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Isis brings back slavery : Yazidi girls sold to Isis fighters

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Repeat of the acts of 7th century.

This is not the first time Muslims have indulged in disgusting act of enslaving kids and women and traded them like objects. There is a whole history of this pathetic practice during Islamic invasions. History is repeating itself unfortunately.

and i cant help ask when was this? knowing that you are a indian american that prides himself. what about india itself? did Hinduism did not force marry little girl to older men? or burn them alive when there husband died? all you talk is gibberish and illogical. please refer me toa historical record of what you mentioned as well.
The ulema from Makkah started the open letter to the leader of ISIS, arguing against his brand of Islam.
But does caliph al-Baghdadi, the civil and religious ruler of all Muslims, listen to Saudi government sponsored ulema?
But does caliph al-Baghdadi, the civil and religious ruler of all Muslims, listen to Saudi government sponsored ulema?

No. I never said so, did I? I just pointed out that the ignorant claim that religious scholars are remaining silent and not speaking against ISIS.
Are you that desperate to salvage face for your religion ? No one is forced to get a mortgage or a student loan. How absurd it is to compare a mortgage and a student loan to women abducted and forced into sexual slavery ? I guess not too absurd for a Muslim.

if you had a brain he is talking about enslavement as a whole. and if you read the ending (Iraq/Syria is a war zone now unfortunately and war has no rules) but you probably read the first couple of lines and like the american you are just typed a response stating that he is a absurd Muslim NOT a human but MUSLIM. which makes me think how arrogant of a man you are. people like you have no intellectual no matter how much you know about planes or fighter jets or RCS of a f-22 rear end. that last sentence was the high light of you're stupidity. plus please look at the engagements of war in Islam. ISIS is a gangster organization that dose not represent Islam same like the KKK dose not represent america anymore.
Are you that desperate to salvage face for your religion ? No one is forced to get a mortgage or a student loan. How absurd it is to compare a mortgage and a student loan to women abducted and forced into sexual slavery ? I guess not too absurd for a Muslim.

Islam don't support any kind of slavery, so kindly don't bring religion in this. What ISIS and other groups are doing is not what Islam said, Islam has strict rules of war, do read how Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) has fought his wars.
Thats what I have been saying. Enslavement of women and children PoWs is an accepted practice in Islam. The ISIS people are openly quoting their religious scriptures while justifying their actions, and no so called 'moderate muslims' can refute that.
please show me such text> in islam? if not shut ur internet trolling mouth.
Slave raid and trading have longed been tradition of Arabs and people of middle east. The Kurds have taken Armenian girls as sexx slave as well.

The times when Arabs did it, the whole world was doing it, it was a fashion in those times, have you forgotten what happened with Afro-Americans even in 20th century, so called liberals forgot that they are not that liberal as they say, their history is also full of bloodshed and slavery too. Does people forgot what happened during European Colonialism??
The times when Arabs did it, the whole world was doing it, it was a fashion in those times, have you forgotten what happened with Afro-Americans even in 20th century, so called liberals forgot that they are not that liberal as they say, their history is also full of bloodshed and slavery too. Does people forgot what happened during European Colonialism??

Yes, and they (The West) put it out in their history books for all to learn about the dark history of the trade. The Middle Easterners however....I'm not sure. Forms of slavery still exist over there and in south east Asia. The Thais and Bangladeshis are known to be notorious human traffickers in the latter.

Both Islam and Christianity have tenets regarding slavery. Though, they are not pillars of the said religions. Slavery is frowned upon these days by the 'civilized world'.
if you had a brain he is talking about enslavement as a whole. and if you read the ending (Iraq/Syria is a war zone now unfortunately and war has no rules) but you probably read the first couple of lines and like the american you are just typed a response stating that he is a absurd Muslim NOT a human but MUSLIM. which makes me think how arrogant of a man you are. people like you have no intellectual no matter how much you know about planes or fighter jets or RCS of a f-22 rear end. that last sentence was the high light of you're stupidity. plus please look at the engagements of war in Islam. ISIS is a gangster organization that dose not represent Islam same like the KKK dose not represent america anymore.
And if YOU have a brain, you would have recognize the absurdity of comparing physical enslavement versus a loan, which is voluntary. So yes, I guess that in order to be a truly free person, you would have to live in the jungle, devoid of contact with other people, including that of your own parents. After all, the moral burden of caring for your parents in their old age qualifies as a form of enslavement to you, right ? It is 'enslavement as a whole', right ?
Question for pakistani members......

Pakistan sent it's pilots to Egypt, Jordan and Syria to support the Arabs in their battle against the Israelis.... Why is Pakistan now not doing the same against ISIS???
We have our own militants to bomb, that is already being handled by enough fire power matie.
Islam don't support any kind of slavery, so kindly don't bring religion in this. What ISIS and other groups are doing is not what Islam said, Islam has strict rules of war, do read how Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) has fought his wars.
I have no interests in how Muhammad fought his wars several hundreds yrs ago. And neither do generals and strategists of today. No one today were there yesterday. What we have are recorded by observers that for all we know are biased, as the charge of being 'biased' so often thrown today. Back then, the rules of war allowed enslavement of captives. We find that morally offensive today. How about the Muslims ? Guess not.

There is an obvious moral cowardice exhibited in post 21...

...slavery has never left the world its not been renamed into different forms

Source: Isis brings back slavery : Yazidi girls sold to Isis fighters | Page 2
...Where the commentator tried -- vainly -- to lump all forms of uncomfortable burdens and unwanted responsibilities, no matter how large and small, under the general heading of 'slavery'. In trying so, it is HE who brought religion into this, as if religion was a minority factor in the first place. :rolleyes:

If I voluntarily entered into a contract where days later I feel uncomfortable about the terms of the contract, that meant I am a 'slave' no different than the young girls abducted by IS Muslims fighters and sold into slavery. That the girls received no shares of the purchase price while I received some benefits of the contract -- is irrelevant. I and those girls are equally 'slaves' under our situations.

It is a moral cowardice where the commentator knows that what the perpetrators were doing go against the current norms but he is too much of a coward to come out and condemn those perpetrators. Instead, his kind will always try to create -- not find -- some forms of equivalence. A student loan or a mortgage is no different than physical enslavement. That is the crux of his argument.

If I have a pet dog who in spite him provides me companionship demands that I walks him everyday, that mean I am a 'slave' to the dog. That is the crux of your man's argument.

If I am morally burdened by aging parents in that I have to spend time caring for their physical needs when I could partying it up with hookers, that mean I am a 'slave' to my parents. That is the crux of your man's argument.

After all, another man said it is about 'enslavement as a whole', whatever the hell that mean.

We now have at least two moral cowards who tries to make equal, if not justify or defend, the physical enslavement of young girls with voluntary business contracts.

Congrats to your side of the debate.
It is strange when Americans give lecture on slavery...........


Slavery of any kind is prohibited in Islam.

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