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Islamic emirate in Afghanistan is an existential threat to Pakistan and national security threat to Iran and India: Iranian Foreign Minister

Iran showing its true colors... always double faced. Supported US invasion of Afghanistan/Iraq later armed militants against them. Supported Talibans now willing to arm indian aligned/northern alliance. Pakistani people need to wake up. First step is to accept, second step is to deal with the traitors cult worshippers amongst our midst who support Iran more than their own homeland, third step is to build a regional alliance with Israel/turkey/arabs against the iranian snake.

I gaurantee you people this decade will see a huge increase in tensions between iran-pakistan. It is simply inevitable as our interest are complete polar opposites within the middle east/central asia/south asian region. Dont forget Iran has economically attempted to blackmail Pakistan via Chabar port and now attempting to circumvent CPEC completely via routes through afghanistan.

It is imperative we protect our interest in Afghanistan especially after so many lives lost, so much money spend. The last thing we need is an afghanistan in the iranian/indian camp. Afghans especially the pushtun/sunni majority hates Iran and would support Pakistan over iran any day of the weak. Most afghans know how well they were treated in pakistan vis via iran. We must establish more good will in a smart way. An Islamic emirates of Afghanistan would naturally support pakistan/turkey/GCC against an iranians menace.
You have done whatever you could in the last 20 years. As for the future India has no role in the future of the region. Now if you try to do any funny thing after US leaves it will be a bloodbath for you guys.

who will do bloodbath ? pakistan ?
we were there with northern alliance , india iran and russia were backing them . you could do nothing .
i am confident pakistan will not do any mischief , will take care of it's own problem of failing economy, TLP, PTM, TTP, BALOCHISTAN and CPEC .
Taliban were created by Pakistan. They are on the table because of Pakistan. Taliban are to Pakistan what Hezbollah is for Iran. Nothing will change with regards to this relationship between Taliban and Pakistan. Mullah Baradar who is leading Taliban's negotiation was released by Pakistan so he can take charge of peace process. The current Taliban supreme leader, Mullah Hibatullah , is apparently living in Pakistan. Most of Talibans and their leaders have economic and family interests in Pakistan. Most of them were actually born in Pakistan as refuges during war with Soviets. Just few facts.

What this Persian is saying, rather hoping, that after withdrawal, Iran reap all the benefit of war against yanks which Iran never fought to begin with. Pakistan will never allow that. Pakistan will have the last say, and that is beneficial for CPEC as well.
I agree with you. Those are facts, no doubt.

I am saying another fact. Taliban relies on Pakistan to counter Yankees, but not any more soon.

Just like Vietnam relied on China to counter Yankees back in 60s-70s. Did you see Vietnam appreciate Chinese help after the war? No, they don't.

Vietnam changed the history in their school books. The current Vietnam government was literally created and protected by Chinese government. The Vietnam will not survive without Chinese back in 60s-70s.

I am not saying Vietnam is ungrateful, I am saying:
"This is quite a game, politics. There are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests."

It's very true that Pakistan still hold quite some leverages over Taliban, there was friendship.

But it's also very true that Taliban is more and more independent. The day Yankee leave Afghanistan, the day Taliban is no one's proxy. They are an power which will be admitted by many powers around, such as Russia, China, and so on.

Literally no one is interested to repeat Yankee failure, no one want to build Afghanistan. It's unavoidable that Taliban will be in charge.

Pakistan & Taliban relationship will be very important for Pakistan. Pakistan doesn't want two front war neither.
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I agree with you. Those are facts, no doubt.

I am saying another fact. Taliban relies on Pakistan to counter Yankees, but not any more soon.

Just like Vietnam relied on China to counter Yankees back in 70s. Did you see Vietnam appreciate Chinese help after the war? No, they don't.

Vietnam changed the history in their school books. The current Vietnam government was literally created and protected by Chinese government. The Vietnam will not survive without Chinese back in 60s-70s.

I am not saying Vietnam is ungrateful, I am saying:
"This is quite a game, politics. There are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests."

It's very true that Pakistan still hold quite some leverages over Taliban, there was friendship.

But it's also very true that Taliban is more and more independent. The day Yankee leave Afghanistan, the day Taliban is no one's proxy. They are an power which will be admit by many powers around, such as Russia, China, and so on.

Literally no one is interested to repeat Yankee failure, no one want to build Afghanistan. It's unavoidable that Taliban will be in charge.

Pakistan & Taliban relationship will be very important for Pakistan. Pakistan doesn't want two front war neither.

I agree with your point but things to consider is that the taliban rely far more on Pakistan than the vietcong did on china. Most of the talibans leadership were educated and have lived in pakistan for many decades. They are more familiar with pakistan than they are with afghanistan since they have spent far more time in pakistan. Furthermore over a decade of pakistani assistance to the taliban has created much goodwill. Also the fact that afghanistan will have to rely on pakistan economically once they take over.

I agree the taliban are far more logical today than they were pre 2001. They are more open to trade/relations with iran/india/the west/etc... but that does not mean it will be at the detriment of pakistan. Every nation has the right to pursue relations for their national interest. THe problem becomes when certain nations stroke bloodshed in afghanistan by supplying weapons to minority groups. Such as what Iran/india have done in the past.

You cannot use minority groups and their anger to attack the majority and expect the majority to just sit back and watch. Much of the ethnic conflict today in afghanistan has irans/indians fingerprint all over it.
Why would you not? Would you not defend your soil if occupied by foreign forces?
But Taliban is a regressive organization which intends to take Afghanistan 1000 years back. It rejects democracy, modernity, fraternity, etc. Your cause for Kashmir gets even more fragile when you vigorously support organizations like this. I think Pakistan along with India and other world powers should support the Afghan government which promises democracy as it will ensure a stable Afghanistan and for once, Pakistan and India will be on the same side.
But Taliban is a regressive organization which intends to take Afghanistan 1000 years back. It rejects democracy, modernity, fraternity, etc. Your cause for Kashmir gets even more fragile when you vigorously support organizations like this. I think Pakistan along with India and other world powers should support the Afghan government which promises democracy as it will ensure a stable Afghanistan and for once, Pakistan and India will be on the same side.
I would rather wall the afgan border, and have nothing to do with the taliban. Let the taliban nutcase rot there. If Iran wants to dance with them, let them. Not our problem.
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What are the reasons for enmity between Pakistan and Iran?
India & shia expansionism
who will do bloodbath ? pakistan ?
we were there with northern alliance , india iran and russia were backing them . you could do nothing .
i am confident pakistan will not do any mischief , will take care of it's own problem of failing economy, TLP, PTM, TTP, BALOCHISTAN and CPEC .
PTM TTP BLA is the reason why leadership scrapped plan A(support afghn govt) and went to plan b(make usa leave)
In fact, corrupt politicians on foreign payroll are the real existantial threats. Iranians are trying to distract our attention to elsewhere.
who will do bloodbath ? pakistan ?
we were there with northern alliance , india iran and russia were backing them . you could do nothing .
i am confident pakistan will not do any mischief , will take care of it's own problem of failing economy, TLP, PTM, TTP, BALOCHISTAN and CPEC .

What about indian taking care of it's failing nation's burden of OVER 732 million open defectors?........... :azn:
But Taliban is a regressive organization which intends to take Afghanistan 1000 years back. It rejects democracy, modernity, fraternity, etc. Your cause for Kashmir gets even more fragile when you vigorously support organizations like this. I think Pakistan along with India and other world powers should support the Afghan government which promises democracy as it will ensure a stable Afghanistan and for once, Pakistan and India will be on the same side.

The Taliban are ANYTHING but regressive if they can kick out the most powerful and advanced military superpower to have EVER existed from their country..........:azn:
It is just Zarif saying this.. the most incompetent diplomat in the entire Iranian history.
Indeed. The majority of Iranian professionals are very sensible people who seem far more pragmatic and reasoned. If Zarif had actually considered the implications for Iran of an American withdrawal in a neighbouring country, he would have come to a very simple conclusion. If America really is "the great Satan", then their closing down of their eastern front against Iran is surely a good thing for Iranian interests.....if it happens that is (and I believe it is a bluff personally).
Guy, come back here and repeat your nonsense when you completely destroy the TTP in your own land.
If Taliban tries to fill the gap by enforcing its ruling system over people of Afghanistan, then the country will experience civil war even worse than the past, millions of refugees will end up in your borders, everyone having slightest ideological problem with your country, would try to recruit them and hence unrest in Pakistan. Zarif despite being an imbecile is right in that case. Talibs should be under control of people chosen government, drop their weapons and try for peace in the country. Government should also consider their wishes and allow them to have their own lives.
TTP was able to get to where they were because of the unlimited support from Afghanistan via the yanks, and indians.

Talking about letting people live in peace, pot calling the kettle black.
iran america and india will start supporting non taliban afghans , taliban will not be left to rule comfortably .
china and russia are not their to spend so much money chinese go everywhere to earn profit , only america can pump billions of dollars to add fuel in fire of afghanistan if talibans don't behave .

As if India + USA + Iran have not tried everything ready and not failed yet! You (and the alliance) has done everything they could in 20 years! Just a reminder, $2.4 Trillion, 20 years and 30+ countries could not do what India with its own military and own budget is hoping to achieve!
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who will do bloodbath ? pakistan ?
we were there with northern alliance , india iran and russia were backing them . you could do nothing .
i am confident pakistan will not do any mischief , will take care of it's own problem of failing economy, TLP, PTM, TTP, BALOCHISTAN and CPEC .
Your confidence is unfounded, the problems you mentioned are neither new nor much significant in nature. And we WILL SORT YOU OUT in Afghanistan write my words.
Lol at some of these guys arguing over the future Afghanistan. Gar may shayad koi sabzi lenay bi na bhejay lekin dusro mulko ka future decide horaha hay.

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