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Is India the home of World's 2nd largest Muslim population?

Slowed down because how long can free food be provided to them either by government or muslim associations?

Ten children...25 members in one family...damn.How is he able to feed them in such times?


Anyways...muslim growth is more than twice Hindu growth.That alone should speak of our tolerance and acceptance.Look at pakistan,Hindu population ran in double digits after partition and now its 1% which is also declining rapidly because of genocides and ethnic cleansing.
durind the old man's time, even hindus had big families... although not that big. i as trying to point out that muslims are also very near to hindu rate of growth of that area.
muslims are more in north india so it appears that they are growing faster.
Slowed down because how long can free food be provided to them either by government or muslim associations?

Ten children...25 members in one family...damn.How is he able to feed them in such times?


Anyways...muslim growth is more than twice Hindu growth.That alone should speak of our tolerance and acceptance.Look at pakistan,Hindu population ran in double digits after partition and now its 1% which is also declining rapidly because of genocides and ethnic cleansing.

Muslims tend to have big families everywhere ...it is not restricted to India alone !
In fact with changing time Indian Muslims are now having relatively smaller families now ...
That's because muslims are allowed to marry four girls and divorce them when they want...no one else...another evil and worthless work of bloody pseudo secularist congress.Hindus about 26 crore after partition in India now are 80 crore which is about 3 times more growth...muslims some 3 crore after partition in India but now 21 crore that 7 times growth the original numbers.Only bacteria can match muslim growth numbers in India.

There is a verse in Quran where God says 'Do NOT kill your child'. This is the main reason why Muslims have more children but now a days most Muslim families are having maximum 2 or 3 children.
durind the old man's time, even hindus had big families... although not that big. i as trying to point out that muslims are also very near to hindu rate of growth of that area.
muslims are more in north india so it appears that they are growing faster.
Hindus had big families because they had/have joint families.Muslim produced entire families of that size alone by just one couple.You did mention that only one couple arrived and they are now 25...while in Hindus 8-10 couples would now have 25.

There is a verse in Quran where God says 'Do NOT kill your child'. This is the main reason why Muslims have more children but now a days most Muslim families are having maximum 2 or 3 children.
Better to kill em then to give them a life of rag pickers.Do not blame one's lust on ridiculous arguments such as these.Especially when they marry four chicks.

It is amazing, how after close to 70 years of existence, Pakistanis are still looking for a rationale behind that existence.

Sad. And amusing.
Two nation theory has been proven false after secession of bangladesh
Hindus had big families because they had/have joint families.Muslim produced entire families of that size alone by just one couple.You did mention that only one couple arrived and they are now 25...while in Hindus 8-10 couples would now have 25.

Better to kill em then to give them a life of rag pickers.Do not blame one's lust on ridiculous arguments such as these.Especially when they marry four chicks.
during that time hindus used to have 5 to 6 children too... muslims a bit more. But that has dropped dramatically now due to availability of condom, also due to lack of space to procreate I suppose.
Anyway current generation has nearly same number of kids as hindus, so dont get alarmed. Everybody wants to have a good education for their kids now a days, earlier the elder used to work as soon as possible, also take care of younger siblings. None of their family is rag pickers and they are quite decent and humble folks.

There is a verse in Quran where God says 'Do NOT kill your child'. This is the main reason why Muslims have more children but now a days most Muslim families are having maximum 2 or 3 children.
sperms are not your children... nor are the eggs, why not use a condom and stop both from meeting.
There is a verse in Quran where God says 'Do NOT kill your child'. This is the main reason why Muslims have more children but now a days most Muslim families are having maximum 2 or 3 children.

Is contraception allowed for Muslims ?
they were to able to carve out pak and BD...no..!?!

No they were alone not able to do that .

They were fostered to do that by British rulers ...who did not want another big colony standing over their head ...as it happened in case of US .

They learned " divide and rule" policy after they lost control of US ...

If that was the case they would have been able to carve out many more countries with that 11 % mark in last 6 decades right ???
they were to able to carve out pak and BD...no..!?!

Back then the leadership & environment was different.

The shots were being called by the Brits who were negotiating independence.

What was achieved was successfully split for all times to come ?
I always thought after Indonesia Pakistan is the home of world's largest Muslim population followed by Bangladesh but I was thinking Pakistan has 18 crore population among which 17 crore is Muslim population whereas India has 20 crore Muslims at least. So how can Pakistan be the 2nd largest Muslim populated country? Isn't India the second largest Muslim populated country?

PS: Hey guys, congrats me. This is my 1000th post. :dance3:
20 crore Indian Muslims ???
although all Indian civil and Military awards names are based on Hindu fairy characters Indian Government is claimant of secularism.
during that time hindus used to have 5 to 6 children too... muslims a bit more. But that has dropped dramatically now due to availability of condom, also due to lack of space to procreate I suppose.
Anyway current generation has nearly same number of kids as hindus, so dont get alarmed. Everybody wants to have a good education for their kids now a days, earlier the elder used to work as soon as possible, also take care of younger siblings. None of their family is rag pickers and they are quite decent and humble folks.

sperms are not your children... nor are the eggs, why not use a condom and stop both from meeting.
Muslims still have 10-15 children...maybe you are living in Urban area.Yes there muslims may not produce so many.But in village areas they are still baby production factories with each muslim having 2-3 wives
The latest report we have is from the Pew Research Centre. They say India has the third largest number of Muslims after Pakistan. Thanks to their higher birth rate than our Muslims.
20 crore Indian Muslims ???
although all Indian civil and Military awards names are based on Hindu fairy characters Indian Government is claimant of secularism.
Not on Hindu fairy tales but titles and names of ancestors and their creations...be it anybody...ashoka was buddhist yet we have many symbols adopted that were created in his time
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