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Is the military gap between Pakistan and India increasing or decreasing?

Is the military gap between Pakistan and India increasing or decreasing?

  • It's increasing

  • It's decreasing

  • It's the same as it was 20 years ago

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Is our GDP is going up in relation to India that's should answers your question.
what is use of all this military might ?
india will never attack pakistan .

pakistan can not take kashmir from india without a nuclear war , it has tried in 65, 98, failed .
so it is better if pakistan builds its evonomy for sake of its citizens .

Hahahahah, so air strikes and the fares of surgical strikes was done against Bangladesh then! No, frenamie we need an effective armed force to defend us against Indian aggression.

caa is for non muslims of pakistan, bangladesh , afghanistan . it has nothing to do with external affairs it is internal matter of india . if non muslims of these countries want citizenship of india they will get it .
india and bangladesh have great friendship from its independence , bangladeshis are busy in making their economy strong , their inclination is not on conflicts they are not in war matters , they dont need unnecessary expenditure on arms than they genuinely need .
best thing is they have neutral foreign policy free of dependence on any country . this is why they have progressive economy .

Your response proves my point. Bigotry and racism cuts both ways. Making laws that are racist will result in the world hating you. Case and point apparthide was not a south African internal issue

I literally said they can't afford to make careless mistakes but leave it to an Indian to twist other's words like a 1.0 gpa student trying to solve an algebra equation

I am happy to go with what you have said in writing.
Agreed...any arms race(to use that term loosely here to describe closing the gap) goes hand in hand with the strength of the economy. It is true India has made immense economic progress...while Pakistan has lagged behind(for various reasons). However by some miracle...Pak has stretched every penny of its defense budget(not as much as I would like...as I mentioned before in case of PA)...
...while at the same time India has sunk billions inefficiently(also various reasons involved there).

I was just comparing the progress made over the entire journey from 1947 till now(comparing the gap between Indian military and Pak's military). It was more of an observation in general...a quick post to jot down my thoughts. I have recently been mostly absent...as I have been rather busy...
...hence the not so detailed post.

Fair enough.
Yes but I think the Chinese are giving us equipment at half the cost and at extremely good long term payment terms . Even though we don’t have a lot of cash it seems the Chinese are pumping in equipment left right and center. They are protecting their CPEC life line


My personal assessment - no data points, no supporting evidence - is that Chinese equipment is junk; a derivative of an already seriously 'oriented' military design and production philosophy. Copying Soviet (now Russian) equipment will get nobody anywhere, without the accompanying social and technical milieu. What Pakistan has done is dangerous; all the missiles, all the aircraft, are brought in without real absorption. There is a long way to go.

India has a much longer road to travel, but in a different way. Once the path of self-reliant design and manufacture has been taken, it is irreversible, and its travails are severe. The difficulties are apparent, and the production deficiencies have been clear in their exposition. So have the design difficulties and errors.

It is difficult to decide what was better.
My personal assessment - no data points, no supporting evidence - is that Chinese equipment is junk; a derivative of an already seriously 'oriented' military design and production philosophy. Copying Soviet (now Russian) equipment will get nobody anywhere, without the accompanying social and technical milieu. What Pakistan has done is dangerous; all the missiles, all the aircraft, are brought in without real absorption. There is a long way to go.

India has a much longer road to travel, but in a different way. Once the path of self-reliant design and manufacture has been taken, it is irreversible, and its travails are severe. The difficulties are apparent, and the production deficiencies have been clear in their exposition. So have the design difficulties and errors.

It is difficult to decide what was better.
I agree with what you are saying in principal. The Chinese seem to be a bit different in their use of commercial western technology integrated with a mixture of western and eastern technologies case and point j-10 is a further development of the Lavi a delta winged f-16 with canards, the JF-17 is a fusion of f-16 and f-20 tiger shark.

I am certain that Chinese electronics capability I.e.building radars and such is better than the Russians and at power with the west due to massive investment in education and industrial building of commercial equipment. I can say this as 90% of my batch in the Uk was from China. They were so far ahead in their concepts for digital signal processing and antenna design. 99% returned to China.

The Chinese still lag behind in jet engine design and some mechanical equipment but These gaps are being addressed very fast case and point bullet trains in China etc.

All on in all Chinese tanks and equipment exceeds or is at par with what India operates. Since most of the equipment is Russian

I agree with what you are saying in principal. The Chinese seem to be a bit different in their use of commercial western technology integrated with a mixture of western and eastern technologies case and point j-10 is a further development of the Lavi a delta winged f-16 with canards, the JF-17 is a fusion of f-16 and f-20 tiger shark.

I am certain that Chinese electronics capability I.e.building radars and such is better than the Russians and at power with the west due to massive investment in education and industrial building of commercial equipment. I can say this as 90% of my batch in the Uk was from China. They were so far ahead in their concepts for digital signal processing and antenna design. 99% returned to China.

The Chinese still lag behind in jet engine design and some mechanical equipment but These gaps are being addressed very fast case and point bullet trains in China etc.

All on in all Chinese tanks and equipment exceeds or is at par with what India operates. Since most of the equipment is Russian


I disagree, but respect the arguments you have marshalled in support of your position.
You intentionally mentioned Indian economy size as USD1.5 T ?
In 2020, Indian economy size is USD3 T, and Pakistan's economy size is 263 B USD.

3 trillion my foot, all experts know for a fact your BJP govt has been fudging the growth figures the last 7 years also including the fact that your economy is contracting more than 10% and the real figures are a lot closer to 1.5 trillion than 3 trillion.
No Sir
I quoted what I remembered / checked last time. That was perhaps a long time ago or maybe India is moving VERY FAST.

I visited India more than a decade ago. At that time, I saw many stylish buildings housing IT Power Houses / Companies earning a large amount of money in USD. But again that was more than a decade ago. Things have changed. And India is far ahead of Pakistan today then many would want to believe.

No matter what statistics are discussed above, no matter what favorable / biased population based statistic is being put above, no matter how you portray poverty stricten population statistic, no matter how many discounted or free weapons I can buy,... etc etc,

When my neighbor has pockets 10 times more deep than I have

Then it is very very worrying four me.

Economics is what crushed the Soviet Union even though it had a huge industrial base and even though it had a huge economies of sale advantages.

Pakistan has none. Mere assembling a weapon does not make you an industrialized country.

This simply shows that the nuclear threshold is going to be reached far quicker than anticipated / predicted.

Fake post and fake personality? I went to India both a decade ago as well as 5 years ago (2015). India is a despicable mess compared to Pakistan. Ive been to Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai. Delhi and Mumbai cant be compared to lahore/islamabad. Cities in the south are far more well maintained a cleaner ive got to say. But the amount of poverty, dirtiness, beggars, and chaos ive seen is India is way beyond any city in Paksitan. Im not saying those things are not in Pakistan, they are especially in Karachi, but India doesnt even take its time or funds to beautify its capital Delhi and you wanna talk about the progress theyve made :D

Lastly what good is all the $$$ and economic progress you make when your citizens are amongst the most unhappy downtrotten in the world????
The gap in increasing day by day, both in quality and quantity, and there is no stopping it.

Indian Economy = USD 1.5 Trillion
Pakistan Economy = USD 300 Billion

India Reserves = USD 530 Billion
Pakistan Reserves = USD 12 - 13 Billion

We need a strong economy, with a lead taken by the civilians.

Today Saudi Arabia and UAE proved that they have a certain limit to which they can support Pakistan.

Malaysia stopped being vocal on Kashmir because India replied by hurting their exports to India.
One day China, Qatar, Turkey etc might do the same?
We need the Industrialists to lead Pakistan into the next Industrial Revolution.
Certain Small Administrative / Provincial units need to be established throughout the country to free them from Federal / Provincial Politics or the shackles that are holding them from advancing.
Hi there Indian GDP was $3.202 trillion (nominal; 2020 est.) before the Pandemic . So more than 10 bigger.
In air force Pakistan is currently enjoying an edge but India has successfully managed to keep its ground forces and naval forces upper hand over Pakistan..... after all Pakistan air advantage (thanks to major non NATO ally status) is not that overwhelming that it would destroy India's ground and naval offensive totally at the same time enjoying total air superiority over India.....

Apart from that BRAHMOS has now totally changed the entire gamut..... this system is FULL STOP to any future acquisitions of Pakistan or any enemy for the matter..... say Pakistan somehow gets F22 Raptors..... BRAHMOS will either make it sure that those Raptors don't get air borne or if they do they don't land back.....
There is nothing drastically disadvantageous for Pakistan in terms of the threat from the Indian land forces. Pakistan, defensively can hold its own against an Indian land incursion. You have to keep in mind that while the land forces disparity is something like 1:2 or 1:2.5 in India's favor, however India cannot afford to denude its defenses against China by leveraging this force superiority against Pakistan. Secondly, conventional wisdom tells us that for offensive operations, you essentially need a 3:1 superiority in men and material to dislodge and overwhelm the defenders. India does not have this luxury.

Point systems like Brahmos etc., are cumbersome systems designed for taking out static or slow moving targets. Pakistan's slower subsonic cruise missiles can carry a greater payload over a longer distance than the Brahmos. Whether supersonic or subsonic, India is just as exposed as Pakistan to such strikes.
Is our GDP is going up in relation to India that's should answers your question.
No its not, Pakistans Gdp gap with India reaching near peak level gap 8.2% the size of Indian Economy nominal gdp. This was before the pandemic, maybe now Pakistan GDP might be 10% the size of Indian GDP.
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Pakistan is nuclear country you know we bought these toys just for fun but in serious cause we will skull fk you with a nuke.
threatening us with nukes ? :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
how childish .
it is advisable to spend money for the benefit of your poor citizens , war machinery is not going to help you to build you economy .

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