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Islamic emirate in Afghanistan is an existential threat to Pakistan and national security threat to Iran and India: Iranian Foreign Minister

Much as Pakistan would like to believe, the Taliban is not their proxy. In fact, they are nobody's proxy. They are Pashtuns after all -- a fiercely independent people as history will attest. The brook no foreigners, be they US/NATO or fellow Muslims.

And like Pashtuns, do they accept the Durrand line? Probably not.

Plus, one must take note of Iran-Taliban relations. People think the Taliban is some monolith, but it's made up of factions, some based in Pakistan but some also based in Iran. And Iran will play its card in the region once the US leaves:


What an interesting dynamic in Afghanistan, especially between Iran and Pakistan. :pop:

As for India, it will have to accept the situation. This is not the 1990s after all, and India will not be caught off guard. But if there's a terrorist attack in Pakistan post-US withdrawal, please don't blame India since its assets were wiped out by super-duper spy agency ISI. :enjoy:
You'll do well to notice;

1. Afghanistan is soverign territory.
2. It shares a border with Iran too.

If we don't treat it like it's a sovereign territory, we're going to create trouble for ourselves down the line. The Taliban are only loyal to us whilst they need us.
for the world yes Afghanistan is a soverign country but in reality, it is our backyard. we need to fence it proper and make it clean and beautiful and why would let our neighbour play in our garden when Iran didn't fight the war, they didn't lose thousands of lives and billions of dollar. they were not the ones who were facing terrorism for the past 2 decades. also, they had a glove in hand with Americans against the Taliban in the early years of the American invasion. why would we let Iran play the sectarian game in Afghanistan just because they are neighbours doesn't mean we let them play their game in our backyard.
what do you think for Pakistan? Are we going to become another Iran? with Stuff going like TLP
No, I doubt it but if we did, we would be10 times worse then Iran. You see he Iranian Shia clergy is highly integrated and cohesive. It is very regimented, institutional with ranks almost like the Anglican Church or even the catholic church. This is because shia clergy have a long history of symbiotic relationship with the Persian state.


In Pakistan religion is very divided and split into so many factions. Beyond the sects we have so many factions and they rarely agree on anything. This makes for chaos but also less chance of them being able to take over the state. Although in theory they could bring about a collapse of the state on one point agenda but then after that they would begi killing each other as they would crack along the various factions and personalties. I mean look at TLP. It is following the true Pakistani dynastic politics. We go senior Bhutto, senior Sharif spawning loads of junior Bhuttos an Sharifs. TLP in keeping with this tradition has seen junior Rizvi take over after the demise of his father.

Keep it in the family I guess ....
Much as Pakistan would like to believe, the Taliban is not their proxy.
Nobody in Pakistan has EVER said they our proxy. This is a allegation India and others make. Taliban are just more acceptable to Pakistan then others like Tajiks of Northern Alliance etc.

Or another way of saying it is Pakistan and Taliban have greater areas of convergence then other groups but that does not mean there are no areas of divergence either.
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
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Nothing will happen Zarif need not worry. Iran should join hands with Pakistan (which it is) and help Afghanistan.
The Ariana region will know peace.
Lol what is he talking about? Pakistan is the mother of taliban terrorists without them there wouldn’t be any taliban. Pakistanis support al qaeda and taliban and other terrorists in Kashmir!

Terrorists in Kashmir, what of those asking for their rights, woman and kids? The Indian forces have done things just as bad, even worse at times than the Israelis . Do you know the two are close friends as well?
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Lol what is he talking about? Pakistan is the mother of taliban terrorists without them there wouldn’t be any taliban. Pakistanis support al qaeda and taliban and other terrorists in Kashmir

Yes that’s right how come the terrorists are threat to Pakistan when Pakistan is supporting the terrorists?!:lol:

PAKISTAN will ruthlessly look after it's own interests, do you want us to get destroyed like Iraq instead?
Guy, come back here and repeat your nonsense when you completely destroy the TTP in your own land.
If Taliban tries to fill the gap by enforcing its ruling system over people of Afghanistan, then the country will experience civil war even worse than the past, millions of refugees will end up in your borders, everyone having slightest ideological problem with your country, would try to recruit them and hence unrest in Pakistan. Zarif despite being an imbecile is right in that case. Talibs should be under control of people chosen government, drop their weapons and try for peace in the country. Government should also consider their wishes and allow them to have their own lives.

@Muhammed45 - one sincere question to you (as you are an iranian).....

If taliban afghanistan is threat to Iran, then why did not Iran help USA to eliminate this threat in the last 20 years? Is your fear / enemity of USA bigger than the threat posed by taliban??
Really why do these Pakistanis hate us

Kulbhoshan Yadev , Uzair Baloch and Iran support of Terrorists Organizations like Zainabyon, also supporting Sectarians unrest in Pakistan using target killings, and cross border attacks from IRGC, I want to see a nice healthy relationship between two countries but unfortunately Pakistan is majority Sunni and Iran is Majority Shia hence the divide is not just border, but on religious grounds as well.
@Muhammed45 - one sincere question to you (as you are an iranian).....

If taliban afghanistan is threat to Iran, then why did not Iran help USA to eliminate this threat in the last 20 years? Is your fear / enemity of USA bigger than the threat posed by taliban??
You answered your question my friend. USA is the biggest threat to our national security. There is a reason that they are surrounding us, from west, East and the South.
We had to make them bleed and force them into leaving the region. We might have problems with Talibs but its not unsolvable. Our problem with Talibs is not ideological. Once an American analyst wrote in an article that Iran and USA can never make peace unless one of the 2 is completely destroyed. I agree with him.
Kulbhoshan Yadev , Uzair Baloch and Iran support of Terrorists Organizations like Zainabyon, also supporting Sectarians unrest in Pakistan using target killings, and cross border attacks from IRGC, I want to see a nice healthy relationship between two countries but unfortunately Pakistan is majority Sunni and Iran is Majority Shia hence the divide is not just border, but on religious grounds as well.
We have had terrorists coming into our country from our neighbours but it doesn't mean the people of respected country is our enemy. It is a fact that Pakistani society is divided into religious sects because of Saudi dominance in the country but Iran is not. We live together with our Sunni brothers and sisters. Why not? But in case of Pakistan, it is a different story.
Pakistanis support al qaeda and taliban and other terrorists in Kashmir

Since when AQ and Taliban start appearing in Kashmir?, Aby Rajesh at least show your real name and flag, Why are you so ashamed of your own identity? call center Scammers, apne aap ko real ka Peter or William samjhne lage ho kia hahaha
is there any RELIABLE news source to have quoted the iranian foreign minister as having said this or is it just the afghan tabloid news source tolo newj & a shady indian twitter troll account?
We have had terrorists coming into our country from our neighbours but it doesn't mean the people of respected country is our enemy. It is a fact that Pakistani society is divided into religious sects because of Saudi dominance in the country but Iran is not. We live together with our Sunni brothers and sisters. Why not? But in case of Pakistan, it is a different story.

See that is where you Iranians are dead wrong, if you follow up project Chahbhar, Kulbhoshan Yadev activities and Uzair baloch JIT and information which was leaked by media , he was spying for Iran, Killing for Iran, and so on. Iran give RAW agents a project literally next to highly contested Balochistan where Indian interference is not a secret, they openly talk about it. Now tell me as a good neighbor as you say you are, why you let Indians into this project when they are openly bragging about supporting BLA and BRA ? Don't tell me that your Govt was such innocent chaps that they did not even expect Indians to send Spies disguised as business men or workers in Chahbhar ?

Again, Pakistan is not divided on any Sectarians lines, Pakistan is majority Sunni hence Shia's are in minority, there is no division among them as they live together for many years, clashes happen when someone from Sunni side or Shia side cross the line, we have Sunni's who claim Shia kaffir and incite hate, on the other side we have Prominent Shia scholars openly insulting Sahabah, Wife of Prophet SAW. The reason why Shia killing gets more attention is because they are minority, Pakistan lost around 80K people in this war, and majority of them were Sunni's and yet when you talk to Shia's in Pakistan they will claim a systematic killing or Genocide, why ? because their orders comes from Tehran, how do i know this? your Sect works in similar way and your clergy has a hierarchy, Whatever Ayatuallah says Goes .

Your Sunni Population also have their sum of troubles, and so please don't play saints here, lets be real and adults. Iran we all know has spread its proxies in every country where Shia are in either minority or majority, from Pakistan to Afghanistan, from Syria to Yemen. Yes Pakistan did the same in Afghanistan, but we did it because of USSR, we can not allow USSR who was in bed with India to be on our western side while India is looking at us aggressively from East, USSR must be defeated in Afghanistan, hence we have to take such drastic actions like supporting Taliban, second US did try to do the same thing with Pakistan, India on east, America and NATO of west, pushing their proxies such as TTP , BLA , BRA , JuA inside Pakistan to keep it destabilize, now America is leaving and Taliban sooner or later will over power NA, this is not something Pakistan has to even support Taliban with, they are strong enough to take NA down with their warlords, you know why? because General Afghan public hate these Child rapists Warlords, and the alternate given to them was Taliban twisted Sunni Islamic state, for the Afghans it was either brutal child rapists NA warlords or Strictly fundamentalists Islamists, hence they pick Taliban over them.

Now if Iran was sincere with Pakistan, it would never allow Indians close to Balochistan, second would never supported Terrorists Organizations like Liwa Zainabyon or support Target killings, they didn't and hence people who are majority Sunni in Pakistan will have no choice but to see Shia Iran as suspicious.
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