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Isis brings back slavery : Yazidi girls sold to Isis fighters

I won't be surprised if the kids borne by these yazidis slaves would be die hard defenders for ISIS ideology.
The ideology underpinning ISIS is already in Pakistan - it has been present in Pakistan for decades, and has been carrying out a violent conflict to impose that ideology across Pakistan for about a decade now.
No doubt. The ideology is present in its weak form ie Taliban. ISIS takes things to a newer and higher level. When I implied that ISIS enters Pakistan, I meant with their kind of ideological support, with their funding and with their committed foot soldiers who try and change society (instead of fighting with PA). Hollowing the society out from the inside rather than trying to take it from outside(which is not possible).

Taliban and Al-Qaida seem tame in comparison to ISIS.
I would have thanked you if you had been able to keep my religion out of this. Islam has nothing do with these barbarians.
Do not tell me/us to leave Islam out of this. I/we did not dragged your religion into what these barbarians done and are still doing. It is not mine/our burden to distinguish out what is 'Islamic' and what is not.
feel sad for those girls. no hope for them.

as for isis, its not going anywhere soon. as we can see on the forum, even "educated" people have a soft corner for them

Yeah i remember there were some few members on here supporting ISIS, saying they are fighting to liberate 'oppressed syrians/muslims' from 'Evil Assad regime' and the 'western supported' dictators in the M/E. :lol: Where are they now? seems they all went into hiding, since ISIS is now undefendable to them .....how i wish i could remember their names and call them out now,:omghaha:
Bro do you still have a link to that thread about the guys supporting/justifying ISIS and other muslim extremists/jihadists groups on here? It will be most welcome.:cheers:
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Yeah i remember there wwere some few memebers here supporting ISIS.saying they are fighting to liberate oppressed syrians/muslims from Assad regime and the western supported dicators in the M/E. :lol: Where are they now? seems they all went into hiding, since ISIS is now undefendable to them .....how i wish i could remember their names and call them out now,:omghaha:
Bro do you still have a link to that thread about the guys suppurting/justifying ISIS and other muslim extremists/jihadists groups on here? It will be a welcome.:cheers:

Implying the early Syrian uprising wasn't a movement against the dictator Assad.
@Contrarian How you see Hajja bin yousaf .....In sub-continent historian refer him as mass murderer ....what you think ?
Yeah i remember there wwere some few memebers here supporting ISIS.saying they are fighting to liberate oppressed syrians/muslims from Assad regime and the western supported dicators in the M/E. :lol: Where are they now? seems they all went into hiding, since ISIS is now undefendable to them .....how i wish i could remember their names and call them out now,:omghaha:
Bro do you still have a link to that thread about the guys suppurting/justifying ISIS and other muslim extremists/jihadists groups on here? It will be a welcome.:cheers:

What's even more funnier is the people who claim to be against ISIS terrorism are supportive of the Kurdish forces operating in Iraq, which have links with groups designated as terrorist organisations by several European countries.
The problem with Islamic extremist groups is that when one organisation is destroyed another one surfaces be it in the name of a terrorist organisation or a government itself. ISIS, AQ etc. are just brand names that come and go. The real threat is the ideology itself. As long as the ideology survives these groups will exist in one form or another. The question is how would you eradicate this menace out of the face of earth? Education for sure won't solve the problem as there are many educated Jihadists out there. In my opinion, separating this religion from governments around the world will solve the problem up to a great extent as it will create a natural transformation and stop the kind of encouragement that is being given to Jihadists and the Jihadism will slowly fade away but unfortunately this problem will only get worse in the foreseeable future as more and more muslim-majority countries seem to take the path of interoperating religion into their politics .

Implying the early Syrian uprising wasn't a movement against the dictator Assad.
View attachment 133221
Whatever its start was, the outcome is always extremism regardless of circumstances. Actually it was the dictators (Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad etc.) that kept the lid of extremism closed. As soon as their rule is threatened, the extremists quickly come and fill in the vacuum.
In my opinion, separating this religion from governments around the world will solve the problem up to a great extent as it will create a natural transformation and stop the kind of encouragement that is being given to Jihadists and the Jihadism will slowly fade away but unfortunately this problem will only get worse in the foreseeable future as more and more muslim-majority countries seem to take the path of interoperating religion into their politics .

:tup: This is one of the best posts I've read since joining PDF. Kudos. :cheers:
Implying the early Syrian uprising wasn't a movement against the dictator Assad.
View attachment 133221

The problem with Islamic extremist groups is that when one organisation is destroyed another one surfaces be it in the name of a terrorist organisation or a government itself. ISIS, AQ etc. are just brand names that come and go. The real threat is the ideology itself. As long as the ideology survives these groups will exist in one form or another. The question is how would you eradicate this menace out of the face of earth? Education for sure won't solve the problem as there are many educated Jihadists out there. In my opinion, separating this religion from governments around the world will solve the problem up to a great extent as it will create a natural transformation and stop the kind of encouragement that is being given to Jihadists and the Jihadism will slowly fade away but unfortunately this problem will only get worse in the foreseeable future as more and more muslim-majority countries seem to take the path of interoperating religion into their politics .

Whatever its start was, the outcome is always extremism regardless of circumstances. Actually it was the dictators (Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad etc.) that kept the lid of extremism closed. As soon as their rule is threatened, the extremists quickly come and fill in the vacuum.

Dont mind him, there are people who will keep supporting their Jihadists no matter what, they will always have excuses for that. so dont expect much from such people. He doesnt even understands our governments in the west/U.S together with our subcontractors in the M/E(saudi arabia, Qatar Gulf states etc) also instigated the instability in Syria by arming some of their sunni elements to create provoke instabiltiy(during the start of the protests there were reported shootings/killings of syrian police officers by armed gangs, of course they were financed by you know who). Im surprised he doesnt know the geo political players in this region.:disagree: Anyway, im sure the few syrians who took to the streets to protest, are regretting everyday why they ever started such a protest, now their country is all but destroyed, making them refugees and filled with jihadists rapists/beheaders financed/supported by gulf countries(who are siting quietly in their villas while looking at syrians civilians dieng at the hands of their favorite Jihadists/Wahabists.) . So much for their muslim 'brothers'. Will be intersting to see what the Syria will look like if Assad falls like some of them here wish and these Wahabists take over Syria and rule a la Caliphate.:lol:

:tup: This is one of the best posts I've read since joining PDF. Kudos. :cheers:

I already said that before as well a while ago. However, i dont see any chance of Muslim countries ever seperating Religion from government. Not in this century. Try doing that and all population in these countries will come out to protest/topple/maybe even kill you.:agree: i can't say it enough like Karl Marx: 'Religion, can sure be the opium of the masses' if not well handled. Maybe the Chinese are better off atheists/communists.:lol: The only religious part there is giving them trouble.:lol:
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Question for pakistani members......

Pakistan sent it's pilots to Egypt, Jordan and Syria to support the Arabs in their battle against the Israelis.... Why is Pakistan now not doing the same against ISIS???

We are fighting for our lives here, we are facing the wrath of the TTP and we expect to face more blowback as the US exits from Afghanistan. Not to mention, the LOC is heating up thus forcing us to maintain our required strength to deal with any Indian incursions. Thus, we are not in a position to help out the Arab World. Its high time that the Arabs start taking responsibility for themselves. They are awash with the latest weaponry and very deep pockets, they have all the resources they need, now all that is required is some willpower and some sacrifice. The combined Forces of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Arab Nations can smoke out the ISIS menace in a matter of days.

On Topic: There is no justification for this heinous crime, especially not in Islam. May these scums rot in hell.
The question is how would you eradicate this menace out of the face of earth? Education for sure won't solve the problem as there are many educated Jihadists out there.
By not destabilizing their countries. This all started from US invasion on Iraq in the name of WMDs, which brought nothing but collapse of a government, which led to anarchy. Similar things were done in Somalia, Libya and now in Syria. What you expect to see in countries suffering with civil wars? What will happen when militias will be armed and supported by international players? It is not about religion, it is simply about anarchy. When people will have no businesses, no jobs, no work to do, it is very easy to lure them in to join certain groups, which offer them money and protection. What is going on in the middle east is a part of the great game and the main objective of this is to protect Israel and create a conducive environment (by destroying the military and economy of countries in the region) so that she could extend her borders. Even a blind who has read little history or kept up with events in the middle east can see and realize what is going on there. Similar things have been done in African and South American countries, which suffered greatly and many still do.
Anyway, im sure the few syrians who took to the streets to protest, are regretting everyday why they ever started such a protest, now their country is all but destroyed, making them refugees and filled with jihadists rapists/beheaders financed/supported by gulf countries(who are siting quietley in their villas while looking at syrians civlians deing at the hands of their favorite Jihadists/Wahabists. Will be intersting to see what the Syria will look like if Assad falls like some of them here wish and these Wahabists take over Syria and rule a la Caliphate.

I see. You support the crack pot dictators responsible for mass-tortures, shooting hundreds of innocents, throwing "traitors" in prison, who ironically, originally supported similar organisations!! You'll notice how Syria has had links with Shia terrorists and the lockerbie bombings.

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