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Isis brings back slavery : Yazidi girls sold to Isis fighters

I already said that before as well a while ago. However, i dont see any chance of Muslim countries ever seperating Religion from government. Not in thsi century. Try doing that and all population in these countries will come out to protest/topple/maybe even kill you.:agree: i can say it enough like Karl Marx: 'Religion, can sure be the opium of the masses' if not well handled. Maybe the Chinese are better off atheists/communists.:lol: The only religious part there is giving them trouble.:lol:

Every religion has gone through phases of extremism before settling down. Christianity was brutal till half a century back, Hinduism has its share of blood - and even Buddhism (the irony!) and atheism (Soviet etc etc ... including this although this doesn't qualify as a religion).

Islam will undergo a similar revolution to cleanse itself off these jihadi ideas but that should come from within. Unfortunately, any external criticism just seems to help these jihadis increase the number of recruits.
Whatever its start was, the outcome is always extremism regardless of circumstances. Actually it was the dictators (Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad etc.) that kept the lid of extremism closed. As soon as their rule is threatened, the extremists quickly come and fill in the vacuum.

They created the epidemic. 1960s Iraq, Syria, and Libya were filled with Communists, Ba'athists and other left-wing organisations. When dictators and murderers like Saddam took power, they murdered, tortured, arrested, and hunted down them like dogs. One particular dictator was responsible for attempting to wipe out an entire ethnic group and at the same time slaughtered hundreds who held different sectarian beliefs. They poked into the affairs of other countries and used the same methods the US is now using on them. They created the problems for their countries and now it's the innocents who are suffering for it. Disgusting seeing how members who want a "peaceful" Middle East supported reactionary dictatorships built on blood and hatred.
Because lately we have too many self righteous folks stirring the pot its proper to let every one see themselves where every one stands

Because , in reality every one does it but it never gets stated untill 10-30 or 50 year later oh by the way yes we had done it sorta thing

I am not even going to start with Comfort women after the UN sanctioned wars in Iraq / Afghanistan and Libya for soldiers stationed during the time of war but its all out there if you happen to search for it


Reference: Philippine comfort women and Military
Command and control: the economies of militarised prostitution | Peace News

The economics are simple: in countries devastated by war or in countries of the south such as the Philippines, where 70% of the population live below the poverty line prostitution offers women an opportunity to earn a living: women's bodies become a commodity. At the height of the US presence in the Philippines, for example, more than 60,000 women and children were employed in bars, night clubs and massage parlours around the Subic Bay and Clark Naval bases alone. Estimates of the total numbers of Filipina women and girls engaged in prostitution and other sex-based industries range between 300,000 and 600,000.

Reference: Japan
Command and control: the economies of militarised prostitution | Peace News

Thanks to the courage and persistence of many Korean and Japanese Comfort Women the extent to which the Japanese government and military were officially complicit in forced sexual enslavement of an estimated 200,000 women during the Second World War has been revealed. Perhaps less well known, is the complicity of the same government with the US government in mobilising women as prostitutes to service the US forces who occupied Japan following 1945.

Reference: Military and Prostitution , Korea/US
American Military-Base Prostitution
Even in 1988 the use of Korean camptowns by U.S. soldiers was still occurring. Moreover, statistics show that the number of prostitutes dealing solely with the 43,000 U.S. soldiers still stationed in South Korea was more that 18,000. That equals to approximately one prostitute for every two to three soldiers. Presumably, society would see a problem with this continual victimization of women, however, it is apparent that where there are American soldiers there will also be government-funded and condoned brothels.

Reference: WW2 (JAPAN world war)
‘Comfort women during WWII were necessary’ - Indian Express
He insisted brothels "were necessary at the time to maintain discipline in the army." Other countries' militaries used prostitutes, too, he said.

Prostitutes under the British Raj (UK/India)
Prostitution in Colonial India - Mainstream Weekly

All Legal

Under the British, the East India Company, and after the Great War of Independence of 1857, the British Crown, directly and devilishly implemented a policy of duality. Thus, on the one hand, the British drafted such a legislation as the Contagious Diseases Act of 1864 and implemented it with rigour upon its subjects in India. The intention of this Act was not to prevent vice and immorality amongst its own soldiers, but rather to denigrate the body of the prostitute as a receptacle of all that was filthy and impure. Under this Act and the Cantonment Rules, the British and other European soldiers in India were not only permitted but promoted to hold native young and good-looking girls as prostitutes for their carnal pleasure.

There were placed with each regiment (of about a thousand soldiers) from twelve to fifteen native women, who dwelt in appointed houses called chaklas. These women were allowed to consort with British soldiers only, and were registered by the Cantonment Magistrate, and tickets of licence were given them. Besides the chakla, that is, brothel, there was in each Cantonment a prison hospital, in which the patients were confined against their will. To these Lock Hospitals, the women were obliged to go periodically (generally once a week) for an indecent examination, to see whether every part of the body was free from any trace of diseases likely to spread from them to the soldiers, as the result of immoral relations.

United Nation Soldiers enjoying comfort women (Africa)
Peacekeepers gone wild: How much more abuse will the UN ignore in Congo? - The Globe and Mail

In 1999, with the Congo roiled by deadly conflict, the Security Council launched MONUC, its largest peace mission ever – 20,000 troops from many countries costing $1.3-billion a year. By 2005, the sexual exploitation and abuse of Congolese females by a small but significant minority of these blue helmets led then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan to describe it as “an ugly stain” on the entire world body. Even though many victims were unable or unwilling to identify their assailants, 63 soldiers were expelled from the mission and repatriated while a zero tolerance policy was instituted for all cases of abuse by UN soldiers of local citizens.

Finally Passage from Old Testament , looks like no problem there
  • 25:44 As for your male and female slaves who may belong to you, you may buy male and female slaves from the pagan nations all around you.
  • 25:45 Also you may buy slaves from the children of the foreigners who reside with you, and from their families that are with you, whom they have fathered in your land, they may become your property.
  • 25:46 You may give them as inheritance to your children after you to possess as property. You may enslave them perpetually. However, as for your brothers the Israelites, no man may rule over his brother harshly.

And further read
Isaiah 13:15-18 - Whoever is captured will be thrust - Bible Gateway

Isaiah 13:15-18New International Version (NIV)
15 Whoever is captured will be thrust through;
all who are caught will fall by the sword.
16 Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes;
their houses will be looted and their wives violated.

17 See, I will stir up against them the Medes,
who do not care for silver
and have no delight in gold.
18 Their bows will strike down the young men;
they will have no mercy on infants,
nor will they look with compassion on children

Thank you and have a good night
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I see. You support the crack pot dictators responsible for mass-tortures, shooting hundreds of innocents, throwing "traitors" in prison, who ironically, originally supported similar organisations!! You'll notice how Syria has had links with Shia terrorists and the lockerbie bombings.

Jeez i thought you just mentioned in your post above that we are destabilizing these countries(made of dictators: Iraq, Libya, Syria etc) . So we most be helping them instead then, since we got rid of their dictators for them like they asked. So you complain about we toppling them and at the same time complain about we not doing anything/supporting them? so which 1 is it finally?:cheesy:
The simple thing is you will still find any reason to support your ISIS/ Islamic jihadists by all means. Even the most die hard islamist extremists supporters on here are silent or have just ran way from thsi topic, since they all know ISIS/other extremists groups cant be defended no matter what. Seems you are the last man standing. Keep it up.:enjoy:

By the way, none of you have replied to my post about Islam and non muslim slavery. I did some reasearch and found some interesting stuffs.:D
Because lately we have too many self righteous folks stirring the pot its proper to let every one see themselves where every one stands

So you are saying because all this has happened in the past, what ISIS is doing is acceptable now?
Jeez i thought you just mentioned in your post above that we are destabilizing these countries(made of dictators: Iraq, Libya, Syria etc) . So we most be helping them instead then, since we got rid of their dictators for them like they asked. So you complain about we toppling them and at the same time complain about we not doing anything/supporting them? so which 1 is it finally?:cheesy:

Don't put words in my mouth, buddy. I never said anything like that.

The simple thing is you will still find any reason to support your ISIS/ Islamic jihadists by all means. Even the most die hard islamist extremists supporters on here are silent or have just ran way from thsi topic, since they all know ISIS/other extremists groups cant be defended no matter what. Seems you are the last man standing. Keep it up.

Going by Bush logic I see.
"You're either with us, or against us."
Can't blame you Brit bongs, really.
So you are saying because all this has happened in the past, what ISIS is doing is acceptable now?

Every one wants to be the saint ...

Slavery is all around you u just have to really look hard enough to see it staring before you
Don't put words in my mouth, buddy. I never said anything like that.

'Implying the early Syrian uprising wasn't a movement against the dictator Assad.:cheesy:'

So If we try to remove him, we are destabilzing the region, if we stay away we are ignoring the plights of muslim civilians and care only about our oil interests.
So If we try to remove him, we are destabilzing the region, if we stay away we are ignoring the plights of muslim civilians and care only about our oil interests.

Yeah i remember there were some few members on here supporting ISIS, saying they are fighting to liberate 'oppressed syrians/muslims' from 'Evil Assad regime' and the 'western supported' dictators in the M/E. Where are they now? seems they all went into hiding, since ISIS is now undefendable to them .....how i wish i could remember their names and call them out now,
Bro do you still have a link to that thread about the guys supporting/justifying ISIS and other muslim extremists/jihadists groups on here? It will be most welcome.

Dammit. Brit Bongs, every single time.
You made the claim that those who supported the uprising against Assad were claiming that it was solely because they supported ISIS (Bush-logic, expected from American buttbuddies). I just pointed out, that the uprising did begin as a peaceful movement to bring democracy to Syria.
Dont mind him, there are people who will keep supporting their Jihadists no matter what, they will always have excuses for that. so dont expect much from such people. He doesnt even understands our governments in the west/U.S together with our subcontractors in the M/E(saudi arabia, Qatar Gulf states etc) also instigated the instability in Syria by arming some of their sunni elements to create provoke instabiltiy(during the start of the protests there were reported shootings/killings of syrian police officers by armed gangs, of course they were financed by you know who). Im surprised he doesnt know the geo political players in this region.:disagree: Anyway, im sure the few syrians who took to the streets to protest, are regretting everyday why they ever started such a protest, now their country is all but destroyed, making them refugees and filled with jihadists rapists/beheaders financed/supported by gulf countries(who are siting quietley in their villas while looking at syrians civlians deing at the hands of their favorite Jihadists/Wahabists. Will be intersting to see what the Syria will look like if Assad falls like some of them here wish and these Wahabists:omghaha: take over Syria and rule a la Caliphate.:lol:
That's exactly true. I watched one documentary of a refugee camp in Jordan and a refugee woman who spoke said that even though she dislikes Assad she would still prefer to have him rather than having to live in a country that is being destroyed. The refugee camps are all hell on earth and the females are being sold to rich Arabs by their own families to find money even for their basic needs. Surely the situation of Syria is a result of exploitation. You just can't expect to have a massive rebellion with arms like this coming out of a small isolated protest. But at the same time, some if not most people in those countries prefer to have a bunch of murderers/thugs who claim to represent their religion. No matter what problems they have or what causing those problems they prefer to have a leader or a government that is being run in the name of their religion (doesn't matter even if that leader/government is the worse in the world) so they won't really try to understand what goes on in the background. They can be easily brainwashed into supporting a cause that they have no idea about as long as it is being carried out in the name of religion.

As for the topic of slavery, I have seen on this very forum some of the members were arguing about the conditions of slavery (whether it is allowed to use slaves without being married to the slave etc.) so the slavery is very real. As ISIS claims, this is just a revival of a practice that has existed from the beginning.
Dammit. Brit Bongs, every single time.
You made the claim that those who supported the uprising against Assad were claiming that it was solely because they supported ISIS (Bush-logic, expected from American buttbuddies). I just pointed out, that the uprising did begin as a peaceful movement to bring democracy to Syria.

loool Lmao. Pls brother dont be Naive. You really thought those protesting would have brought 'democracy' to syria?:lol: What about Egypt today, do they have democracy? More like Sissycracy.:rofl: Same with Lybia,Iraq, Tunisia etc..... Its all a smoke screen foreign powers use to intervene. I cant believe most muslims in the middle east are sooo Naive. Does the FSA look like democrats to you?:lol: Politcal Power indeed comes from the barrel of a gun.:D The strongest/most determine group will always be the one to rule in such a situation. In this case if Assad falls, expect the radical extremists groups(ISIS, Al nusra etc) to replace him, since they are the most powerful/viable force fighting Assad. FSA and other little scums are just midgets running up and down with Kalashinkovs:ph34r::sarcastic: ISIS, Al nusra and al are the main players.:agree: Same situation in Libya today.
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Dammit. Brit Bongs, every single time.
You made the claim that those who supported the uprising against Assad were claiming that it was solely because they supported ISIS (Bush-logic, expected from American buttbuddies). I just pointed out, that the uprising did begin as a peaceful movement to bring democracy to Syria.
No peaceful movement suddenly turns into a massive armed conflict within a matter of days or weeks without being carefully organised. From the beginning of the conflict it has always been made up of extreme violence and full of religious extremists. The difference is that today those religion elements are organised and united under few organisation rather than fighting in the name of hundreds of many different groups. From the start there have been reports/videos of beheadings, enforcing sharia on civilians and killing whoever doesn't conform to their ideals/morals/law but the mainstream media outlets tried their best to paint it as a genuine rebellion against a dictator.
loool Lmao. Pls brother dont be Naive. You really thought those protesting would have brought 'democracy' to syria?:lol: What about Egypt today, do they have democracy? More like Sissycracy.:rofl: Same with Lybia,Iraq, Tunisia etc..... Its all a smokescreen for foreign powersuse to intervene. I cant belive most muslims in the middle east are sooo Naive. Do the FSA look like democrats to you?:lol: Power indeed comes from the barrel of a gun.:D The strongest/most determine group will always be the one to rule in such a situation. In this case if Assad falls, expect the radical extremists groups(ISIS, Al nusra etc) to replace him, since they are the most powerful/viable force fighting Assad. FSA and other little scums are just midgets running up and down with Kalashinkovs:ph34r::sarcastic: ISIS, Al nusra and al are the main players.:agree: Same situation in Libya today.

The uselessness of this post....
I never said that these protests would have accomplished anything productive. In fact, near the beginning of the uprising I spoke with a Libyan on how I believed that the revolution would be futile. All I said was, the early Syrian uprising was a peaceful movement which genuinely wanted democracy and freedom in Syria. I've made the text bold AND underlined it, so you can see clearly, Brit Bonger.
No peaceful movement suddenly turns into a massive armed conflict within a matter of days or weeks without being carefully organised. From the beginning of the conflict it has always been made up of extreme violence and full of religious extremists. The difference is that today those religion elements are organised and united under few organisation rather than fighting in the name of hundreds of many different groups. From the start there have been reports/videos of beheadings, enforcing sharia on civilians and killing whoever doesn't conform to their ideals/morals/law but the mainstream media outlets tried their best to paint it as a genuine rebellion against a dictator.

You seem to be one of the few member on here who understand geo politics and M/E affairs. Others are too blinded by their religious inclination, and 'democracy':lol:
The protests/instability indeed was planned.:agree: Thats not denying some protesters indeed had genuine greviances.:bounce:
No peaceful movement suddenly turns into a massive armed conflict within a matter of days or weeks without being carefully organised. .

It originally did start as a peaceful movement, you cannot deny that. The fact that Syria was an isolated state in the Middle East and that several states required a regime change meant that when Assad decided to go full crackpot and attack villages, have soldiers rape women, and murder hundreds of innocents, those hoping to have some sort of footing in the country won't find it difficult getting support.

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