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Isis brings back slavery : Yazidi girls sold to Isis fighters

It originally did start as a peaceful movement, you cannot deny that. The fact that Syria was an isolated state in the Middle East and that several states required a regime change meant that when Assad decided to go full crackpot and attack villages, have soldiers rape women, and murder hundreds of innocents, those hoping to have some sort of footing in the country won't find it difficult getting support.
Some people could have been genuinely peaceful but it was quickly exploited so they had no chance to express their original ideas and they were quickly thrown out of the scene. Also it's not true that Assad suddenly used excessive force (murdering hundreds as you say) from the beginning. He only resorted to it as the conflict grew further.
Some people could have been genuinely peaceful but it was quickly exploited so they had no chance to express their original ideas and they were quickly thrown out of the scene.

It was on 25th April 2011, after protests began taking place in almost 20 cities that Assad went and conducted a military operation with tanks and artillery against peaceful protestors. The FSA was formed on the 29th of July 2011.
Some people could have been genuinely peaceful but it was quickly exploited so they had no chance to express their original ideas and they were quickly thrown out of the scene. Also it's not true that Assad suddenly used excessive force (murdering hundreds as you say) from the beginning. He only resorted to it as the conflict grew further.

It's sad that we refuse to acknowledge the commitments and sacrifices the Syrian people made. They stood up against a dictator in cahoots with an increasingly imperialistic world power which has been involved in a number of human rights abuses and a nation controlled by oppressive religious clergy which has had a role in a number of brutal conflicts in the Middle East. Instead, they're terrorists, murderers, human-rights abusers etc. They were terrorists, murders, human-rights abusers from the beginning. There have been cases on both sides. But we won't see you protesting against Assad and his army of rapists, thugs, and murderers, will we?

Ironically, the same people who condemn the atrocities going on in Syria have stated a number of times when dealing with a state such as Israel or the United States and the crimes they've committed that it doesn't matter that much as "war is war". "Innocents will get hurt each time". "There's always going to be collateral damage." Hypocrisy and double standards. As there is always a Brit-Bonger or American butt-buddy ready to point out that I support ISIS/crimes committed by ISIS/Terrorists, no, I do not support them.
Its strange some folks bring up the slavery topic however slavery has never left the world its not been renamed into different forms
  • Are people not enslaved by Banks with their mortgage payments if you don't pay that then you are kicked out of homes
    Not at all. The house belongs to the bank, they let you live in it while you pay for it. When it's paid for, its yours (presuming you continue to pay the property taxes).
  • The Auto Insurance is another enslavement tool where people extract money from someone's account monthly when when people go to collect they are not offered funds but excuses , and reference to clauses in policy to deny them rights
    No. I have auto insurance. I have made claims (2 windshields and a convertible top), didn't have a problem. Are there cases? probably, but you can find swindles everywhere. It is not the norm - insurers in the US would go broke quickly from being sued.
  • Are student loans not given with pretext that Banks will make Twice the money they loan to students
    No. Student loans are made at fairly low rates, as the government backs them, AND you can't get out from under them via bankruptcy. So, they are lower risk, thus lower rates. If you extended the loan out long enough, you could pay the principle back in interest, but that is a problem of not paying your debts promptly.
  • Are farmers not enslaved to use specific crops for which they have to pay royalties to certain SEED companies who own the rights to genetically modified seeds
    No. You can use your own seeds. If you purchase seeds from a seed company, it may come with conditions, but there is no forcing. The widespread use of royalty-beholden seed is because the farmer makes more money than using his own.
  • Are animals not routinely caged in sea world for fun and joy of visitors animal enslavement happens all over the place
    And eaten as well. Didn't the Muslim world just celebrate Eid?
  • Economies of nations are enslaved to IMF loans which forces countries to sell their resources cheap to few Corporations
    You are not forced to take the loan, and I don't think you're forced to sell to particular companies. If you want a loan, you have to come to an agreement with the lender. Don't borrow if the conditions are unacceptable.
  • Every one of us in developed world is enslaved to rising oil prices which dictates what we will do with our lives where we will spend our money
    No one forces you to use oil. There are any number of environmentalists out there that would be happy to teach you to use less or none.
  • Some countries even enforce some countries not to develop their manufacturing area and instead ask them to buy their Passenger Jets, aviation enslavement
    ?? who? Europe, the US, Brazil, Canada, China, and Russia all have aviation industries. India is working on it. Who is stopping Pakistan, other than Pakistan not having the engineers and money to pursue it? If you think other people should pay you to put them out of business, you are being ridiculous. Why do you think you are owed technology and loans? Go do it and stop whining.
  • Sometimes UN puts sanctions on Iraq or Iran for general business of health items economic sanctions are a form of enslavement preventing or denial of stuff
    Sanctions over nuclear development? Sanctions over persecuting Kurds? Sanctions over gassing marsh Arabs? I take it no sanctions are acceptable, we just have to ignore any evil another country does internally? Um, no.
  • People also enslaved when they have to by prescription drugs which Pharmaceutical companies own right to and they won't sell it for cheap
    People did work on your behalf, pay them.
  • There is social enslavement when the 4-5% of world population control riches where they enjoy a lifestyle unimaginable to rest where a sign board welcomes to average people , beyond this only "Members" are allowed
    I would assume I'm one of those, by virtue of living in the US. I feel I, and most of my countrymen, have built our nice lifestyle. Go and build your own. Oh, thats right, you live with a bunch of jacka**es who will kill you if your religion isn't perfect, and perfect religion doesn't include a nice lifestyle in their eyes. You don't want to do anything about your close neighbors, don't ask me to help out either.
  • There is enslavement when group of people are denied access to general needs of society and put in camps , which become UN run areas
    Not sure what this is about. Refugee camps are an improvement over dying in some tribal war. Are you implying (again) that the West owes you and yours a living? Earn your own way. They are not "denied access" they are granted access to continued life they would not otherwise have. What exactly is your expectation? The UN should provide every refugee a home? I'm gonna be a refugee in that case, sounds better than working for a living.
  • Not forgetting the inhumane practice of stocking up animals in small areas where they live and eat and shiat and die before being offered as food products
    Again not humans, but still a reasonable point. There should be minimal standards of care for animals, in all countries. Just like minimal standards for human rights as well.
  • What about the person who for some circumstances had a bad credit history now is enslaved to credit departments where as the large banks get Bail outs, the person has to wait 6-7 years for the name to clear ,can't get loan , can't get credit car ... enslavement
    You are free to loan them your money. I will not. I don't think the banks should get bailouts either. No one should be forced to make a loan to people who are know to not pay - that WOULD be slavery.
  • Are business owners not enslaved to send royalties fees to franchises even if their business is making nothing
    No. You only pay the franchise fee if it benefits you - if your losing money, you close down (and stop paying the fee). If you can make money without the franchise, say by joining a different franchise or by going independant, you can do that. There is a pizzeria near me that did exactly that recently (switched from Straw Hat to Pizza Factory). What you can't do is be a McDonalds, and benefit from their advertising, market research, product research, etc, and not pay them for those benefits. If you don't think its worth it, create a Burger House or something and do your own thing.
  • Are are the future of youth not enslaved to rising prices of education forcing people to not get educated because the greed of Universities keep increasing
    Mixed bag. Universities are partly funded by governments, so if the government cuts back, prices can go up. But generally, the degree will pay for itself, so long as you don't pick an asinine major like Art History. So, it is a way for the people destined for relative wealth to pay for the system that makes them wealthy. Taxing the poor to pay for it would be very unfair.
  • Is there no enslavement where a Doctor refuses to operate unless 10,000 USD is deposited as security for the $40,000 estimated heart procedure
    Having personally benefited from a $600,000 surgery/hospital stay, and not being asked to provide anything up front (insurance paid for it), no. You want the benefit, pay the man. Or, go to India and get it done for $3500.
  • There is enslavement because when you look at borders you see huge walls and barriers because no one wants a enslaved human to get into country to get access to stuff , hospitals , jobs or resources - isn't that something a Master does draws a line what the slave can have access to or not ? Why have passports or borders if we are all free
    Do you have a fence or lock on any of your property? or is anyone free to take as they please? We have agreements with some countries for pretty free travel. Pakistan isn't one of them, for pretty good reason. Got a little problem with radicals over there, we'd rather not have them traveling here.

Iraq/Syria is a war zone now unfortunately and war has no rules
Because lately we have too many self righteous folks stirring the pot its proper to let every one see themselves where every one stands

Because , in reality every one does it but it never gets stated untill 10-30 or 50 year later oh by the way yes we had done it sorta thing

I am not even going to start with Comfort women after the UN sanctioned wars in Iraq / Afghanistan and Libya for soldiers stationed during the time of war but its all out there if you happen to search for it


Reference: Philippine comfort women and Military
Command and control: the economies of militarised prostitution | Peace News

The economics are simple: in countries devastated by war or in countries of the south such as the Philippines, where 70% of the population live below the poverty line prostitution offers women an opportunity to earn a living: women's bodies become a commodity. At the height of the US presence in the Philippines, for example, more than 60,000 women and children were employed in bars, night clubs and massage parlours around the Subic Bay and Clark Naval bases alone. Estimates of the total numbers of Filipina women and girls engaged in prostitution and other sex-based industries range between 300,000 and 600,000.

Reference: Japan
Command and control: the economies of militarised prostitution | Peace News

Thanks to the courage and persistence of many Korean and Japanese Comfort Women the extent to which the Japanese government and military were officially complicit in forced sexual enslavement of an estimated 200,000 women during the Second World War has been revealed. Perhaps less well known, is the complicity of the same government with the US government in mobilising women as prostitutes to service the US forces who occupied Japan following 1945.

Reference: Military and Prostitution , Korea/US
American Military-Base Prostitution
Even in 1988 the use of Korean camptowns by U.S. soldiers was still occurring. Moreover, statistics show that the number of prostitutes dealing solely with the 43,000 U.S. soldiers still stationed in South Korea was more that 18,000. That equals to approximately one prostitute for every two to three soldiers. Presumably, society would see a problem with this continual victimization of women, however, it is apparent that where there are American soldiers there will also be government-funded and condoned brothels.

Reference: WW2 (JAPAN world war)
‘Comfort women during WWII were necessary’ - Indian Express
He insisted brothels "were necessary at the time to maintain discipline in the army." Other countries' militaries used prostitutes, too, he said.

Prostitutes under the British Raj (UK/India)
Prostitution in Colonial India - Mainstream Weekly

All Legal

Under the British, the East India Company, and after the Great War of Independence of 1857, the British Crown, directly and devilishly implemented a policy of duality. Thus, on the one hand, the British drafted such a legislation as the Contagious Diseases Act of 1864 and implemented it with rigour upon its subjects in India. The intention of this Act was not to prevent vice and immorality amongst its own soldiers, but rather to denigrate the body of the prostitute as a receptacle of all that was filthy and impure. Under this Act and the Cantonment Rules, the British and other European soldiers in India were not only permitted but promoted to hold native young and good-looking girls as prostitutes for their carnal pleasure.

There were placed with each regiment (of about a thousand soldiers) from twelve to fifteen native women, who dwelt in appointed houses called chaklas. These women were allowed to consort with British soldiers only, and were registered by the Cantonment Magistrate, and tickets of licence were given them. Besides the chakla, that is, brothel, there was in each Cantonment a prison hospital, in which the patients were confined against their will. To these Lock Hospitals, the women were obliged to go periodically (generally once a week) for an indecent examination, to see whether every part of the body was free from any trace of diseases likely to spread from them to the soldiers, as the result of immoral relations.

United Nation Soldiers enjoying comfort women (Africa)
Peacekeepers gone wild: How much more abuse will the UN ignore in Congo? - The Globe and Mail

In 1999, with the Congo roiled by deadly conflict, the Security Council launched MONUC, its largest peace mission ever – 20,000 troops from many countries costing $1.3-billion a year. By 2005, the sexual exploitation and abuse of Congolese females by a small but significant minority of these blue helmets led then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan to describe it as “an ugly stain” on the entire world body. Even though many victims were unable or unwilling to identify their assailants, 63 soldiers were expelled from the mission and repatriated while a zero tolerance policy was instituted for all cases of abuse by UN soldiers of local citizens.

Finally Passage from Old Testament , looks like no problem there
  • 25:44 As for your male and female slaves who may belong to you, you may buy male and female slaves from the pagan nations all around you.
  • 25:45 Also you may buy slaves from the children of the foreigners who reside with you, and from their families that are with you, whom they have fathered in your land, they may become your property.
  • 25:46 You may give them as inheritance to your children after you to possess as property. You may enslave them perpetually. However, as for your brothers the Israelites, no man may rule over his brother harshly.

And further read
Isaiah 13:15-18 - Whoever is captured will be thrust - Bible Gateway

Isaiah 13:15-18New International Version (NIV)
15 Whoever is captured will be thrust through;
all who are caught will fall by the sword.
16 Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes;
their houses will be looted and their wives violated.

17 See, I will stir up against them the Medes,
who do not care for silver
and have no delight in gold.
18 Their bows will strike down the young men;
they will have no mercy on infants,
nor will they look with compassion on children

Thank you and have a good night

So you are saying because all this has happened in the past, what ISIS is doing is acceptable now?
He is too much of a coward to say that. Instead, he used history to try to make equivalency, which no one accepts.
Do not tell me/us to leave Islam out of this. I/we did not dragged your religion into what these barbarians done and are still doing. It is not mine/our burden to distinguish out what is 'Islamic' and what is not.

Of course, you see things as how it is presented to you by your media. Pity.
Of course, you see things as how it is presented to you by your media. Pity.
Hey...You see things as how they presented to you by your state run media. I see things as how they are presented to me by my free media. Now queue the typical 'Jews controls the media' line.
These ISIS people are Wahaabis. They put ahaadis above Quran(which is supposed to be the main source of religion). Shiite Muslims and Sufi-inspired Sunnis would and have never indulged in such crimes against humanity.

Oh and did I tell you that British crown is said to have doctored a couple of "ahaadis"? They sent a pedophile agent, T.E.Lawrence in Gulf to assist ISIS 1.0 too(i'e Ikhwaan) against the Sufi dominated Ottoman caliphate.
Hey...You see things as how they presented to you by your state run media. I see things as how they are presented to me by my free media. Now queue the typical 'Jews controls the media' line.
so ISIS is what?

so ISIS is what?

If you can't see why Westeners bring the word "Islam" in front of the word "terrorism", we have nothing to talk. As i don't wanna waste my time. :wave:
Its Amazing, how still some people on this thread are still defending ISIS.

No doubt. The ideology is present in its weak form ie Taliban. ISIS takes things to a newer and higher level. When I implied that ISIS enters Pakistan, I meant with their kind of ideological support, with their funding and with their committed foot soldiers who try and change society (instead of fighting with PA). Hollowing the society out from the inside rather than trying to take it from outside(which is not possible).

Taliban and Al-Qaida seem tame in comparison to ISIS.
ISIS did not wait for its foot soldiers to "change society", it tapped into existing Sunni political and sectarian grievances against the Maliki government to launch a violent rebellion in the name of "Islam" that subsequently attracted fighters from all over the world as ISIS began to control more and more territory.

Replicating the same formula in Pakistan will not work for the following reasons:

1. Pakistan is already a Sunni majority State with the majority of her political leadership also belonging to the Sunni branch of Islam, so ISIS/TTP/AQ cannot tap into the "Sunni persecution complex" in Pakistan as it did in Iraq/Syria

2. Extremist Sunni religious proselytizing has been going on unchecked in Pakistan for decades. One could argue that the reason the TTP/LeJ and their ilk have the level of support they currently do is because of this extremist proselytizing. However, as polls over the last decade have shown, the extremist narrative has hit a plateau in Pakistan, in terms of penetrating society and winning over more converts, especially as the media has highlighted the brutality of the TTP (beheading, massacres of minorities, attacks on men, women and children who for merely opposing their ideology etc.).

The best window that ISIS/TTP had was during the last years of Musharraf, when they could have tapped into multiple levels of resentment against a military ruler and a military/government supporting the perceived "infidel invasion of Afghanistan and FATA", and that is in fact exactly what the TTP and associated groups tried to do, and were successful in leveraging, to a point. The tide has now turned, and it would require a similar set of circumstances (highly unlikely now given the broad public support for military operations in FATA and the pending US withdrawal from Afghanistan) for a window of opportunity to open for ISIS/TTP/AQ.
Question for pakistani members......

Pakistan sent it's pilots to Egypt, Jordan and Syria to support the Arabs in their battle against the Israelis.... Why is Pakistan now not doing the same against ISIS???

Because Pakistan is poorer then it ever was. Pakistan is busy in its own war. Because Jordan, Egypt, Saudia, UAE etc all have modern Air forces. They don't need Pakistan's help.

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