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Islamic emirate in Afghanistan is an existential threat to Pakistan and national security threat to Iran and India: Iranian Foreign Minister

so now Iran is worried about Pak. Well now everyone wants to have a piece of the Afghan pie. Guess what, Pak has cooked it alone got burn and waited for a long time so, I don't think Pak wanna share the tasty yummy victory with anyone.

To be honest this is not a sensible approach. Iran and Pakistan should cooperate so that whoever ends up in control in Afghanistan is not a threat to either nation. Otherwise either Pakistan or Iran will be working to undermine the other in Afghanistan.
Much as Pakistan would like to believe, the Taliban is not their proxy. In fact, they are nobody's proxy. They are Pashtuns after all -- a fiercely independent people as history will attest. The brook no foreigners, be they US/NATO or fellow Muslims.

And like Pashtuns, do they accept the Durrand line? Probably not.

Plus, one must take note of Iran-Taliban relations. People think the Taliban is some monolith, but it's made up of factions, some based in Pakistan but some also based in Iran. And Iran will play its card in the region once the US leaves:


What an interesting dynamic in Afghanistan, especially between Iran and Pakistan. :pop:

As for India, it will have to accept the situation. This is not the 1990s after all, and India will not be caught off guard. But if there's a terrorist attack in Pakistan post-US withdrawal, please don't blame India since its assets were wiped out by super-duper spy agency ISI. :enjoy:
To be honest this is not a sensible approach. Iran and Pakistan should cooperate so that whoever ends up in control in Afghanistan is not a threat to either nation. Otherwise either Pakistan or Iran will be working to undermine the other in Afghanistan.
why would Pakistan share? it is a matter of national security. You don't give access to your backyard to anyone, not even your neighbours. Pakistan national security is integrated with Afghan security and Pak once compromised (in 2001) will never do that again.
Don't care much for Afghanistan but Taliban Government in Afghanistan will strengthen their triumphant ideological kin in Pakistan, who will use Afghanistan as shelter. During Taliban rule Afghanistan refused to return Lashkar-e-Jhangvi terrorists. On a side note, the unapologetic crackdown on extremist TLP is also a unintentional message to others that the state won't tolerate Islamists who frequently put Islam aside and spread chaos when pursuing their political agenda. If these lunatics are strengthened say good bye to Geo-economic shift Pakistani is desperate for.
there is no enmity , but some tension because of two sect named shias and sunnis .
no, crafty injun. guess who's been shafting your surmas at the LOC since 1948? guess who carved out Pakistan out of British India? it is Shian e Ali. iranis are being ruled/occupied by cypto fire-jumping Aryans/Parsis
What is he, a spokesman for India? Why did he have to add "India" at the end? So after US presence is gone, would Iran be the new facilitator of Indian terrorism?

I think it's time Pakistan considered developing a working relationship with Israel.

afghanistan is not PDF where you pakistanis can write anything and getaway with it .if you do any mischief in afghanistan you will suffer worse than what you are suffering today .
Let's see if USA truly leaves Afghanistan.

Americans are aware that we will unite Sunnis and Shias in our fight against Jews in the west. Remains to be seen, would they leave or pay the price of securing Israeli interests in Islamic world non stop. Until then, we can continue our discussion.

Good Luck guys :enjoy:
why would Pakistan share? it is a matter of national security. You don't give access to your backyard to anyone, not even your neighbours. Pakistan national security is integrated with Afghan security and Pak once compromised (in 2001) will never do that again.

You'll do well to notice;

1. Afghanistan is soverign territory.
2. It shares a border with Iran too.

If we don't treat it like it's a soverign territory, we're going to create trouble for ourselves down the line. The Taliban are only loyal to us whilst they need us.
India will not be tolerated in anyway in Afghanistan or the region

India is a hindutva extremist communal state and an enemy of all Muslims

Pakistan will direct the ISI to mercilessly hound this enemy in the region and beyond

You have been doing that for the past 70 years and we have been able to resist it ...India is India...neither friendly nor unfriendly towards Muslims...It is Muslim majority countries in the region that have killed Muslims by the hundreds of thousands....

India's body count of Muslims pales in comparison to Pakistan's Body count of Muslims
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