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Is it time to recognize Israel

my dear brothers in QURAN SHAREEF ALLAH PAK clearly prohibits us from having relations with jews ..... and Pakistan was wounded on name of ISLAM so there is no reason to have relations with ISRAEL ...
word diplomacy don,t apply here in this case....
no relations with israel....
we should have enough moral courage to call a spade a spade....
If we are allowed to marry a jew as they are Ahl Kitab. Then why not any relation. I believe its said that Jews cant be your friends. I dont remember anything Having no relation at all. Maybe i am wrong. Correct me if i am.

I think the peace on Palestine issue will only come if both parties choose the policy of give something get something.

Israel should go back to 1947 UN partition. AND we should accept Israel on 1947 UN resolution. You cant kill or kicks jews from there neither can you kill all the Palestinians there.


The Pakistan should more importantly accept the dominance of India in the region.....&& then think of something else
sorry for the personal attack but are you mentally retard. LOOK AT THE TOPIC THEN COMMENT. Oh god when will we get rid of troller like you from this world or atleast this forum.
Nope...Not good enough...The economic issue is ALREADY addressed by the world community, via the UNRWA, with the US as the largest singular donor...

As usual you miss the point.

The wellbeing of the Palestinians is Israel's responsibility.

The US, UN, Europe are just picking up the slack because Israel, as the colonizer, refuses to do its duty to its colonized subject population. All the aid given by the West to Palestinians is really aid to Israel, since they are picking up Israel's tab.

I was simply suggesting the Arabs should help out since Israel clearly won't.

Wrong...This is essentially a religious war between the muslims and the Jews and the Arabs are perpetuating the Palestinians' miseries in the cause of this war.

Wrong, once again. Just because you keep reading from the Zionist songbook doesn't make it true.

The race angle has always been the Zionist ploy to milk the anti-Semitism and Holocaust sympathy cards. This way they can deflect any criticism by playing the race card. It was Israel who declared themselves the Jewish state. It is Israel who grants citizenship to Jews, while expelling non-Jews.

That dog stopped hunting long ago. Time to find another one...

Despite having lived in Israel, you have precious little understanding of the situation, other than the standard "Jews-good, Muslims-bad" mantra. The Arabs gain nothing by perpetuating the Palestinian conflict. They are far more focussed on and threatened by Iran. In fact, the Palestinian conflict only strengthens Iran's hand in the region since the Arabs are doing squat for the Palestinians.
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If we are allowed to marry a jew as they are Ahl Kitab. Then why not any relation. I believe its said that Jews cant be your friends. I dont remember anything Having no relation at all. Maybe i am wrong. Correct me if i am.

I think the peace on Palestine issue will only come if both parties choose the policy of give something get something.

Israel should go back to 1947 UN partition. AND we should accept Israel on 1947 UN resolution. You cant kill or kicks jews from there neither can you kill all the Palestinians there.


dear same is thing we can,t trust them ....
relations are they can never be our friends nor can have sincere relation with us.... sorry may ALLAH forgive me for any mistake but my purpose was to simply explain not to have any friendly relation with israel........

they are not gona accept it as india don,t accept things about kashmir issue
The map above is a bit incomplete and is used in a misleading way. It is incomplete because it doesn't include land lost by Jews to Arabs in Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, etc. It is misleading because (1) the label "Palestinian" is misused. Land owned by Israeli Arabs should be green, not white. (2) State lands are automatically labeled "Palestinian" - which is also assumed to mean Arab.
Maybe the Zionists you met simply didn't like you. Does that mean Pakistan shouldn't recognize Israel?

Well not only have I been a victim of discrimination from Zionists in the west, other members of my family have also been victims of discrimination by zionists and my family is 100% pure Pakistani with not a trace of Arab blood but we have Arab sounding names as most Pakistanis do.

My cousin is a doctor in the U.S. and he used to work in a Jewish hospital when he newly came to U.S. from Pakistan. Even some Pakistanis mistake him for Arab. He said his worst 3 years was in that hospital because the way he was treated, he said even hindus were friendly with him but zionists were horrible. Not all was bad though he made a Jewish girlfriend who was working with him in the hospital.

I just dont think Pakistan and Israel can ever be friends because of the attitude of zionists towards Muslims, and we Pakistanis are really proud to be Muslim.

It's sad that your cousin had a poor experience. Hospitals can be real pressure cookers. Yet if his problems were professional rather than personal, do you think he would have told you? For I have to wonder, was criticism of his conduct by his colleagues justified? That question unavoidably comes to mind because a recent terror attack we experienced here in the U.S. was carried out by a Muslim military doctor. His freaky behavior and poor job performance wasn't fully reported by his colleagues because they were afraid of being accused of discrimination.

I just dont think Pakistan and Israel can ever be friends because of the attitude of zionists towards Muslims, and we Pakistanis are really proud to be Muslim.
If people have an attitude you find distasteful towards Muslims, don't you think that it could be reasonable? One American diplomat tells me, for example, that it isn't safe for me to walk in Saudi Arabia because the children have been taught to stone Jews. Karachi isn't recommended either - as far as I know, ALL the Jews there have fled to Israel.

My former neighbors were also proud to be Muslims. But they made no bones about telling me (in the 1990s) that they felt their country had taken a wrong turn. Now, one of them said with a smile, he was proud to be a "bad Muslim". It took me quite a while to grasp that he meant in the context of what the Taliban and their ilk would call a "bad Muslim", not that he was personally behaving badly.

Refusal to recognize a country is itself a hostile stance. If Pakistan recognized Israel, I think that itself would go a long way towards modifying Israeli attitudes. Just look at the impression Sadat made when he visited Jerusalem; the Israelis practically melted.
It's sad that your cousin had a poor experience. Hospitals can be real pressure cookers. Yet if his problems were professional rather than personal, do you think he would have told you? For I have to wonder, was criticism of his conduct by his colleagues justified? That question unavoidably comes to mind because a recent terror attack we experienced here in the U.S. was carried out by a Muslim military doctor. His freaky behavior and poor job performance wasn't fully reported by his colleagues because they were afraid of being accused of discrimination.

He experienced discrimination because of his faith, his name, and his appearance. He left that hospital and now has his own clinic and is loved by his patients and gets along with the staff in his clinic. It wasn't him who was the problem, it was those racist zionists.

If people have an attitude you find distasteful towards Muslims, don't you think that it could be reasonable? One American diplomat tells me, for example, that it isn't safe for me to walk in Saudi Arabia because the children have been taught to stone Jews. Karachi isn't recommended either - as far as I know, ALL the Jews there have fled to Israel.

Those Jews of Karachi left to Israel because you zionists call Israel the home for all Jews in the planet, and they felt they belonged in Israel. Pakistan still has millions of Christians, Hindus, and Sikhs.

Refusal to recognize a country is itself a hostile stance. If Pakistan recognized Israel, I think that itself would go a long way towards modifying Israeli attitudes. Just look at the impression Sadat made when he visited Jerusalem; the Israelis practically melted.

Pakistan wouldn't gain anything from recognizing Israel. Pakistan is too far away, Pakistan is located in South Asia not Middle East and Israel already has its buddy in South Asia. We Pakistanis should care about the sensitivities of our own people.
haaaaaaaaaaaaa jihad whats this bird? there is no jihad in world this time only some mullahs use some brainwashed guys to kill some innocent citizens or some countries use these jobless guys to destable there hostiles.what jihad man give jihadi job in one company food good home and happy marred life i will see 95% of so called jobless jihadis will go to job not jihad.all is problim of powerty.remember i am from heaven of jihad in my life i see who jidadi been made and what they are.:P

you have no concept of jihad . jihad is an islamic term . and pak army also doing jihad and our engineers who are manufacturing jf17 are also doing jihad. jamat ul dawa and harkat ul mujahideen also doing jihad against illegal occupation of kashmire by indian army. as a muslim and muslim country its our religious duty to fight against terrorism and tyranny on muslims . the forces who are fighting against israelis in palestine and in kashmire against indian army are purely islamic and they are real jihadis not terrorist. you cant deny the welfare activities of jamat ul dawa in octobar earthquake in kashmire.
i just suggest you to read QURAN it will tell u difference between jihad and terrorism.
i hope you will undersatnd
i wonder why Mods are not closing this Stupid time wasting thread.
It's sad that your cousin had a poor experience. Hospitals can be real pressure cookers. Yet if his problems were professional rather than personal, do you think he would have told you?

Hospital are pressure cookers? What a great excuse to exert discrimination on another individual.

Discrimination by Jewish individuals towards Arabs/Muslims in the U.S. is more common than you think. If you attempt to deny it, I will probably understand why. (I am in no way implying all Jewish individuals are like this).

Watch these videos which were taken by journalist Max Blumenthal who himself is Jewish.

American students in Jerusalem:

NYC demonstration:

But from reading your posts these are probably justifiable to you.

For I have to wonder, was criticism of his conduct by his colleagues justified? That question unavoidably comes to mind because a recent terror attack we experienced here in the U.S. was carried out by a Muslim military doctor. His freaky behavior and poor job performance wasn't fully reported by his colleagues because they were afraid of being accused of discrimination.

What a great way to extrapolate an isolated incident by a mentally sick individual.

If people have an attitude you find distasteful towards Muslims, don't you think that it could be reasonable?

Why would it be reasonable? Its a good thing you are nobody of importance.

One American diplomat tells me, for example, that it isn't safe for me to walk in Saudi Arabia because the children have been taught to stone Jews. Karachi isn't recommended either - as far as I know, ALL the Jews there have fled to Israel.

Apparently you are one of those individuals who believes everything heard and seen. Its time to follow the rest of the heard with my lack of knowledge/education. I bet I pulled your cards there.

My former neighbors were also proud to be Muslims. But they made no bones about telling me (in the 1990s) that they felt their country had taken a wrong turn. Now, one of them said with a smile, he was proud to be a "bad Muslim". It took me quite a while to grasp that he meant in the context of what the Taliban and their ilk would call a "bad Muslim", not that he was personally behaving badly.

You need to explain this because this statement makes no sense. But coming from you its understandable.

Refusal to recognize a country is itself a hostile stance. If Pakistan recognized Israel, I think that itself would go a long way towards modifying Israeli attitudes. Just look at the impression Sadat made when he visited Jerusalem; the Israelis practically melted.

What hypocrisy. Israel doesn't recognize Palestine.

Why should Pakistan attempt mollify Israeli attitudes when Israel is so content with not complying with UN Resolutions and repeatedly violates International Law?

Watch this and try to learn a thing or two. Unless you believe Israelis European history gives them a pass to behave however they want to.

Its absolutely fascinating how a total population of less than 15 million worldwide on a planet with population of over 6 billion can cause so much controversy.

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As usual, important threads about international relations on this forum, generate into meaningless shouting matches - "Is it time to recognize Israel"? -- This is important question the thread seeks to answer, but it presupposes that Israel should have been recognized, it's just a matter of timing, isn't this so?

So, we are all agree that Israel ought ot be recognized, it is reality, it does represent a community of peoples who are historic, have been a part of our past and will be, God willing, a part of the future as well.

So, the question then is of timing? How should we view this? Is reality really ammenable to "timing"? Will not recognizing that the sun rises int he East, really change the fact that the sun rises in the East? It rose in the East yesterday, and today and will tomorrow, so I would suggest that the question of timing is entirely political - and politics will also not change reality.

We want to be a friend of Israel and we want to see a free Palestine and justice for all - can we do that if we do not recognize a party to the conflict? - Remember we want to see justice be done for all those involved.

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