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Is the military gap between Pakistan and India increasing or decreasing?

Is the military gap between Pakistan and India increasing or decreasing?

  • It's increasing

  • It's decreasing

  • It's the same as it was 20 years ago

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Subsonic cruise missiles are better than supersonic ones. Because subsonic ones can fly NAP of the earth (100 feet) hugging the terrain . A supersonic weapon has to fly higher which creates significant maneuverability and detection problems.

This is why all western cruise missiles are sub sonic not to mention their anti ship missiles.

Supersonic anti ship cruise missiles maybe effective as there are NO FEATUREs to hide at sea so speed is useful.


Why can't you check the video of Brahmos and your Chinese missile to check which missile flies lower?
Bleed India with thousand cut s yes that's the only way out.

But what is the end result? Who is bleeding? I feel sorry for the guys who invested their everything to do 1000 cuts and in return got more than thousand cuts without even inflicting 1% of those those thousand cuts. They themselves are bleeding.
Why can't you check the video of Brahmos and your Chinese missile to check which missile flies lower?

But what is the end result? Who is bleeding? I feel sorry for the guys who invested their everything to do 1000 cuts and in return got more than thousand cuts without even inflicting 1% of those those thousand cuts. They themselves are bleeding.
So you don't know what happened in Galwan Valley where Indian soldier were murdered with thousand cuts????did it can be done with oit the support of Pakistan? And it is not even the beginning.
So you don't know what happened in Galwan Valley where Indian soldier were murdered with thousand cuts????did it can be done with oit the support of Pakistan? And it is not even the beginning.

Do you know for what the phrase"To bleed India with thousand cut" is used for? Educate yourself before exposing your ignorance.
Why are we even discussing this..... India has numerical advantage in ground troops..... no matter what Pakistan airforce achieves they simply don't have capability to deliver an ordanance of even single B2 flight to stop our T90s advance into their territory...... PAF will enjoy superiority initially but slowly war will start turning into India's favor...... Indian ground forces waves after waves will be unstoppable for PAF, BRAMHOS wrecking havoc on PN and Pakistan military bases will bring Pakistan on to the negotiation table with India off course on India's terms.... quantity is quality in itself..... never forget this....
wtf did i just read!!!!
friend I saw this by a Pakistani youtuber. I am happy to be wrong

I do not agree with the mig-29 and mirage 2000 assessment. Mig -29s lack the endurance to do any significant damage in Pakistan they however are bvr capable and would be used in a point defence role.
so far I have only seen mirage 2000s in the IAF in the strike role a lot like our mirages. it’s a decent aircraft but not a threat to our If-17 block 2s and maybe even block 1

I see us bringing in something like 50 units of block 3 and 50 units of block 4 ( yes we probably will be upgrading if-17 for the next 50 years. These will hold their own against Rafaels. As I said in 2/3 vs 2/3 battle tactics trump aircraft capabilities

darin III was scrapped because of lack of engine(too expensive)
mig 29 would need a better BVR, not sure if india plans to get one
mirage2000 for now lack a good medium range BVR, MICA wont cut it, MICA ER is in development

having said PAF still is way behind, it needs to ASAP gets it thunders number to 250 and then aim for slow production till 300-350 given f16s arent coming and its not acquiring anything new
But you need to keep in mind.. Any war between India and china may attract external forces... which US looking for.. chinese don't have luxury to diversify it's navy to face IN in IoR.. given the situation in SCS far more worse than Indo- China border...
Any war between India - Pakistan is to be avoided since both sides will be happy to use missiles and nuclear option at the first opportunity whether after a week or 10 days or 2 weeks. This war has the potential to escalate from LOC to IB with in days and once the forces are mobilised and meet each other in combat, the chances they will break off engagement soon are very less since both want to damage each others conventional war capability.
In air force Pakistan is currently enjoying an edge but India has successfully managed to keep its ground forces and naval forces upper hand over Pakistan..... after all Pakistan air advantage (thanks to major non NATO ally status) is not that overwhelming that it would destroy India's ground and naval offensive totally at the same time enjoying total air superiority over India.....

Apart from that BRAHMOS has now totally changed the entire gamut..... this system is FULL STOP to any future acquisitions of Pakistan or any enemy for the matter..... say Pakistan somehow gets F22 Raptors..... BRAHMOS will either make it sure that those Raptors don't get air borne or if they do they don't land back.....

Wait for surprise in that area too let Modi attack Pakistan in 2023 and use Brahmos you will never talk about it again after Pakistani response, like we did in 27th Feb 2019 and killed Su-30 MKI superiority complex of India.
Please show me Sukhoi 30 kill proof or just shut up...

Mind your language looser, we kicked your butt and you didnt dare to launch your mighty Brahmos and since Feb 2019 it was all about "Agar Rafale hota" BS from India no word about previously so called F-22 of Soth Asia the Su-30MKI.

Reality bites looser.
Back to the topic gap is increasing in Indian favor (barring air power which is in Pakistan favor) in ground troops, navy and missile inventory......

Latest BRAHMOS 400, SHAURYA Hypersonic missile test, AGNI 5 adds a mean punch to Indian military.....

If Indo Pak war erupts our infantry will have a huge advantage due to latest deadly sig 716 and ak 203 rifles with T90,T72 and homemade Arjun...... homemade LCH, APACHES smerch, homemade pinaka will make life miserable for any army standing in the way......

On the naval front homemade VISHAKHAPATANAM, KOLKATA destroyers, homemade SHIVALIK class corvettes, TABAR, TARKASH, TALWAR, TEG all armed with BRAHMOS, HARPOON, EXCOCET will wreck havoc...... P8, MH60 ROMEOS searching for enemy submarines like a hungry hyenas..... KILOS (NATO CODENAME BLACKHOLE), SCORPEANS, AKULA & HOMEMADE ARIHANT nuclear submarines ohh my God..... if any navy has a death wish feel free to challenge IN...... (BARRING CHINA, US,UK,FRANCE NAVIES).....

Now only weak point is airforce...... Pakistan enjoys edge with hitech F16 and AMARAAM but common in a full blown war how long it's going to help???? You got to face 100s of Bison, Fulcrums at the same time you need to take care of Indian advancing ground troops and navy that is about to blockade your country.....

I'm not even mentioning BRAHMOS which will be destroying the airbases of the enemy from land, sea and air..... I don't even have to mention S400, homemade AKASH which is an additional headache for PAF......

So yes gap is widening and it's widening in India favor......
Back to the topic gap is increasing in Indian favor (barring air power which is in Pakistan favor) in ground troops, navy and missile inventory......

Latest BRAHMOS 400, SHAURYA Hypersonic missile test, AGNI 5 adds a mean punch to Indian military.....

If Indo Pak war erupts our infantry will have a huge advantage due to latest deadly sig 716 and ak 203 rifles with T90,T72 and homemade Arjun...... homemade LCH, APACHES smerch, homemade pinaka will make life miserable for any army standing in the way......

On the naval front homemade VISHAKHAPATANAM, KOLKATA destroyers, homemade SHIVALIK class corvettes, TABAR, TARKASH, TALWAR, TEG all armed with BRAHMOS, HARPOON, EXCOCET will wreck havoc...... P8, MH60 ROMEOS searching for enemy submarines like a hungry hyenas..... KILOS (NATO CODENAME BLACKHOLE), SCORPEANS, AKULA & HOMEMADE ARIHANT nuclear submarines ohh my God..... if any navy has a death wish feel free to challenge IN...... (BARRING CHINA, US,UK,FRANCE NAVIES).....

Now only weak point is airforce...... Pakistan enjoys edge with hitech F16 and AMARAAM but common in a full blown war how long it's going to help???? You got to face 100s of Bison, Fulcrums at the same time you need to take care of Indian advancing ground troops and navy that is about to blockade your country.....

I'm not even mentioning BRAHMOS which will be destroying the airbases of the enemy from land, sea and air..... I don't even have to mention S400, homemade AKASH which is an additional headache for PAF......

So yes gap is widening and it's widening in India favor......

India is fully prepared for 2 front theater. Their Brahmos. t-90s and Rafale give them distinct advantage against China and Pakistan. I urge Modhi and Indian Army to attack. PDF is with them for this VADIC adventure. Considering both adversaries are shivering
India is fully prepared for 2 front theater. Their Brahmos. t-90s and Rafale give them distinct advantage against China and Pakistan. I urge Modhi and Indian Army to attack. PDF is with them for this VADIC adventure. Considering both adversaries are shivering

Thread is about India vs Pak increasing or decreasing military gap....why you need to bring China and two front war??? Being sarcastic is not going to change the facts I stated above....
India is fully prepared for 2 front theater. Their Brahmos. t-90s and Rafale give them distinct advantage against China and Pakistan. I urge Modhi and Indian Army to attack. PDF is with them for this VADIC adventure. Considering both adversaries are shivering

india is actually capable of fighting a 4-front war. india can take on Pakistan, China, Russia and america all at once. Please understand this.
Thread is about India vs Pak increasing or decreasing military gap....why you need to bring China and two front war??? Being sarcastic is not going to change the facts I stated above....
Pakistan is a piece of cake. The VADIC army of India needs much more than 27th Feb. PDF urges Modhi to launch an attack. Pakistan is shivering to make more Abhinandans....

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