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Is the military gap between Pakistan and India increasing or decreasing?

Is the military gap between Pakistan and India increasing or decreasing?

  • It's increasing

  • It's decreasing

  • It's the same as it was 20 years ago

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Lets stick to the topic guys...

Pakistani Army is using old G3 .308 rifles whereas Indian army is using latest Sig 716i



Pakistan army is using chinese AK-47 copies whereas Indian army will be using modern AK-203 assault rifles.

Chinese AK-47 (Type-56)


Pakistan army is using old 9mm MP5s for CQB roles whereas Indian army will be using modern Caracal 816 Carbines for CQB role.


Caracal CAR816

now the optics, I don’t know that pakistan has a standard optic for pakistan Army or not but I have seen pakistani soldiers using aimpoint reflex sights in many photos but there is probably no standard optic for pak army Now.

Pak army (or FC) soldier with AIMPOINT COMP M3 sight mounted chinese AK-47.

whereas the standard optic for Indian army are numerous from Israeli ITL MARS, MEPRO MOR to American EOTECH Holographic sights, Trijicon ACOGs and Aimpoint reflex sights to ZEISS Red dot sights, but most numerous ( maybe standard optic for Indian army) is Indian BEL made Holographic sight. And various other high end optics made in India itself.

ZEISS Red dot sight on CRPF jawan’s Bulgarian AK-47

EOTECH Holo Sight on Indian Army jawan’s FAB Mod AK-47s

Indian army soldier with Trijicon ACOG

Indian Army soldier with MEPRO MOR sight

Indian Army soldier with ITL MARS sight

Indian army soldiers with AIMPOINT COMP M4

Indian army soldier with India’s 2 different desi Reflex holo sights made by Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) mounted on Sig716i and India’s indigenous JVPC (MSMC).

On Sig716


so clear gap increase from before in terms of Ground forces
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friend I saw this by a Pakistani youtuber. I am happy to be wrong

I do not agree with the mig-29 and mirage 2000 assessment. Mig -29s lack the endurance to do any significant damage in Pakistan they however are bvr capable and would be used in a point defence role.
so far I have only seen mirage 2000s in the IAF in the strike role a lot like our mirages. it’s a decent aircraft but not a threat to our If-17 block 2s and maybe even block 1

I see us bringing in something like 50 units of block 3 and 50 units of block 4 ( yes we probably will be upgrading if-17 for the next 50 years. These will hold their own against Rafaels. As I said in 2/3 vs 2/3 battle tactics trump aircraft capabilities

Its ok to mention your wishful list but on a serious note and ground reality, to win a war depands on how smart war tactics and plan you have on your map.
India has enough numbers to open three fronts for Pakistan in the situation of one o one war between India and Pakistan. First front from your east, second front from the west on Pak-Afgaan border and third front from Arbian sea.
It will be very difficult for PAF to sustain war more than 3 days in full war in situation like this.
I know it hurts but still whose control is in Galwan valley Now? The Answer is CHINA.... It also gives the answer who was fkd up there with stone age weapons.
Who the hell told you that Galwan Vellay control by China? Lots of uneducated kids here on this forum.
I will open a different thread to educate peope like you on India-China stand off and real issues in some days later as I am busy with my life right now . You guys are reading lots of fake news and making your own life delusional on the based of fake news.
Its ok to mention your wishful list but on a serious note and ground reality, to win a war depands on how smart war tactics and plan you have on your map.
India has enough numbers to open three fronts for Pakistan in the situation of one o one war between India and Pakistan. First front from your east, second front from the west on Pak-Afgaan border and third front from Arbian sea.
It will be very difficult for PAF to sustain war more than 3 days in full war in situation like this.

Who the hell told you that Galwan Vellay control by China? Lots of uneducated kids here on this forum.
I will open a different thread to educate peope like you on India-China stand off and real issues in some days later as I am busy with my life right now . You guys are reading lots of fake news and making your own life delusional on the based of fake news.
4th from the north in Gilgit-Baltistan, we have an Airforce base in Tajikistan, Farkhor airbase operational with MiG-29UPG aircrafts.
The Navy will need a lot more time due to sheer size

Airforce is way ahead of IAF

Army can easily defeat Indian Army if going defensive; For offensive moves, cannot afford to make careless stupid mistakes like they did in the past wars.
Talk facts not fiction please
The Gap has closed somewhat. Not completely though.

The good thing is that due to Chinese pressure Indians are buying the weapons willy nilly. Wasting valuable budget. It is not necessarily giving them any advantage over Pakistan.

One thing is certain that the panic buying is due to the fact that most of the Indian stockpile of weapons were obsolete. Which put them in panic mode to buy the arms they already have.

For example them buying more of Su 30s and Mig 29. Why buy more Su 30s when you already have 250+!!

From such panic buying it is clear that India was lacking usable fire power in their stockpile.
I have a hunch that the situation in India is dire, which is clear from their response to Chinese. Their leadership has waited for almost 3 months before even uttering that they are militarily ready to respond to China.
Those were planned 2 years ago but the deal will be signed this year.
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Its ok to mention your wishful list but on a serious note and ground reality, to win a war depands on how smart war tactics and plan you have on your map.
India has enough numbers to open three fronts for Pakistan in the situation of one o one war between India and Pakistan. First front from your east, second front from the west on Pak-Afgaan border and third front from Arbian sea.
It will be very difficult for PAF to sustain war more than 3 days in full war in situation like this.

Who the hell told you that Galwan Vellay control by China? Lots of uneducated kids here on this forum.
I will open a different thread to educate peope like you on India-China stand off and real issues in some days later as I am busy with my life right now . You guys are reading lots of fake news and making your own life delusional on the based of fake news.

Just few days back do you remember there were threads saying how China has already captured daulat beg oldie, has India already lost siachen, PLAAF waiting for orders to attack India...... on PDF we have already lost entire LADAKH..... now Kashmir is in trouble.....plz remember that....
The gap in increasing day by day, both in quality and quantity, and there is no stopping it.

Indian Economy = USD 1.5 Trillion
Pakistan Economy = USD 300 Billion

India Reserves = USD 530 Billion
Pakistan Reserves = USD 12 - 13 Billion

We need a strong economy, with a lead taken by the civilians.

Today Saudi Arabia and UAE proved that they have a certain limit to which they can support Pakistan.

Malaysia stopped being vocal on Kashmir because India replied by hurting their exports to India.
One day China, Qatar, Turkey etc might do the same?
We need the Industrialists to lead Pakistan into the next Industrial Revolution.
Certain Small Administrative / Provincial units need to be established throughout the country to free them from Federal / Provincial Politics or the shackles that are holding them from advancing.
Our economy is 3.4 Trillion dollars.
I know it hurts but still whose control is in Galwan valley Now? The Answer is CHINA.... It also gives the answer who was fkd up there with stone age weapons.
Lol Galwan is controlled by china:rofl:.
I know you will say this obviously.
Just few days back do you remember there were threads saying how China has already captured daulat beg oldie, has India already lost siachen, PLAAF waiting for orders to attack India...... on PDF we have already lost entire LADAKH..... now Kashmir is in trouble.....plz remember that....
Its good for India if Pakistan underestimate India and deprive itself to know the real situation of Ladhakh.
Its ok to mention your wishful list but on a serious note and ground reality, to win a war depands on how smart war tactics and plan you have on your map.
India has enough numbers to open three fronts for Pakistan in the situation of one o one war between India and Pakistan. First front from your east, second front from the west on Pak-Afgaan border and third front from Arbian sea.
It will be very difficult for PAF to sustain war more than 3 days in full war in situation like this.

Who the hell told you that Galwan Vellay control by China? Lots of uneducated kids here on this forum.
I will open a different thread to educate peope like you on India-China stand off and real issues in some days later as I am busy with my life right now . You guys are reading lots of fake news and making your own life delusional on the based of fake news.
Then an Indian Always said its a Phake newj :enjoy:
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I think the question can be answere by having an ecosystem view - Has Pakistan's GDP grown better in relation to India's GDP? Has Pakistan's Heavy Industry sector performance improved relative to India's?
Are Pakistani Tech. and engineering institutes producing more research papers than their counterparts in India?
Governance is a big issues in both the countries, where idiots (mostly) govern in offices of power.
Having said that, vision and culture trump resource availability if it's a zero sum game between these factors.
PAF, I think, has worked exceptionally well as it has been run with a very clear vision, and hence has utilised it's assets in a remarkable way. The lack of a clear vision and some cultural issues have plagued many institutes in India, not sure how other institutes in Pakistan fare in this regard. On a cursory research, it does feel that there are similar problems in Pakistan's other institutes - corruption is rampant and there is a lack of vision.
gap is increasing and increasing very fast. after 5 years, i don't see Pakistan talking about India anymore. we can't win against them with this type of military budget and with this terrible economy. it looks like situation of economy becomes bad under Imran khan. bad decisions by this government and everyone is making money. every government does the same thing.

many Indian financial experts predicted demise of cpec which looks very real. poverty rate is climbing with no employment opportunities and low salary, I read a shocking article on cpec yesterday and I am sure project has failed. we can't fund things on our side because of lack of money. similarly we buy things by taking loans and china is now cautious. forget about military comparison, with this economy, there is a chance of civil war within the next 5 years. economy is basically like free fall. one day we will be taking loans from Africa. Imran khan has done nothing to eliminate corrupt people. system is too corrupt.
many Indians said that Pakistan has to give land to china to pay for the debts. they are right. we don't have money. we can't compare ourselves with India. India can fight 10 days war. we will run out of ammo within 6 days. we just don't have the money to fight full fledged war and India knows it. may be India is waiting for the corrupt people of Pakistan to sell Pakistan in international bidding. anything can happen in Pakistan. I don't see economy recovering now. this government might be aggressive against India but overall terrible performance.

there is only one way to improve condition of Pakistan. remove constitution and adopt military rule just like gen. Musharraf. everyone is corrupt. every citizen is corrupt. from bureaucrats to judges, from businessmen to local shop owner, everyone is corrupt.

military rule can save Pakistan and it's people otherwise no hope. I think gap is too much right now. I think we made Pakistan for corruption.

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More chinese soldiers died but you won’t accept that.
The great VADIC army killed 100 Chinese, but the actual figure is more than 10K Chinese soldiers according to VADIC sources. It is time for the great VADICs to teach Chinese a lesson. The VADIC Army needs to go all out. It is piece of cake for them with the VADIC technology they possess.

I am sure the Chinese on PDF will be shivering as well. Let the VADICs role and get the magic in return
4th from the north in Gilgit-Baltistan, we have an Airforce base in Tajikistan, Farkhor airbase operational with MiG-29UPG aircrafts.

Talk facts not fiction please

Those were planned 2 years ago but the deal will be signed this year.
By the time you have opened the war on all fronts here will be the harsh reality with term called ALL HELL LOOSE. I next 24 hours Bahrati soorma will witness as following:

- Dehli will be vaporised. While Ganges will be radioactive for next 4.5 million years
- Your Mechanised will be neutralised through precision nuclear strikes
- Burnt papers carrying strategies of your Cold strike and hot strike will be flying in Jodhpur and Hindan AFS
- Meanwhile, Modhi will be on Mars doing YOGA
- Your port cities will be reflecting as pictures of Stalingard
- Amit Shah will be taking a final selfie like in the movie 2012
- If luck prevails your second strike capability will be neutralised as well
- SATAN will take time off for next 1 year
- Human Right commission will close their offices across the world for good
- Last but not least, human history will be re-written

If internet prevails in Bharat Mata. You will be posting on PDF rotha howa, OR KITNEE LO GA BACHA KI, SHOK POORA HO GYA HA
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Lets stick to the topic guys...

Pakistani Army is using old G3 .308 rifles whereas Indian army is using latest Sig 716i

Sig716View attachment 679143

View attachment 679144
Pakistan army is using chinese AK-47 copies whereas Indian army will be using modern AK-203 assault rifles.

Chinese AK-47 (Type-56)
View attachment 679145

View attachment 679146
Pakistan army is using old 9mm MP5s for CQB roles whereas Indian army will be using modern Caracal 816 Carbines for CQB role.

View attachment 679147

Caracal CAR816
View attachment 679148

now the optics, I don’t know that pakistan has a standard optic for pakistan Army or not but I have seen pakistani soldiers using aimpoint reflex sights in many photos but there is probably no standard optic for pak army Now.

Pak army (or FC) soldier with AIMPOINT COMP M3 sight mounted chinese AK-47.
View attachment 679149

whereas the standard optic for Indian army are numerous from Israeli ITL MARS, MEPRO MOR to American EOTECH Holographic sights, Trijicon ACOGs and Aimpoint reflex sights to ZEISS Red dot sights, but most numerous ( maybe standard optic for Indian army) is Indian BEL made Holographic sight. And various other high end optics made in India itself.

ZEISS Red dot sight on CRPF jawan’s Bulgarian AK-47
View attachment 679150

EOTECH Holo Sight on Indian Army jawan’s FAB Mod AK-47s
View attachment 679153

Indian army soldier with Trijicon ACOG
View attachment 679169

Indian Army soldier with MEPRO MOR sight
View attachment 679155

Indian Army soldier with ITL MARS sight
View attachment 679156

Indian army soldiers with AIMPOINT COMP M4
View attachment 679163

Indian army soldier with India’s 2 different desi Reflex holo sights made by Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) mounted on Sig716i and India’s indigenous JVPC (MSMC).

On Sig716
View attachment 679164

View attachment 679165

so clear gap increase from before in terms of Ground forces

your SOF still uses AN-PEQ 2s ffs. and for the T-56 sights and stuff, pretty sure there are a plethora of pictures on the forum. @DESERT FIGHTER can guide :).
By the time you have opened the war on all fronts here will be the harsh reality with term called ALL HELL LOOSE. I next 24 hours Bahrati soorma will witness as following:

- Dehli will be vaporised. While Ganges will be radioactive for next 4.5 million years
- Your Mechanised will be neutralised through precision nuclear strikes
- Burnt papers carrying strategies of your Cold strike and hot strike will be flying in Jodhpur and Hindan AFS
- Meanwhile, Modhi will be on Mars doing YOGA
- Your port cities will be reflecting as pictures of Stalingard
- Amit Shah will be taking a final selfie like in the movie 2012
- If luck prevails your second strike capability will be neutralised as well
- SATAN will take time off for next 1 year
- Human Right commission will close their offices across the world for good
- Last but not least, human history will be re-written

If internet prevails in Bharat Mata. You will be posting on PDF rotha howa, OR KITNEE LO GA BACHA KI, SHOK POORA HO GYA HA
Its funny how pakistanis say with pride that they will nuke India as if our nukes are for rahul gandhi’s marriage celebrations.

brother we have thermo nukes, and a single warhead can vaporise whole of sindh.

we also have a nuclear triad which pakistan lacks.

also we have our own made in India ballistic missile defence systems that can intercept ballistic missiles easily.
whereas pakistan neither has its own ballistic missile shield nor any imported one.
in simple terms, we can shoot down a ballistic missile, pakistan can’t.
your SOF still uses AN-PEQ 2s ffs. and for the T-56 sights and stuff, pretty sure there are a plethora of pictures on the forum. @DESERT FIGHTER can guide :).
Those are on M4A1s only rest of small arms are equipped with modern ones.
Lets stick to the topic guys...

Pakistani Army is using old G3 .308 rifles whereas Indian army is using latest Sig 716i

Sig716View attachment 679143

View attachment 679144
Pakistan army is using chinese AK-47 copies whereas Indian army will be using modern AK-203 assault rifles.

Chinese AK-47 (Type-56)
View attachment 679145

View attachment 679146
Pakistan army is using old 9mm MP5s for CQB roles whereas Indian army will be using modern Caracal 816 Carbines for CQB role.

View attachment 679147

Caracal CAR816
View attachment 679148

now the optics, I don’t know that pakistan has a standard optic for pakistan Army or not but I have seen pakistani soldiers using aimpoint reflex sights in many photos but there is probably no standard optic for pak army Now.

Pak army (or FC) soldier with AIMPOINT COMP M3 sight mounted chinese AK-47.
View attachment 679149

whereas the standard optic for Indian army are numerous from Israeli ITL MARS, MEPRO MOR to American EOTECH Holographic sights, Trijicon ACOGs and Aimpoint reflex sights to ZEISS Red dot sights, but most numerous ( maybe standard optic for Indian army) is Indian BEL made Holographic sight. And various other high end optics made in India itself.

ZEISS Red dot sight on CRPF jawan’s Bulgarian AK-47
View attachment 679150

EOTECH Holo Sight on Indian Army jawan’s FAB Mod AK-47s
View attachment 679153

Indian army soldier with Trijicon ACOG
View attachment 679169

Indian Army soldier with MEPRO MOR sight
View attachment 679155

Indian Army soldier with ITL MARS sight
View attachment 679156

Indian army soldiers with AIMPOINT COMP M4
View attachment 679163

Indian army soldier with India’s 2 different desi Reflex holo sights made by Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) mounted on Sig716i and India’s indigenous JVPC (MSMC).

On Sig716
View attachment 679164

View attachment 679165

so clear gap increase from before in terms of Ground forces

India has cancelled its CAR-816 order recently , and there's no factory or contract signed yet for AK-203 production.
Sig-716s that india is getting is much different , and Sig's are only for IA LOC units initially , while the pakistani upgraded G3s used by troops on LOC are already much better than those Sig716s.


In terms of SOF if indian para SF is using M4s so are we , not to mention we have a better sniper advantage which India has only solved partially recently by acquiring new .308 & .50 cal snipers.

Its never good to go hoot hoot blindly.

Its funny how pakistanis say with pride that they will nuke India as if our nukes are for rahul gandhi’s marriage celebrations.

brother we have thermo nukes, and a single warhead can vaporise whole of sindh.

we also have a nuclear triad which pakistan lacks.

also we have our own made in India ballistic missile defence systems that can intercept ballistic missiles easily.
whereas pakistan neither has its own ballistic missile shield nor any imported one.
in simple terms, we can shoot down a ballistic missile, pakistan can’t.

Those are on M4A1s only rest of small arms are equipped with modern ones.

Pakistani Subs can launch babur which carries nukes , so we have a nuclear triad too

Having a system prototype is one thing while having it operational is another. The Indian BMD TEL's is only going to be deployed in New Delhi if it does, so it will only protect Delhi , rest of India has no Ballistic missile defense.

In simple terms u can if BMD is deployed shoot down a ballistic missile only over New Delhi . Understand , its simple as that.

Thats a Para SF detachment that was specially posted to Kashmir for CI ops and youre telling me they have the worst sights , i dont think so.
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