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Isis brings back slavery : Yazidi girls sold to Isis fighters

Question for pakistani members......

Pakistan sent it's pilots to Egypt, Jordan and Syria to support the Arabs in their battle against the Israelis.... Why is Pakistan now not doing the same against ISIS???

Not Pakistani, but let me answer.

In this war equipment is not lacking, as for aerial power the US has taken the lead in this. What's needed to fight IS is other high ranking generals advising, restructuring and creating training programs that are to be followed to create good soldiers. Pakistan has taken part in the latter as seen in this video, a meeting on rebuilding the army. Advise and supervision are the most useful, there's enough manp

@1:40 , Arshad

At least that's for the Iraq part, in Syria it's more complicated as you have more groups.
I dont think we should generalize bro. Not all muslims. Thats why i always use the term/word 'muslim JIHADISTS, muslim JIHADISTS' muslim EXTREMISTS' etc.....
Where did I generalize about Muslims or mention that all Muslims are extremists? I only said ISIS people are doing what their religion has told them do. They are not doing something that the founder of their religion has not done or has forbade them from doing. Its good that most followers of that religion are not doing what their coreligionists in ISIS are doing.
Not all Muslims can become Islamists like ISIS, just like not all Christians can become Christian like Mother Theresa.
First they suffer from men from their own race as they are treated as a property of men and then a bunch of cavemen break in and suddenly they capture the defenceless women and make their suffering even worse.

Uh what?
Its strange some folks bring up the slavery topic however slavery has never left the world its not been renamed into different forms
  • Are people not enslaved by Banks with their mortgage payments if you don't pay that then you are kicked out of homes
  • The Auto Insurance is another enslavement tool where people extract money from someone's account monthly when when people go to collect they are not offered funds but excuses , and reference to clauses in policy to deny them rights
  • Are student loans not given with pretext that Banks will make Twice the money they loan to students
  • Are farmers not enslaved to use specific crops for which they have to pay royalties to certain SEED companies who own the rights to genetically modified seeds
  • Are animals not routinely caged in sea world for fun and joy of visitors animal enslavement happens all over the place
  • Economies of nations are enslaved to IMF loans which forces countries to sell their resources cheap to few Corporations
  • Every one of us in developed world is enslaved to rising oil prices which dictates what we will do with our lives where we will spend our money
  • Some countries even enforce some countries not to develop their manufacturing area and instead ask them to buy their Passenger Jets, aviation enslavement
  • Sometimes UN puts sanctions on Iraq or Iran for general business of health items economic sanctions are a form of enslavement preventing or denial of stuff
  • People also enslaved when they have to by prescription drugs which Pharmaceutical companies own right to and they won't sell it for cheap
  • There is social enslavement when the 4-5% of world population control riches where they enjoy a lifestyle unimaginable to rest where a sign board welcomes to average people , beyond this only "Members" are allowed
  • There is enslavement when group of people are denied access to general needs of society and put in camps , which become UN run areas
  • Not forgetting the inhumane practice of stocking up animals in small areas where they live and eat and shiat and die before being offered as food products
  • What about the person who for some circumstances had a bad credit history now is enslaved to credit departments where as the large banks get Bail outs, the person has to wait 6-7 years for the name to clear ,can't get loan , can't get credit car ... enslavement
  • Are business owners not enslaved to send royalties fees to franchises even if their business is making nothing
  • Are are the future of youth not enslaved to rising prices of education forcing people to not get educated because the greed of Universities keep increasing
  • Is there no enslavement where a Doctor refuses to operate unless 10,000 USD is deposited as security for the $40,000 estimated heart procedure
  • There is enslavement because when you look at borders you see huge walls and barriers because no one wants a enslaved human to get into country to get access to stuff , hospitals , jobs or resources - isn't that something a Master does draws a line what the slave can have access to or not ? Why have passports or borders if we are all free

Iraq/Syria is a war zone now unfortunately and war has no rules
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Its strange some folks bring up the slavery topic however slavery has never left the world its not been renamed into different forms
  • Are people not enslaved by Banks with their mortgage payments if you don't pay that then you are kicked out of homes
  • Are student loans not given with pretext that Banks will make Twice the money they loan to students
  • Are farmers not enslaves to use specific crops for which they have to pay royalties to certain SEED companies who own the rights to genetically modified seeds
  • Are animals not routinely caged in sea world for fun and joy of visitors animal enslavement happens all over the place
  • Economies of nations are enslaved to IMF loans which forces countries to sell their resources cheap to few Corporations
  • Every one of us in developed world is enslaved to rising oil prices which dictates what we will do with our lives where we will spend our money
  • Some countries even enforce some countries not to develop their manufacturing area and instead ask them to buy their Passenger Jets, aviation enslavement
Are you that desperate to salvage face for your religion ? No one is forced to get a mortgage or a student loan. How absurd it is to compare a mortgage and a student loan to women abducted and forced into sexual slavery ? I guess not too absurd for a Muslim.
Well , there are ample folks doing sexual slavery in western society to pay off rent , loans , credit ... what ever

Just saying , slavery exists and it sees no religion every one is bound to serve
Well , there are ample folks doing sexual slavery in western society to pay off rent , loans , credit ... what ever

Just saying , slavery exists and it sees no religion every one is bound to serve

Bro what you are comparing are entirely 2 different things. Just look for better/more appropriate example.s :rolleyes::wacko:
Same propaganda is used for ages for justifying continuation of war good vs evil however every one has a stake or something to gain in background :coffee:

War is war and is never pretty which is why people try to avoid war stating specific actions to religion perhaps not justified because bigger crimes are committed else where and continue to happen. However those instances are not politically correct to discuss so people look the other way
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Where did I generalize about Muslims or mention that all Muslims are extremists? I only said ISIS people are doing what their religion has told them do. They are not doing something that the founder of their religion has not done or has forbade them from doing. Its good that most followers of that religion are not doing what their coreligionists in ISIS are doing.
Not all Muslims can become Islamists like ISIS, just like not all Christians can become Christian like Mother Theresa.

Ok good you clarified your point bro. :cheers:

Though im surprised to read that islam accepts capturing 'infidels' /ennemy fighters wifes as concubines? o_O

“One should remember that enslaving the families of the [nonbelievers] and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of Islamic law,” the magazine said. :o:
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Question for pakistani members......

Pakistan sent it's pilots to Egypt, Jordan and Syria to support the Arabs in their battle against the Israelis.... Why is Pakistan now not doing the same against ISIS???

Pakistan wasn't in the middle of a military operation at that time and wasn't facing the same degree of instability as it is now.
It's amazing how a PDF think tank posts senseless bait like this.
Though im surprised to read that islam accepts capturing 'infidels' /ennemy fighters wifes as concubines?
Thats what I have been saying. Enslavement of women and children PoWs is an accepted practice in Islam. The ISIS people are openly quoting their religious scriptures while justifying their actions, and no so called 'moderate muslims' can refute that.

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