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Isis brings back slavery : Yazidi girls sold to Isis fighters

if these guys will be in jannah!!! I definately don't want it. pray for mercy on those poor helpless girls.
sick b@strds ... the whole world should encircle them in syria and iraq and rip of this cancer once in for all from human race
you used the appropriate word for this mo...fo...s . after seeing the video , i feel helpless to not to kill all these sick bstrds. i just wonder how do they behave with their female members of family or society.
ISIS is practicing purest form of Islam ;)
That would be the Quran, since they use the Sharia and Hadith etc. which is secondary to the Quran and they take actions contradicting the Quran, they are not pure at all.

Wait you're banned, never mind.
We kept saying they raped women but the PDF cretins denied it, right @JUBA ? would mention our Hamas worshipper as well but he's banned.

all foreigners
Yesterday in Cambridge I saw a shop with a Palestinian flag with a banner called "free gaza" and it's run by a white man with a British accent. Looking at the actions of Gazans (participating in terror activities and even according to the accounts of a Yazidi girl who escaped the man who bought her was a Palestinian), it's clear that they never want to make any progress and they managed to let their hatred and ignorance overcome logic. Yet I have seen many people from UK who are flocking to help the Palestinians while completely ignoring any other groups who suffer from far worse conditions sometimes even by Palestenians themselves. I don't see the logic behind this.
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It seems the Kurds have abandoned the Yazidis, but for what reason? Maybe they want to garner Western sympathy and support.
Don't mainstream Kurds consider Yazidis as Kurds? If they really want sympathy they should manage to spread awareness of the suffering of Yazidis in other countries.
Isis brings back slavery: Yazidi girls sold to Isis fighters as concubines for $1,000

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Isis has boasted that it had enslaved women from an Iraqi minority group to use as concubines, as a human rights organisation reported teenagers being bought and sold by fighters for $1,000 (£622).

An English-language propaganda magazine for Isis said Yazidi women and children were considered spoils of war after they were captured as the militants seized their towns and villages. It was the first confirmation from the group of widespread allegations of detention and sexual abuse against Yazidi women.

Hundreds of thousands of members of the ancient sect were displaced as Isis fighters swept through the Sinjar area of northern Iraq in August, prompting US President Barack Obama to warn of an unfolding genocide. Those who escaped said men had been massacred while hundreds of women and children had been detained.

Isis systematically separated young women and teenage girls from their families, Human Rights Watch said in a new report.

“[Isis’s] litany of horrific crimes against the Yazidis in Iraq only keeps growing,” said Fred Abrahams, a special adviser at HRW. The group documented 366 Yazidi captives but also reported that some detainees reached by phone said the number was more than 1,000. The Iraqi government said 1,500 women were detained during the advances in the Sinjar area, which is also home to Christian and Shiite minorities.

One 15-year-old girl, interviewed after she had escaped, told the group that a Palestinian Isis militant had bought her for $1,000.

The women and children were divided among fighters according to Islamic law, the Isis magazine, Dabiq, said.

“The enslaved Yazidi families are now sold by the [Isis] soldiers,” it continued. The article argued that although Christians and Jews can be offered the chance to pay a tax or convert, Yazidis, as polytheists, can be enslaved if captured during war.

It details the argument for enslavement under its extremist interpretation of Islam, boasting that it is the largest mass-enslavement since the early days of the religion.

“One should remember that enslaving the families of the [nonbelievers] and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of Islamic law,” the magazine said. “Their creed is so deviant from the truth that even cross-worshipping Christians for ages considered them devil worshippers and Satanists.”

The rejection of slavery had led to an increase in adultery and fornication, it said, because men who couldn’t afford marriage found themselves surrounded by temptation, including by maids. “If she were his concubine, this relationship would be legal,” it said.

None of the Yazidi women interviewed by HRW said they had been raped, but sexual assault is deeply stigmatised in the conservative sect.

One interviewed by the group said she’d seen “brides” taken from both a school and prison she was held in. “Some were as young as 12 or 13, and up to age 20,” she said. “Some of the young women were married but without children, so [the Isis soldiers] didn’t believe they were married.”

©The Washington Post

Isis brings back slavery: Yazidi girls sold to Isis fighters as concubines for $1,000 - Middle East - World - The Independent
Is highest seat of islam -macca , madina .. condem it?
did any top muslim relgious figure condem and applead muslim let alone any human not to join them?
did OIC called for action atleast resolituion to condem either n OIC or UN?
Boko in africa and these BS here .. there guys take cover of islam .. whos responsibility to uncover and say the truth ?
as muslim are in danger now in iraq and near region its not muslims or muslim ummah responsbsilty to hep them?
sorry for my ignorace too..
It seems the Kurds have abandoned the Yazidis, but for what reason? Maybe they want to garner Western sympathy and support.
They dont have the power or means to rescue them. Sinjar is far away from Iraqi Kurdistan and the kidnapped Yezidi girls have been dispersed all over IS occupied territory.

I wonder how likely it is that any of these hundreds or possibly thousands of kidnapped Yezidi girls will ever be rescued. Seems that the only justice and revenge they will get is for every last of the peninsular lizards to be killed wherever they are to be found.
Is highest seat of islam -macca , madina .. condem it?
did any top muslim relgious figure condem and applead muslim let alone any human not to join them?
did OIC called for action atleast resolituion to condem either n OIC or UN?

Indonesia Ulema Council Issues Fatwa Against ISIS - The Jakarta Globe
Alan Henning: British Muslim leaders unite to urge Isis to release UK hostage - Home News - UK - The Independent
Scholars declare ISIS bogus
And Ulemas from all over the world wrote an open letter to the leader of ISIS a few weeks ago, I believe. They basically ruined him.
thnkas dear...
ISIS strength is misguded islmist ..
which can ans by best by these scholards
why no word from maca - madina..
if they say its not as per islam.. he is alsmot take out moral and ideology from their crime aginst humanity

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