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Is this the end of Pakistan? Have the colonial traitors sold the nation out?

- Economy crashing

- Homosexuality and LGBT flourishing

- Semi-competent democracy (PTI) destroyed

- Corrupt traitor inept dictatorship (PDM) installed

- All institutions and ministries are failed, and about as useful as a kid with down syndrome in governing

- Terrorism back (TTP)

- Afghanistan preparing to an@l rape us


just think about it, first they remove democratic khan, they install pDm, they start kidnapping and arresting political opponents, blast in peshawar and TTP returns with a shit excuses, while every ethnicity is fighting and arguing: AND NOW TLP leaders threatening to nuke and blackmail the world publicly.

Did Khan's presence in government feel threatening for certain powers about the potential risk pakistan poses to them? (Moeed Pirzada confirms this)

Is this not engineered for the sole purpose of destroying pakistan??

@Areesh @AlKardai @Bleek @Signalian @villageidiot @epebble @akramishaqkhan @Menace2Society @ghazi52 @blain2 @Abid123 @Clutch @ThunderCat @Ali_14 @Khan_patriot @TNT @PakFactor @ziaulislam @N.Siddiqui @SaadH @PanzerKiel @Maula Jatt @Sayfullah @_NOBODY_ @Al_Muhannad

Well one thing is for sure, Pakistan is fast becoming an anal sex nation. This country will be flooded with LGBTs real soon !! :lol: And the funniest and at the same time the most tragic thing is that these Pindi Monkeys still call this country "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" !! :lol:
Serious question, why don't you diaspora guys come back to Pakistan and try to make country a better place? I mean, I spent a decade outside Pak and yet came back, why can't you?

Well we tried but then this country is like pre-historic ape-men killing each other. They kidnapped the Diaspora guys and beat them naked and made Porno movies out of them ! :lol: ... NA, WE WON'T BE COMING BACK TO THIS HELL-HOLE ANYMORE. HOPEFULLY THEY KILL EACH OTHER AND BE DONE WITH IT.
Pakistan is no where near the end. Stop making alarmist threads like this.

What is happening is it is nearing an economic collapse (not yet there). Reason being the current PDM current lot and the people who brought them here with their Ivy league MBA level game scenarios where they thought the current corrupt leaders would fare better than IK/PTI.

So now, we're here, what needs to be done? There is a clear danger that IMF will only give you loans only when you touch the holy cows. That is politicians, military leadership, judiciary's assets are publicised or curtail the defense budget. This is a bitter pill to swallow which needs to be done.

In the long run, free and fair elections need to be held, military's supra constitutional role needs to be curtailed, political stability, strict accountability for corrupts and people who brought Pakistan here, focus on eduction, meritocracy etc. I don't need to lay it down here. You guys are pretty smart how successful countries run.
Have a cry, feel better than delete this. Pakistan has not seen anything yet.

You want to know what hell is, ask an Afghan, Iraqi, Somali, Yemeni, Syrian, Libyan, Palestinian.

The vast majority in our country have a roof over their head, they're eating every day.

not for too long as it seems, every general is promised a plot in the west
Possibly the minority of liberal coconuts, and even then most of them would say “south Asian” or just “desi”

I’d rather call myself dead than Indian

Point im trying to get across, India with all its faults is generally viewed better than Pakistan in many metrics. We are the world's armpit.
pre-historic ape-men killing each other.
As a descendant of pre-historic ape-men, I reject that slur. My forefathers didn't kill each other. They were few and far apart to have much reason to kill each other. Their biggest problem was getting something to eat (not much different from present day Pakistanis) and escape from being eaten by the predators (not unlike present day Pakistanis, metaphorically speaking). Please don't insult my ancestors by bringing them down to the level of present-day Pakistanis.
In my opinion, this truly is the start of the end.

Long story short, Pakistan is on the way to becoming the next Ukraine for its nuclear weapons.

There are actual talks going on that for Pakistan to survive, it needs 45 billion per year. (Which is unrealistic)

And when Pakistan does collapse, India plans to not only take Gilgit/ Balditstan but also a part of Sindh it calls "Hind"

Also at the same time, Balochistan will go to Western control to counter Iran and Afghan. Leaving Pakistan with Punjab and KPK.

All this is being planned while the VERY BEST PDM can do is harass political opponents, Army watches and twiddles its thumbs, and Awam sits and enjoy the show with popcorn.

This nation is truly Fcked this time around. To hell with it!

Nobody will try to take any region of Pakistan unles US or UN comes in and start to distribute it as cake in a platter (totally unlikely). Even then, India will probably accept ONLY as far as GB (and probaly AJK, albeit with a lot of reluctance, just to end the division and hence all the hoopla of Kashmir valley). IMHO, in such unlikely scenario, India will prefer Sindh and Baluchistan to be separate countries with sufficient Indian influence.

In any case, as I said it is completely improbable scenario. Don't go by the lip services of inviduals or politicians.

The right question is what Pakistan needs to do to slowly, but surely, come out of this mess. I have read a lot of posts regarding this in last few months, but still haven't seen one that is even close to the real changes that are the need of the hour. I see either pessimistic escapism or divisive blames and its counter arguments only. All the old elements, the thinking process, the philosophies that has created this quagmire, are still there.
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- Economy crashing

- Homosexuality and LGBT flourishing

- Semi-competent democracy (PTI) destroyed

- Corrupt traitor inept dictatorship (PDM) installed

- All institutions and ministries are failed, and about as useful as a kid with down syndrome in governing

- Terrorism back (TTP)

- Afghanistan preparing to an@l rape us


just think about it, first they remove democratic khan, they install pDm, they start kidnapping and arresting political opponents, blast in peshawar and TTP returns with a shit excuses, while every ethnicity is fighting and arguing: AND NOW TLP leaders threatening to nuke and blackmail the world publicly.

Did Khan's presence in government feel threatening for certain powers about the potential risk pakistan poses to them? (Moeed Pirzada confirms this)

Is this not engineered for the sole purpose of destroying pakistan??

@Areesh @AlKardai @Bleek @Signalian @villageidiot @epebble @akramishaqkhan @Menace2Society @ghazi52 @blain2 @Abid123 @Clutch @ThunderCat @Ali_14 @Khan_patriot @TNT @PakFactor @ziaulislam @N.Siddiqui @SaadH @PanzerKiel @Maula Jatt @Sayfullah @_NOBODY_ @Al_Muhannad
Oue own effing army sold us out after trampling on our rights for 72 years, it has decided to lie down and surrender, Effing imbeciles and cowards


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    Message to Pakistan Army 1.png
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It is not just per capita GDP. PPP takes into account comparative living standard. That said, not everything in life can be reduced to money. But, just looking at street videos, it is not difficult to see Pakistan is not at or near the bottom of the barrel (in that list).

I don't disagree. There are many situations where people who do not live off money have better living standards than people who work for money.
India kept on saying for years that Pak Army hold absolute power in Pakistan - not the govts. And ironically we used to laugh and mock indians for saying this. Oh the irony and betrayal.
Everyone knew this but they just didn't care because they worshipped the army
I wonder what happens if Afghan Taliban invade Pakistan. Pakistan Army is too busy terrorising its own people. It's will be a cake walk for them.
I think you are done... now back to your toys room.
There is a reason many overseas pakistani when asked where they are from they say "India" ..Pakistan has given nothing to overseas Pakistani but has taken Billions. Just like the Pak army has from its citizens.
They are second generation muhaajir who skip their fathers or grand fathers pakistani heritage
- Economy crashing

- Homosexuality and LGBT flourishing

- Semi-competent democracy (PTI) destroyed

- Corrupt traitor inept dictatorship (PDM) installed

- All institutions and ministries are failed, and about as useful as a kid with down syndrome in governing

- Terrorism back (TTP)

- Afghanistan preparing to an@l rape us


just think about it, first they remove democratic khan, they install pDm, they start kidnapping and arresting political opponents, blast in peshawar and TTP returns with a shit excuses, while every ethnicity is fighting and arguing: AND NOW TLP leaders threatening to nuke and blackmail the world publicly.

Did Khan's presence in government feel threatening for certain powers about the potential risk pakistan poses to them? (Moeed Pirzada confirms this)

Is this not engineered for the sole purpose of destroying pakistan??

@Areesh @AlKardai @Bleek @Signalian @villageidiot @epebble @akramishaqkhan @Menace2Society @ghazi52 @blain2 @Abid123 @Clutch @ThunderCat @Ali_14 @Khan_patriot @TNT @PakFactor @ziaulislam @N.Siddiqui @SaadH @PanzerKiel @Maula Jatt @Sayfullah @_NOBODY_ @Al_Muhannad
Still blaming the west and liberals 🙄
There is a reason many overseas pakistani when asked where they are from they say "India" ..Pakistan has given nothing to overseas Pakistani but has taken Billions. Just like the Pak army has from its citizens.
Never seen this in my life
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