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Is Pakistan Army playing double game on war on terror???

President Shah


New Recruit

Apr 20, 2009
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I wont be surprised if i hear that Pakistan army sees Tehreek Taliban as an asset or an advantage for proxy wars and "strategic depth".

How can one of the best armies in the world with world class intelligence agencies not find couple of people like Baitullah Mehsud, Maulana Fazalullah, Muslim Khan etc....there is something going on, i smell controversy. Pak security forces cant even jam a bloody radio station. Maulana Fazl and Baitullah Mehsud give interviews every other day to journalists at "secret locations", it should not be hard finding them and arresting them. An intelligent agency who brought down a big empire (Soviets), can destroy what it helped create(Taliban)....only Allah knows what is happening behind the doors of the Army headquaters.
I wont be surprised if i hear that Pakistan army sees Tehreek Taliban as an asset or an advantage for proxy wars and "strategic depth".

How can one of the best armies in the world with world class intelligence agencies not find couple of people like Baitullah Mehsud, Maulana Fazalullah, Muslim Khan etc....there is something going on, i smell controversy. Pak security forces cant even jam a bloody radio station. Maulana Fazl and Baitullah Mehsud give interviews every other day to journalists at "secret locations", it should not be hard finding them and arresting them. An intelligent agency who brought down a big empire (Soviets), can destroy what it helped create(Taliban)....only Allah knows what is happening behind the doors of the Army headquaters.
Umm CIA is the biggest Intelligence Agency in the World and it could not do anything serious in Afghanistan.Do you really belive Bankrupted ISI can do much considering the fact that we've completely betrayed Pushtun tribes and they are being killed badly by Talibans now.They kill 2-3 people daily in search of spies.
more than 2000 troops killed
thousands injured
thousand innocent civillian killed

1 suicide attack every week on troops

and this indian have guts to call it double game

those who supported terror in tibat, bangladesh, pakistan and srilanka have guts to give verdict

its so Shi***
I wont be surprised if i hear that Pakistan army sees Tehreek Taliban as an asset or an advantage for proxy wars and "strategic depth".

How can one of the best armies in the world with world class intelligence agencies not find couple of people like Baitullah Mehsud, Maulana Fazalullah, Muslim Khan etc....there is something going on, i smell controversy. Pak security forces cant even jam a bloody radio station. Maulana Fazl and Baitullah Mehsud give interviews every other day to journalists at "secret locations", it should not be hard finding them and arresting them. An intelligent agency who brought down a big empire (Soviets), can destroy what it helped create(Taliban)....only Allah knows what is happening behind the doors of the Army headquaters.

It's moronic for any one to believe that Pakistan Army considers the 'current' Taliban (TTP) an 'Asset' for 'strategic depth and proxy wars'. I don't know where you've been getting your information from but have you checked the current death toll of Pakistan Army personnel since the beginning of this war? It's Around 1500 to 2000 I think. Did all of those soldiers also died as part of some double game?

Point is, our commitment and dedication is there, and your frustrated stance on the Issue is justified. But accusing a professional military for double dealing with the very people who're hell bent on destroying our nation, is quite pathetic to be honest.
It's moronic for any one to believe that Pakistan Army considers the 'current' Taliban (TTP) an 'Asset' for 'strategic depth and proxy wars'. I don't know where you've been getting your information from but have you checked the current death toll of Pakistan Army personnel since the beginning of this war? It's Around 1500 to 2000 I think. Did all of those soldiers also died as part of some double game?

Point is, our commitment and dedication is there, and your frustrated stance on the Issue is justified. But accusing a professional military for double dealing with the very people who're hell bent on destroying our nation, is quite disgraceful.
Yeah, i mean come on Army is not on some sort of Divine Mission..A lot of soldiers are dying and even a General Died and yet people are saying Army support these groups.WTF comes to mind..
Thanks..maybe you should email CIA about it and they will try to do something about PAK Army.You armchair generals are ******* priceless.

Sorry to burst the bubble my friend. We, as outsiders, believe that elements from your administration consider these terrorists as strategic assests. You will have to work really hard to convince otherwise, to the world outside Pakistan & BD. This is one of the many articles which asserts this perception.

American Chronicle | Pakistan Is Still In Dilemma Over War On Terror

This is the opening excerpt from the article.

"Pakistan has been still facing problem in finalising the plan for elimination of terrorism. Rulers of Pakistan have still been playing the double game. This is the reason that they are unseccessful in the war on terror. Pakistani establishment is divided into two groups, the one is supporting terrorism and the other one is fighting war against terrorism. This double standard of the rulers have put the very integrity of Pakistan into danger. The Pakistan Army is trying to eliminate terrorism, but there are still some politicians who are playing game on the war on terrorism."
Sorry to burst the bubble my friend. We, as outsiders, believe that elements from your administration consider these terrorists as strategic assests. You will have to work really hard to convince otherwise, to the world outside Pakistan & BD. This is one of the many articles which asserts this perception.

American Chronicle | Pakistan Is Still In Dilemma Over War On Terror

This is the opening excerpt from the article.

"Pakistan has been still facing problem in finalising the plan for elimination of terrorism. Rulers of Pakistan have still been playing the double game. This is the reason that they are unseccessful in the war on terror. Pakistani establishment is divided into two groups, the one is supporting terrorism and the other one is fighting war against terrorism. This double standard of the rulers have put the very integrity of Pakistan into danger. The Pakistan Army is trying to eliminate terrorism, but there are still some politicians who are playing game on the war on terrorism."
Right, I am sure CIA and M16 is leaking all this info to Media as well as Indian Journalists.So let me get this straight someone possibly someone divine consider them Stragetic Asset while they are killing Army Troops, PAkistani Citizens, Army Generals as well as hitting FIA/ISI Centers..So who is supporting them now?I guess someone with divine Mission.
what a bull s***

I think that US is the single largest threat to my country


Pakistan is Passing through a crucial Phase of its history. At one side there is a racial insurgency going on in Balochistan and on other hand A religious insurgency going in NWFP especially FATA. International media is creating hue and cry over advancement of Taliban and is predicting soon Pakistan will fall in the hands of Taliban.
Interestingly People like Bill Reggio of Long War Journal are falling in hands of conspiracy theories. a Map which he (Bill) has posted on his site
Terrorists rally in Swat, march through region - The Long War Journal
gives an impression that Taliban Have enveloped whole NWFP and soon Peshawar along with NWFP will fall in Taliban followed by Punjab and rest of Pakistan... Such kind of Projections only show their lack of information and Ignorance about prevailing situation or one can say they are intentionally trying to create anti Pakistan Impression.
I as a Journalist have talked to different people living in NWFP and can give you my words not to belive these outsiders who dont know any thing about the region and are tring to create conditions which benifit their governments or Political Parties/Pressure group's strategic intrests.
Where were Taliban before US invasion of Afghanistan??? Baitullah was live, so was Gul Bahader, Nazir and Haqqani etc.... But there was no Insurgency in Pakistan...No Suiside blasts etc...If you look at recent history there was nothing wrong and there was peace .... Then After 911 US attacked and Started killing Pashtuns indiscriminately... then suddenly we started hearing news about Insurgency in Balochistan and in NWFP...
I think and belive America wanted to attack Afghanistan ,911 incident only gave excuse...The map produced By Major Ralf Peter which showed divided Pakistan in Armed forces journal was not a new idea.... They were working on scheme from dacades.... Atomic Pakistan is and will be a thorn in US eyes....because it makes US ambitions for Central Asia and South Asia difficult...
Pakistan can only be effectively neutralized by promoteing secterianism and sub nationalism.... India have no Guts to fight war with us...It sacrifised more men in 2002-3 emergency (operation porakarm) then its 4 wars with Pakistan.... It knows the price of fighting war with Nuclear Pakistan.... So it has come to help US and both allies are doing what ever nacessery to Destroy pakistan ....
Comeing back to subject Taliban are getting stronger I agree but situation is not same and intense as US and Indian media is projecting.... for example Longwarjournal gives Chitral , Lakki Marwat, Bannu , etc completely to Taliban where as according to sources there is no presence of Taliban in Chitral and Only FR bannu, FR Lakki , all bordering ares of FATA have some troubles but not main land NWFPThe main reasons for advance and success of Taliban is
1) US Presence in Afghanistan and indiscriminate killing of Pashtuns
2) drone attacks which kill innocents and rarely Kills Militants....Khalid Rauf was suposed dead in one drone attack in south waziristan but now they are saying he is Alive.
3) The gap between rich and Poor .... TTP is exploiting class rift and injustice in Society.
4. America's Historical Role.... Especially its bais acts against World of Islam....Which are hated by masses in Pakistan.
The reasons for Taliban Sucess is only US and its Allies both in Pakistan and outside Pakistan. In Pakistan ,Pakistani elite has always alliened it self with their American Masters .... Due to which People belive US has stolen hope from Pakistani Nation... and Frustrated masses are Opposeing every thing which has US mark on it...
Taliban will end if our leaders come out of American Camp....Our incompetant elite has made all the nation Begger.... They beg on our miseries....
Its Time for masses to wake up...its time intellectuals to come forward to give leadership... All things which Have written American or Indian wants to distroy US... on other side 7th century dwelling Mullah is no less threat he is distroying Nation with his poisonous secterian doctrines and Takfir.... We have to open eyes and come forward.... Islam is Blessing...But that islam which is of Our Master ....not of any Takfiri Kharji or illiterate Mullah who take help from outsiders to implement his version on poor week masse and in process defame islam
Pakistan was Made in the Name of Islam ....Only Islam can Unite us in this Black era.... Our enemies are exploiting the beliefs of Mullahs who him self is Alien to soul of Islam...They want us to be materialistic like they are... As an Ummah we are differetiated from others due to our Values system....our enemies wants to take away our values . Our values are not as represented in Saudia Arab, Taliban's Afghanistan or Iran ...we follow the Values of Master Muhammad(PBUH) and his Ahle Bait and his Sahaba and Aulia Karaam.... Which are Love of Allah and his creations.... Knowledge and Humbleness...
Sorry to burst the bubble my friend. We, as outsiders, believe that elements from your administration consider these terrorists as strategic assests. You will have to work really hard to convince otherwise, to the world outside Pakistan & BD. This is one of the many articles which asserts this perception.

American Chronicle | Pakistan Is Still In Dilemma Over War On Terror

This is the opening excerpt from the article.

"Pakistan has been still facing problem in finalising the plan for elimination of terrorism. Rulers of Pakistan have still been playing the double game. This is the reason that they are unseccessful in the war on terror. Pakistani establishment is divided into two groups, the one is supporting terrorism and the other one is fighting war against terrorism. This double standard of the rulers have put the very integrity of Pakistan into danger. The Pakistan Army is trying to eliminate terrorism, but there are still some politicians who are playing game on the war on terrorism."

^ An article from American Chronicle. Whatever they publish MUST be an extract from the holiest scriptures of God! If only we all started believing in everything the Americans have to say, we'd be having an Iraq war every year in a different country over WMD's.
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^ An article from American Chronicle. Whatever they publish MUST be an extract from the holiest scriptures of God! If only we all started believing in everything the Americans have to say, we'd be having an Iraq war every year in a different country over WMD's.

I assume you did not open the link. This is the author's profile -

"My name is Mahammad Khurshid belong to Bajaur Agency, Tribal Areas situated on Pak-Afghan border. By profession I am a journalist and now-a-days have been working on finding causes of terrorism. My aim is restoration of peace in Bajaur Agency and other parts of the world. I have also formed Voice For Peace with sole objective of restoration of peace and ensuring rule of law in my areas."

So let me ponder what would your response be? American media mesmorising poor Bajaur journalist, making him write the articles they want?
I assume you did not open the link. This is the author's profile -

"My name is Mahammad Khurshid belong to Bajaur Agency, Tribal Areas situated on Pak-Afghan border. By profession I am a journalist and now-a-days have been working on finding causes of terrorism. My aim is restoration of peace in Bajaur Agency and other parts of the world. I have also formed Voice For Peace with sole objective of restoration of peace and ensuring rule of law in my areas."

So let me ponder what would your response be? American media mesmorising poor Bajaur journalist, making him write the articles they want?
Right..The guy is just a journalist for christ sake.Here we have info from US intel officer that India is supporting Terrorism in Pakistan.
The former intelligence official strongly supported the regional approach to Afghanistan suggested by US special representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke. "Afghanistan is a classic power vacuum," the former official said. "Neighbors see it as point of instability to guarantee their own stability or an opportunity to score points."

While the U.S. media has frequently reported on Pakistani ties to jihadi elements launching attacks in Afghanistan, it has less often mentioned that India supports insurgent forces attacking Pakistan, the former intelligence official said. "The Indians are up to their necks in supporting the Taliban against the Pakistani government in Afghanistan and Pakistan," the former intelligence official who served in both countries said. "The same anti-Pakistani forces in Afghanistan also shooting at American soldiers are getting support from India. India should close its diplomatic establishments in Afghanistan and get the Christ out of there."

"None of this is ever one-sided," he added. "That is why it was so devastating and we were so let down" when India got taken out of Holbrooke's official brief.
Can the intel community defuse India-Pakistan tensions? | The Cable
I assume you did not open the link. This is the author's profile -

"My name is Mahammad Khurshid belong to Bajaur Agency, Tribal Areas situated on Pak-Afghan border. By profession I am a journalist and now-a-days have been working on finding causes of terrorism. My aim is restoration of peace in Bajaur Agency and other parts of the world. I have also formed Voice For Peace with sole objective of restoration of peace and ensuring rule of law in my areas."

So let me ponder what would your response be? American media mesmorising poor Bajaur journalist, making him write the articles they want?

You posted a link to The American Chronicle and also provided the extract you wanted us to focus on. You should have provided the author's name.

But it's not like as if American media and their analysts haven't written or talked about Pakistan Army playing a double game with the Taliban. Guilty for being fed up with the same old rhetoric.
Peace full Indian (Kali devi style peace?)

few years back there was an add on CNN and interview of a person who called himself SYED JAMAL UDDIN writer of book divide pakistan and eliminate terrorism....
it came out that he was a timil from india working for RAW and a Fake person calling himself pakistani

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