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Islamic emirate in Afghanistan is an existential threat to Pakistan and national security threat to Iran and India: Iranian Foreign Minister

india will watch for the time being , if talibans keep themselves to afghanistan only we will never mind , if they try to become proxy of pakistan then we will move our policy in this region for thye benefit of india .
And what can India do if they didnt like what Taliban were doing? What can India do that Americans and NATO combined could not? Specifically after Afghanistan getting Russian and Chinese support on top of their own strength?
Guy, come back here and repeat your nonsense when you completely destroy the TTP in your own land.
If Taliban tries to fill the gap by enforcing its ruling system over people of Afghanistan, then the country will experience civil war even worse than the past, millions of refugees will end up in your borders, everyone having slightest ideological problem with your country, would try to recruit them and hence unrest in Pakistan. Zarif despite being an imbecile is right in that case. Talibs should be under control of people chosen government, drop their weapons and try for peace in the country. Government should also consider their wishes and allow them to have their own lives.

Jog on Persian. You dont know a shit about this region. Afghan Taliban got nothing to do with TTP who are on pay role of CIA and RAW. They have been largely crushed and we will crush them within Afghanistan as well with real Taliban help once yanks have been kicked out.

We had no issues in Pakistan when Taliban were ruling Afghanistan. Now they are already controlling 80% of Afghanistan and they crush anyone opposing their rule with ease.

Afghanistan is Pakistan backyard. You Persians should mind your own business and dont poke your nose in matters which are non of your concern. Stay focused on middle east.
What this Persian is saying, rather hoping, that after withdrawal, Iran reap all the benefit of war against yanks which Iran never fought to begin with.
WHAT DA FUK are you saying brooo?????C'mon man.
Iran-Quds force:
1. has provided weapons, Quds force men and agents, money and intelligence to Taliban over the last several years, and it generally increased over time, because of change in situational dynamics in Afghanistan....
2. Taliban has formal office in Iran, and many Taliban have been trained in Iran, now these might not be the main factions that Pakistan and the Taliban support, but they are still subservient to the Taliban, and fight under their banner.

TALIBAN took Iranian support as a strategy to not overrely on Pakistani ISI....Iran has come around on its relationship with the taliban, because the Taliban took a more pragmatic outlook towards Shia Iran. Iran and Taliban in recent years have had a good relationship...you forget Mullah Mansour was killed right after entering Pakistan/Afghanistan from Iran? Iran has deep relationship with Taliban and Al Qaeda leadership ALSO, but Iran keeps its mouth shut on it because there is no benefit to making noise about it, but if u know, YOU KNOW!
What are the reasons for enmity between Pakistan and Iran?
same reason for Iran- Saudi ARabia enmity- Difference in perception of how national leadership, motivation, desires and identity should be structured. Iran prefers more radical, different leadership and lifestyle, while Pakistan has a different, and Islamic too, way of doing things. Also, unfortunately, sectarian fault lines also irritates some sensitivities further.
You, guys, will figure it all out. Be it via talking or other means. Good for you.
See that is where you Iranians are dead wrong, if you follow up project Chahbhar, Kulbhoshan Yadev activities and Uzair baloch JIT and information which was leaked by media , he was spying for Iran, Killing for Iran, and so on. Iran give RAW agents a project literally next to highly contested Balochistan where Indian interference is not a secret, they openly talk about it. Now tell me as a good neighbor as you say you are, why you let Indians into this project when they are openly bragging about supporting BLA and BRA ? Don't tell me that your Govt was such innocent chaps that they did not even expect Indians to send Spies disguised as business men or workers in Chahbhar ?

Again, Pakistan is not divided on any Sectarians lines, Pakistan is majority Sunni hence Shia's are in minority, there is no division among them as they live together for many years, clashes happen when someone from Sunni side or Shia side cross the line, we have Sunni's who claim Shia kaffir and incite hate, on the other side we have Prominent Shia scholars openly insulting Sahabah, Wife of Prophet SAW. The reason why Shia killing gets more attention is because they are minority, Pakistan lost around 80K people in this war, and majority of them were Sunni's and yet when you talk to Shia's in Pakistan they will claim a systematic killing or Genocide, why ? because their orders comes from Tehran, how do i know this? your Sect works in similar way and your clergy has a hierarchy, Whatever Ayatuallah says Goes .

Your Sunni Population also have their sum of troubles, and so please don't play saints here, lets be real and adults. Iran we all know has spread its proxies in every country where Shia are in either minority or majority, from Pakistan to Afghanistan, from Syria to Yemen. Yes Pakistan did the same in Afghanistan, but we did it because of USSR, we can not allow USSR who was in bed with India to be on our western side while India is looking at us aggressively from East, USSR must be defeated in Afghanistan, hence we have to take such drastic actions like supporting Taliban, second US did try to do the same thing with Pakistan, India on east, America and NATO of west, pushing their proxies such as TTP , BLA , BRA , JuA inside Pakistan to keep it destabilize, now America is leaving and Taliban sooner or later will over power NA, this is not something Pakistan has to even support Taliban with, they are strong enough to take NA down with their warlords, you know why? because General Afghan public hate these Child rapists Warlords, and the alternate given to them was Taliban twisted Sunni Islamic state, for the Afghans it was either brutal child rapists NA warlords or Strictly fundamentalists Islamists, hence they pick Taliban over them.

Now if Iran was sincere with Pakistan, it would never allow Indians close to Balochistan, second would never supported Terrorists Organizations like Liwa Zainabyon or support Target killings, they didn't and hence people who are majority Sunni in Pakistan will have no choice but to see Shia Iran as suspicious.
What a Long list of bullshit.

You remind me of American propaganda machine. Btw, good luck
Iran looks like it’s getting ready to send in its proxy army into Afghanistan. Herat and the border with Iran will be the deciding factor whether they get easy access or harder access through central Asia into Afghanistan.
You're probably right....but at the end of the day, Iran only enters venues that have chaos, a good position can be realized, and there is influence to win....Pakistan and US made Afghanistan a mess, so when US leaves you expect Iran to just sit back and let every other country infilitrate Afghanistan further, INCLUDING Pakistan? ITs natural for countries to compete. Tbh, Iran wont let any country control Herat, just not possible, at worst Iran can annex Herat and Farah province into IRan...Iran has already annexed them culturally, educationally, religiously, only formal govt is left to change.
The Gulf Arabs should press the Americans to allow the Taliban to cut off the Iranians on that axis, before the pullout, at the very least. It will prevent a lot of clean up as has to be done in Iraq and Syria.
Just not possible....Iran wont let any power seal off its border with Afghanistan...Iran sees western Afghanistan as being part of its natural overseas old Persian territories....if Taliban in a govt or some other group from the center threatens Iran, Iran will snatch Herat and move in troops for buffer, Pakistan and US wont be able to deploy a counter early enough.
Jog on Persian. You dont know a shit about this region. Afghan Taliban got nothing to do with TTP who are on pay role of CIA and RAW. They have been largely crushed and we will crush them within Afghanistan as well with real Taliban help once yanks have been kicked out.

We had no issues in Pakistan when Taliban were ruling Afghanistan. Now they are already controlling 80% of Afghanistan and they crush anyone opposing their rule with ease.

Afghanistan is Pakistan backyard. You Persians should mind your own business and dont poke your nose in matters which are non of your concern. Stay focused on middle east.

Don't waste your breath kid. I am not Persian, never had the Honor.
What a Long list of bullshit.

You remind me of American propaganda machine. Btw, good luck

Which Part, do care to tell me? just because you don't like what i write doesn't make it BS. Plus what i wrote had literally nothing and I repeat Nothing to do with America lol
Which Part, do care to tell me? just because you don't like what i write doesn't make it BS. Plus what i wrote had literally nothing and I repeat Nothing to do with America lol
America wants war between Iran and Pakistan. Their propaganda Machine works 24/7/365. And your BS is what I see on CNN and BBC. Honestly, i don't care about your BS.
Don't waste your breath kid. I am not Persian, never had the Honor.

Little brat, if you are not Persian, then consider yourself lucky, otherwise what a stigma and humiliation to carry throughout your miserable life. :D
America wants war between Iran and Pakistan. Their propaganda Machine works 24/7/365. And your BS is what I see on CNN and BBC. Honestly, i don't care about your BS.

When did I even mentioned America ? America has nothing to do with your Decision on bringing Indians to Chahbhar right? Uzair Baloch travel to Iran several time and hold Iranians passport, was it America ? dude you seems to be confused, rather than seeing the negative of Iran you are blaming America for the amenities between Iran and Pakistan? Dude for Americans Iran and Pakistan are same.
WHAT DA FUK are you saying brooo?????C'mon man.
Iran-Quds force:
1. has provided weapons, Quds force men and agents, money and intelligence to Taliban over the last several years, and it generally increased over time, because of change in situational dynamics in Afghanistan....
2. Taliban has formal office in Iran, and many Taliban have been trained in Iran, now these might not be the main factions that Pakistan and the Taliban support, but they are still subservient to the Taliban, and fight under their banner.

TALIBAN took Iranian support as a strategy to not overrely on Pakistani ISI....Iran has come around on its relationship with the taliban, because the Taliban took a more pragmatic outlook towards Shia Iran. Iran and Taliban in recent years have had a good relationship...you forget Mullah Mansour was killed right after entering Pakistan/Afghanistan from Iran? Iran has deep relationship with Taliban and Al Qaeda leadership ALSO, but Iran keeps its mouth shut on it because there is no benefit to making noise about it, but if u know, YOU KNOW

What the fk are you smoking BRO??

Taliban were , are and will be Pakistani proxy. Every single of their leadership, past, present and future have direct links to Pakistan. Ever heard of Haqqani network?

Iran has been "allowed" to dabble here by Pakistan for more strategic reason but if you are under any illusion that Iran has any control over Taliban, the most successful and deadly militia ( hizbollah and other Iranian proxies dont even qualify to lift Taliban balls :D) you need to wake up and smell the coffee. There are reason why Pakistan is so dominant in the peace efforts going on between Taliban and America.
All these talks are just hot air guys, lets see if Americans truly leave Afghanistan or not.

If they leave then the consequences would be interesting for all regional countries which hold stake in Afghanistan.
Iran for instance has influence not only among the Talibs but also among Shias of Afghanistan. The most important stake holders are Pakistan and Iran. And if, there is a big if to it, USA leaves then i hope for regional cooperation. That will benefit each and everyone, otherwise Afghanistan will never see peace again. The worst case scenario is Endless competition over influencing the country and it will further divide the divided society of Afghanistan.
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