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Is tide turning finally ? Angry mob sets ablaze house of Lashkar operative in Kashmir

Sadly waning of interest among sikhs did not coincide with increase interest among other communities.

But due to recent increase in pay structure,things are looking up and may change in a couple of years for the better

But now we have 13000 shortage of Army officers .Pay structure is better .But problem is a job with same salary with less stress can be find in the India now a days .Parents only chose that career for their kids.
My father always oppose when I show interest to join in Armed Forces.Ghosh I dont even know about NDA exam after my plus two .
The hindu is a communist newspaper - one wouldn't expect any positive Indian news from them.

That right there tells me you are not ready to accept a negative thing on India, and would rather live in La La land that "all is well" rather than take some critique from within.

Indian express is the paper u wanna get if u want to read a good indian paper without leftist propaganda of hindu and typical page 3 bullshit of toi and hindustan times.

Btw I love the dawn,especially the website version looks very sophisticated:)

I would read all. Be it the Express, ToI or the Hindu.. but not be obsessed with one narrative. Be it "all is well".. or "all is lost".
Crescent International was originally a local Pakistani community paper in Toronto,

The report was filed from Srinagar and, in any case, the 500,000 number is confirmed by @Dillinger

The sanctioned strength of the Jammu and Kashmir Police stands at 68,125. The police to population ratio is 133.
(Press Information Bureau English Releases)

Next the paramilitary forces deployed there, there are 86,260 people from the paramil forces deployed in the whole state of J&K.
(JK spends Rs 2 400 cr on central forces Lastupdate:- Thu, 16 Jun 2011 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com)

Now the army has close to 3,37,000 soldiers deployed in totality in and around J&K, the VAST majority of whom are deployed at the LOC and AGPL, if someone wishes to argue this then please tell us who is actually guarding the AGPL and if they are mostly policing the valley then how has your brave army not crossed the AGPL and annexed the state of J&K already?

That leaves the RR, which has a sanctioned strength of 65 battalions of a 1000 soldiers each. That amounts to 65,000 RR troops.

These deployments are for the complete state, and not just for the Kashmir Valley. For example, the Rashtriya Rifles units are deployed as Counter Insurgency Force (CIF)- R in Rajouri and Poonch, CIF-D in Doda, CIF-V in Anantnag, Pulwama and Badgam, CIF-K in Kupwara, Baramulla and Srinagar, and CIF-U in Udhampur and Banihal. Kashmir Valley, or the Vale of Kashmir, forms just 7 percent of the area of the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

This in a region that encompasses 220,000 sq. Km.

So the half a million plus figure for security forces is confirmed for the state.

The only issue is how they are distributed and, more importantly, how quickly they can be deployed to the Valley..
That right there tells me you are not ready to accept a negative thing on India, and would rather live in La La land that "all is well" rather than take some critique from within.

I would read all. Be it the Express, ToI or the Hindu.. but not be obsessed with one narrative. Be it "all is well".. or "all is lost".

I respect that line of thinking:)
e report was filed from Srinagar and, in any case, the 500,000 number is confirmed by @Dillinger

So the half a million plus figure for security forces is confirmed for the state.

The only issue is how they are distributed and, more importantly, how quickly they can be deployed to the Valley..

Why would we re-deploy our army away from the AGPL? By that criterion the elements of the Pakistani army deployed at the border can be said to be "policing" Pakistan held Kashmir. So no, the 500,000 number is not "confirmed", simply because the 3,00,000 soldiers deployed at the AGPL will never be pulled from there, a fact which is well cited by the fact that we won't even pull troops out of Siachen where the chances of an "invasion" are low as compared to the vast AGPL.

Of course if you remain obdurate and insist on counting the soldiers deployed at the AGPL and the J&K state police itself (woe be us, how can we deploy the state's police in that state itself, an unheard of and barbaric occurrence, no? I mean no real state requires its OWN police) in that figure then at best you have zilch knowledge of all affairs martial or at worst you are being intellectually dishonest and disingenuous.

@Oscar Read them all except for TOI, unless they are running an article gleaned from the Associated Press or Reuters its bound to be low grade.
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Why would we re-deploy our army away from the AGPL. By that criterion the elements of the Pakistani army deployed at the border can be said to be "policing" Pakistan held Kashmir. So no, the 500,000 number is not "confirmed", simply because the 3,00,000 soldiers deployed at the AGPL will never be pulled from there, a fact which is well cited by the fact that we won't even pull troops out of Siachen where the chances of an "invasion" are low as compared to the vast AGPL.

Of course if you remain obdurate and insist on counting the soldiers deployed at the AGPL and the J&K state police itself (woe be us, how can we deploy the state's police in that state itself, an unheard of and barbaric occurrence, no? I mean no real state requires its OWN police) in that figure then at best you have zilch knowledge of all affairs martial or at worst you are being intellectually dishonest and disingenuous.

Actually, it seems you have zilch knowledge of simple mathematics.

337,000 regular troops
65,000 RR
86,260 Parammilitary

Note that that's not counting the police and, when you add them, the number goes well over half a million.

Your comparison to AJK is ludicrous because there is no active insurgency there. The whole debate is about suppressing an insurgency and the whole idea is to make it clear that overwhelming force is available at short notice to quash them.

The overwhelming force doesn't need to be positioned right at the doorstep 24/7. Given the nature of the adversary (stone pelting youths) the army around the state is close enough.
That right there tells me you are not ready to accept a negative thing on India, and would rather live in La La land that "all is well" rather than take some critique from within.

I would read all. Be it the Express, ToI or the Hindu.. but not be obsessed with one narrative. Be it "all is well".. or "all is lost".

I don't denigrate from negative commentary, but not from a communist source for multiple reasons.

I very well know there's many things that's wrong in India. but I don't fancy a commie commentator commenting with commie bias. It just doesn't cut it.
Actually, it seems you have zilch knowledge of simple mathematics.

337,000 regular troops
65,000 RR
86,260 Parammilitary

Note that that's not counting the police and, when you add them, the number goes well over half a million.

Your comparison to AJK is ludicrous because there is no active insurgency there. The whole debate is about suppressing an insurgency and the whole idea is to make it clear that overwhelming force is available at short notice to quash them.

The overwhelming force doesn't need to be positioned right at the doorstep 24/7. Given the nature of the adversary (stone pelting youths) the army around the state is close enough.

How convenient.

The regular troops are stationed at the AGPL to guard the border, did that escape your notice?

There is no insurgency in AJK because we unlike Pakistan aren't sending out adolescents to die in some fanatical venture (again refer to the Westpoint study).

If you cannot comprehend the simple fact that troops actively patrolling a hot border cannot go about "policing" a state then yes you do not have a firm grasp on the fundamentals of military affairs or operations.
Actually, it seems you have zilch knowledge of simple mathematics.

337,000 regular troops
65,000 RR
86,260 Parammilitary

Note that that's not counting the police and, when you add them, the number goes well over half a million.

Your comparison to AJK is ludicrous because there is no active insurgency there. The whole debate is about suppressing an insurgency and the whole idea is to make it clear that overwhelming force is available at short notice to quash them.

The overwhelming force doesn't need to be positioned right at the doorstep 24/7. Given the nature of the adversary (stone pelting youths) the army around the state is close enough.
You need to visit Kashmir to get an idea - granted there is a policeman or an army guy placed every kilometer - but it's more peaceful and incident free from all of Pakistan combined.
How convenient.

The regular troops are stationed at the AGPL to guard the border, did that escape your notice?

There is no insurgency in AJK because we unlike Pakistan aren't sending out adolescents to die in some fanatical venture (again refer to the Westpoint study).

If you cannot comprehend the simple fact that troops actively patrolling a hot border cannot go about "policing" a state then yes you do not have a firm grasp on the fundamentals of military affairs or operations.

You don't have a clue, do you?

The overwhelming show of force is there to intimidate the Kashmiri population. The ordinary stone pelting youth won't sit around debating whether the army will leave their posts or not and, in any case, no one is suggesting that the entire army would vacate their posts.

Once again, educate yourself psychological intimidation v/s actual combat.
You don't have a clue, do you?

The overwhelming show of force is there to intimidate the Kashmiri population. The ordinary stone pelting youth won't sit around debating whether the army will leave their posts or not and, in any case, no one is suggesting that the entire army would vacate their posts.

Once again, educate yourself psychological intimidation v/s actual combat.

You don't have a clue, do you?

The overwhelming force is present to stall another Kargil or 48 or 65.

Of course, how dare we deploy forces at a border which another state has crossed thrice to impose war upon us. Another unheard of barbarism.:angel:
You don't have a clue, do you?

The overwhelming show of force is there to intimidate the Kashmiri population. The ordinary stone pelting youth won't sit around debating whether the army will leave their posts or not and, in any case, no one is suggesting that the entire army would vacate their posts.

Once again, educate yourself psychological intimidation v/s actual combat.

You seriously need to visit Kashmir - or talk to the thousands of tourists that visit it every year.

AS I said granted there's a policeman every kilometer or so - dissimilar to any other place in India but any tourist doesn't witness the BS propaganda that Pakistani sources love to propagate.
You don't have a clue, do you?

The overwhelming force is present to stall another Kargil or 48 or 65.

Of course, how dare we deploy forces at a border which another state has crossed thrice to impose war upon us. Another unheard of barbarism.:angel:

I understand far better than your simplistic grasp of what the army is doing there.

It fulfills a dual role: both for actual combat against the Pak military and for psychological intimidation of the Kashmiri civilians.

Just because you don't get it doesn't mean the Indian army brass doesn't.

You seriously need to visit Kashmir - or talk to the thousands of tourists that visit it every year.

AS I said granted there's a policeman every kilometer or so - dissimilar to any other place in India but any tourist doesn't witness the BS propaganda that Pakistani sources love to propagate.

I am not saying that there are riots breaking out every other day.

Whether that is because the people are happy or suppressed is another matter.

A LeT operative arrested twice before :rofl:

So who exactly bailed him out before ??? Hafiz Saeed ??? :sarcastic:or did he had a Get-outaa-jail-free card specially issued by RAW for terrorists !!! :omghaha:
I understand far better than your simplistic grasp of what the army is doing there.

It fulfills a dual role: both for actual combat against the Pak military and for psychological intimidation of the Kashmiri civilians.

Just because you don't get it doesn't mean the Indian army brass doesn't.

And I guess we should leave our borders undefended since we are oh so mean.

Such brutal intimidation, one wonders how the hurriyat ever survived or the separatists.

At the end of the day you cannot substantiate that there is any directed policy or doctrine instituted and employed the GOI to fulfill that said role (psychological intimidation of the populace of the Indian state of Kashmir) through the army, as far as established (substantiated and not opinions) facts are concerned the army is there to stall and avert aggression from a state where either the army rules and engages in military adventurism or even if it is not in power it engages in military adventurism while keeping the state executive in the dark.


A LeT operative arrested twice before :rofl:

So who exactly bailed him out before ??? Hafiz Saeed ??? :sarcastic:or did he had a Get-outaa-jail-free card specially issued by RAW for terrorists !!! :omghaha:

We do try those we catch alive in civilian courts, so if the case is not strong enough then like any other citizen the presumption of innocence ensures that he walks free. Still not as bad as your courts when it comes to the TTP, did the all powerful ISI give them a get out of jail free card?:cheesy:
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