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Islamic Eschatology - Strategic importance!

I have come to this realisation that 'Al-Ihsan' disappeared long ago from the world of islam as soon as the Prophet pbuh & his caliphs RA left the centre stage of history. Since that age we have just been reduced to a robotic skeleton following the pied-piper. Mr Piper says 'go left' & we start walking to the left and then he changes tune and we start walking to the west.


During the Malhama, Israel will launch an attack on Pakistan....this is what Sheikh thinks....I hope he is wrong...
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It hurts to see God pushed out of society worldwide like we see today. It hurts that good Muslims are few and far in between positions of influence. It hurts that are yearning for better times, were justice is delivered and Islam is prominent in society in the right way. But, don't lose hope, I see common Muslims developing more and more attachment to the truth, their faith and to their brothers and sisters. This is a welcoming sign. The morally corrupt in positions of influence(all kinds, not just leadership) are enjoying their last term, if you want to see it that way.

Allah is very merciful, he could have just allowed the hour to occur without granting us an era in the end times where Islam will once again prevail in peoples hearts and we will be ruled by a rightly guided individual. During which we will establish Islam in society once again in the correct ways, and it will show in all avenues of our daily lives.

So we have to hold on longer and be patient. While also leading on with life as we normally would. Now, based on my readings/studies of ahadeeth and scholarly publications, majority of smaller signs have appeared. All that is left is the scholars at a point in time in Mecca will approach a man to take him as a leader, and that is who we believe is the Mahdi figure. For this to occur, we would be in need of a leader, and it is unlikely to happen if there is a government in control in Saudi Arabia. There is likely going to be some instability there around that time.

If you see that happen, don't partake in that fitnah. We may see various parties, foreign or local, think of at as an opportunity to assert themselves because they think they have the key to influence Islam and all Muslims from there. They will not succeed, Allah will protect Islam. Then he will arrange matters and we will see the bayah of a rightly guided individual. At this point, we will be safe from the previous fitn and can support him. He will begin in the Arab world, to establish justice in the lands and establish Islam. Allah knows best the means and how the rest will play out. It will be our duty as Muslims to establish Islam the right way. And it's Allah's merciful calling to Muslims as a group to reestablish Islam and good in our world.

Inshallah we see that time soon.


https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/how-1979-siege-mecca-haunts-house-saud [Mahdi factor in the siege of Holy Kaaba]

https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...ory.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.a293669d7d8f [Dabiq factor in ISIS chapter]

http://time.com/3430960/obama-isis-khorasan-terrorism/ [Khorasan factor in ISIS chapter]

What do you make of these? Perhaps some Muslims are misreading stuff and misleading others? Perhaps Dajjal will be something which we do not understand yet?

All three points brought up, is true, some Muslims have misread the prophecies. They are especially confused of the Mahdi, Dajjal and Isa, as well their subsequent order. Because they don't do their research usually. That being said, Dajjal is a real person and so is the Mahdi. They aren't analogies or concepts.


Proper order:

1.) Appearance of Mahdi:

-Rightly guided Muslim who will lead Muslims in end times and is understood to be a Caliph. He will not be known before he appears in Mecca between Rakn and Mqaam. He will appear there in Mecca(no doubt, all schools of thought and Ahahdeeth suggest this). He will not claim leadership or offer himself for it. Instead, there are three scenarios, first him being a local in Mecca or Medina that runs away from people and seeks refugee at the Kaaba, during which they pledge allegiance to him, then an a brigade or army comes from the northern direction or Shaam direction that is sunken into the ground on its way. Afterwards, many Muslims make allegiance to him as the Mahdi. The other is Allah will order him to go there, and scholars will be there to pledge allegiance to him. Lastly, he will appear in Hajj, people will recognize him, then killings will occur and he seeks refugee in Kaaba and they know him there. We don't know exactly what will happen or what is correct version.

However, 100% has to happen in Mecca, and the sinking of the army appears to be true. And also Allah will rectify him for leadership.

2.) Dajjal emerges near end of Mahdi's era(i think most know the details)

3.) Isa(AS) emerges in Damascus area, to end the Dajjal, then lead believers against Gag and Magog, then he will rule in Palestine.

4.) After Isa(AS) rule, a breeze will take all believers souls. Only bad people will remain on earth, and those people will witness the first blowing of the horn and the actual 'Last hour'. After an undisclosed period of time that Allah(SWT) knows after the breeze.

5.) We then will be resurrected after second blow of horn and Allah(SWT) will descend with a veil. We will be scared and seek help of the Prophets(AS) as Allah(SWT) will not begin judgement right away, but he will make some remarks. Then judgement begins.
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During the Malhama, Israel will launch an attack on Pakistan....this is what Sheikh thinks....I hope he is wrong...
I think he is wrong as they have india for this purpose ... isnt we already know that in case of world war Pakistan and India will also engage each other
I think he is wrong as they have india for this purpose ... isnt we already know that in case of world war Pakistan and India will also engage each other
Maybe Bharat will ALSO be involved.

Sheikh also says that if Pakistan has the curse of a Prophet on her it is unlikely that she will be saved....hence do not take the IMF bailout.
Maybe Bharat will ALSO be involved.

Sheikh also says that if Pakistan has the curse of a Prophet on her it is unlikely that she will be saved....hence do not take the IMF bailout.

Creation of Pakistan is a miracle in itself ... there is a reason only Israel and Pakistan has nukes ... Pakistan will get a heavy blow by India but ultimately we will fight back ... there are ahadis on ghazwa.e.hind as well ...

This is my belief that army from khurasan will be supported by Pakistan ... meanwhile we will be stopping india khurasanis will rescue imam mehdi ... however Allah knows the best
Creation of Pakistan is a miracle in itself ... there is a reason only Israel and Pakistan has nukes ... Pakistan will get a heavy blow by India but ultimately we will fight back ... there are ahadis on ghazwa.e.hind as well ...

This is my belief that army from khurasan will be supported by Pakistan ... meanwhile we will be stopping india khurasanis will rescue imam mehdi ... however Allah knows the best
What is your methodology for understanding ahadith relating to eschatology?
About 50% of khurasan hate Pakistan and the rest are not exactly friends of Pakistan.

Miracle or not. By swimming in riba, miracles are negating
What is your methodology for understanding ahadith relating to eschatology?
About 50% of khurasan hate Pakistan and the rest are not exactly friends of Pakistan.

Miracle or not. By swimming in riba, miracles are negating

I agree that riba is a curse but a vast majority of Pakistan still consider riba as haram ... i hope that our government will revert back to islam ...

Regarding khurasan taliban are coming back to power ... the oroginal taliban under leadership of mullah umar were true muslims ... lets hope that they will come back to power with all of their piousness ... regarding interpretation of hadith i am not competent enough to interpret ... i am simply believing on hadith regarfing ghazwa.e.hind although they do not belong to sahih hadith...
I agree that riba is a curse but a vast majority of Pakistan still consider riba as haram ... i hope that our government will revert back to islam ...

Regarding khurasan taliban are coming back to power ... the oroginal taliban under leadership of mullah umar were true muslims ... lets hope that they will come back to power with all of their piousness ... regarding interpretation of hadith i am not competent enough to interpret ... i am simply believing on hadith regarfing ghazwa.e.hind although they do not belong to sahih hadith...
But those who are competent on ahadith have great disagreement on their implications...especially since they are not authentic ahadith...so then I would ask why do you believe in them so strongly???

Hope is good but be realistic. Most Pakistanis I know in Pakistan are involved in riba...if they work in a bank or in an insurance company....try telling them that it is wrong and you should get another job....even if they are your cousins they will hate you for saying it....

What is needed is a national education on riba. The State must "brainwash" the people into thinking that riba is so evil, that the least worst riba is many times worse than committing incest with one's own mother. The people need to feel an emotional revulsion when they hear riba just like they would when they would hear about incest.

Afghan Taliban are only partially supported by Afghans. Even if NATO leaves...it will be difficult for them as many people do not like them.
But those who are competent on ahadith have great disagreement on their implications...especially since they are not authentic ahadith...so then I would ask why do you believe in them so strongly???

Hope is good but be realistic. Most Pakistanis I know in Pakistan are involved in riba...if they work in a bank or in an insurance company....try telling them that it is wrong and you should get another job....even if they are your cousins they will hate you for saying it....

What is needed is a national education on riba. The State must "brainwash" the people into thinking that riba is so evil, that the least worst riba is many times worse than committing incest with one's own mother. The people need to feel an emotional revulsion when they hear riba just like they would when they would hear about incest.

Afghan Taliban are only partially supported by Afghans. Even if NATO leaves...it will be difficult for them as many people do not like them.

I already do propagate against riba to everyone including my parents and siblings ...

Most Pakistanis are involved in riba is not a correct term ... most of Pakistani lives in villages where most of them even have access to riba even if they want ... there is a change going in our socirty ... so days of credit are diminishing and alot of new generation is realizing that this is haram ...

However there will always be people that will put duniya in priority then deen and we cant do anything about them ... the main concern is support of banking system by government for which we have to educate people ... may be sometime in future people realize and starts a movement against it ...

Regarding taliban control over people ... they are widely accepted in afghanistan and this is the sole reason that despjte of being punished for 17 years and spending trillions of dollar taliban are there as they represents people of afghanistan ...

Refgarding interretation of hadith i will always accept the words of aalim and researcher but israel attacking Pakistan is world politics and interpreting the current situation ... i feel that i am also competent in understanding the world political dynamics and have my own view ... so my views are based on my interpretation of political reality in light of interpretation of hadiths given by competent people ...

My reason of believe ... everyone knows that both Pak and Israel has nukes and any direct mega conflict between them will result in mutually assured destruction however on the other side we know that israel will become world leader after malhama so israel and Pakistan cannot be engaged directly in malhama ... however destruction of Pakistani nukes is also necessary as Pakistan will not tolerate any israeli attack on saudia so the only way israel can achieve is to engage india and Pakistan in mutual destruction game so that israel can enter arab states easily ...

I feel that Pakistan and India both will receive a huge below and many of the boundries might reshape in our region but slowly and gradually muslims of this region will start fighting bavk in gorilla form ... and will push bavk india and after dessimating remaining hindus they will come bavk to rescue of Imam mehdi A.S.
But those who are competent on ahadith have great disagreement on their implications...especially since they are not authentic ahadith...so then I would ask why do you believe in them so strongly???

Hope is good but be realistic. Most Pakistanis I know in Pakistan are involved in riba...if they work in a bank or in an insurance company....try telling them that it is wrong and you should get another job....even if they are your cousins they will hate you for saying it....

What is needed is a national education on riba. The State must "brainwash" the people into thinking that riba is so evil, that the least worst riba is many times worse than committing incest with one's own mother. The people need to feel an emotional revulsion when they hear riba just like they would when they would hear about incest.

Afghan Taliban are only partially supported by Afghans. Even if NATO leaves...it will be difficult for them as many people do not like them.

thts what i talkk about education on rothschild usury that all it takes and i game over. ppl will hate you for riba talk especially apney. taliban eradicated the drugs, satan does not need drug money he needs use the drugs to corrupt population.

o what the best market for Pakistan?
1. survival prepper
2. renewable energy solar panels etc
3.agrculture grow organic food and vacuum sealing food for longer preservation.
4.military training - gunsmithing etc.
5.gold and silver/barter- minting coins learn about evil Rothschilds and their octopus institutions.

I have not purchased house due to riba. I couldnt as i struggle as it is.
qualification total bull shit i never got a job in it.

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