoped for in our leader in the future i found in el sisi it is not about democracy and for your information 25 jan became a dirty word in the streets people see it as the beginning of every thing bad happened in Egypt
another example is that western media consider russia and china dictatorships but their leaders are worth millions of all western leader
Too many on this thread misunderstand the complexity and the nuance of the current crisis in Egypt and are not aware of the history of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, nor do they understand that Egypt has been battling militant jihadism for around four decades.

Firstly, the current situation is a direct result of the security vacuum left by the 2011 Revolution and not the ouster of Morsi. After the 25th of 2011 militants were able to secure a foothold in the Sinai and carry out limited operations against security forces and infrastructure such as the gas lines that then supplied Israel and Jordan.

The situation deteriorated further as then President Mohammed Morsi began a campaign of presidential pardons to imprisoned 'political activists' and outright jihadists that then set up shop in the Sinai, this included the brother of AQ leader Ayman Alzwahiri, Mohammed Alzwahiri. The ousted president tolerated these groups naively thinking they would not conduct operations against the state as he was an 'islamic' president, he was wrong, on August of 2012 16 border guards were killed.

Morsi was continual obstacle in the face of an extensive military operation although operation Sinai was ongoing then Colonel General Elsisi was not happy with its scale but was continually ordered to stand down by Morsi. Of particular importance was an operation that resulted in the capture of six conscripts, the military and intelligence services negotiated directly with the captors through their trusted mediators, however, talks had collapsed and a military operation by Unit 777 ICT&HR was being prepared for, but they were eventually ordered to stand down by Morsi who had asked an influential Salafi figure instead to negotiate with the captors, those negotiations succeeded, however in return for their release prisoners were released and promise was made that they would not be pursued, this is all according to the Operational Commander of Unit 777 at the time.

So far the fight in the Sinai has resulted in the death of 234 security personnel from different institutions. Around 700 militants have been killed and a similar number to that arrested. The leaders of AQ in the Sinai have been arrested or killed as have the leaders of ABM.
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The account has almost been settled.

Sad tidings await pISI and his thugs.

So in reality you are no different than whom you despise. Well done, nice to know the thought process of those who support militant idiots.
There was a legitimate election that was unlawfully overthrown by a junta. I don't necessarily agree with this kind of violence, but I think they have a legitimate grieviance. The army has many many enemies so this won't be stopping any time soon with things as they are.

Well boo hoo. Now go and apologise to Iranians for over throwing their democratic government of Mosaddegh.
The reality is that hundreds of protesters including women and children were slaughtered.

So your solution is to kill conscripts and volunteers that had absolutely nothing to do with what happened? Genius.
The reality is that hundreds of protesters including women and children were slaughtered.

Why do inbred British Pakistanis like you have to get involve in other countries affairs? You want to do Jihad? Go to Egypt and we will see how Egyptian security forces deal with your inbred ***. Cheers.
The way to reach the king his through the bodies of his entourage.

And when his entourage happens to be your brother, cousin, uncle, neighbour, friend, and or anyone who has been conscripted into the Egyptian Armed Forces or Interior?

Do not hide behind the events of Rab3a to justify your views. What you believe and what you want is obvious.
Why do inbred British Pakistanis like you have to get involve in other countries affairs? You want to do Jihad? Go to Egypt and we will see how Egyptian security forces deal with your inbred ***. Cheers.

Because he's an uneducated thug in the streets of London like so many others over there. He starts crying at the crimes of TTP but he cheers at this crime killing security forces and the crimes of ISIS killing innocent people.

What can you call someone like that ?
2 faced or a million faced, sub-human I prefer.
Who decides whether the country is going in the 'wrong direction'? Just you? The army? The democratic process should be respected (at least more than a junta). I don't like the direction of my country either, but the people have made their choice and they must sink or swim with the choice they made. You have to respect the choice they made even if you didn't agree with it. What was the point of ousting Mubarak if all you were going to do is replace one junta with another?

I am sorry for any civilian casualties, but the government also has the blood of hundreds of protestors and political dissidents in their hands as well.

These secular terrorists are the worst enemies of democracy in the Muslim World. If these secular terrorists lose an election they incite the army to overthrow the elected government. Look how the Islamists in Tunisia have accepted defeat, why shouldn't they when the election is fair? This attitude is totally missing in most of the secular politicians in the Muslim World. Their all devouring hunger for power is linked to their ill motives of robbing and plundering the wealth of their nation. They become blind with hatred when they cannot usurp the rights of the people. They shout that only they know what is good for the nation and of course even a blind person can see that these vultures see their personal gains as the gains of the nation.

i am not in the army and el sisi was elected by the people

Sisi the thug designed an election that allowed only thugs to run and of course the result was a foregone conclusion! So stop preaching democracy under the wings of an illegitimate despot.
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