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Islamic emirate in Afghanistan is an existential threat to Pakistan and national security threat to Iran and India: Iranian Foreign Minister

pashtun love reflects in PTM movement . there is hardly any love last .

Current Pakistani PM is Pakhtoon, current speaker of national assemble is Pakhtoon, many ministers are Pakhtoon. PTM, a foreign funded drama is insignificant which will die with the departure of yanks that is for sure. Indian fan boys are hoping against hope.
Current Pakistani PM is Pakhtoon, current speaker of national assemble is Pakhtoon, many ministers are Pakhtoon. PTM, a foreign funded drama is insignificant which will die with the departure of yanks that is for sure. Indian fan boys are hoping against hope.

imran's family is not pure pashtun , his maternal side is punjabi ,they went from indian punjab.
Taliban are primarily Pakhtoon militia. There are more pakhtoons in Karachi then in Kabul. It's not just economic, trade, safe Adobe, but blood relations across the border which knot Pakistan and Afghanistan. China didnt have same bond with Vietnam.

When Taliban were in power pre 9/11, that was the most peaceful and conflict free era of Pakistan-Afghanistan relations. Western borders of Pakistan were completely safe.
Pashtuns is an ethnic name, not a political entity. Pakistan has to deal with Afghanistan tribes by tribes.

The connection of ethnic can't guarantee peace. It will create cross border chaos as what happened in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa division.
imran's family is not pure pashtun , his maternal side is punjabi ,they went from indian punjab.

WTF????????............ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: .......us that what they have been teaching you at the world's biggest FAKE NEWS and PROPAGANDA factory?............:lol::

i am damn sure pashtuns will unite with their afghan borothers , india will help develop new afghanistan.

Develop india first. Pushtuns and Afghanistan don't have 40% of the ENTIRE earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor people. Nor do they have OVER 732 million of their people defecating in the open:

i am damn sure pashtuns will unite with their afghan borothers , india will help develop new afghanistan.

With that kind of attitude, you shouldn’t be surprised Pakistan is suspicious of Indians in Afghanistan.
Develop india first. Pushtuns and Afghanistan don't have 40% of the ENTIRE earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor people. Nor do they have OVER 732 million of their people defecating in the open:

True ,open defecators are directly defecating into Indus as it leaves India
Say you are correct

Do you think the Pashtun will not turn their guns on you after they are done with pakistan? 😀

Read about the Durrani empire

This is what Ahmad Shah Abdali had to say about an Indian ethnicity regarding their character..

The valour displayed by the Marathas was extolled by Ahmad Shah Abdali in his letter to his ally, Madho Singh, the king of Jaipur.[44][45]

The Marathas fought with the greatest valour which was beyond the capacity of other races... These dauntless blood-shedders did not fall short in fighting and doing glorious deeds....

Afghans recognize everything east of Sutlej as legitimate Indian territorry

Though Abdali won the battle, he also had heavy casualties on his side. So, he sought immediate peace with the Marathas. Abdali sent a letter to Nanasaheb Peshwa (who was moving towards Delhi albeit at a very slow pace to join Bhau against Abdali) pleading to the Peshwa that he was not the one who attacked Bhau and that he was just defending himself. Abdali wrote in his letter to Peshwa on 10 February 1761:

There is no reason to have animosity amongst us. Your son Vishwasrao and your brother Sadashivrao died in battle, was unfortunate. Bhau started the battle, so I had to fight back unwillingly. Yet I feel sorry for his death. Please continue your guardianship of Delhi as before, to that I have no opposition. Only let Punjab until Sutlaj remain with us. Reinstate Shah Alam on Delhi's throne as you did before and let there be peace and friendship between us, this is my ardent desire. Grant me that desire.[34]

^^^This was the assessment of the greatest Muslim since Babur about certain Indic ethnicties....Show me where the father of Afghanistan gives this level of respect to a Pakistani ethnicity and recognizes the independence of a Pakistani ethnicity...This is the Great Father of Afghanistan himself speaking

@Chhatrapati @magra @yuba @GHALIB
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This is what Ahmad Shah Abdali had to say about an Indian ethnicity regarding their character..

The valour displayed by the Marathas was extolled by Ahmad Shah Abdali in his letter to his ally, Madho Singh, the king of Jaipur.[44][45]

Afghans recognize everything east of Sutlej as legitimate Indian territorry

Though Abdali won the battle, he also had heavy casualties on his side. So, he sought immediate peace with the Marathas. Abdali sent a letter to Nanasaheb Peshwa (who was moving towards Delhi albeit at a very slow pace to join Bhau against Abdali) pleading to the Peshwa that he was not the one who attacked Bhau and that he was just defending himself. Abdali wrote in his letter to Peshwa on 10 February 1761:

^^^This was the assessment of the greatest Muslim since Babur about certain Indic ethnicties....Show me where the father of Afghanistan gives this level of respect to a Pakistani ethnicity and recognizes the independence of a Pakistani ethnicity...This is the Great Father of Afghanistan himself speaking

@Chhatrapati @magra @yuba

within fifty years of death of abdali sikhs captured up to peshawar , sindh , kashmir , clan of abdali took asylum in sikh kingdom . koh i noor came to sikhs .
Yes sir, they Apply. Currently PMU is under command of Iraqi government/Army, Hezbollah is political wing of Lebanon under control of Central government. Taliban should have a say in the government if you Ask me, otherwise they won't tolerate getting removed from Afghanistans future.

Like i said, we wouldve never morally supported the northern alliance if Talibs didn't murder and kidnap our diplomats.
All in all, we have had our mistakes too, no one is angle. But the point is, we focus on the Jews in west and we will surely Ask for a peaceful agreement between all sides in this region.
Really iran has been bombing the shit out of pakistan with india using afghanistan
Really iran has been bombing the shit out of pakistan with india using afghanistan

did you catch any indian bombing pakistan ?

you should know history of your country , these things happened between 1772 when abdali died to 1839 when ranjit singh died . sikhs ruled most of the area which is modern pakistan before english came .
I agree with your point but things to consider is that the taliban rely far more on Pakistan than the vietcong did on china. Most of the talibans leadership were educated and have lived in pakistan for many decades. They are more familiar with pakistan than they are with afghanistan since they have spent far more time in pakistan. Furthermore over a decade of pakistani assistance to the taliban has created much goodwill. Also the fact that afghanistan will have to rely on pakistan economically once they take over.

I agree the taliban are far more logical today than they were pre 2001. They are more open to trade/relations with iran/india/the west/etc... but that does not mean it will be at the detriment of pakistan. Every nation has the right to pursue relations for their national interest. THe problem becomes when certain nations stroke bloodshed in afghanistan by supplying weapons to minority groups. Such as what Iran/india have done in the past.

You cannot use minority groups and their anger to attack the majority and expect the majority to just sit back and watch. Much of the ethnic conflict today in afghanistan has irans/indians fingerprint all over it.
Thanks for your replies.

What should Pakistan do to deal with cross border ethnic, Pashtuns to be specific?

Duran line is not a natural border, not by ethnic, not by river, not by mountain. Pashtuns live on both side of Duran Line, Pakistan can accept Afghanistan Pashtuns, which means take lands from Afghanistan, otherwise it will keep creating troubles.

Once Taliban win, Pashtuns in Afghanistan will get more and more power, what if Pashtuns within Pakistan requires more independence like what their relatives in Afghanistan did?

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