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Overshadowing US, China Set To Become World’s Biggest Military Power? Congress Paints A Worrying Picture

They actually are, not Aircraft Carrier, but nuclear sub.

Part of the AUKUS deal is for US to invest in Australia ship building firm ASC and Austal and have them build part of the new Virigina class for the US.

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Ah. Australia should help the US build nuclear submarines.
Ah. Australia should help the US build nuclear submarines.
Did you read the news?

US and their allies have the capacity to build within a year or two a massive fleet as they did in Second world war.

China owns 70% of global shipbuilding. Its naval building capacity literally dwarfs the US. Who are you kidding? This isn’t 1940. At that time, the US was in China’s position today.
Did you read the news?

Guess. Can I read any of your links? 😂
Another circle jerk thread on PDF. What a surprise
The issue here is, China need to have greater shipbuilding capacity than the US because they are the one catching up, ship building in the US is basically on replacement term (ie build a ship to replace another) instead of supplementary term (building a ship to add to a fleet or sell them) even so, US is still ahead with its number of capital ships and that is not going to overcome by China in decades.

On the other hand, there are a certain number of ship you can support as a country, that's in term of the coastline and naval bases, that dictate how many ships you can have, because you can't have more than your coastline can handle, and in that sense, US have more coastline and more overseas territories as well as more allies that can handle more ships than China..
Another idiot post by the fake-to-be-expert. Right.. China's ship building is behind the US. I wonder why the the Biden government outsources its ship building/repairing to SKorea, Japan, and India. You want to believe Biden woke up one night and decided the US can't build ships. LOL.. expert in AI, weaponry system, economy, geopolitics, fiance, and f*** anything. BTW, your assessment of American vs Chinese space capabilities is a piece of garbage, just like your determination of the Chinese air balloon was an aerial spy vehicle. A bunch of bullshits.
if the propaganda rag ET said this openly then the problem already far worse and the pentagon knew it. China already eclipsed US in military technology , quality , manpower and readiness. the only thing china still behind is unlike the west china have no world wide media monopoly fake news generators like Reuters , AP , AFP which are 3 major source of propaganda that parroted by all western msm.

US basically SPENT itself DRY trying to maintain their world on the world by overextending their military force until everything they have in inventory are too old , too rusty , obsolete , worn off and attrited by weather/age. THen they have a massive military with high tech that need educated man power to man them and they have no recruitment in pipeline enough to replace the attrition.

US MIC cant even make ordinary artilery round in quantity and in cheap cost , they cant even make ships / subs in reasonable time frame due to lack of skilled labour. If you see the AGE of workers in US shipyards you will know there will be no one replacing them in the next 5 years.

US is also doomed itself as it sit on legacy weapon systems that nowadays outmatched by Russian , Chinese and even Iranian and NOrth korean.. Because it wasted untold amount of treasure putting out brush war and restless tribes just like the British Empire bankrupted by endless uprising on its colonies.

US cant even survive a war with iran , because it have to depth , they can go into war , shoot a few missiles , and declare victory while in reality they are losing and running away like they did in afghanistan and yemen.

When one read news about US military on MSM , it is not for giving facts or truth it is for narrative control and shaping for the next thing they plan (yet another narrative) , just like how they fought in ukraine against russia , constant propaganda and lies and fake news depicting ukrop nazi victories upon victories when in reality it is the opposite.
Another idiot post by the fake-to-be-expert. Right.. China's ship building is behind the US. I wonder why the the Biden government outsources its ship building/repairing to SKorea, Japan, and India. You want to believe Biden woke up one night and decided the US can't build ships. LOL.. expert in AI, weaponry system, economy, geopolitics, fiance, and f*** anything. BTW, your assessment of American vs Chinese space capabilities is a piece of garbage, just like your determination of the Chinese air balloon was an aerial spy vehicle. A bunch of bullshits.
Are you really this dumb or just pretending? Because you make a very good idiot.

We are not talking about building commercial shipping like grain ship, cargo freighter or cruise ship; we are talking about building military ship.

Commercial Vessel does not require anything, which mean if China is willing to build for the US, the US would contract them to build them, because commercial shipping is all about cost. The lower the cost it was, the more profit margin for whatever the operation you want.

This is not the case of military ship, On the other hand, the Chinese Navy are behind the US Navy both in term of tonnage and the number of Capital Ship.

US outnumber Chinese Fleet Carrier 10 : 0
US outnumber Chinese Amphibious Carrier 9 : 3
US outnumber Chinese Cruiser 21 : 8
US outnumber Chinese Destroyer 75 : 53
US outnumber Chinese on Nuclear Attack Submarine 52 : 15

The only number the Chinese lead the US is Frigate (58) and Corvette (77) both of which the US does not operate at this point.

So yes, China is seriously behind US in term of Capital Ship, and China, not the US, need to catch up with the shipbuilding, The carrier alone will take China at least 40 years to catch up given the timeframe China is building on Type 003A. because China is the one that behind in number. Which mean US does not need to expand their MILITARY ship building capability to stay afloat, but the Chinese do if they want to catch up with the US. .

Maybe learn to read before trying to insult someone, that at least make you look smarter instead of looking like a dumbo with long faces

Guess. Can I read any of your links? 😂
That's not my problem

China owns 70% of global shipbuilding. Its naval building capacity literally dwarfs the US. Who are you kidding? This isn’t 1940. At that time, the US was in China’s position today.
Unless you are talking about using these cargo ship you build to ram the US Navy, the article talks about Military Power, not how many grain silo ship Chinese build, those have no military value on them.

And no, building Naval Ship and building Commerical Ship are two different concept.
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