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Is the military gap between Pakistan and India increasing or decreasing?

Is the military gap between Pakistan and India increasing or decreasing?

  • It's increasing

  • It's decreasing

  • It's the same as it was 20 years ago

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Yes today it is 2:1 in India’s favor. The armor advantage is 2:1 decreasing to 2:1.5 by spring 2021 . Towed artillery India has more but in sp Pakistan will have 3:1 advantage. in atgm’s Pakistan has a 25-35:1 advantage.
Pakistan also makes Babar cruise missiles and have 3 ~4:1 Advantage against bhamOse of india. we also have an advantage in numbers in ALCM 4:1 I think l.

in armed drones today we have an advantage of 50:0 increasing to 200:50

experts say a numerical superiority of 4:1 is needed to take out ones enemy.This is why India does not want to go into a land war against Pakistan. Today it would take 4-5 years to overwhelm Pakistan without nuclear weapons. This does not take into account the civilian population picking up
Arms, you see Pakistan has a gun culture most people in Pakistan own arms and know how to use them. After two years most of trained soldiers in India would be gone so the fight would be between Pakistani populous that is armed and knows how to use fire arms. And untrained Indian conscripts. We kill each other effectively imagine what would we do to aN under trained and demotivated Indian conscript in our territory. As a society we are used to living without the rule of law.

Pakistan has a 2:1 nuclear warhead advantage. Same is the case with Pakistani highly mobile delivery systems. Most of our arsenal is truck mobile, India’s is not.

as far as the t-90s in Pakistan is concrned we have the nasar missiles, 50-100 armed drones and 30000s hur mujahids armed with 30000k Baktar Shikan ATGMS. We have been building these since the 90s and have significant stockpiles possibility in the 100k range.

the hur live in the desert, grow up in the desert and are fanatically loyal to Pakistan Due to their religious leader, they regularly train with the army and were able to blunt the Indian advance in both 1965 and 1971 wars in the Sindh desert.

India can no longer win in a land battle against Pakistan. You lost that capability half a century ago after 85 when the focus in India shifted from fighting a land war to COIN operations.

The question now really is if we will fight these battles in Indian cities or our borders. See another thing that experts talk about is logistics. Pakistani forces can come online in 24 hours and our line of supplies are right next to our troops. It takes india 2-3 weeks to mobilize via trains. If war starts we would use our numerically superior cruise missile arsenals to take major rail junctions out. This will slow Indian mobilization even further.

so please help me understand how you plan to take over Pakistan{/B]


My friend I am not at all talking about taking over Pakistan..... Such a powerful country like Pakistan is next to impossible to take over even to USA let alone India.... I was just saying that you should not underestimate us and 27th Feb certainly cannot be a yardstick for comparison..... it happens some times....

Achievement of objectives only make you a real power...... like Israel has done to it's Arab neighbors.....I hop you understand what I say my friend....
My friend I am not at all talking about taking over Pakistan..... Such a powerful country like Pakistan is next to impossible to take over even to USA let alone India.... I was just saying that you should not underestimate us and 27th Feb certainly cannot be a yardstick for comparison..... it happens some times....

Achievement of objectives only make you a real power...... like Israel has done to it's Arab neighbors.....I hop you understand what I say my friend....
My friend I am not at all talking about taking over Pakistan..... Such a powerful country like Pakistan is next to impossible to take over even to USA let alone India.... I was just saying that you should not underestimate us and 27th Feb certainly cannot be a yardstick for comparison..... it happens some times....

Achievement of objectives only make you a real power...... like Israel has done to it's Arab neighbors.....I hop you understand what I say my friend....

I agree with you the only way forward for taking both our people out of poverty is peace. If we are part of the same economic value chain we will both develop our economies.

Unfortunately the window of opportunity is fast disappearing as China invests more in Pakistan , Sri Lanka and Bangladesh we all will have less incentive to support India. I hope India does not fall into the western trap and goes to war with her Neibiours


I agree with you the only way forward for taking both our people out of poverty is peace. If we are part of the same economic value chain we will both develop our economies.

Unfortunately the window of opportunity is fast disappearing as China invests more in Pakistan , Sri Lanka and Bangladesh we all will have less incentive to support India. I hope India does not fall into the western trap and goes to war with her Neibiours


My sorrow is we speak and understand same language our movies even resemble, almost same food but ppl from different races have always taken an advantage of our DUSHMANI.. .. why can't we sort it out ourselves??? We need to sit and find out such a solution that neither India nor Pakistan will be sad..... but enough and enough of spending hard earned money on weapons which cannot feed and bring the smile on the face of poor hungry child....
Hardware gap is growing.
But in terms of human resource I think we are much better.
My sorrow is we speak and understand same language our movies even resemble, almost same food but ppl from different races have always taken an advantage of our DUSHMANI.. .. why can't we sort it out ourselves??? We need to sit and find out such a solution that neither India nor Pakistan will be sad..... but enough and enough of spending hard earned money on weapons which cannot feed and bring the smile on the face of poor hungry child....
Baghal mein choora mun pe raam raam.
Bohat ho gya aman ka tamasha.
Listen kid I don't at all care about 27th Feb.... if shooting down one vintage jet is a yardstick to compare Pakistan and India then please feel like sitting on the top of the moon...... 5th August India showed what they are capable of and your PM saying we don't have capability to attack India and snatch Kashmir is the actual yardstick as per Indian standard..... I already said you have advantage in air still you keep crying like mosquito 27th Feb 27th Feb......why don't you then send your SHAHEEN'S to free Kashmir....

27 Feb was the response from PAF,

5 March was the response from PN,

and 100s of body bags containing bodies of Indian solders and officers during this escalation period were the gifts from PA.

It was your mad PM who took the initiative to enter the sacred land of Pakistan, and got the befitting response.

Yes Imran Khan or any of the Pakistani leadership is not insane to enter into war with another nuclear state. Because we Pakistanis know the cost the public on the both sides will pay if we enter into all out war.

But your corrupt and insane leadership pitch both nuclear states into a conflict which could have turned out into deadliest outcome not only for this region but the whole world. Why? Just to gain in-country political advantage!!!

Whether you accept it publicly or otherwise, the world knows that Pulwama incident was hoax - a drama played by BJP leadership against their own soldiers. For them death of 46 Indian soldiers is a collateral damage to gain political advantage. We all heard the telephonic recording of some insane BJP leader and woman responsible for the attack.

Somewhere in this thread you were pleading for peace. And this is how you will bring peace in this region - a nuclear war pitched by some insane leader sitting in the Indian power corridor.

You wrote in one of your message that you Indians will force Pakistan to negotiate on Indian terms. Just because you have numerical superiority. What a joke!! Well your insane leadership opened another front, China..... Will you be able to face both fronts at one time with your numerically superior arsenal.
Yes....... we do surgical strikes and non surgical strikes with our artillery every day on the LOC ................. this is why we need a strong military. To ensure India never becomes a superpower. Just a weak regional big country. India will never succeed without a vibrant and economically strong Pakistan! I agree with @blain2 the Mushraf solution was the best way forward now more concessions will need to be given on water. If not at some point in the next 5 years Pakistan will have to conduct airstikes to destroy the dams India made in Kashmir. This will be a survival step for us!
musharraf formula is only solution between india and pak .
Answer to this question lies in listing the new acquisition by Pakistan armed forces VS Indian armed forces during last decade.
When China itself is finding it very difficult to face India in Himalaya with better infrastructure. It surprises me when Pakistani members with those Chinese weapons think that they are reducing the gap in military power.
When China itself is finding it very difficult to face India in Himalaya with better infrastructure. It surprises me when Pakistani members with those Chinese weapons think that they are reducing the gap in military power.
What chinese army doing reminds me of what resident evil done with innocent people but here with reality.
India has successfully formed China as a regional enemy. India will keep buying weapons to confront China as well as Pakistan, so while India will acquire more and more weapons to be used against China and Pakistan, it's in the best interest of Pakistan to develop own defence industry for every need of its military instead of militarily trying to match India in numbers or closing the gap but bear in mind that keeping up with technology is important. As an example, India has a massive Navy as compared to Pakistan navy however, Indian Navy has to deal with PLA Navy also in the region. In case of war, India cannot divert 100% of its military assets towards Pakistan, while Pakistan has this luxury especially when western front is being secured with fence, surveillance equipment and up-gradation of FC. It's important to predict what percentage of Indian forces can be shifted from North-Eastern and Eastern fronts (facing China) towards Pakistan. How many IAF squadrons and which navy vessels can be spared facing PLAN and diverted towards PN.

Having said that, Pakistan's military equipment needs a lot of modernisation in Tanks (T-59, T-85), Artillery (older 105 mm, 122 mm 130 mm), Helicopters (transport and gunships) and Aircrafts (F-7 and Mirage III/V). A general rule would have been to get the older inventory replaced and after that raise newer formations, however Pakistan has been forming newer formations (LID, MIB, Armor Regts etc) side by side. PAF has formed new squadrons also (28 & 29). PN is inducting newer ships and in future more submarines.

IMO, the expectation from a military formation would be to have enough resources in troops and equipment to be able to carry out a designated mission successfully. One needs to look into several factors like if Strike Corps of Pakistan Army have the capability to go on offensive inside India and capture a major chunk of area like an important town or city. If FCNA has the required logistics to attack and continue the offensive inside IOK capturing cross-roads, peaks and towns as it's subordinate formations press on towards liberation of J&K. If Navy and Marines should be allotted a sizeable amphibious capability to be able to strike before Indian navy starts its build up near the creek area or further south of it.

Pakistan has produced a big arsenal of missiles and nuclear weapons for its defense. Nasr will be deployed in a defensive manner if a sector is threatened to be over run by Indian forces (armor probably). Its the offensive Operations that leaves a lot to be desired. The current COIN war may have produced a battle hardened Pakistan Army, but this was a war in our own backyard. Taking the war to the other side of the border is a completely different ball game.

But you need to keep in mind.. Any war between India and china may attract external forces... which US looking for.. chinese don't have luxury to diversify it's navy to face IN in IoR.. given the situation in SCS far more worse than Indo- China border...

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