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ISIS fanatics given HOUSES and JOBS on Syria return as part of 'hug a jihadi' campaign


Feb 25, 2014
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Old boy... @flamer84 @Desert Fox @Nilgiri @Sher Shah Awan

ISIS jihadis arriving back from Syria are being offered apartments, education and jobs to reintegrate the radicalised back into society.

Police in the city of Aarhus, Denmark introduced the scheme after 36 young men travelled to Syria to join jihad, with 19 returning back to the country.

But the policy has been criticised by Danish MPs, with Naser Khadeer – a Muslim member of the Conservative People’s party – calling for a hardline approach to foreign fighters.

Speaking on the Australian news programme Dateline, he said: “What I have criticised when it comes to the Aarhus model is when you have been in Syria and you come back, it is wrong in my opinion to reward whoever has been in Syria by giving them an apartment, jobs, education.

“We should prosecute them not reward them.”


Superintendent Aarslev claimed 'most' of those returning are now 'very well integrated'

Yet Superintendent Allan Aarslev claimed “most” of those returning from Syria are now “very well integrated and most of them are very happy to have had a second chance”.

Superintendent Aarslev said: “These are men who have been to Syria and we don’t know what they have been doing down there and that’s the choice we have to make – between helping them and leaving them alone.

“From my point of view it would be much more safe for the local community here to help these young men to have a normal life after they have returned than to leave them alone."

He added: “If we did not integrate them into the local community again they would be a safety hazard for us.”


The policy is being implemented in Aarhus, Denmark

The police claim since introducing the policy, which includes connecting radicalised members of the community with a Muslim mentor to guide them away from their extremist views, no one has left the city to join the frontline in Syria for two years.

Earlier this year a Danish student was reportedly shunned by her community after returning home from battling the barbaric Islamic State regime in Syria.

Joanna Palani, 23, claims to have killed more than 100 militants after giving up her studies to travel to the Middle East to fight ISIS.

She also allegedly freed a group of women and children who were being held as sex slaves by ISIS militants.

However, since returning to Denmark she said she had been forced into hiding and claimed she was “seen as a terrorist”.

Ms Palani told MailOnline: “I was willing to give up my life and my freedom to stop ISIS advancing, so that everyone in Europe can be safe. This was my choice.

“But I am seen as a terrorist by my own country.”

She added: "I live in one of the best countries in the world but I am hungry and homeless and freezing cold in bed at night, even though I am working full time.

“I don't trust anyone."

Absolutely revolting. I truly have no real words for both parts of this story. Nordic twilight zone.

Ms. Palani should migrate to an appropriate part of North America where her alpha attitude will be much more highly respected and valued. There is a superpower here that was crafted by those fleeing Europe in pursuit of liberty after all....wanting a govt truly of the people and for the people.

At least UK and France seem to have more of their head on straight as far as this goes too...along with large parts of Eastern Europe. There is always hope! Hope central and northern europe get shaken out of this nonsense asap.
Well, this is the dystopian world we live in now. The question is what will anyone do about it? Do the Westerners even have the will to live anymore? The whole world at this point is taking you guys for a free ride and throwing it back in your faces. Even I as an outsider, in the sense that I'm not a Westerner, can't seem to understand why you guys are allowing this to happen.

Has your materialistic, nihilistic, hedonistic lifestyle destroyed your will to preserve your people to such an extent that you are willing to give up more than 2,000 years of civilization just for a moment's pleasure?

"You only live when you have something to die for" - not sure who the original source for this quote is but yeah, basically in a nutshell.

But the policy has been criticised by Danish MPs, with Naser Khadeer – a Muslim member of the Conservative People’s party – calling for a hardline approach to foreign fighters.
That feeling when even your Muslims realize how destructive your policies are and yet your ShitLibs still continue to push for their implementation.

@Nilgiri @The Sandman @Psychic
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Absolutely revolting. I truly have no real words for both parts of this story. Nordic twilight zone.

Ms. Palani should migrate to an appropriate part of North America where her alpha attitude will be much more highly respected and valued. There is a superpower here that was crafted by those fleeing Europe in pursuit of liberty after all....wanting a govt truly of the people and for the people.

At least UK and France seem to have more of their head on straight as far as this goes too...along with large parts of Eastern Europe. There is always hope! Hope central and northern europe get shaken out of this nonsense asap.

That's Nordic countries. Re-habilitation over punishment,even for the biggest murderers,terrorists and what not.

We have different approaches to the problem. Every of the 'returnees' are the subject of systematical judiciary treatement by the Paris prosecutor,followed by jail terms. Few months ago,one has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for joining the Syrian warzone. And if you ask me,10 years is even too low for such people,I wouldn't feel safe knowing they walk free,even with all the will of the world,or every re-habilitation programs they followed.

Even themselves must laugh about how stupid some Europeans might be.
Absolutely revolting. I truly have no real words for both parts of this story. Nordic twilight zone.

Ms. Palani should migrate to an appropriate part of North America where her alpha attitude will be much more highly respected and valued. There is a superpower here that was crafted by those fleeing Europe in pursuit of liberty after all....wanting a govt truly of the people and for the people.

At least UK and France seem to have more of their head on straight as far as this goes too...along with large parts of Eastern Europe. There is always hope! Hope central and northern europe get shaken out of this nonsense asap.
UK and France, nahh (no offense intended @Vergennes).

Europe is cucked. You can go to jail in Britain for posting "racist" and "xenophobic" tweets. Modern Soviet Union anyone?

As for America, well we just saw what happened yesterday. Patriotic and Nationalist groups organized to protect their heritage and did so through legal methods and yet the entire writ of the state was applied on them to shut them down.

There's a bumpy road ahead I'm afraid.
UK and France, nahh (no offense intended @Vergennes).

Europe is cucked. You can go to jail in Britain for posting "racist" and "xenophobic" tweets. Modern Soviet Union anyone?

As for America, well we just saw what happened yesterday. Patriotic and Nationalist groups organized to protect their heritage and did so through legal methods and yet the entire writ of the state was applied on them to shut them down.

There's a bumpy road ahead I'm afraid.

It is all relative. Head on straight more than the absolute low doesn't mean its anywhere close to straight as it ought to be/once was.

UK and France after all at least now have increasingly mainstream politics in response to the cuckery (and there is some feedback into the juicy centre as well)....whereas Germany's Merkel (CDU) I kid you not is the most thats effectively allowed to be "right of centre" over there....SPD (the only real alternative politically) will turn on the taps of PC virtue signalling even higher if they unroot her....because they are a full 2 political spaces to the left. So when Merkel is the lesser of two evils, you know something pretty awful has happened in Germany's politics. Hence I only can hope for something to happen there and in their northern socio-cultural extension (at least as far as this phenomenon goes) of Nordic Europe.

Most of Europe OTOH still has enough political space to weigh and potentially balance by responding to incoming situations their systems were not designed to handle in first place.....except it seems Germany and Nordic areas, where the right and far right are simply not even allowed to exist as any kind of real united entity. Anyways long term thats going to have consequences on the European union....because economic agenda has been displaced more and more by political one.
That feeling when even your Muslims realize how destructive your policies are and yet your ShitLibs still continue to push for their implementation.

@Nilgiri @The Sandman @Psychic
Yea this just getting too much now imo having liberal views is ok (as i have too but i am also a nationalist at the same time can't agree with something if it can harm my country or fellow country men) but putting your own country on the line for those views is a foolish thing.
This is ridiculous:


It is all relative. Head on straight more than the absolute low doesn't mean its anywhere close to straight as it ought to be/once was.

UK and France after all at least now have increasingly mainstream politics in response to the cuckery (and there is some feedback into the juicy centre as well)....whereas Germany's Merkel (CDU) I kid you not is the most thats effectively allowed to be "right of centre" over there....SPD (the only real alternative politically) will turn on the taps of PC virtue signalling even higher if they unroot her....because they are a full 2 political spaces to the left. So when Merkel is the lesser of two evils, you know something pretty awful has happened in Germany's politics. Hence I only can hope for something to happen there and in their northern socio-cultural extension (at least as far as this phenomenon goes) of Nordic Europe.

Most of Europe OTOH still has enough political space to weigh and potentially balance by responding to incoming situations their systems were not designed to handle in first place.....except it seems Germany and Nordic areas, where the right and far right are simply not even allowed to exist as any kind of real united entity. Anyways long term thats going to have consequences on the European union....because economic agenda has been displaced more and more by political one.
Yeah Nordic countries got it bad. Things might have to get worse before they get better.
When you have killed.

You cannot be rehabilitated.

PTSD is a ticking time bomb even for professional armies.

This is a waste of resource which can be better spent rebuilding what these nut jobs had destroyed.

Whose got the time to read them bedtime stories.
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