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Islamic emirate in Afghanistan is an existential threat to Pakistan and national security threat to Iran and India: Iranian Foreign Minister

Zarif doesn't know what he is talking about anymore, with JCPOA dying Zarif is experiencing Schyzophernia.
I agree with that such statements will turn your friends and brothers against you my man. Not wise at all.
India's body count of Muslims pales in comparison to Pakistan's Body count of Muslims
A lot of those included in these body counts didn't have khatne(circumcision) my dear Indian.
current Irani regime is an American proxy and bossom buddies of india.
they are facilitator of Indian terrorism already
terror in Blochistan

They are not American proxy, but their foreign minister's mention of India is an indication of the things to come. Iran-India cooperation has the potential to become very problematic. Unlike US, Iran is never leaving the region so don't take this lightly.

One problem I can see is that Pakistanis are too soft when it comes to dealing with Arabs and Iranians.
Indians should pray... Just for their sake yanks dont leave afghanistan.....
You have been doing that for the past 70 years and we have been able to resist it ...India is India...neither friendly nor unfriendly towards Muslims...It is Muslim majority countries in the region that have killed Muslims by the hundreds of thousands....

India's body count of Muslims pales in comparison to Pakistan's Body count of Muslims

India is a hindutva extremist communal state

You can't go down the rabbit hole and then act like some innocent bakht
no, crafty injun. guess who's been shafting your surmas at the LOC since 1948? guess who carved out Pakistan out of British India? it is Shian e Ali. iranis are being ruled/occupied by cypto fire-jumping Aryans/Parsis

shias and sunnis live amicably in india , they rejected to go to pakistan .
I have returned it bro. Now can we talk?

I really actually have bro.

with american flag ?
it looks great .
any way we are in afghanistan, iran .
your people say we are operating inside pakistan ?
shias and sunnis live amicably in india , they rejected to go to pakistan .

with american flag ?
it looks great .
any way we are in afghanistan, iran .
your people say we are operating inside pakistan ?
Indians should pray... Just for their sake yanks dont leave afghanistan.....

we were there even during taliban regime , northern alliance guys were our own men .
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