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Islamic emirate in Afghanistan is an existential threat to Pakistan and national security threat to Iran and India: Iranian Foreign Minister

Iran looks like it’s getting ready to send in its proxy army into Afghanistan. Herat and the border with Iran will be the deciding factor whether they get easy access or harder access through central Asia into Afghanistan.

The Gulf Arabs should press the Americans to allow the Taliban to cut off the Iranians on that axis, before the pullout, at the very least. It will prevent a lot of clean up as has to be done in Iraq and Syria.
Much as Pakistan would like to believe, the Taliban is not their proxy. In fact, they are nobody's proxy. They are Pashtuns after all -- a fiercely independent people as history will attest. The brook no foreigners, be they US/NATO or fellow Muslims.

And like Pashtuns, do they accept the Durrand line? Probably not.

Plus, one must take note of Iran-Taliban relations. People think the Taliban is some monolith, but it's made up of factions, some based in Pakistan but some also based in Iran. And Iran will play its card in the region once the US leaves:


What an interesting dynamic in Afghanistan, especially between Iran and Pakistan. :pop:

As for India, it will have to accept the situation. This is not the 1990s after all, and India will not be caught off guard. But if there's a terrorist attack in Pakistan post-US withdrawal, please don't blame India since its assets were wiped out by super-duper spy agency ISI. :enjoy:

There are more Pushtuns in Pakistan than Afghanistan. Between 35-40% of Pakistan's population is Pushtun.
@Big Tank has iran supported Musalmans ever in history? its always Iran (not shias) siding with enemies of Islam and working to destroy Islamic unity!
Iran looks like it’s getting ready to send in its proxy army into Afghanistan. Herat and the border with Iran will be the deciding factor whether they get easy access or harder access through central Asia into Afghanistan.

The Gulf Arabs should press the Americans to allow the Taliban to cut off the Iranians on that axis, before the pullout, at the very least. It will prevent a lot of clean up as has to be done in Iraq and Syria.

They can't do crap. It will be a bloodbath between Tajiks, Uzbeks and Pashtun. Is that what these people are longing for? I know which side I am on. We have a border with Afghanistan and we will support our side.

Those who think that they can apply force and get their wish are sorely wrong. Look at the Americans after two decades. Who has bigger and better weapons than the Americans? We all know how they ended up. India, Iran or anyone is free to test their mettle in Afghanistan. We are ready as always.
Does this guy got a peanut size brain? Does he not know that Taliban are Pakistan's proxy.

Its like saying Hezbollah is existential threat to Iran! What a moron! LOL
This is where Iranians entirelly lose the plot. No wonder they are the most sanctioned country on earth. They could have been economic giant and have a economy that matched France but alas ...

  • Emirate of Afghanistan? Yes sir!
  • 51st state of USA? No sir!
Guy, come back here and repeat your nonsense when you completely destroy the TTP in your own land.
If Taliban tries to fill the gap by enforcing its ruling system over people of Afghanistan, then the country will experience civil war even worse than the past, millions of refugees will end up in your borders, everyone having slightest ideological problem with your country, would try to recruit them and hence unrest in Pakistan. Zarif despite being an imbecile is right in that case. Talibs should be under control of people chosen government, drop their weapons and try for peace in the country. Government should also consider their wishes and allow them to have their own lives.
We have fenced the border and can easily close it and shoot any unwanted visitors this time. They will be forced to move to Iran or some Central Asian state which will probably also collapse and then lead to a domino effect which will directly affect Russia and China, prompting America to get involved and bringing the region back to square one, except there is no more infilitrating Afghans in Pakistan.
This is where Iranians entirelly lose the plot. No wonder they are the most sanctioned country on earth. They could have been economic giant and have a economy that matched France but alas ...

  • Emirate of Afghanistan? Yes sir!
  • 51st state of USA? No sir!
Iran mistake not launching nukes then negotiate instead they negotiate then build nukes I still would take Iran over Turkey in some regards but meh at this point anything but the Gulf Sheikhdoms
IF and when the americans leave Afghanistan then it is means there are ONLY 2 winners of the war on terror. PAKISTAN and the Taliban. The following are the losers: america, the West, NATO, Iraq, Syria and Libya.
Iran Lecturing Pakistan?? Man, why open your mouths when you've got problems of your own with Mossad wreaking havoc?

This is what bugs me about Iranian leadership, constantly sticking their noses in everything.

How many existential threats does Iran have these days? Better not to piss Pakistan off too and stay out of our business.

Brilliant though how all the regional monkeys on bicycles are panicking over Biden's announcement. I'm beginning to hope they actually withdraw, just to see Indians and Iranians panicking.
Taliban were created by Pakistan. They are on the table because of Pakistan. Taliban are to Pakistan what Hezbollah is for Iran. Nothing will change with regards to this relationship between Taliban and Pakistan. Mullah Baradar who is leading Taliban's negotiation was released by Pakistan so he can take charge of peace process. The current Taliban supreme leader, Mullah Hibatullah , is apparently living in Pakistan. Most of Talibans and their leaders have economic and family interests in Pakistan. Most of them were actually born in Pakistan as refuges during war with Soviets. Just few facts.
Why do you want to support Taliban?
Don't forget. Iran is mullacracy. So expect mullah logic.

Aren't their Mullahs usually more educated and nationalist than ours?

PS Bro, OFF TOPIC but the americans need to leave and concentrate on fixing their own country. White americans are dying out and more and more white american women are breeding with the blacks.
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