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Is the country collapse imminent?

Closer to home, IMF just agreed to loan $4.7 billion to Bangladesh without all the hair pulling and fingernail extraction that Pakistan had to go through for $1.2 billion.

It’s a track record of our politicians and establishment. Even the IMF know that half of it will be spend on RundiB@…and Sharab.
As someone said above, as long as textile exports keep going and remittances keep coming in, Pakistan will survive though it will be painful for most Pakistanis. But the feeling of pain is relative in populations of different countries: People here are talking about Argentina: That country was perhaps the most prosperous country in Latin America decades ago and not too bad until even in recent history. Countries like Argentina or Greece, when they faced the hardships, they really felt it because large part of their population was living high on borrowed money. Pakistanis, on the other hand, have been living pretty modest life and so, in comparison, are not going to feel as much pain. Also Pakistan has 220+ million people--most of them are young. The problems of drugs and alcohol as well as broken families is not too common. They are the human resources which can be used to support the already existing large undocumented domestic economy. North Korea survives without hardly any domestic economy--I know that's an extreme example but why can't Pakistan given its human and natural resources?? A 'Juche' ideology won't hurt Pakistan if it comes to that.

So... A stable govt, , external debt rescheduling, peace inside and on the borders, and perhaps some 'New Deal' like programs--they would be the foundation to build back. Pakistan is hit very hard: Pandemic, Russia-Ukraine War, Floods of 2022 and the political anarchy since April 2022; some of those factors affect most countries of the world. Even 'corruption' is not Pakistan's worst problem. The same political class--the military, the beauracracy, the politicians were ruling Pakistan for the first 40 years of Pakistan's life but Pakistan was still better than India in many ways--even the Pakistan hater Shehkar Gupta admits that. Anyway, of all the factors hurting Pakistan right now, what can be more easily controlled is to introduce the political stability in the country which had largely existed since the 2002 elections and lasted till April 2022.
So... A stable govt, , external debt rescheduling, peace inside and on the borders,
+ North Korean 'Juche' (Self sufficiency - eat what you can grow, austerity for everything else). Just foregoing petroleum products for private transport and using locally produced coal in lieu of imported LPG/Natural Gas may move the needle enough to 'Staying Alive' mode.
The same political class--the military, the beauracracy, the politicians were ruling Pakistan for the first 40 years of Pakistan's life but Pakistan was still better than India in many ways--even the Pakistan hater Shehkar Gupta admits that. Anyway, of all the factors hurting Pakistan right now, what can be more easily controlled is to introduce the political stability in the country which had largely existed since the 2002 elections and lasted till April 2022.

between outsourcing and population growth Pakistan has lost the edge on India for good . Unless India screws up big time I do not see it changing. the cold war between USA and China will constrain Pakistan's choices.
We don't have foreign armies on our shores and in our skies.

The recipe is in front of the current government. They have started talks with IMF...as I said limping will continue into the foreseeable future with IMF funds being made available.

However, nothing of what you state will happen.

Pakistan is the exact same country it was just last year. Nobody back then was talking about Pakistan being 40 years behind other 3rd world countries.

Let's grant the current political climate is adding excessive negativity across social media and news. Otherwise everything happening in Pakistan is par for the course including the recent TTP attack on Police Lines masjid as well as economy constantly being at risk of going under.
Problem is a whole generation is thinking in a way that is not good for pakistan

This thought process is somewhat fueled by our history.

Army could hire PR people before but its failed to do so now.
between outsourcing and population growth Pakistan has lost the edge on India for good .
I would say education is the big distinguishing feature. The corporate board rooms, universities and governments are well represented by Indians, less so by Pakistanis. BTW, Nikki Haley plans to announce her candidacy for POTUS. Imagine a theoretical matchup for 2024, if Biden chokes or slips tomorrow, President Kamala Harris (D), incumbent Vs. Governor Nikki Haley (R).
- Military coming under defense minister in true letter and spirit

- Slashing of military budget by 10% and a freeze of 5 years in Rs term

- Declaration of assets of politicians, judiciary, military, bureaucrats to the public

- Iron clad accountability of all corrupts, thieves

- Scrap Afghan Transit Trade and a new force to manage the border

- Focus on education, health care and human development

- Focus on rail, road connectivity across Pakistan

- Reduce CAD, control imports and encourage exports wherever possible

It is not rocket science. Do this and that’s all.
- Military coming under defense minister in true letter and spirit

- Slashing of military budget by 10% and a freeze of 5 years in Rs term

- Declaration of assets of politicians, judiciary, military, bureaucrats to the public

- Iron clad accountability of all corrupts, thieves

- Scrap Afghan Transit Trade and a new force to manage the border

- Focus on education, health care and human development

- Focus on rail, road connectivity across Pakistan

- Reduce CAD, control imports and encourage exports wherever possible

It is not rocket science. Do this and that’s all.

Add :

-Ability to fire COAS, ISI chief at the descreption of the PM without needing anymore approvals. Instant - they are GONE ....
Your country does not have a strong ideological base, that is the root cause.

If Pakistan does not have an ideological base very few countries have. You can question the level of hypocrisy and lip service for the ideological cause
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